Parallel Algorithm For Constructing a Cubic Spline on Multi-Core Processors in a Cluster
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Parallel Algorithm For Constructing a Cubic Spline on Multi-Core Processors in a Cluster 1 st
Computer engineering. TUIT Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2 nd Javohir Nurmurodov Computer engineering. TUIT Tashkent, Uzbekistan Abstract—The relevance of using parallel computing systems is reflected, the main approaches to parallelizing processes and data processing methods are reflected, the principles of parallel programming technologies are described, the main parameters of parallel algorithms are studied using cubic splines calculation example, a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of using par- allelism technologies is given. The parallel algorithm considered for constructing the cubic spline of defect 1 as p to n leads to the construction of a local cubic spline on each grid interval ω. Index Terms—Parallel computing, UMA, NUMA, SMP, data parallelization, task parallelization, data processing, MPI. I. I
NTRODUCTION An alternative to a common physical address space can be separate physical address spaces with a common virtual address space and assignment of data exchange work to the operating system. This approach was tested, but we had a very high level of costs in providing programmers with a workable abstraction of shared memory [1], [2]. Several attempts have been made to create high-performance computers based on high-speed messaging networks, and they have shown better absolute data exchange performance than clusters based on local area networks [3]. The problem was that they were much more expensive. Only a few applications could justify a significantly higher cost [4]. Therefore, it is clusters that have become the most common example of parallel computers based on messaging today [6], [8]. Clusters in general are a set of mass-produced computers combined by I/O systems and standard network switches and cables. Each of the computers is running a separate copy of the operating system [9], [11]. Almost every Internet service is based on clusters assembled from mass servers and switches. II. B UILDING A C UBIC
Let on the segment [a, b] of the real axis Ox on the grid sentence, as in: ω : a = x 0
n = b, h i = x
i − x
i−1 , i = 1, n, given the values of some grid function f i , i=0,1,,n. For the interpolation cubic spline S(x) of defect 1, the following relations hold: Identify applicable funding agency here. If none, delete this. S(x) =
3 X k=0 a i k (x − x i , x ∈ [x i , x
x+1 ]), i = 1, n (1) S(x) = f
i , i = 1, n. (2) S(x) ∈ C
2 [a, b],
(3) where the superscript i denotes the spline unit number. It follows from (1) that on ω : the spline S(x) depends on 4 n coefficients a i
(x − x i , i = 0, n − 1, k = 0, 3. To determine them, there are 3 (n-1) continuity conditions (3) at the internal nodes of the grid , as well as n+1 interpolation condition (2). Thus, to determine the spline coefficients, two more conditions must be specified. Four types of additional conditions are usually considered: S 0 (x) = f 0 (a), S 0 (b) = f
0 (b).
(4) S 00 (x) = f 00 (a), S 00 (b) = f
00 (b).
(5) S 0 (a) = S 0 (b), S 00 (a) = S
00 (b).
(6) S 000 (x 1 − 0) = S 000 (x 1 + 0), S 000 (x n−1
− 0) = S 000
(x n−1
+ 0). (7)
Additional conditions (6) are used for periodic splines with a period (b - a). If for non-periodic spline there is no additional information about the value of its first or second derivative at x=a or x=b, then it is recommended to use additional conditions (7). In this case a 0 k = a
1 k , a n−1 k = a n−2 k , k = 0, 3. We introduce the following notation: M i = S 00 (x i ), i = 0, n. The quantities M i is called the moments of the spline S(x). As follows from the definition of a cubic spline, its second derivative is a linear function on each elementary interval of the grid ω. For a link of such a broken line, the formula S 00 (x) = x i − x h i M i−1
+ x − x
i−1 h i M i , h i = = x − x i−1 , x ∈ [x
i−1 − x
i ]. (8) Integrating (8) twice over x, we successively obtain S 0 (x) = (x i − x) 2 2h i M i−1 + (x − x
i−1 ) 2 2h i M i + C
