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George Orwell - 1984
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- C h a p t e r 4 Ownlife
Winston ate the terrible food and listened to the telescreen.
The girl had turned her back to h i m again. At that moment the telescreen told them all to return to work and the three men jumped to their feet. C h a p t e r 4 Ownlife Winston sat at the table and opened his diary. He thought of his parents. He was, he thought, about ten or eleven years old when his mother disappeared. She was a tall, silent woman w i t h lovely fair hair. He could not remember his father so well. He was dark and thin and always wore dark clothes. They had both been vaporized in the 1950s. His thoughts moved to other women and he started w r i t i n g in the diary: It was three years ago. It was on a dark evening, in a narrow side- street near one of the big railway stations. She had a young face with thick make-up. I liked the make-up. The whiteness and the bright red lips. No woman in the Party wore make-up. There was nobody else in the street and no telescreens. She said two dollars. I . . . It was too difficult to continue. Winston wanted to hit his head against the wall, to kick the table over and throw the diary through the window - anything to stop the memory of that night. It was, of course, illegal to pay a woman for sex. But the punishment was about five years in a work camp, not death. The Party knew it happened. Some prole women sold themselves for a bottle of gin and the Party didn't worry much about that. The Party wanted to stop love and pleasure in sex, not sex itself. A request to marry would be refused if a man and a woman found each other attractive. Sex, to the Party, was only necessary to make children. He thought of Katherine, his wife. Winston had been married. He was probably still married; if his wife was dead, nobody had told him. They had lived together for about fifteen months, nine, ten, eleven years ago. Katherine was a tall, fair-haired girl w h o 18 moved well. She had an interesting face, until you found out that there was almost nothing behind it. She believed everything the Download 3,14 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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