Our lady of victory church two floral parkway
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Daily Masses: Monday-Friday: 8:30 am, 12 noon
Weekend Masses: Saturday: 8:30 am, 4:00 pm, 5:15 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am (Family Mass), 11:45 am, 1:15 pm, 5:15 pm
Website: www.olvfpny.org CONTACTS
Rectory: 516-354-0482 516-354-0479
Word, Sacrament, and deed. It is through our discipleship that we recognize our connection to God, our neighbor, and our deepest spiritual selves.
+ Welcoming all with kindness, compassion and hospitality. + Nourishing the faith life of the community through prayer, fellowship and education. + Reverencing the dignity of each person by celebrating the beauty of life from conception to natural death. + Nurturing the gifts of all so that each person may live out his or her unique and personal call from God. + Caring for the needs of the less fortunate by empowering our parish community to answer that call. WE, do this in the name of Jesus Christ and the mandate: “See those Christians how they love one another!”
PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas M. Fusco, Pastor Rev. Rony Fabien, Associate Pastor Rev. John D. McCarthy Lawrence Mulligan, Deacon
Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Nosser, Pastor Emeritus Rev. John V. O’Farrell, Pastor Emeritus
Peg Augello, Principal Christine Fuchs, Co-Director of Faith Formation Mary Garofalo, Co-Director of Faith Formation Maureen Russell, Director of Parish Outreach Michael Foley, Youth Minister Jane Parrinelli, Administrative Assistant
Rectory Office Fax: School:
Faith Formation: Convent: Parish Outreach:
516-354-7450 516-352-4466 516-352-0510 516-354-2150 516-352-5400
Saturday July 4 8:30 am Joseph Tscherne 4:00 pm Asunta/Ferdinando Anci Jack Coughlin Mary Quinn Rita Abadie Gerhardt Ann Hayden 5:15 pm John/Mary Chorney
7:30 am Deacon John Hickey 9:00 am Parishioners of OLV 10:30 am Deidre Rohan-Hannafin 11:45 am Francis Seamus Askin Amparo Velez Mary Quinn The Reid Family Tom Hayden 1:15 pm Michael O’Shaughnessy 5:15 pm Dorothy/Patrick Gormley
St. Maria Goretti 8:30 am Miriam Burke 12 Noon Anna Augustine
8:30 am Deceased members of the Carbain Family 12 Noon Kate Dudek
8:30 am Raymond/Florence Brady 12 Noon Bill Tracy
Sunday, June 28, 2015 $21,079
Peter Pence Collection $4559.00
Thursday July 9 St. Augustine Zhao Rong 8:30 am Special Intention of the Massimino Family 12 Noon Laura Bianculli
8:30 am Alice/Arthur Benning 12 Noon Polese Family
8:30 am Zachery Ranftle 4:00 pm Florence O’Leary Vincent Hussian Stanley Zelko Mary Quinn Pierina Trasolini 5:15 pm Lorena Pallisco Abballe
7:30 am Anthony/Mary/Dorothy Tesori 9:00 am Fiorentino Liberta 10:30 am Parishioners of OLV 11:45 am John Chmela Raymond Paul Ferrante Antonina Benincasa James Farrell Margaret O’Connor 1:15 pm Maryann Priday 5:15 pm Michael/Jamie/Paige
Altar Bread, Wine & Sanctuary Lamp donated in memory of Lucas Anderson
Flower Vase donated in memory of Lois J. Martin Saturday July 4 4:00 pm Fr. John 5:15 pm Fr. Rony
Sunday July 5 7:30 am Fr. Rony 9:00 am Fr. Rony 10:30am Fr. Nick Zientarski 11:45am Fr. Nick Zientarski 1:15 pm Fr. John 5:15 pm Fr. John Saturday July 11 4:00 pm Fr. Rony 5:15 pm Fr. John
Sunday July 12 7:30 am Fr. John 9:00 am Fr. Rony 10:30 am Fr. John 11:45 am Fr. Tom 1:15 pm Fr. Nick Zientarski 5:15 pm Fr. Tom
CURRENT MEMBERS . . . PLEASE DO NOT FILL OUT THIS FORM Second Collection Next Weekend The second collection next weekend is to help us with the landscaping parish expenses. It gives me the opportunity to express my appreciation to John Power and Con-Kel Landscaping, who have provided landscaping services to Our Lady of Victory for many years, free of charge. This donation of services is extremely helpful and greatly appreciated. Many people comment on the beauty of the OLV property – and that is entirely thanks to Con-Kel! The only landscaping cost to the parish is the purchase of the seasonal plants that beautify the property. Your donation next week will enable OLV to continue to be a beautiful floral garden within beautiful Floral Park! Thank you for your HARVEST PARK, RESIDENCE FOR INDEPENDENT SENIORS
Speaking at Our Lady of Victory recently and meeting so many of you was such a pleasant experience. Since that time we have been busily involved giving our home a new face, and it is looking good! Now we need your help. We have planned a “paint party” for July 8 & 9. We could use help on either of those days (or any day you are free to help). Call us at 516-496-9796, we will be delighted to hear from you
We were overwhelmed by the response to our Open House and look forward to beginning the application process in August. Make sure to watch the bulletin for future information about applications to Harvest Park ————————————————————-
Sister Diane, from Notre Dame Convent, is looking for outdated cellphones/chargers. You can drop off your phones in the Rectory during business hours. Thank you!
