Predloglarni qo’llashda qilinadigan xatolar
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Predloglarni qo’llashda qilinadigan xatolar Ingliz tilida ba’zi so’zlar o’zidan keyin ma’lum bir predloglarni oladi bu qonun tariqasida qabul qilingan. Aynan shu so’zlar keyin qoidadagi emas boshqa bir predloglarni qo’llash juda ko’p uchrab turadi. Albatta qoidadagi predloglarni qo’llamaslik xato hisoblanadi . Bu yerda eng ko’p predloglar bilan qilinadigan xatolar berib o’yilgan . 1.Absorbed in (juda qiziqqan, berilib ketgan) ot emas Wrong; The man was absorbed at his work Right; The man was absorbed in his work 2. Accuse of (-da ayblamoq ), for emas Wrong ; She accused the man for stealing Right; She accused the man of stealing Xuddi shundek ayblamoq ma’nosida charge with ham ishlatilinadi.The man was charged with murder – Bu odam qotillikda ayblangan. 3. Accustomed to (-ga ko’nikib qolgan ), with emas Wrong; I’m accustomed with hot weather Right; I’m accustomed to hot weather Xuddi shu manoda used to ham ishlatilishi mumkin. He is used to the heat- U issiqa ko’nikan. 4. Afraid of (-dan qorqmoq ), from emas Wrong: shohsanam is afraid from the dog Ring: Shohsanam is afraid of the dog 5. Aim at (-ni nishonga olmoq), on /againist emas Wrong: she aimed on (againist) the target Right: she aimed at the target Bu fe’llar bilan yo’nalishini bildirish uchun at predloglarda foydalaning Throw at, shout at, fire at shoot at. Agar shoot o’zi at predlogisiz ishlatilinsa, o’ldirmoq degan ma’no beradi. He shoot a bird –U qushni otdi (qushni otdi va o’ldirdi) 6. Angry with (-dan jahli chiqqan) againist emas Wrong; The teacher was angry againist him Right; The teacher was angry with him Eslatma: Angry with odamlar bilan ishlatilinadi, angry at esa narsalar bilan. He was angry at the weather (angry with ni the weather bilan ishlatib bo’lmaydi, sababi angry with odamlarga ishlatilinadi, angry at narsalarga) Eslatma; Annoyed with, vexed with, indigant with odamlar bilan, lekin xuddi shu so’zlar at bilan narsalarga ishlayilinadi. 7. Anxious about (-dan xavotirlanmoq), for emas Wrong; They’re anxious for his health Right; They’re anxious about his health Eslatma; Agarda ‘’ juda xohlamoq ‘’ ma’nosida anxious for ishlatilinishi mumkin. Mary civil servants are anxious for promotion-Ko’pgina xizmatchilari lavozimga lo’tarilishni xohlashadi. 8. Arrived at (-ga yetib kelmoq), to emas Wrong;We arrived to the village at night Right; We arrived at the village at night Eslatma; Arrive at kichkina shahar, qishloq va kichkina joylarga yetib boorish; arrive in esa mamlakatlar va katta shaharga yetib bormoq ma’nosida ishlkatilinadi. He has arrived in London- U Londonga yetib brogan. 9. Ashamed of (-dan uyalgan ), from emas Wrong;He’s now ashamed from his conduct Right; He’s now ashamed of his conduct 10. Believe in (-ga ishonmoq ), to emas Wrong; I don’t believe to censorship of the arts Right; I don’t believe in censorship of the arts 11. Boast of/ about (-dan maqtanmoq ) , for emas Wrong; James boasted for his strength Right; James boasted of(yoki about ) his strength 12. Careful of, with , about (ehtiyot bo’lmoq ) for emas Wrong; Abror’s very carefulfor her health Right; Abror’s very careful of/ with/ about her health Eslatma; Take care of- g’amxo’rlik qilmoq . He takes care of his money- Upullariga g’amxo’rlik qiladi 13.Travel by train (poyezdda sayohat qilmoq ), with train emas Wrong; He tavelled with train yesterday Right; He travelled by train yesterday Eslatma; by train, by plane, by boat, by bike; shuningdek, by lend, by see, by air, by bus, by car, by taxi. Lekin in a bus yoki on a bus , in a car,l in a taxi, on a horse- back, on a donkey, on a bicycle, on food. 14. Complain about (-dan shikoyat qilmoq ), for emas Wrong; Bobur complained for the weather Right; Bobur complained about the weather Eslatma; Qachonki kasallikdan shikoyat qilishni ifodalasa, complain of ishlatilinadi. She complained of a sore throat- U tomog’im og’riyapti deb shikoyat qildi. Download 19.07 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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