Sandhu - position due to a change of sounds occurring at the junction of
Semasiografiya - a form letter, which arose as an attempt to direct the image
to the letter the meaning of words.
Semasiology - a branch of linguistics that studies the importance of linguistic
Semiotics - the science of the general properties of sign systems in general,
including the linguistics to the extent that the language has semiological properties.
Signal - language characters used in the speech during the transmission of the
Syllabograms - graphic sign in the syllabic script.
Syntagmatics - the doctrine of the members of the speech at Syntagma, the
theory of linear (simultaneous) correlating elements in contrast to the associative
(diversity), their correlation in paradigmatic.
The system - internally organized set of language elements of stable
(invariant) relations.
Sociolinguistics - a branch of linguistics that studies the social differentsitsiyu
languages, its different social dialects.
Tone - a natural sound quality, determined by the frequency of the rhythmic
oscillations of strained vocal cords.
Fonostilistika - style section, studying the expressive properties of the
variants of pronunciation of words and phrases.