Reflection of the national character in proverbs and sayings of the English and native (Uzbek, Russian) languages

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Reflection of the national character in proverbs and sayings of the English and native (Uzbek, Russian) languages

Reflection of the national character in proverbs and sayings of the English and native (Uzbek, Russian) languages

Turopova Marhabo

UzSWLU, a master's degree student
Annotation. Proverbs give some form of life advice. Every language and culture has them, and many proverbs exist in more than one language. It is important not to miss any of the words in most proverbs because the meaning can be lost if even one word is changed or left out. The meaning of proverbs in Uzbek and Russian is not far from the English equivalents. But there is a question of mentality and national values. In this article, the author compares and analyzes proverbs and sayings in these three languages.
Keywords: proverbs, sayings, rhythmic-syntactic structure, composition, poetic-semantic features, linguistics and etc.

The words we use in our daily lives today and their variety the nature of meaning, the degree to which our linguistic capabilities are developed over long periods of time formed during, including the fact that our lexical richness did not reach us in a ready state literary-historical sources prove. In the past, the Uzbek people's way of life, social life, customs, and national identity culture is also reflected in folk proverbs. Proverbs have direct roots associated with ancient customs and rituals. As people's level of thinking increases patterns of artistic creation began to emerge. As in the Uzbek folk proverbs, in the English folk proverbs the way of life of this people, ethnic history, ceremonies, and national traditions. Similar proverbs are common among these peoples indicates that the unit was created during the period. In the proverb the experience, habits and traditions of a certain nation are reflected, that is why the study of the proverbs enables us to get deeper into the essence of such notions as “national character”, “mentality”, “language picture of the world”. The proverb is crystallized generalization of national wisdom. Before getting into literary sources it is polished for a period of time in the spoken language. The language picture of the world is developed simultaneously with the language. The man has been interacting with the surrounding world through the whole history, reflecting and investigating it in his activity, including speaking activity.

Some proverbs exist in more than one language because people borrow them from languages and cultures with which they are in contact. In the West, the Bible (including, but not limited to the Book of Proverbs) and medieval Latin (aided by the work of Erasmus) have played a considerable role in distributing proverbs. Not all Biblical proverbs, however, were distributed to the same extent: one scholar has gathered evidence to show that cultures in which the Bible is the "major spiritual book contain between three hundred and five hundred proverbs that stem from the Bible," whereas another shows that, of the 106 most common and widespread proverbs across Europe, 11 are from the Bible. However, almost every culture has its own unique proverbs. Proverbs are used in conversation by adults more than children, partially because adults have learned more proverbs than children. Also, using proverbs well is a skill that is developed over years. Additionally, children have not mastered the patterns of metaphorical expression that are invoked in proverb use. Proverbs, because they are indirect, allow a speaker to disagree or give advice in a way that may be less offensive. Studying actual proverb use in conversation, however, is difficult since the researcher must wait for proverbs to happen. An Ethiopian researcher, Tadesse Jaleta Jirata, made headway in such research by attending and taking notes at events where he knew proverbs were expected to be part of the conversations. The study of proverbs is called paremiology which has a variety of uses in the study of such topics as philosophy, linguistics, and folklore. There are several types and styles of proverbs which are analyzed within Paremiology as is the use and misuse of familiar expressions which are not strictly 'proverbial' in the dictionary definition of being fixed sentences.
We all know that in the East, especially in the Turkic peoples, human morality, behavior, special attention is paid to ethical and aesthetic aspects, such as behavioral culture. For example, in the article "Don't go up to the roof of your father's house." (Otang o’tirgan uyni tomiga chiqma) how honorable it is to climb on the roof of the house where the father is sitting, how much respect the father has recognized as great. In Turkic peoples, especially Uzbek when the father of a family member arrives eating, not having a father, not touching food, always respecting and paying attention to the parents to be, to stand up when adults come, to greet them before, to show respect, kindness to the little ones is also part of the system of customs and traditions. ceremonies have been a tradition among the Turkic peoples for centuries. The people accepted and traditions cannot be artificially destroyed.
Some of the customs and rituals described in the proverbs still exist today. some of the customs change as society develops. Etiquette is evident in folklore. Especially about the father proverbs of centuries-old traditions in Eastern pedagogy proves viability. Although the above English, Uzbek and Russian proverbs are different, they are semantically consistent. The semantic similarity of proverbs is also related to the pedagogy of these peoples indicates that there is a commonality. The poetic content, poetic and syntactic structure are the same in the two folk proverbs about customs there are also proverbs with slightly different poetic imagery. There are aspects that make up many articles, both poetic and prose. Poetic proverbs include elements of poetry such as weight, rhyme, rhyme, melody. In prose-shaped articles both poetic element and poetic expression emerge. In short, the commonality of Uzbek and English proverbs in the world of images, in rhythmic-syntactic structure, composition, poetic-semantic features, linguistic features, in its ideological content and art.
Proverbs and sayings are central part of the linguistic picture of the world, they contain everything cultural heritage of the people. However, in modern world, at the first stage of the development of linguistics, this layer is still insufficiently studied, since a number of trials arise in the field of etymology when translating or searching a similar unit of interpretation. The famous researcher S.G. Terminasova attaches particular importance to the issue of studying the national specifics of the language, since it reflects and forms the character of a particular carrier. This character is reflected in the collective consciousness through the mentality representing the depths level of culture, within which it is revealed there is a human value system that is ingrained in the minds of many generations. Mentality is reflected in the language at the lexical level. Thus, the language of communication is capable of displaying to strike not only the real world, but also the society vein consciousness, typical for several generations, mentality of the people, their moral and ethical standards, value system and national character. Such the relationship, as noted by Terminasova, has the ability to convey a certain picture the vision of the world that has developed up to our time, future generation and exists in reality against the background of the socio-cultural picture of the world. F.I.Buslaev informs that proverbs and sayings characterize were formed as units of works of art native words that reflect the specifics of everyday life people, illustrate his common sense and moral- natural characteristics. V.I.Dal understood a proverb as a judgment, attributing dialect, teaching. In the "Explanatory Dictionary" the author defines shared the proverb as “a short saying, a lesson, in the form of a parable, allegory, or in the form of everyday the verdict ". Proverbs and sayings are not identical military concepts. Proverbs can be learned in their form, they usually represent a long, complete statement and stand in two parts. For example, the proverb "Apple not far from the apple tree "- this is the finished within the meaning of a sentence, the meaning of which is understood but at once: all children are like their parents, they adopt the basic features. But the combination "apple from the apple tree ", used in this form, this is already a proverb, the meaning of which is clear only in the context of the situation.
Thus, the proverb is a genre of oral folk art, which is characterized by semantic completeness, the presence rhythm and rhyme that does not require context and contains in itself morality. It is not known for certain when the first great proverbs and sayings, as they are small genres of oral folk art, which for many centuries has not been fixed elk in written sources. However, any a statement adopted by society over time becomes an idiomatic expression when the authorship of such an expression does not have much meaning, because the phrase becomes part of the native consciousness. In this case, regardless from nationality, the first source of origin proverbs and sayings of all times can be defined to share the collective consciousness of the people. Moreover, in the spread of this genre, either storytellers, or authors of literary works, or researchers of folk culture. So, for example measures, in England at the time of W. Shakespeare, the use of proverbial has reached its zenith. Most of English proverb was taken from the Sacred Scriptures. Considering what the Bible is translated text, folk proverbs and sayings are borrowed and adapted under the value system of a particular nationality.
In the Russian-speaking cultural field, proverbs and sayings lived long enough, but fixed it turned out to be only at the end of the 17th century. The first collections, as a rule, were handwritten, the heads in them were lined up in alphabetical order. Since the the printing industry began to appear and the printing collections: "Collection of 4291 ancient Russian proverbs "," Proverbs Collected by Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev "," Russian proverbs, riverside and sayings, collected by Alexei Vasilievich Koltsov ". In the XIX century there was also one of the largest collection nicknames, which has already included 30,000 proverbs and sayings, it was collected by Dahl. Practical material for the lived several printed collections of the last century, as well as the manuscripts of I. Snegirev.
In modern literature, there are many classifications of proverbs and sayings depending on from the signs underlying them, for example: alphabetically, key words, location and time collection, origin, topic, generalizing meaning, etc. In his research, Dahl classified shaft of proverbs and sayings based on their thematic principle. The purpose of his work was identify the characteristic features and properties of folk his opinion about a variety of natural phenomena and society. The collection gives an idea of many proverbs and sayings used in modern world. In linguistics, a class is proposed classification of proverbs, built on the semantic principle:

