Quarterly report

Dates of the commencement and completion of the redemption period coincide

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Dates of the commencement and completion of the redemption period coincide.  

Coupon (interest) period 
Coupon (interest) yield rate  
Commencement date   Completion date 
1. Coupon: 1 
Date of the com-
mencement of the 
Bonds allocation 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The interest rate for the first coupon shall be 
determined by holding a tender (subject to ap-
plications received) through FB of MICEX 
among potential buyers of the Bonds on the 
date of the commencement of the Bonds allo-
cation. The manner and conditions of the ten-
der holding are specified in item 8.3 of the 
Resolution on the issue and item 2.7 of the 
2. Coupon: 2 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The second coupon rate is fixed to be equal to 
the first coupon rate. 
3. Coupon: 3 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The third coupon rate is fixed to be equal to the 
first coupon rate. 
4. Coupon: 4 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The fourth coupon rate is fixed to be equal to 
the first coupon rate. 
5. Coupon: 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The fifth coupon rate is fixed to be equal to the 
first coupon rate. 
6. Coupon: 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The sixth coupon rate is fixed to be equal to 
the first coupon rate. 
7. Coupon: 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The seventh coupon rate is fixed to be equal to 
the first coupon rate. 
8. Coupon: 

 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The eighth coupon rate is fixed to be equal to 
the first coupon rate. 
9. Coupon: 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The ninth coupon rate is fixed to be equal to 
the first coupon rate. 
10. Coupon: 10 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
The tenth coupon rate is fixed to be equal to 
the first coupon rate. 
The amount of payments per Bond shall be calculated for each coupon under the following for-
Кj = Cj * Nom * ((Tj - Tj-1)/ 365)/ 100 %, where 
j – number of the coupon period, j=1-10; 
Кj – amount of the coupon payment per Bond, Rb; 
Nom – nominal value of one Bond, Rb; 
Cj – interest rate for coupon j, Rb; 
Tj-1 – date of the commencement of the coupon  period for coupon j;; 
Tj – date of the end of the coupon period of coupon j.  
The amount of the payment per Bond shall be determined to within one kopeck (the round-up is 
made according to the mathematical round-up rules. Further, the mathematical round-up rule shall 
mean a round-up method according to each a value of an integer kopeck (integer kopecks) does 
not change if the first digit after the rounded one varies from 0 to 4, and increases by one if the 
first digit after  the rounded one varies from 5 to 9). 
The manner and conditions of the payment of the bond yield, including the manner and term of 
the yield payment for each coupon. 
Coupon (interest) period 
Term (date) of the 
payment of the cou-
pon (interest) yield 
Date of the prepara-
tion of the list of bond 
holders for the pay-
ment of the coupon 
(interest) yield 
Date of the 
Date of the 
1. Coupon: 1 
Date of the com-
mencement of the 
Bonds allocation 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 

yield payment. 
Manner  of the coupon (interest) yield payment:  
If the date of the coupon yield payment falls on a holiday, whether it is a State holiday or a 
holiday for settlement transactions, the payment of the amount due shall be made on the first 
business day following the holiday. The Bond holder shall be authorized to require the interest 
accrual or any other compensation for such delay in payment. 
The coupon yield payment shall be made in rubles of the Russian Federation in a cashless 
The payment of the coupon yield shall be made as follows:  
The payment shall be made in the currency of the Russian Federation in a cashless 
form in favor of Bond holders being as such as of the end of the operating day of NDC 
preceding to the 3
 (third) business day before the date of the payment of the yield on 
the issued Bonds (“Date of the preparation of the list of holders and/or nominal hold-
ers of the Bonds for the payment of the coupon yield”). 
It is presumed that nominal holders, depositors of NDC, are authorized to obtain funds upon 
the payment of the Bond coupon yield. Depositors of NDC being nominal holders and not au-
thorized by their clients to obtain funds upon the payment of the Bond coupon yield due shall 
submit to NDC, before or at 12:00 a.m. (Moscow time) of the day preceding the 2
business day before the date of the payment of the Bond coupon yield, the list of holders 
and/or nominal holders of the Bonds for the payment of the coupon yield. 
A Bond holder not being a depositor of NDC may authorize a nominal holder of the bonds 
being a depositor of NDC to obtain Bond yield amounts. 
If the rights of a Bond holder are recorded by a nominal holder of the Bonds and a nominal 
holder of the Bonds is authorized to obtain the Bonds coupon yield, the nominal holder shall 
be presumed to be a person authorized to obtain coupon yield amounts on the Bonds.  
If the rights of the Bond holder are not recorded by a nominal holder of the Bonds or a nomi-
nal holder is not authorized by the holder to obtain the Bonds coupon yield, the Bond holder 
shall be presumed to be a person authorized to obtain the Bond coupon yield.  
On the grounds of the information available or provided by depositors, NDC shall provide the 
List of holders and/or nominal holders of the Bonds for the payment of the coupon yield to the 
Issuer and the Payment Agent before or on the 2
 (second) business day before the date of the 
Bond redemption. The list of holders and/or nominal holders of the Bonds for the payment of 
the coupon yield shall include the following information: 
a) full name (surname, name, patronymic for an individual) of the person authorized to obtain 
Bond yield amounts;  
b) number of the Bonds recorded at the deposit account of a person authorized to obtain Bond 
yield amounts;  
c) location and postal address of a person authorized to obtain Bond yield amounts; 
d) references of the banking account of a person authorized to obtain Bond yield amounts, 
- number of the account with the bank

