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- Write about your childhood Memories.
My Childhood Memories
Childhood is really a wonderful time. As for me, it is always a pleasure to retrospect, being transferred to that marvellous time of life like childhood. In my opinion, everyone has its own vivid recollection that he or she could call up and tell to one’s people. One of those afteglows which I can remember is about my first day at school. It was magnificent sunny day on the 1st of September 1993. My mom woke me up not as usually, at 7 o’clock a.m., with the words: “Mary, it is going to be your first day at school!” I clearly remember that moment, however I can’t describe the sences that were ovefilling me. Something was tickling in my stomach. This was truly new to me. My mom and brother took me to school. It’s a pity that my father had a business trip that week. After the first bell had rung, we were invited to our classes. I kissed my parents good bye; they promised to pick me up in an hour then. I made my first steps towards that huge (as it seemed to me) school building. A shiver was running down my spine that minute. When we were seated, a techer kindly asked us to take the exercise books out from our rucksacks. This was my mom who had prepared all the things for me, but my attempts to found my exercise book in my bag were, unfortunately, unsuccessful. I don’t know what happened to me that time that I hadn’t noticed that bright red folder and several blank writing-books in it, instead I always have my first teacher in mind who put my first “2” for my inattention on the first day at school on the 1st of September. Write about your childhood Memories. Childhood memories are very significant in our lives. We can recall the best times of our lives. Childhood memories build up our future and way of thinking. People with good childhood memories are happy people. On the other hand some bad childhood memories also affect the future of an individual.
Culture in Uzbekistan The first inhabitants of Uzbekistan were said to be the Indo-Iranians, who came to the region in 1000 BC. Their settlements grew into the cities of Bukhara, Samarqand, and the capital of modern Uzbekistan, Tashkent and are some of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world By the 5th century BC China and Europe began trading along the Silk Road. Uzbekistan was at the heart of the ancient Silk Road trade route connecting China with the Middle East and Rome. Bukhara and Samarkand are now both UNESCO World Heritage sites due to their history, cultural legacy and architectural heritage. In 327 BC, Uzbekistan came under the rule of the Macedonian king Alexander the Great, becoming part of the Macedonian Empire which stretched from the Ionian Sea to the western portions of the Himalayas. In the 8th century the Arabs came, bringing with them Islam at a time of the Islamic Golden Age. Changes came in the thirteenth century when the Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan conquered Central Asia and rid the Indo-Iranians of power. By the fourteenth century, the region began breaking up into tribes and one tribal chief, Timur, became the dominant power and under his rule, artists and scholars once again flourished. After the death of Timur in the fifteenth century, the Uzbek tribe became the predominant ethnic group in modern Uzbekistan. Modern Uzbekistan was established in the 1900s and with other states in Central Asia, was under the firm hold of the Soviet Union until 1991 when Uzbekistan declared itself an independent and sovereign country. Uzbekistanβs National Independence Day is celebrated every 1 September. Under President Islam Karimov, in power from 1989 to his death in 2016, the political system has been highly authoritarian and opposition squashed. The interim President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, is expected to be elected to President in December 2016 since there is no legal political opposition and the media is tightly controlled by the state. Uzbekistan is home to many cultures. The majority group is the Uzbek, forming seventy-one percent of the population, followed by Russians, Tajiks, Kazakhs, and other minority