Raise awareness
To help students understand something that they may not already know. For example, if you teach learning strategies, it can raise students’ awareness of how they learn.
To teach words or structures that have been taught before, for revision and more practice.
Reflect on teaching
To think about a lesson after teaching it.
To make a student’s understanding of the target language more complete by going over it again. See consolidate.
Scheme of work
A basic plan of what a teacher will teach for a number of lessons.
Sequence noun + verb
A sequence is a series of things, e.g. activities in a lesson. Students can sequence pictures in a story i.e. put them in order.
Set a question, task, test
To give students a task or test to do or a question to answer.
Set the scene, the context
To explain or present the context of something students will read, hear, talk or write about, to make the situation clear for them.
Specification noun, to specify (aims) verb
A clear and exact description of what the teacher wants students to learn. Aims are specified at the beginning of a lesson plan.