The Rosary Altar Society will be holding a Fall Harvest Fair on October 24, 2015 in Memorial Hall. We are looking for vendors who have NEW MERCHANDISE for sale. If you are interested, please call Pat Murray at (516) 328-8281 for fur- ther details and a vendor application.
Adult Faith Formation Courses and Events: Getting Ready for the Gospel of Luke, the Gospel of Next Year. Luke’s Gospel is the Gospel of Universal Salvation, the Gospel of the Poor, the Gospel of Absolute Renunciation, the Gospel of Prayer and the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel of Messianic Joy. Join us as we take this summer to study the Gospel that features prominently in the Masses for the upcom- ing Church year.
Dates are July 7, 8, 14, 16, with both morning and evening times available. All sessions will be held at O.L. of Miraculous Medal parish in Point Lookout The cost is $20 for the entire series. To register and for more information please visit website www.drvc-faith.org
Registration All registration forms are now past due, if you have not re-registered please do so immediately. We can not place your child, if they are not registered. If you have a child entering the first grade or you are new to the parish and did not register at the June registrations: please continue to check the bulletin for our late registration dates and times. ————————————— Class Schedule Fall 2015
Grade 1 Monday
4:15p-5:15p Grade 2
4:15p-5:15p Grade 3
Wednesday 4:15p-5:15p
Grade 4
4:15p-5:15p Grade 5
Wednesday 4:15p-5:15p
Grade 6
4:15p-5:15p Grade 7
Wednesday 7:15p-8:15p
Grade 8
7:15p-8:15p One to One Monday
A Parish Elementary School Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Phone: 516.352.4466 Website:www.olvfp.org ATTENTION: OLV Alumni Community “Like” us on Facebook! Use social media to recon- nect to Our Lady of Victory School. Find us at “Our Lady of Victory School—Floral Park”. We are currently at almost 700 friends...and growing! Your Summer Assignment Have you been clipping and saving BOX TOPS? OLV School received just over $1,800 from the Box Tops for Education program this past school year. ALL summer, please collect BOX TOPS . Send them to the school office in September. Each one counts! Visit www.boxtops4education.com to learn more. Thank you! School’s Out...for Summer! It’s been great sharing our news with you here in the bulletin. We’ll be back with a full page of news again in September. For July and August, OLV School updates will be on a 1/2 page. Please keep reading!
OLV School Where Faith and Knowl- edge Meet!
Dear Parishioners, I hope you are enjoying the summer and that you are finding the time to be relaxed and refreshed! The purpose of this letter is to follow-up on my previous letter requesting your support of the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. If you have already donated to the CMA, let me express my appreciation for your support. If you have not yet donated to the CMA, I would like to encourage you once again to consider doing so.
This annual Appeal provides the local Catholic Church with the means to minister to a wide range of people on Long Island – including members of Our Lady of Victory Parish.
As I write this letter, 306 donors have helped us to reach 80% of our parish goal. The great news is that this means that the next 20% (approximately $25,000) will comprise the parish rebate – so the next $25,000 we receive will be coming right back to OLV. I plan on using this rebate to develop the Youth Ministry program at OLV.
So please consider making a donation to the Catholic Ministries Appeal as a way to assist Long Islanders in need, as well as a way to assist the young people of our own parish.
Thank you for considering to help us meet our goal. Praised be the name of Jesus Christ now and forever!
Fr. Thomas M. Fusco
Our Lady of Victory Donors If your name is not highlighted, please contact me at tfusco@olvfpny.org or 354-0482 and tell me how you would like your name to appear on the plaque. If your name doesn’t appear here, it may be on the other list called the Sponsors List.
