Focus on
To direct someone’s attention to something. To make someone notice something.
To mark words on paper or on a computer screen using a colour so that they are easier to notice.
To focus on something so that students realise it is important, e.g. to highlight a mistake by underlining it.
Lead-in noun, lead in verb
The activity or activities used to prepare students to work on a text or main task. A lead-in often includes an introduction to the topic of the text or main task and possibly study of some new key language required for the text or main task.
Main aim: see aim.
The speed of the lesson. Teacher can vary the pace in a lesson by planning different activities in order to keep the students’ attention.
Peer feedback: see feedback.
Personal aim: see aim.
Pre-teach (vocabulary)
Before introducing a text to students, the teacher teaches vocabulary from the text which they think the students do not already know.
The details of what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson.