Ref er enc ing Ob jects by Num ber
In the above ex ample, we hid and showed shape num ber 4 on slide number
2. You might be asking, “How do I know what the shape number is? I want to
hide that star, and I don’t know what number it is.” The number of an ob ject gen -
erally is the or der in which it was added to a slide. If you start with a blank slide
and add a text box, a rectangle, and a but ton (in that or der), the text box will be
shape num ber 1, the rectangle will be shape num ber 2, and the but ton will be
shape num ber 3. If you start with a slide that is not blank, the existing shapes will
count. So, if you start with a bulleted list slide (known as a “Ti tle and Text” slide
in PowerPoint 2002) and add the text box, rectangle, and button,
• the slide ti tle will be shape num ber 1,
• the bulleted list text area will be shape num ber 2,
• the text box you added will be shape num ber 3,
• the rectangle will be shape num ber 4, and
• the but ton will be shape number 5.
This is fine, but most of us don’t have su perhuman memories that can re-
member what or der shapes were added. For PowerPoint ver sions 97, 98, 2000,
and 2001, finding the number is easy. While look ing at a slide, go to the Slide
Show menu and choose “Custom Animation.” Click on the “Timing” or “Order
& Timing” tab, as shown in Figure 6.3.
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