Travel (noun, verb, adjective)
The word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another. We can talk about someone's travels to refer to the journeys he makes.
Travelling is also a general term which refers to the activity of travel. Travel can be used as part of compound nouns.
You will have to travel a lot in your job. (verb) Travel nowadays is faster and less expensive than before. (noun) Is there a travel agency near hear? (adjective)
His travels abroad are always very interesting. (noun) I prefer travelling by train. If you don't have a credit or debit card, make sure you take plenty of traveller's cheques with you.
Journey (noun)
Plural – journeys
to make journeys
A journey is the distance covered in travelling from one place to another - . one single piece of travel
'Journey' can refer to a long distance or a short regular one. We can talk about journeys taking or lasting a long time.
The journey was long and tiring; it took us 5 hours to get there. How long is your journey to work? Just about 30 minutes. Did you have a good journey? Yes, it was quite pleasant.
Voyage (noun)
A voyage is a long journey by sea or in space.
(not necessarily for pleasure) We don't talk about voyages very much in the present time, but historically they were very significant.
Before the 20th century, long sea voyages were common. His second voyage (1493 - 96) led to the discovery of several Caribbean islands. On his third voyage (1498 - 1500) he discovered the South American mainland.
(Christopher Columbus, the great explorer) A spacecraft will take you on a voyage through space.
Trip (noun) to go on trips
The word 'trip' is used to talk about a short journey somewhere
for a purpose, business or pleasure. A trip usually involves more than one single journey. We talk about day trips, round trips and business trips.
NOTE! to make journeys but to go on trips
Where's Laurie? ~ He won't be in this week. He's gone on a business trip to Malaysia and Singapore.
During our holiday, we took a boat trip to the islands. My boss is often away on business trips.
(noun, verb)
A tour is a journey during which several places are visited, especially on a holiday.
My parents went on a tour of Spain. We toured the north of India.
Expedition (noun) to go on expeditions
An expedition is an organized trip with usually a scientific purpose (exploration of the environment).
Numerous expeditions to The Antarctic have ended in disaster.
Safari (noun)
A safari is a trip or expedition to observe wild animals in their natural habitat in Africa, usually.
His one ambition in life was to go on safari to Kenya to photograph lions and tigers.
Cruise (noun, verb) to go on a cruise
A cruise is a holiday during which you travel on a ship or boat and visit a number of places.
They cruised all around the Mediterranean for eight weeks last summer and stopped off at a number of uninhabited islands.