Photoreactor Design Aspects and Modeling
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978-3-662-48719-8 7
particle suspension medium; Photocatalyst attrition; Possible photocatalyst fouling or washout Gas phase photoreactors Relatively low levels of radiation intensity needed to perform reaction; Small amount of photons adsorbed by air and sufficient electron scavengers; Photocatalyst in a form of thin layer – there is no separation of product and photocatalyst; Higher quantum yield of photocatalytic reaction (comparing to liquid phase) Pollutant adsorption on the walls of the reactor 238 P. Mazierski et al. 4. Cai R, Hashimoto K, Kubota Y, Fujishima A (1992) Increment of photocatalytic killing of cancer cells using TiO 2 with the aid of superoxide dismutase. Chem Lett 21:427–430 5. Cai R, Kubota Y, Shuin T, Sakai H, Hashimoto K, Fujishima A (1992) Induction of cytotoxicity by photoexcited TiO 2 particles. Cancer Res 52:2346–2348 6. Borgarello E, Kiwi J, Pelizzetti E, Visca M, Gra¨tzel M (1981) Photochemical cleavage of water by photocatalysis. Nature 289:158–160 7. 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