One of the key tasks facing Uzbekistan today is the implementation of a consistently high growth of the

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Busibess in Uzbekistan 2

Busibess in Uzbekistan 
One of the key tasks facing Uzbekistan today is the implementation of a consistently high growth of the 
national economy, attracting investments in the regions, and maximizing the entrepreneurial activity 
among the population. Creation of a favorable investment climate is one of the necessary conditions in 
achieving these goals.
In this regard, a number of reforms are being carried out in the country aimed at simplifying procedures 
and reducing the time for processing documents and their number. 
In less than 2 years, public service centers have become an effective point of dialogue between citizens 
and government bodies. For today 201 of them are opened in the republic - in each district and city 
center. They provide more than hundred public services to both legal entities and individuals.
More than 30 services are intended for potential investors in various business sectors. Among them are 
registration and re-registration of business entities, the provision of cadastral services, coordination of 
project documentation, licensing of various fields of activity and others.
Main tasks of the Agency include in themselves provision of prompt, affordable and transparent public 
services. The ideal model is a minimum of time and maximum convenience for citizens and businesses, 
obtaining the necessary documents quickly, without unnecessary red tape and bureaucratic delays.
The Public Services Agency has a key position in the implementation and realization of the reforms facing 
the aim of renewing republic.
Today, special attention is paid for improving the position of Uzbekistan in various prestigious world 
ratings. For example, the Government and the Head of state have adopted relevant regulatory documents 
aimed to increase the rating of the state in the annual report 
“Doing Business”, published by the World 
“Doing Business” consists of 11 estimation indicators. The very first and key indicator for the 
business sphere is an indicator 
“Starting a business”.
The first step into the world of entrepreneurship begins with the Public Service Centers - this is the place 
where the business registration takes place. Therefore, the task of improving positions on this indicator 
are assigned to Public Services Agency under the Ministry of Justice. According to the results of the 
Doing-Business-2018 report, Uzbekistan ranks 12 out of 190 position of economic systems in the terms of 
the indicator of registration of entrepreneurs.
Today, due to creation of a special automated system, it is possible to register a business in the Public 
services centers in just 15-20 minutes. In addition, this procedure can be performed remotely - online. For 
stimulating and encouraging citizens to use electronic public services, various benefits and discounts 
were introduced in making payments. For example, when entity trying to register a business online 90% 
of the established state fee amount is paid. A huge work is being done in Uzbekistan for simplification the 
process of doing business.
For instance, the opportunity of opening a bank account simultaneously within the process of state 
registration of a business in a few minutes is also a good example of the job made in this area. For 
comparison, earlier this procedure took 1 business day.
For opening a current account, it was necessary to contact one of the branches of a commercial bank and 
provide a number of documents: application for opening a bank account, samples of signatures and 
impressions of seals, constituent documents of the enterprise, an identity document of a person vested 
with the right to sign, a document confirming registration with the tax authorities, certificate of state 
registration, decision on the appointment of the director and accountant.
And only after providing these documents, a bilateral agreement of opening a bank account with the bank 
can be concluded.
Much work has been done to eliminate the bureaucratic components that have arisen in business 
registration sphere. For example, on March 1, 2019, the requirement of state bodies and other 
organizations to stamp the documents or to certify documents with a seal by business entities was 
canceled. Along with this, measures were taken to eradicate the practice of certifying the corresponding 
forms and forms with the seal of business entities. 

