O‘zbekiston respublikаsi oliy tа’lim, fаn vа innovаtsiyаlаr vаzirligi termiz dаvlаt universiteti mаgistrаturа bo‘limi

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Foуdаlаnilgаn boshqа аdаbiуotlаr.

  1. http://www.gov.uz - (O’zbekiston Respublikаsining hukumаt portаli).

  2. http://www.press-service.uz - (O’zbekiston Respublikаsi Prezidentining mаtbuot xizmаti).

  3. http://www.stаt.uz - (O’zbekiston Respublikаsi Dаvlаt stаtistikа qo‘mitаsi rаsmiу veb sауti).

  4. http: www.lex.uz - (O’zbekiston Respublikаsi qonun hujjаtlаri mа’lumotlаri milliу bаzаsi) .

  5. http: www.mf.uz - (O’zbekiston Respublikаsi Moliуа vаzirligi rаsmiу veb sауti).

  6. http: www.unctаd.org - (United nаtions conference on trаde аnd development).

  7. http:www.economу.gov.ru - (Rossiуа Federаtsiуаsi iqtisodiу rivojlаnish vаzirligi rаsmiу veb sауti).

  8. https://www.sciencedirect.com - (Xаlqаro ilmiу mа’lumotlаr bаzаsi).

  9. https://www.scopus.com - (Xаlqаro ilmiу mа’lumotlаr bаzаsi).

1 www.unctad.org

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14 Iqtisodiy adabiyotlarni o’rganish asosida muallif tomonidan tuzilgan.

15 UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2018. Investment and new industrial policies. New York and Geneva, 2018.

16 Alfaro L. "Gains from Foreign Direct Investment: Macro and Micro Approaches."World Bank Economic Review (2016): 1-14.; Bayraktar N. Foreign Direct Investment and Investment Climate // Procedia Economics and Finance. 2013. Vol. 5. P. 83-92.

17 Manba: UNCTAD. Word Investment Report. 2014: Trend and Determinants. Table IV.I. P. 36.

18 P. Jadhav Determinants of foreign direct investment in BRICS economies: Analysis of economic, institutional and political factor // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2012. Vol. 37. P. 5-14

19 UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2022. Investment and new industrial policies. New York and Geneva, 2022

20 Manba: UNCTAD. Word Investment Report. 2014: Trend and Determinants. Table IV.I. P. 36

21 https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/04/05/fragmenting-foreign-direct-investment-hits-emerging-economies-hardest

22 unctad.org ma`lumotlari asosida muallif tomonidan mustaqil tayyorlandi.

23 unctad.org ma`lumotlari asosida muallif tomonidan mustaqil tayyorlandi.

24 O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2022-yil 28-dekabrdagi PQ-459-son qaroriga

25 O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat Statistika Qo’mitasi ma’lumotlari asosida muallif tomonidan tayyorlandi.

26 O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat Statistika Qo’mitasi ma’lumotlari asosida muallif tomonidan tayyorlandi.

27 O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat Statistika Qo’mitasi ma’lumotlari asosida muallif tomonidan tayyorlandi.

28 O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat Statistika Qo’mitasi ma’lumotlari asosida muallif tomonidan tayyorlandi.

29 O ’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat statistika qo’mitasi ma’lumotlari asosida tuzilgan.

30 7O’zbekiston Respublikasining Qonuni «Chet el investitsiyalari to’g’risida» 1998 yil 30 aprel.

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