i−1 1 , (9) S(x) = (x i − x) 3 6h i M i−1 + (x − x
i−1 ) 3 6h i M i + C
i−1 1 x + C i−1 2 (10) where C i−1
1 , C
i−1 2 are the integration constants for the (i– 1) grid interval ω Substituting (10) and the interpolation conditions (2), we obtain S 0
(x i − x) 2 2h i M i−1
+ (x − x
i−1 ) 2 2h i M i + f − f i−1 2h i − h i 6 (M i − M i−1
), (11)
S(x) = (x i − x) 3 6h i M i−1 + (x − x
i−1 ) 3 6h i M i + (f i−1 − h 2 i 6 M i−1
) x i − x h i + (f i − h i 6 (M i ) x − x i−1
h i , ∈ [x i , x]. (12) Note that (11), (12) is a representation of the cubic spline and its first derivative on the (i–1) interval of the grid ω. In this interval, S 00 (x) is determined by function (8), and s 00 (x) = 1 h i (M i − M i−1 ), x ∈ [x i−1 − x
i ]. If in expressions (11), (12) we replace the index i by i+1, then we obtain the representation S(x), S 0 (x) on the ith interval of the grid ω: S 0 (x) = (x i+1 − x) 2 2h i+1 M i + (x − x
i ) 2 2h i+1
M i+1
+ f i+1 − f i h i+1 − h i+1 6 (M i+1 − M
i ), (13) S(x) = (x i+1 − x) 3 6h i+1 M i + (x − x
i ) 3 6h i+1
M i+1
+ (f i h 2 i+1 6 M i ) x i+1 − x h i+1 + (f i+1
− h i+1 6 M i+1 ) x − x
i h i+1 , x ∈ [x i , x i+1 ]. (14) From (11) and (13) for x=x i we write down the one–sided limits of the derivative: S 0 (x i − 0) = h i 6 M i−1
+ h i 3 M i + f i − f i−1
h i , (15) S 0 (x i − 0) =
h i+1
6 M i+1 + h i+1 3 M i + f i+1 − f i h i+1 , (16)
From the continuity condition for the first derivative of the spline at the internal nodes of the grid ω, we obtain a system of equations for determining the moments of the cubic spline, for example, in the case of additional conditions of the first type 2M
+ M 1 = 6 h i f 0 (a) − f 1 − f 0 h 1
, a i M i−1 + aM
i + β
i M i+1 = 3f ¯ xx , i = 1, n − 1, 2M n + M n−1
= 6 h n
f 0 (b) −
f n − f n−1 h n , (17) where h i = h i + h i+1
2 , α
i = h i 2h i , β i = h i+1
2h i , f xx = 1 h i f i+1
− f i h i+1 − f i − f
i−1 h i . Having determined the array of moments by the sweep method from this system and substituting , M i into expression (14), we obtain the representation S(x) for X. Note that if, when calculating the integral, I = Z
a f (x)dx
replace the integrate f(x) with the cubic spline S(x), then we obtain the formula for numerical integration Z b
S(x)dx = 1 2 n−1 X i=0 h i+1
(f i + f i+1 ) −
1 24 n−1 X i=0
h 3 i+1 (M i + M i+1 ), which has a higher accuracy than the trapezoid formula. We now introduce the expanded grid ω : x
−3 < x −2
0 ... < x
n < x n+1
< ... < x n+3
. and normalized basis functions B i (x), i = –1.0, ..., n, n+1, where x i is the center of the carrier. Considering that these functions form a basis in the space of cubic splines of defect 1, the spline S(x) from this set can be represented as S(x) = n+1
X i=−1
b i B i (x),
(18) where the b i coefficients are to be determined. Then, for ex- ample, the system of equations for determining the coefficients of the interpolation spline (18) for the additional conditions of the first type (4) has the form b −1 B 0 −1 (x 0 ) + b 0 B 0 0 (x 0 ) + b 1 B 0 1 (x 0 ) = f
0 0 , b i−1
B i−1
(x i ) + b i B i (x i ) + b i+1 B i+1 (x i ) = f i , i = 0, n, b n−1
B 0 n−1 (x n ) + b n B 0 n (x n ) + b n+1
B 0 n+1 (x n ) = f 0 n , After eliminating b and b n+i
, such a system can be resolved by a sweep method if max | {z }
|i=j|−1 h i h j
√ 13)/2 ≈ 2.3, which corresponds to the condition of diagonal dominance of the matrix. When calculating B i (x) for x ∈ (x i , x
i+1 ), one
can use the formulas: B i−1 (x) = 1 6 (1 − t) 3 , B i (x) = 1 6 1 + 3(1 − t) + 3t(1 − t) 2 ,
B i+1
(x) = 1 6 1 + 3t + 3t 2 (1 − t) , B i+2
(x) = 1 6 t 3 , t = x − x
