Reading Comprehension Worksheet and Kid's Fable "Henry Ford"
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Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Reading and Math for K-5 © Questions: 1. Create a timeline of events in Henry Ford’s life. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What adjective would you use to describe Henry Ford? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does “accessible” mean in the 5th paragraph? How do you know? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do you think making cars on an assembly line is cheaper than having groups of 3 or 4 people putting together one whole car at a time? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. If each paragraph had a heading, the heading for the 2nd paragraph could be “Ford’s Early Life.” Create a head ing for the 5th paragraph. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Reading and Math for K-5 © Answers: 1. Create a ti me line of e ven ts in Henry For d’s lif e. - I n 1863, Henr y For d was born . - I n 1879 he move d to Detroit to start workin g with machine . - I n 1888 Henry For d married Clara Bryan t. - He worke d at a sawmill an d bec ame an en gineer. - For d move d onto wor k at the Edison I llu minating Company. - Edison encour age For d to kee p working on h is horsele ss c arriage , powere d by a motor . - For d sold the first ver sion of his hor sele ss c arriage an d star ted his own compan y. - He e ven tually starte d the For d Motor Company. - I n 1908 the Model T c ar was re lease d for sale to th e public. - I n 1947 Ford passe d away. 2. Wh at adjecti ve would you use to describe He nry Ford? Wh y? An swers will vary, bu t can include inve nti ve , industrious, har d -working, entrepren eurial. 3. Wh at doe s “accessible” me an in the 5th paragraph? How do you k n ow? Accessible mean s able to be e asily obtained or use d. For d was the one wh o starte d making car s in a more aff ordable so more people c ould bu y a c ar . 4. Wh y do you think making car s on an asse mbly line is cheaper th an having grou ps of 3 or 4 people putt ing together one whole car at a ti me ? I think it’s che aper to make c ars on an asse mbly line th at in groups of people , because it’s faster . Each worker conce ntr ate s on their small par t, so the y are better an d faster at th at par ticular par t of th e car . 5. If each paragr aph had a heading, th e heading for the 2n d par agr aph could be “For d’s Early Life.” Cre ate a he ading for the 5th paragr aph . An swers will vary, bu t appropriate answers c ould be : A c ar for the People or For d Motor Compan y. Download 392,6 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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