Jo-Ann Abruzzo Nicole Accardi Mary J. Achandy Arthur J. Adams, Jr. Mark Adomaitis Gay Aiello Martha A. Akakpo & Family Monica Altmann Michael Amore Martina & Theresa Amouzou Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Annunziato Santa Annunziato Christopher Apostol Margaret Aquino James Ardus Laura Lee Arendt
James Augustine James Azzara Thomas Bach Karen & Bart Badalucco Richard Bailey Joann Balduzzi Gerry & Mary Bambrick Eileen & Joseph Barbera Catherine Barrett
Regina Bauer In Memory of Edward W. Baumann Vincent Bavaro Ralph Bazuro Rose Beane Raymond Beauchesne
Joan Beebe Gerda Begley Gary Bellesheim Benner Family Jennie Bertoline Elizabeth Beudert Frances Bianco Carol Bisci
James Bliss Edward & Tara Bolmarcich David & Amanda Bonagura Bonanza Productions Willamena Bond Ida Bono Patrick Bosone Boy Scouts of America Boy Scouts of America Troop 678 Robert & Cathryn Boyd Mrs.Theresa R. Boyle Mr. Patrick T. Boyle Raymond V. Brady Gerard Brady Brendan Brady Ann Brancaleone William Brandon Francis X. Brennan Harry Breskin John Brickman Lillian Brickman The Brodersen Family Evelyn Brodman Jean Brophy Ryan & Jeanne Brophy Dolores Brown George Bruns
Richard Brzozowski Paul & Patricia Bubelnik Rose & Michael Buckley Thomas & Anne Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Buonocore Vincent & Mariana Burger Antonia Burger
Gregory & Christine Burke The Burleigh Family Patrick Byrne Steven & Irene Caccavallo & Family Mary & William Cahill Lynda Caira Mario Calabro William Calder Raul Calvo John Campbell Maurice Cantillon Capital One Bank Barbara & Sal Capone In Memory of Alfred & Helen Cappetta James Caputo Ellen Caracci In Memory of Angelo Carillo Marilyn Carson
Mario & Zaida Casilum Catholic Cemeteries Mr. & Mrs. Neil Caturano & Family Rev. Msgr. John I. Cervini Rev. Lawrence Chadwick Anthony Chilelli John & Margaret Chmela James Choisez Joseph A. Chorney Mary & Thomas Christman Richard Chun Leonarda Cibelli William Clancy
John F. Clarke Sean Cleere
Christopher Coffey Fredric Cogan James R. Colligan John Collins Francis Condon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connelly Arthur Connolly Matthew & Laura Connolly Sean & Kathleen Constable Sara & Joe Contardi Evelyn Conti George Coon Lucille Copertino Ann V. Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Corbett The Coyne Family Christopher & Ileana Crane Credit Agricole Michael Creighton Michael Crocitto Edward Cullagh Kathleen Cummings Joan Cuomo George Cupolo John Curci, Jr. John Curran William E. Cushman Dominick Cusumano Tommasina & Nicholas Cutone Nancy Daileader Elizabeth Daly
Patrick & Jessica Darcy Carlo & Geraldine Dardanello Julio DeLeon Fred DeRosa Rose DeVito The Deely Family Frank J. Dehler Rev. Bruno Dekrem The Delak Family Brian & Diane Delaney James J. Dempsey Peter & Martha Desmond
Carmelo DiBella Anthony DiCarlo
C & Andrea Dilorenzo Anna DiMarco Mary DiNapoli Joe & Mary DiSanza William Doherty Thomas Donnelly Andrew Donovan Mike & Sylvia Dooley & Family I. Thompkins Dooley Mary Elizabeth Dooling
Vincent Dragone Ann Driscoll
Charles Drost Brendan Dunbar John Durkin Eileen Dvorak
Thomas Engel Elizabeth Enright Charles & Loretta Epifania Janet Errico Eye Productions, Inc. Ralph Fallarino
William Farrell Rose Farruggia & Family Lucille Feigenbaum Nicholas Felella, Sr. Peter Fenton Ted Ferrara Mary Ferrara Robert R. Figueroa Donall Fingleton John & Margaret Finucane & Family Joseph & Nancy Fioraliso Bashir Firoz Sally & Stephen Fisher Glynn-Ellen Fisichelli. Ph.D. John & Anne Fitzgerald Anthony Fitzgerald Mrs. K. Fitzmaurice John Fitzpatrick Thomas M. Flatley Richard Fleming Floral Park Fire Department Kevin Fogarty Anne Foley Louis Fournier Christopher Fox
