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1.There was no reason why I should not get away promptly in the afternoon. 2. Kate was frowning. “ I can’t understand why you should do this.”3. It was singular that Horn should ask him that question.4. “It is very disappointing,» he said, “that Hugh should go off like this just when I counted on him to help me.” 5.Why should he think that?6.I’m very shocked indeed that you should have felt it necessary to lie to me. 7. that he should hear of the exposure of his favorite author of view. 8. He was very sorry that Phillip should be disturbed.9. he was one of themselves now and they didn’t see why he should put on airs.10. their is no reason why he shouldn’t win 2 or 3 matches. 11.i’m sorry that you should have had a row with Pat about it. 12. It was much better that he should learn the business thoroughly, and if they had been able to wait for a year there seemed no reason why they should not wait another. 13. He seemed to see nothing exceptional in the idea that he should get up and speak at the meeting.14. “ Where is Meg?” “ Where should she be if not in school?”15. Why should you tell people the disagreeable things that are said about them? 16. He didn’t know why he should have expected them to look different. 17. This is too terrible! To think that you should talk to me in this way. 18. It outraged him that the man should have been to foolish. 4 . Translate the following sentences into English. 1.Bu juda g’alati, u bu haqda hech narsa demadi. 2. Ishongim kelmaydi, xafta davomida Jonni bizni ko’rgani vaqti bo’lmaganiga. 3. Uning ismi nima? – Nimaga sizga aytishim kerak? 4. Men haqimda yomon o’ylaganingdan afsusdaman. 5. bilmadim nimaga u Jorjni ko’rgisi keldi.6. Va nihoyat u uyga qaytishga qaror qildi. Meri haqida u yerdas eshitishi mumkin.7. Keyt bolani uning ismi bilan ataganidan u hursandbo’ldi. 8. unga nima bo’lgan bo’lishi mumkin. Nimaga u kech qlayotganiga ishongim kelmayapti.9. Uning bunday kuchsiz bo’lganidan juda xafa bo’ldim. 10. Lola hali ham nimaga ketayotganiga tushunmasdi. 5 . Translate the following sentences into Uzbek. 1. Old Lady Bland argued with him , but he would not listen to reason. 2. Each time we went out together he would show me something new, something interesting. 3. He had a wound that would not heal. 4. All that I would tell them was that Uncle Nick was ill. 5. She was the sort of girl any man might be glad to bring to a dance if she would come.6. When he returned I repeated my offer of food , but he would take nothing. 7. Would you really do it for me ? 8. He would smoke a pipe before going to bed. 9. Shut the door , would you? 10. “He talked of his new car the whole evening.” “ He would.” 6 . Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Iltimos, nima bo’lganini aytib ber. 2. Unga yordam berish uchun hamma narsa qilgan bo’lardim. 3. Agar men bir necha kun unikida mehmon bo’lsam, u hursand bo’lishini aytdi. 4. U tushuntirishga harakat qildi, lekin men uni tinglamadim. 5. U chiroqni o’chirdi,lekin uyqusi kelmadi. 6. Agar meni kechirsangiz men borib televizor ko’rsam. 7. Men birgina rasmni ko’rmoqchiydim, kech bo’lgani uchun ular meni qo’yishmadi.8. Unga doktorga borishni aytgandim lekin u bu haqda eshitishni ham xohlamadi. Download 0.65 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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