Raqamli iqtisodiyot va axborot tenologiyalari
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АтаеваSoliq xizmatlari faoliyatida axborot texnologiyalaridan samarali
Kalit so‘zlar: axborot tizimi, marketing, axborot texnologiyalar, CRM, vavfsizlikni ta`minlash.
Summary Ways to increase the effectiveness of the use of marketing information systems in the development of the process of providing services are today one of the topical topics in enterprises and organizations. Therefore, during the study, a lot of work was done within the framework of the topic. Among other things, the literature review was prepared after studying other research papers on the topic, the opinions of domestic and foreign scientists, scientific articles and local regulatory documents on the topic. In order to increase the practical value of scientific work, it was studied, on the basis of the data obtained, to what extent ways to increase the efficiency of using marketing information systems in the development of the process of providing services in the education system, especially in the enterprise. In addition, the experience of foreign organizations in this area was also presented. On the basis of the studied and analyzed information, scientific and practical conclusions, suggestions and recommendations on ways to improve the efficiency of using marketing information systems in the development of the service delivery process have been developed.
Soliq xizmatlari faoliyatida axborot texnologiyalaridan samarali foydalanish jarayoni tadbiqi Mundarija:Soliq xizmatlari faoliyatida axborot texnologiyalaridan samarali foydalanish jarayoni tadbiqi 7 KIRISH 11 I BOB. ADABIYOTLAR SHARHI 19 1.1.Axborot texnologiyalari va axborot tizimlari 19 Volkova V.N. Iqtisodiyotdagi axborot tizimlari: Ref. - M.: Moliya va statistika, 2005 yil 19 Bushmina E.V. Davlat byudjeti va axborot texnologiyalari: Proc. - M.: Prospekt, 2001 yil 19 1.2.Soliqqa tortishni boshqarish sohasida yangi axborot texnologiyalarining rivojlanish tarixi va zaruriy shartlari 29 Адабиётлар таҳлилига яна бир неча адабиёт қўшиш керак 39 II BOB. METODOLOGIYA 40 2.1. Soliq organlari faoliyatida zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalari 40 2.2. Soliq organlarida kompyuter axborot texnologiyalarini loyihalash va joriy etish xususiyatlari 55 III BOB. ТАHLIL VA NATIJALAR 59 3.1. O'zbekiston Respublikasi soliq organlarida raqamli texnologiyalarning rolini oshirish ahamiyati 59 3.2. Infografika - Yagona Interaktiv Davlat xizmatlari Portali 2.0 axborot texnologiyani asosi 65 Infografika - yagona interaktiv davlat xizmatlari portali 2.0: 68 “Elektron hukumatni rivojlantirish orqali davlat xizmatlari sifatini oshirish” Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi axborot texnologiyalari va kommunikatsiyalarini rivojlantirish vazirligi va bmttd o’rtasidagi qo’shma loyihasi tomonidan axborot grafikasi (infografika) tayyorlanib, unda yagona interaktiv davlat xizmatlari portali 2.0 dagi asosiy o’zgartirishlar va yangi xizmat turlari taqdim etilgan. Infografika – biznesni davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazish. 2019 yilning 1 aprelidan boshlab o‘zbekistonda davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazilganligi to‘g‘risidagi guvohnomani 30 daqiqa ichida olishga imkon beruvchi biznesni davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazishning avtomatlashtirilgan noyob milliy tizimi ishga tushirildi. 68 3.3. O’zbekiston Respublikasi soliq xizmatida AT dan foydalanish 70 DISSERTATSIYA XULOSASI 81 84 DISSERTATSIYA TADQIQOTI UCHUN FOYDALANILGAN ADABIYOTLAR RO‘YXATI 85 Download 329.5 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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