i h , t ∈ [0, 1], h = (b − a)/n. Note that representing a spline in terms of B–functions (18) is convenient for large n, since its calculation requires storage of two arrays of information (nodes x i and coefficients b i ). On the other hand, a change in one of the coefficients in (18) implies a change in S(x) only on the support of the corresponding B– function, which can be used to change the spline locally. A significant number of applied problems are associated with finding eigenvalues of large–dimensional matrices. Let A = [a ij ] n i – is a real symmetric matrix. Then, using Gershgorin’s theorem, we can determine the interval [a,b] containing all real eigenvalues λ i of this matrix. If on [a,b] introduce a uniform grid ω and associate a grid function with it f i = det(A − ξ i E), ξ i = a + i · h, h = (b − a)/n, i = 0, n, then the problem of determining the eigenvalues by the spline method reduces to finding the roots of the cubic spline (polynomial of the third degree) on each interval of the grid ω. Using the decomposition of the grid domain by the number of processor elements p, the analysis of the roots of cubic equations can be performed in parallel mode after loading the corresponding values of M i and f i into the processor memory. To control the calculations, you can use the known relations Sp(A) =
n X i=1 a ij = n X i=1 λ i , det(A) = ± n Y i=1 λ i . Note that when determining the real roots of the equation using a cubic spline, the grid step h must be selected so that there are no more than three roots on each interval. III. P
Suppose that values of some grid function f 0 , f 1 , ..., f
n and
n >> p >> 1 are given on a uniform grid ω : a = x 0
x n
for constructing a cubic spline with an error of O(h 2 ). Let n = p x q, q > 3, p – the number of processors in whose memory the data are respectively allocated: M 0
0 , f
1 , ..., f
q , f
q+1 , f
q−1 , f
q , f
q+1 , ..., f
2q , f
2q+1 , ...,
f n−q−1
, f n−q
, f n−q+1
, ..., f n−1
, f n , M n This arrangement of the data corresponds to the decompo- sition of the region with overlapping by two steps of the grid, a fragment of which is shown in fig.1. The spline building process consists of three stages: 1. The distribution Fig. 1. Decomposition of area ω with overlapping. of the source data in each processor in accordance with the decomposition of the grid ω. 2. Calculation according to the grid function with an error O(h 2 ) of the moments of the spline at the boundaries of the intervals of decomposition of the region:
M k = (F k−1 − 2F
k + F
k+1 )/F
2 , M k−q = (F
k+q−1 − 2F
k+q + F
k+q+1 )/h
2 , k = q, 2q, 3q, ..., (p − 1)q. (19) 3. The solution by sweep method in each processor of the three–diagonal system to determine the moments. In this case, it will be necessary to perform the order of O(q) operations on each processor. The degree of parallelism can be increased by using one of the parallelization methods of the sweep method. To calculate the spline value at some point x from [a,b], it is necessary to determine the grid interval to which this point belongs and use the formula (12) or (14). The determination of the grid interval can be carried out in parallel, using the decomposition of the grid region without overlapping. If the spline is restored through basis functions, then to the system (19) at the boundaries of the decomposition intervals, it is necessary to add the equations
b k−1
B 00 k−1 (x k ) + b k B 00 k (x k ) + b k+1
B 00 k+1 (x k ) = (f 0 k−1 − 2f k + f k+1 )/h
2 ; b k+q−1 B 00 k+q−1 (x k+q )+ b k+q B 00 k+q (x k+q
) + b k+q+1
B 00 k+q+1 (x k+q
) = = (f
k+q+1 − 2f
k+q + f
k+q+1 )/h
2 ; k = q, 2q, 3q, ..., (p − 1)q. After bringing this system to a tridiagonal form, the solution is found by the sweep method. Taking into account the properties of the supports of B–splines from (18), it is convenient to use the formula for calculating S(z), z ∈ (x i , x x+1 ), i = 0, n − 1, S(z) = b i B i−1 (z) + b
i B i (z) + b i+1
B i+1
(z) + b i+2
B i+2
(z). The calculation of the spline using this formula can be carried out on a p–processor system by decomposing the grid region in accordance with fig.1. The parallel algorithm considered above for constructing the cubic spline of defect 1 as p− > n leads to the construction of a local cubic spline on each grid interval ω. If conditions (20) are not used, then the solution of spline systems can be found, for example, by the cyclic reduction method [5], [7], [10], [12]. The problem statement is such that it is required to calculate cubic spline of degree m=3 using various parallel programming technologies and analyze the results of calculations by the main efficiency parameters by comparison. To implement the parallel algo- TABLE I
MPI Num.