- name of the bank (with the specified city of the bank) with which the account is opened; 
- correspondent account of the bank with which the account is opened;  
- banking identification code of the bank with which the account is opened. 
e) taxpayer’s identification number (TIN) of a person authorized to obtain Bond yield 
f) tax status of a person authorized to obtain Bond yield amounts (resident, nonresident with a 
permanent representative office in the Russian Federation, nonresident without a permanent 
representative office in the Russian Federation, etc.); 
Bond holders, their authorized persons, including depositors of NDC shall independently 
monitor the completeness and actuality of references of the banking account submitted by 
them to NDC. In the event of the failure of aforesaid persons to provide NDC with the said 
references, the fulfillment of such obligations shall be made in favor of a person who claimed 
the fulfillment of the obligations and being a holder of the Bonds as of the date of the claim 
submission. In this case, the fulfillment by the Issuer of obligations related to the Bonds shall 
be made based on information of NDC. In this case, obligations of the Issuer shall be deemed 
to have been duly fulfilled in full. 
If references of a banking account or other information required for the fulfillment by the Is-
suer of its obligations under the Bonds, as provided by a holder or a nominal holder, do not 
allow the Payment Agent to transfer funds in a timely manner, such delay shall not be consid-
ered as a delay in the fulfillment of obligations under the Bonds and a holder of the Bonds 
shall not be authorized to accrue the interest or other compensation for such delay in the pay-
Before or on the 2
 (second) business day before the date of the Bond yield repayment, the 
Issuer shall transfer the required funds to the Payment Agent’s account.  
On the grounds of the List of holders and/or nominal holders of the Bonds for the payment of 
the coupon yield, as provided by the Depositary, the Payment Agent shall calculate the 
amounts of funds due to each of the persons authorized to obtain coupon yields on the Bonds. 
On the date of the redemption of the Bonds, the Payment Agent shall transfer the required 
funds to accounts of persons authorized to obtain Bond redemption amounts in favor of hold-
ers of the Bonds. 
If a person is authorized to obtain coupon yields under the Bonds by several Bond holders, the 
aggregate amount shall be amounted to such person without breaking it down by Bond hold-
The fulfillment of the obligations related to the Bonds in favor of a person included into the 
List of holders and/or nominal holders of the Bonds for the payment of the coupon yield is 
considered to be proper, including in the event of the transfer of the Bonds after the date of 
the preparation of the aforesaid List. 
No coupon yield shall be accrued or paid on non-allocated Bonds.  
The obligations of the Issuer related to the payment of coupon yields on the Bonds shall be 
deemed to be fulfilled after the Issuer’s account or the Payment Agent’s account is properly 

debited to pay the coupon yields in favor of holders of the Bonds. 
2. Coupon: 2 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment. 
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the second coupon yield is similar to the manner of the pay-
ment of the first coupon yield. 
3. Coupon: 3 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment. 
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the third coupon yield is similar to the manner of the payment 
of the first coupon yield. 
4. Coupon: 4 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment. 
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the fourth coupon yield is similar to the manner of the payment 
of the first coupon yield. 
5. Coupon: 5 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment. 
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the fifth coupon yield is similar to the manner of the payment 
of the first coupon yield. 
6. Coupon: 6 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment. 
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the sixth coupon yield is similar to the manner of the payment 
of the first coupon yield. 

