When searching for places and establishments, you can apply the following filters:
History of visits. Search only for those places where you have already visited or, on the contrary, have not had time to visit yet.
Grade. Search for places with a certain minimum rating. Ratings are provided by Google users.
Kitchen. Search by menu type. Price. Filtering by price category.
Opening hours. Search for establishments that are open at certain times.
How to add or remove a place you've been
To improve your search results, tell Google which places you've already visited. To do this, follow these steps:
On your phone, under Overview, tap You were here days/weeks/years ago.
On the computer, next to the "History" line, select Change then Yes or No.
Advice. To only search for places you've visited:
Turn on location history on your Android device or iOS device.
Turn on the history of applications and web searches.
Joylar va muassasalarni qidirishda siz quyidagi filtrlardan foydalanishingiz mumkin:
Tashriflar tarixi. Faqat siz allaqachon tashrif buyurgan yoki aksincha, hali tashrif buyurishga vaqtingiz bo'lmagan joylarni qidiring.
Baho. Muayyan minimal reytingga ega joylarni qidiring. Reytinglar Google foydalanuvchilari tomonidan taqdim etiladi.
Oshxona. Menyu turi bo'yicha qidirish.
Narxi. Narxlar toifasi bo'yicha filtrlash.