groups. The population of Uzbekistan is predominantly Muslim, though this was suppressed by the state during the Soviet era. The observance of Islam has gradually increased since 1991. Music is an important part of Uzbek culture. Shashmaqam is a form of classical music similar to classical Persian music. Folk music lives on in religious and family events such as weddings as well as special events. The applied art of Uzbekistan has a wide variety when it comes to style, materials and ornamentation. Silk, ceramics and cotton weaving, stone and wood carving, metal engraving, leather stamping, calligraphy and miniature painting are some genres passed down from ancient times. Embroidery, carpet weaving and miniature painting have also been revived in their traditional form as well as some modern variants. Today, Uzbek craftsmen still practice ancient jewellery making techniques for cutting gemstones, grain filigree, granular work, engraving and enamelling. Translate the text. O'zbekistonda madaniyat O'zbekistonning birinchi aholisi miloddan avvalgi 1000 yilda mintaqaga kelgan Hind-eronliklar deb aytilgan. Ularning aholi punktlari shaharlarga aylandi Buxoro, Samarqand, va zamonaviy poytaxt O'zbekiston, Toshkent va dunyodagi doimiy yashaydigan eng qadimiy shaharlardan biri Miloddan avvalgi 5-asrga kelib Xitoy va Evropa ipak yo'li bo'ylab savdo qilishni boshladilar. O'zbekiston Xitoyni yaqin Sharq va Rim bilan bog'laydigan qadimiy Ipak yo'li savdo yo'lining markazida edi. Buxoro va Samarqand tarixi, madaniy merosi va me'moriy merosi tufayli YUNESKOning Jahon merosi ro'yxatiga kiritilgan. Miloddan avvalgi 327 yilda O'zbekiston Makedoniya qiroli hukmronligi ostiga o'tdi Buyuk Aleksandr, ning bir qismiga aylanish Makedoniya imperiyasi dan cho'zilgan ion dengizi ning G'arbiy qismlariga Himoloy. 8-asrda arablar kelib, bir vaqtning o'zida o'zlari bilan Islomni olib kelishdi Islomiy Oltin asr. O'zgarishlar XIII asrda mo'g'ul hukmdori Chingizxon o'rta Osiyoni zabt etib, Hind-eronliklarni hokimiyatdan xalos qilganida yuz berdi. XIV asrga kelib, mintaqa qabilalarga bo'linishni boshladi va bitta qabila boshlig'i Temur hukmron kuchga aylandi va uning hukmronligi ostida rassomlar va olimlar yana gullab-yashnadilar. XV asrda Temur vafotidan keyin o'zbek qabilasi zamonaviy O'zbekistonda ustun etnik guruhga aylandi. Zamonaviy O'zbekiston 1900-yillarda va boshqa davlatlar bilan tashkil etilgan Markaziy Osiyo, ning qat'iy nazorati ostida edi Sovet Ittifoqi 1991 yilgacha O'zbekiston o'zini mustaqil va suveren mamlakat deb e'lon qildi. O'zbekiston XDP milliy mustaqillik kuni har 1 sentyabrda nishonlanadi. Prezident Islom Karimov davrida hokimiyatda 1989 yildan to 2016 yilda vafotigacha siyosiy tizim o'ta avtoritar va muxolifatni siqib chiqardi. Muvaqqat Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyev 2016 yilning dekabrida prezidentlikka saylanishi kutilmoqda, chunki qonuniy siyosiy muxolifat yo'q va ommaviy axborot vositalari davlat tomonidan qattiq nazorat qilinadi. O'zbekistonda ko'plab madaniyatlar yashaydi. Aksariyat guruh o'zbeklar bo'lib, aholining etmish bir foizini tashkil qiladi, undan keyin ruslar, tojiklar, qozoqlar va boshqa ozchilik guruhlari. O'zbekiston aholisi asosan musulmon sovet davrida davlat tomonidan bostirilgan bo'lsa-da. Islomga rioya qilish 1991 yildan beri asta-sekin o'sib bormoqda. Musiqa o'zbek madaniyatining muhim qismidir. Shashmaqam klassik fors musiqasiga o'xshash klassik musiqa shaklidir. Xalq musiqasi diniy va oilaviy tadbirlarda, masalan, to'ylarda, shuningdek, maxsus tadbirlarda yashaydi. O'zbekiston amaliy san'ati uslub, materiallar va bezaklarga nisbatan xilma-xillikka ega. Ipak, keramika va paxta to'qish, tosh va yog'och o'ymakorligi, metall o'ymakorligi, charm shtamplash, xattotlik va miniatyura rasmlari qadim zamonlardan o'tgan ba'zi janrlardir. Kashtachilik, gilam to'qish va miniatyura rasmlari an'anaviy shaklda va ba'zi zamonaviy variantlarda qayta tiklandi. Bugungi kunda o'zbek hunarmandlari qimmatbaho toshlarni kesish, don filigri, donador ishlov berish, o'yma va emal qilish uchun qadimiy zargarlik buyumlarini yasash bilan shug'ullanmoqdalar.
Education in Uzbekistan
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