Mary Fratianni Gail L. Freedman Thomas Freely Mr. & Mrs. Freund Gloria Frye James & Christine Fuchs & Family The Galgano Family Eileen Gallagher Ruth Gallo Barbara & Stan Galowski Game 7 Sports Inc. Michael & Ann Gardenfeld Catherine Garrity James Gatta & Andrea Lauretta Paul Geary Fred Gehrling
Edward Geraghty Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gibbons Michael J. & Maureen Gibbons James & Noreen Gill Girl Scouts Kathleen Giudice
Lawrence J. Goerke Maureen & Paul Goetze Michael Gold Jeffrey & Mary Goldberg Edward & Barbara Goodloe Kevin Greene Fred & Joyce Greene Dolores Greenidge Joan Greenlaw Richard & Anne Gregory The Grgas Family John A. & Rose Marie Gridley Louis Grimaldi Raymond Grodzki Christopher Gross Alan & Catherine Guadagno
George Guerriero John J. Halk Declan Hall James Hannigan Margaret Harrington Maurice & Joan Hartnett
John Hayes Michael Hearne Patricia Hearne Brian & Nancy Heerey Cathleen Heerey John & Cecilia Heerey Hans Henke Michael Henkel
Mark Herbrich James Hershler Joseph Higgins Kevin Higgins Mary Hillenbrand George & Margaret Hinchy Peter & Karen Hoey James & Anne Holland James Horan Celeste Iafrate Scott & Gina Iannello Marguerite Iraggi Angelina Irizarry Mr. & Mrs. Jackowski Thomas Jagde Roseanne G. Jameson Bernard Jaramillo Jim & Dianne Johnnides John Johnson Robert & Kathleen Johnson Joseph Johnson Christopher Jones Robert Joyce Lawrence & Caryn Juliano Edward & Susan Kaeding Marcella Kaiser Timothy Kaiser Robert Kalaf Mario Karlovic Andreas Karpf Aldana Katinas & Cynthia Lipsky Maureen Keegan Norman Kelapire Jeremiah Kelleher Frances Kellner Barbara Kelly
Robert Kelly Michael Kelly Kevin Kelly Michael Kelly Sr. Theresa Kelly, RSM William J. Kelly
Thomas Kennedy The Kennedy Family Marguerite Kenny-Rojas William Kenny Maureen A. Kenny Julie & Jim Kerr Dennis & Mary Kerrigan Jai Y. Kim Scott Kimmins Mr. R. King James Klein
Russell Kohler Peter Kolomick Kathleen Koltun John Kostic
John W. Krudener Donald & Edna Krug James Kudilil Mr. & Mrs. Lacernza Richard & Deborah Lahey & Family
James Landers Laura Landgraff Joy Lane Charlene Langdon Lane Office Furniture The Laraia Family Frank Lasar The Laurencelle Family Francis Lauria Eleanor Lavelle
Patricia Lennon Patricia A. Lennon Andrew & Rosemary Lentini Fred J. Leonardo Philip Leone
Louis Liberti Gregory & Mary Liegey Dolores Liguori William F. Lindner Eric Linsner Lions Club of Floral Park
Thomas Lisante Andrew G. Logan
Victor J. Logiudice Emil Lohen
Ken & Linda Loonan Michael Lopez
Joseph Lucaturto Diane Lynch Brian Lyons John MacDonald Frank & Mary Macchiarola Duncan MacIntosh Bernard Mackey Lillian Maestri Valerie Magee William B. Maggiulli Matthew Maguire Marion Mahlmeister Jean Mahony Kathleen Mahony Richard & Patricia Maickel John Maier Robert & Mary Maina L. Ronald & Virginia Malanowski & Family Diane Malone John & Rita Mancini Frank Mannino Kathleen Mannle Jean Mantione Charles & Mary Louise Marchello & Family Kenneth Marchello Robert Marggraf, Jr. Harold Marquart Victor Martinez Rita Martyn Massimino Family Pauline Mastandrea The Mathiez Family John Matula Joseph Maxwell Deborah May Patrick McAllister N.J. McCann William McCarrick Kevin McCarthy The McClintock Family Ed & Pat McCormack Thomas McCormack John M. McDermott Anne Marie McGeever Brian & Phyllis McGovern Donald F. McGowan, Sr. & Family Margaret McGrath James McGuire
Sean & Mary Jo McKeown Joseph McLoughlin Nancy McLoughlin Thomas F. McNally Joan McQueeney Michael McQuillan Anne McTiernan Marc Meigan Franklyn Mento Madeline Mercilliott
Andrew Metrick Kenneth Meyfohrt Frank Micciche Michael & JoAnn Milea Ralph Milito Cliona Miller Michael & Maureen Minogue Monique Mirouze Daniel Mirro Emily Mockler Christopher Modelewski Mel & Maria Modica & Family Vincent & Joanne Modica & Family Paul Monseliu Michael Montaigne Thomas Moore Jim Moreno Frank Morris Judith M. Morris
