Asosiy kompyuterlarni super kompyuterlardan farqi.
Superkompyuter va asosiy kompyuterlar eng kuchli kompyuterlardir. Ammo ular bilan ajralib turishi mumkin vazifalari ular ijro etishadi. Bir tomondan, superkompyuterlar tez xisoblsh murakkab matematik operatsiyalar. Boshqa tomondan, asosiy kompyuterlar vazifasini bajaradi server va katta ma'lumotlar bazasini qo'llab-quvvatlash, ulkan I / U qurilmalari va ko'p dasturlash.
Quyida keltirilgan pasdagi slaytdagi taqqoslash jadvali yordamida superkompyuter va asosiy kompyuter o'rtasidagi yana bir qancha farqlarni muhokama qilaylik.
The difference between mainframes and supercomputers.
Supercomputers and host computers are the most powerful computers. But the tasks they can perform are different. On the one hand, supercomputers are complex mathematical operations that can be quickly computed. On the other hand, host computers serve as servers and support large databases, huge I / O devices and many programming.
Let’s discuss a few more differences between a supercomputer and a host computer using the comparison table on the slide below.
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