Title: A universal Kaluzhnin-Krasner
embedding theorem
Abstract: TBA
Speaker: G. Makeev (Moscow State University)
Title: Roe functors
preserve homotopies
Abstract: We show that coarse maps between countable metric
spaces of bounded geometry
induce natural transformations of sufficiently good endofunctors of C*-algebras and prove that
this correspondence is invariant with respect to coarse homotopies.
Speaker: B. Omirov (National University of Uzbekistan)
Title: On complex solvable Lie superalgebras
of maximal rank
Abstract: In this talk we shall discuss on the description of maximal
solvable extensions of
complex nilpotent Lie superalgebras. The latest results on this topic, open problems and stated
hypotheses will be presented. Finally, the classification of complex solvable Lie superalgebras of
maximal rank will be given.
Speaker: V. Dotsenko (University of Strasbourg)
Title: The categorical notion of a monad in the context
of varieties of algebras
Abstract: I shall give an introduction to an important area of category theory studying monads
and algebras over monads, emphasizing the relationship of this notion to the theory of algebras
with polynomial identities.