Mario Mucciolo Robert Mudzinski John P. Muldoon Peter & Rita Mulhall Jennifer A. Mulhall Edward Mullane John Mullee Deacon & Mrs. Lawrence P. Mulligan Michael Mulloy Donald Munro Daniel Murphy Fred & Mary Ann Murphy James Murphy Mary Murray Vincent Musso James Nagle Brian Nelsen Michael Neubert Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Neuscheler Tara & David Newton Patricia Nicastro John & Annemarie Nickels Peter Nolan The Norelli Family Victor Nuccio Michale O’Brien III Edmund O’Connor William O’Driscoll
Douglas Ogle Joseph & Maria O’Grady & Family John & Rosemarie O’Grady The O’Hagan Family Patrick & Mary O’Hanlon Vincent & Claire O’Hara Mary Lou O’Hearn Paul & Patricia O’Leary Mary S. O’Leary Catherine & Walter O’Meara & Family Michael O’Neill In Memory of James O’Neill Thomas O’Regan Nancy Orosz William O’Shea Joseph & Sally O’Shea Virginia O’Shea Eileen O’Shea Eileen O’Shea Joseph Oswald
Michael Palermo Mr. & Mrs. Ettore Pallisco Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Parisi Mr. & Mrs. Guido T. Parisi EC Park Realty J. Brian Parks Louis Pastorini The Paternoster Family Mauricio Pazmino Brenda Pecoraro
Elizabeth Pelletiere Louis Pelos
Barbara Perri John & Tricia Perry Alfred Peters The Petrosino Family John & Mary Petrsoric Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Petrucci Rob and Kara Pfeiffer Vincent Pierce Christopher Pilosi The Pinto Family Michael Plante Louis Polito Leonard Porcelli The Portoghese Family Mary Powderly Jon & Lynn Powers Mary Price & Family Richard Prince Rae & Anthony Princi Ann & Anthony Princi & Family Vito & Mary Ann Pugliese Joseph E. Quaderer John & Frances Quattrochi Salvatore & Anna Quattrochi Charlotte Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Quinn Laura Ragona
Sasha Ramcharitar Kenneth Ramondino Francis & Carol Raso Ralph & Clara Ratto Robert & Sara Reardon Vincent & Anna Reccardo
Joseph J. Reekie Corinne Regan
Vincent Regan Robert Regan The Regan Family Patricia J. Reilly Patricia Reilly John K. Reilly
Vincent Rivellese Leonardo & Carmina Rivera & Family Milagros Rivera Durante Rizzuto Eleanor Rizzuto Jeanne & William Robinson James Rochford Kieran Rohan Arturo Rojas Herbert Roleke Janet Romano Mrs. Giovanna Roos In Memory of Rose Rossi Victor Rubbo Reto & Elizabeth Ruedy Robert Ruscica Antoinette Russo Maeve Ryan Joan & John Ryan Hani & Magda Sabet Sacred Heart Academy The Saia Family Joseph Salcito Grace & Anthony Samartano Barbara A. Sanford & Family The Sangen Family Allen Sankovich
Fred & Dorothea Santomero John Santora
James Sawicki Florence Scala
Mr. & Mrs. Scheida Michael Scheiner Paul & Maureen Schenfeld Daniel Schieck Michael Schiffer Madeline Schmid William Schneider Fred Schuler
Gloria Scott Anthony & Linda Scotto William Seelig James & Monica Segota Sean P. Segota William Seitz
The Shanahan Family Robert Shea Mrs. Ellen Sheehan Rita Shelley
J. Matthew Shimala Adolph & Claire J. Siani Richard & Jean Sinnott Mary Ann Sipplak John Slavin Rose Smith
John Smith William & Faythe Smith Edward & Anna Marie Smolenski Carl Soller
Nicholas Spano John P. Speck
Richard Springer Anne Stadelmann James Stagnitta Herbert & Erna Stalzer Theresa Stanis Drury Wanda Stasiak
Eileen Stephens Helma Stuart
Donald Supancic Edward & Mary Suppe Matthew Sweeney Mary Alice Sydor
Josephine Tagliani Mr. Fiory Tallini, OP Ronald Tedesco Richard Teleski Marie Temme Anthony & Mary Tesori Michael Tesori Peggy & Lee Thivierge The Tholl Family Nicholas & Sujitha Thottam Craig Tigh David Titor Catherine Toefield Steven Michael Toner Michael & Rosemarie Torre & Family Tri-State Renovations Mario Tucci Tulip Super Drugs, Inc. Jeremiah J. Tuohy