Number of OpenMP Threads cal.
1 4 8 T1,mc T4,mc
S E T8,mc S E 8X10 4 2,0
1 2 1.00 0.72 2.78
0.69 8X10
5 30,0
14,6 2,5
1.03 4.6
6.52 10.63
8X10 6 220,0 89,2 2,47
1.23 3,3
6.67 1.67
8X10 7 1710,0 526,8 3,25
1.62 269,1
7.15 1.79
8X10 8 16800,0 4845,5 3,47
1.73 2200,0
7.64 1.91
Num. Number of MPI Processes cal. 1
8 T1,mc
T4,mc S E T8,mc S E 8X10 4 2,0 1.2 1,67
0.83 1 2.00 0.50 8X10
5 30,0
15,7 1,91
1.96 5.6
5.36 1.34
8X10 6 220,0 90,8 2,42
1.21 36,2
6.08 1.52
8X10 7 1710,0 546,6 3,13
1.56 279,1
6.12 1.53
8X10 8 16800,0 4995,5 3,36
1.68 2378,0
7.06 1.77
rithm for computing the cubic spline, we chose the integrated development environment MS Visual Studio 2017 and the C++ programming language, and the TUIT training cluster, including 4 physical cores Intel (R) Core (TM) i7, was used as the technological platform for conducting computational experiments –7700 CPU 3.60 GHz (8 threads). In the process of computing, parallelism based on data was applied to the parallel algorithm, that is, each process calculated a certain part of the spline function. C ONCLUSION So, the use of parallel computing systems today is relevant. The development of various fields of science and technology expands the range of applied tasks more laborious than the previous ones, for the solution of which it is necessary to use powerful computers with the ability to perform parallel com- puting. Determining the main parameters of parallel computing systems allows you to determine the degree of its effectiveness. The calculation of the cubic spline using various parallel programming technologies has shown that MPI technology is the most effective. It is the most relevant in modern times, but it requires significant costs. R EFERENCES [1] A.R. Aydinya, “Apparatnyye sredstva vychislitelnoy tekhniki,” Direct- media, 2016, pp. 125–145. [2] A.C. Antonov, “ Parallelnoye programmirovaniye s ispolzovaniyem tekhnologii MPI,” textbook, MGU, 2004. p. 71. [3] V.A. Billing, “Parallelnyye vychisleniya i mnogopotochnoye program- mirovaniye,” textbook, NOU TUIT, volume 2, 2016, p. 311. [4] I.G. Burova, and Yu.K. Demyanovich, “Minimalnyye splayny i ikh prilozheniya,” textbook, SPbGU, 2010, p. 364. [5] V.P. Gergel, “ Vysokoproizvoditelnyye vychisleniya dlya mnogoy- adernykh mnogoprotsessornykh sistem,” textbook, NNGU, 2010, p. 364. [6] O.U. Mallaev, “Algorithm and software for speeding up computer memory using OpenMP technology,” Descendants of Mohammed al- Khwarizmi TUIT, pp. 71–75. [7] H. Zayniddinov, S. Madhusudan, and S. Dhananjay, “Polynomial Splines for Digital Signal and Systems,” Monograph, LAMBERT Academic Press, Germany, 2016, p. 208. [8] H.N. Zaynidinov, G.O. Tojiboev, and O.U. Mallaev, “Parallel algorithms for processing seismic signals on multicore processors,” Automation and software engineering, 2018, volume 1, pp. 89–95. [9] H.N. Zaynidinov, and O.U. Mallayev, “Paralleling of calculations and vectorization of processes in digital treatment of seismic signals by cubic spline,” IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 537, 2019, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/537/3/032002, pp. 68–69. [10] S. Dhananjay, S. Madhusudan, and H. Zaynidinov, “Parabolic Splines based One-Dimensional Polynomial,” Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019, volume 1, pp. 1-10. [11] H.N. Zaynidinov, and O.U. Mallayev, “Vectorization of parallel process- ing of seismic signals using technology of Parallel Studio,” Descendants of Mohammed al-Khwarizmi TUIT, 2018, volume 2, pp. 14-25. [12] H.N. Zaynidinov, and O.U. Mallayev, “Definition of synchronization processes during parallel signal processing in multicore processors,” 2019 International Conference on Information Science and Communi- cations Technologies (ICISCT), 2019, 4–6 Nov, Publisher: IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ICISCT47635.2019.9012006. Download 188,39 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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