7. Coupon: 7 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment. 
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the seventh coupon yield is similar to the manner of the pay-
ment of the first coupon yield. 
8. Coupon: 8 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment. 
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the eighth coupon yield is similar to the manner of the payment 
of the first coupon yield. 
9. Coupon: 9 
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the ninth coupon yield is similar to the manner of the payment 
of the first coupon yield. 
10. Coupon: 10 
day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds alloca-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the 
issued Bonds allo-
 day after the 
date of the com-
mencement of the is-
sued Bonds allocation.
Close of the business 
day of NDC previous 
to the 3
 (third) busi-
ness day before the 
date of the coupon 
yield payment. 
Coupon (interest) yield payment procedure: 
The manner of the payment of the tenth coupon yield is similar to the manner of the payment 
of the first coupon yield. 
No anticipated redemption is allowed.  
The amount of payments per Bond shall be calculated for each coupon under the following for-
Кj = Cj * Nom * ((Tj - Tj-1)/ 365)/ 100 %, where 
j – number of the coupon period, j=1-10; 
Кj – amount of the coupon payment per Bond, Rb; 
Nom – nominal value of one Bond, Rb; 
Cj – interest rate for coupon j, Rb; 
Tj-1 – date of the commencement of the coupon  period for coupon j;; 

Tj – date of the end of the coupon period of coupon j.  
The amount of coupon payments per Bond shall be determined to within one kopeck (the round-
up is made according to the mathematical round-up rules. Further, the mathematical round-up rule 
shall mean a round-up method according to each a value of an integer kopeck (integer kopecks) 
does not change if the first digit after the rounded one varies from 0 to 4, and increases by one if 
the first digit after  the rounded one varies from 5 to 9). 
The coupon yield on each of the coupons shall be made on the date of the end of the relevant 
coupon period. 
If the date of the coupon yield payment falls on a holiday, whether it is a State holiday or a holi-
day for settlement transactions, the payment of the amount due shall be made on the first business 
day following the holiday. The Bond holder shall be authorized to require the interest accrual or 
any other compensation for such delay in payment. 
The coupon yield payment shall be made in rubles of the Russian Federation in a cashless form. 
3. Kind, series (type), form and other identification signs of securities: documentary interest non-
convertible bearer bonds series 03 with the mandatory centralized custody. 
State registration number – 4-03-65018-D  
date of the State registration of the securities issue: 24.11.05. 
date of the State registration of the report on the results of the securities issue: 24.01.06. 
name of the registration body (bodies) in charge of the State registration of the issue of securities 
and the State registration of the report of the results of the securities issue: FSFR of Russia. 
number of securities of the issue: 7,000,000 (Seven million) securities; 
nominal value of each security of the issue: Rb 1,000 (One thousand). 
volume of the issue at par value: Rb 7,000,000,000. 
Rights reserved for each security of the issue:  
Bonds shall be direct unconditional obligations of “Federal Network Company of the United 
Energy System” Open Joint-Stock Company (“Issuer”).  
A Bond holder shall be authorized to obtain the amounts resulted from the redemption of the 
nominal value within the term, as provided by the Resolution on the issue (“Resolution on the 
issue”) and the Securities Prospectus (“Prospectus”). 
A Bond holder shall be authorized to obtain the interest fixed therein equal to a percentage of 
the nominal value of the Bond (coupon yield) the manner of determination of which is speci-
fied in item 9.3 of the Resolution on the issue and in item 9.1.2. of the Prospectus. 
The actions of holders and/or nominal holders of the Bonds in the event of the refusal of the 
Issuer to fulfill its obligations related the Bonds of this issue, their non-performance or im-
proper performance are specified in item 9.7 of the Resolution on the issue and in item 9.1.2. e) 
of the Prospectus. 
The issuer undertakes to repay to Bond holders funds invested therein in the event the issue of 
the Bonds is recognized failed or invalid under the law. 

A Bond holder shall be authorized to exercise other rights, as provided by the law of the Rus-
sian Federation. 
A Bond holder shall be authorized to require the early redemption of the Bonds and the pay-
ment of the accumulated coupon yield calculated as of the date of the fulfillment of the obliga-
tions on the early redemption of the Bonds in the following cases: 
failure of the Issuer to fulfill obligations to pay the coupon yield on the Bonds of this is-
sue after the expiration of 7 (Seven) business days after the date of the payment of the 
relevant coupon yield, as fixed in accordance with the resolution on the issue and the 
securities prospectus.  
failure of the Issuer to fulfill obligations to pay the coupon yield after the expiration of 
7 (Seven) business days and/or redemption of the bonds of the Issuer after the expira-
tion of 30 (Thirty) business days, series 01 number of the State registration 4-01-65018-
D and series 02 number of the State registration 4-02-65018-D. 
Apart from the listed rights, a Bond holder shall be authorized to exercise other property rights, 
as provided by the effective legislation of the Russian Federation.  
Manner and conditions of the securities allocation: 
way of the securities allocation – public offering 
Manner of the securities allocation: 
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