Margaret Valente Frank & Jean Valenzisi Joseph Valsamma Thomas & Roberta Van Buskirk Lucy & Pasquale Verderosa Aido & Fernanda Verdino
Alexander Viespi Mr. & Mrs. John R. Villanova The Visceglia Family Attilio & Rose Viscovich Michael & Fran Viscovich & Family Kristine Viscovich Suzanne Viscovich
Jack Vormittag James Vota
Stephen P. Waldow Faith & Lawrence Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John K. Walsh Thomas & Tracy Ward Most Rev. Emil Wcela Charles Weis Barbara T. Welki Josephine Wengert Kathleen White
Walter Willin Rita Wilson Steven Winters Dave & Claire Wirenius Peggi Woods Dorothy Wright
Veronica Wuenschel Georgianna Yarema Mark Youngonteb Kathryn Zahner Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Zamojcin Mr. & Mrs. Zervous Anne, Emil & Robert Ziliox Ricartito Zoleta Alexander Zwarych
2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm To arrange for a baptism, a copy of your child’s birth certificate must accompany your date request. Please come to the Rectory office to make these arrangements. A Baptism Preparation Class is required.
Our RCIA process welcomes adults not baptized who wish to join the Catholic Church. We welcome, as well, baptized adults seeking the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. Please contact the Rectory office at 354-0482.
Saturdays: 3-3:45 pm Eve of Holy Days: 3-3:45 pm Eve of First Friday: 3-3:45 pm Confession by appointment - please call the Rectory office 354-0482.
We encourage those planning a wedding at Our Lady of Victory parish to contact the Rectory office before booking a wedding reception facility. All plans with our church must be made at least 6 months prior to the anticipated date.
The priests are available at any time to discuss the call to Priesthood, Diaconate or Religious Life. Please call the Rectory Office at 354-0482. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The Anointing of the Sick takes place on the first Saturday of each month at the 8:30 am Mass. If a home visit is needed, please contact the rectory at 354-0482.
Eucharistic Adoration with Benediction - The First Friday of the month at 7:00 pm in the church.
The Angelus is recited each weekday at 12 noon. The Rosary is prayed each weekday after the 12 noon Mass and on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm
The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed on Mondays after the 12 noon Mass. WE REMEMBER PRAY FOR THE SICK
Karen O’Connell Everett McGinn Seamus Tierney Helen Comando John Durkin Anne Nahman Jesse B. Wagner Michael Vastola Brigidann Turadek Theresa Vastola Brittany Wager Antoinette Heinemann Mary Ferrara Robert Sarro Catharine Gartland
Anthony Simone Agnes Schug Joseph Massaro
Regina Fitzgerald Marion Crawford Names will remain on the sick list for six weeks. Please contact the rectory if you would like the name to remain on the list longer.
Lt. Brian Greene Capt. Chris Greene Sgt. First Class Bryan Welch Capt. Keith Grant Capt. John Herger Spec. Angel J. Arroyo SPC. Matthew C. Fallon Pvt. Stephen Pendelton- Capt. George Radford Sgt. John Patrick Riffle
Lt.JG. John P. Beinert Lt. Emily Beth Lipsky Commander Louis J. Springer
1st Lt. Michael Sweeney Andrew Thorndike Sean Phelan Pvt. Kierston Turner 2nd Lt. Matthew Sweeney
Staff Sgt. Matthew Ashmore Capt. Kevin Groom WE CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE JULY
Kaitlyn O’Connor & Thomas Toscano Lauren Price & Jesse Pachter Jessica Seligson & Brian Gelsomino Kristin Killeen & Paul Kearney Lisa Fitzgerald & Michael J. Sgro Ludline Dejoie & Emmanuel Lincifort Karen Modica & Timothy Clancy WE BELIEVE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Lucille Fanning Download 174,98 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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