’zbekistonda ishbilarmonlar 
Bugungi kunda O
’zbekiston oldida turgan asosiy vazifalardan biri milliy iqtisodiyotning izchil yuqori 
’atlarda o’sishini taminlash, hududlarga invistitsiyalarni jalb qilish, aholi o’rtasida tadbirkorlik faolligini 
oshirishdan iborat. Qulay sarmoyaviy muhitni yaratish ana shu maqsadlarga erishishning zarur 
shartlaridan biridir. Shu munosabat bilan mamlakatimizda hujjatlarini ko
’rib chiqish muddatlarini hamda 
hamda ularning sonini qisqartirish, tartib-taomillarni soddalashtirishlarga qaratilgan qatorislohotlar amalga 
2 yildan kamroq vaqt davomida davlat hizmatlari markazlari fuqarolar va davlat organlari o
samarlai muloqot nuqtasiga aylandi. Bugungi kunda ularning 201tasi respublikada har bir tuman va 
shahar markazida ochilgan. Ularda yuridik va jismoniy shahslarga yuzdan ortiq davlat hizmatlari 
30da ortiq xizmatlar biznesning turli sohalarida potentsial investorlar uchun mo
’ljallangan. Tadbirkorlik 
subyektlarini ro
’yxatga olish va qayta ro’yxatdan o’tkazish, kadastr xizzmatlari ko’rsatish, loyiha hujjatlarini 
muvofiqlashtirish, faoliyatning turli sohalarini litsenziyalash va boshqalar shular jumlasidandir. 
Agentlikning asosiy vazifalari davlat xizmatlarini tezkor, arzon va shaffof ko
’rsatishdan iborat. Ideal model- 
bu fuqarolar va korxonalar uchun minimal va maksimal qulaylik, zarur hujjatlarini tez, ortiqcha 
’ozbozlik va byurokratik kechikishkarsiz olishdir. Respublikamizni yangilash borasidagi islohotlarni 
amalga oshirish va amalga oshirishda Davlat xizmatlari agentligi muhim o
’rin tutadi.
Bugungi kunda O
’zbekistonning dunyoning turli nufuzli reytinglarida o’rnini oshirishga alohida e’tibor 
qaratilmoqda. Jumladan, Hukumat va davlat rahbari tomonidan jahon banki tomonidab e
’lon qilingan 
“Biznes yuritish” yillik hisobotida davlat reytingini oshirishga qaratilgan tegishli me’yoriy hujjatlar qabul 
“Biznes yuritish reytingi” 11 ta baholash ko’rsatkichidan iborat. Biznes soha uchun eng asosiy va 
yuori ko
’rsatkich “biznesni boshlash” ko’rsatkichidir. 
Tadbirkorlik olamiga birinchi qadam davlat xizmatlari markazidan boshlanadi-bu yerda tadbirkorlikni 
’yxatdan o’tkazish amalga oshiriladi. Shu bois Adliya vazirligi huzuridagi davlat xizmatlari agentligiga 
mazkur ko
’rsatkich bo’yicha pozitsiyalarni takomillashtirish vazifalari yuklatiladi. “Doing-Business-2018” 
hisoboti natijalariga ko
’ra O’zbekiston tadbirkorlarni ro’yxatga olsih ko’rsatkichi bo’yicha 190 iqtisodiy tizim 
ichida 12- o
’rinni egalladi.
Tadbirkorlik subyektlarini ro
’yxatdan o’tkazish sohasida uzaga kelgan byukrokratik holatlarga barham 
berish bo
’yicha katta ishlar amalga oshirildi. Jumladan, 2019-yil 1-martdan davlat organlari va boshqa 
tshkilotlarning tadbirkorlik subyektlari tomonidan hujjatlarga nuhr bosish yoki hujjatlarni muhr bilan 
tasdiqlash to
’g’risidagi talabi bekor qilindi. Shu bilan birga, tadbirkorlik subyektlarining tegishli blanka va 
blankalarni muhr bilan tasdiqlash amalyotiga barham berish choralari ko
 Entrepreneurship - tadbirkorlik 
 Investment - invistitsiya 
Documents - hujjatlar 
 Ministry of justice - Adliya vazirligi 
 Public services - davlat xizmatlari 
 The government - hukumat 
 Poject - loyiha 
 The goal - maqsad 
 Economy - iqtisod 
 District - tuman 

Business in 
Growth of the 
among the population 
Fast and transparent 
Market economy 
Arrangement of 
To have a license 
from public 

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