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O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI OLIY VA O‘RTA MAXSUS TA’LIM VAZIRLIGI (14 shrift) URGANCH DAVLAT UNIVERSITETI (14 shrift) Qo‘lyozma huquqida (12 shrift) UDK: FISH (14 shrift) MAVZU (16 shrift) Mutaxassislik: 5A000000“………………” (14 shrift) Magistr akademik darajasini olish uchun yozilgan DISSERTATSIYA (16 shrift) Ilmiy rahbar (14 shrift) i mzo Ilmiy darajasi va unvoni, familiyasi ismi sharifi (10 shrift) Urganch-2021 (12 shrift) (titul varag‘ining orqa beti) Urganch davlat universiteti “O‘zbekistonda demokratik jamiyat qurish nazariyasi” kafedrasida bajarilgan. (14 shrift) I lmiy rahbar (14 shrift) Kafedra mudiri (14 shrift) Magistratura bo‘limi boshlig‘i (14 shrift) i mzo Ilmiy darajasi va unvoni, familiyasi ismi sharifi imzo Ilmiy darajasi va unvoni, familiyasi ismi sharifi i mzo Ilmiy darajasi va unvoni, familiyasi ismi sharifi 2-ilova Magistrlik dissertatsiyasining qisqacha annotatsiyalari (ta’lim va ingliz tillarida) numunasi “Ilmiy tadqiqotda muammoning qoyilishi” mavzusidagi magistrlik dissertatsiyasi ANNOTATSIYASI Tayanch so‘zlar: … Tadqiqot ob’ektlari: Ishning maqsadi: Tadqiqot metodlari: Olingan natijalar va ularning yangiligi: Amaliy ahamiyati: tadqiqot natijasida ishlab chiqilgan il- miy taklif va amaliy tavsiyalar respublikamizda monetar siyosatni takomillashtirish va uning iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirishdagi rolini oshirish tadbirlarini ishlab chiqishda foydalanish mumkin. Tatbiq etish darajasi va iqtisodiy samaradorligi: Qo‘llanish sohasi: ANNOTATSIYA Klyuchevыe slova: Ob’ektы issledovaniya: Sel rabotы: . Metodы issledovaniya: Poluchennыe rezultatы i ix novizna: Prakticheskaya znachimost: Stepen vnedreniya i ekonomicheskaya effektivnost: Oblast primeneniya: ANNOTATION of dissertation on the theme Key words: Subjects of research: Purpose of work: development of scientific proposals and practical recommendations on perfection of monetary policy and increasing its role in maintaining the stable macroeconomic growth. Methods of research: scientific abstraction, induction and deduction, comparative analysis, structural analysis, operational cost methods. The results obtained and their novelty: proposals on increasing efficiency of refinancing policy of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan were proved; the reasons for the necessity of maintaining uninterrupted functioning of reserve-correspondence system of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan were argued; expediency of using M 2 as the monetary indicator and inflation targets were found; the directions of increasing liquidity and solvency of commercial banks by means of monetary policy of the Central bank were developed; the ways of increasing efficiency of foreign exchange policy of the Central bank as well as the ways of improvement of the open market policy of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan were proved. Practical value: developed scientific proposals and practical recommendations can be used at development of measures on perfection of monetary policy and increasing its role in the development of economy. Degree of embed and economic efficiency: scientific proposals and practical recommendations of the research are recomended for use during the preparation of credit-financial stuff by the Central bank of Uzbekistan (The script from the decree of the Chief of the directors board of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan from 24 january 2018 number 24/1958-1). The materials of the dissertation are used in Tashkent institute of finance in improving of training programs of courses «Money, credit and banks», «Banking», «Monetary policy» and «Monetary-credit regulation» as well as while teaching. Field of application: The Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, higher educational institutions. 3-ilova Mundarija shakli MUNDARIJA BET КИРИШ 3 i БОБ. ТОЛЕРАНТЛИК ФЕНОМЕНИНИНГ НАЗАРИЙ-МЕТОДОЛОГИК АСОСЛАРИ 1.1. “Толерантлик” тушунчасига доир замонавий фалсафий концепциялар 12 1.2. Экологик толерантликҳодисасининг структураси ва намоён бўлиш шакллари 26 1.3. Халқароэкологикмуносабатларда толерантликнингижтимоий-фалсафий хусусиятлари 38 II БОБ. ГЛОБАЛ ЭКОЛОГИК ТОЛЕРАНТЛИКНИ РИВОЖЛАНТИРИШНИНГ НАЗАРИЙ МАСАЛАЛАРИ 2.1. Экологик толерантлик глобаллашувини детерминантлаштирувчи объектившарт-шароитларвасубъективомиллар диалектикаси 55 2.2. Марказий Осиёда экологик толерантликни ривожлантиришнинг тарихийзаруриятиваижтимоий-сиёсий асослари 68 2.3. Ўзбекистон экологик толерантлигининг халқаро муносабатларни ривожлантиришдаги ўрни 81 III БОБ. ЎЗБЕКИСТОНДА ЭКОЛОГИК ТОЛЕРАНТЛИКНИ РИВОЖЛАНТИРИШНИНГ СТРАТЕГИК ВАЗИФАЛАРИ 3.1. Экологик толерантлик жамиятимиз ижтимоий барқарорлигини мустаҳкамланишининг муҳим асоси сифатида 96 3.2. Ўзбекистоннинг халқаро экологик ҳамкорлик сиёсатидаги етакчи тенденциялар 108 3.3. Мамлакатимизда ҳаракатлар стратегияси заминида экологик толерантликни ривожлантиришнинг етакчи йўналишлари 124 ХУЛОСА 140 ФОЙДАЛАНИЛГАН АДАБИЁТЛАР 147 ILOVALAR.................................................................................. 95 Mavzu, tarkibiga qarab, 2-3-boblarning paragraflariga ijodiy yondashilgan holda ko‘paytirilishi mumkin. 4-ilova Magistrlik dissertatsiyasining kirish qismi ( varaqning yuqorisida 2 sm qoldirilgan holda) KIRISH Magistrlik dissertatsiyasining kirish qismi quyida keltirilgan: Mavzuning asoslanishi va uning dolzarbligi; Tadqiqot ob’ekti va predmeti; Tadqiqot maqsadi va vazifalari; Ilmiy yangiligi; Tadqiqotning asosiy masalalari va farazlari; Tadqiqot mavzusi bo‘yicha adabiyotlar sharhi (tahlili); Tadqiqotda qo‘llanilgan metodikaning tavsifi; Tadqiqot natijalarining nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati; Download 6.36 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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