  1. typology of internal and external indicators and qualities of a person;

  2. illustration human condition, namely its physical, material, psychological characteristics and properties;

  3. awarding a mark to one or another action;

  4. identification of the circumstances or other action, such as a cause, a place, time of action;

  5. determination of the specifics of the any phenomenon, the establishment of quantitative and quality characteristics.

Oral folk art in the traditions of people reflects the specifics of the worldview. K. Jung analyzed proverbs and sayings and established typology, based on the principle of such characteristics thorny mental functions, such as sensation, laziness, intuition, emotions. These functions formed the basis psychological types such as emotional, thoughtful, intuitive and sensory. Important note that such a typology of mental types correlates with certain nationalities, so how the psychology of any ethnic group is based on psychologic of its individual representatives. National character is formed from several of these parameters, the key ones of which are family and love, territorial and climatic conditions, attitude to learning, friendship, attitude money, patriotism (love for home, for your country), images of a man and a woman, attitude to work, personal qualities and etc.
Study of English and Russian proverbs and sayings showed that in the parameters for which you can analyze the national character different peoples, are universal. Comparing the British and the Russians, we identified how similar and different features. Both national characters are similar in their ideas about the family and love. For two peoples, respect for their loved ones, their support plays a special role in the formation ethnos in general. In addition, we find the general relation education: both peoples in different formulations convey the importance of learning and, conversely, ignorance prevails. Moreover, in the Russian national character we see imposing wise thoughts on religiosity that does not contradict Christian principles, just common sense takes precedence over dogma. Thus, in the wisdom of the ages, we see that the religious man not only trusts in God, but also applies all efforts, works with the last bit of strength to beat desired. About the territorial and climatic and consequently, living conditions, we note that the island the position of the British was reflected in their closeness and at the same time on a sense of superiority in relation to to other peoples. The details of everyday life are reflected mythological representations of peoples. Attitude to money also affects the features of the national characteristic: the British love money, wealth, therefore their main character trait is called entrepreneurial maternity; Russians compare the rich and the poor and come to the conclusion that spiritual wealth much more than material.
Thus, the use of proverbs undoubtedly makes speech more beautiful and expressive better. Linguocultural consciousness imprisoned in these samples of the small form of oral folk creativity, affects both the character of the people, and on features of reflection in language. Mentality as peculiar reflection of certain life circumstances, can be analyzed according to various parameters. The most significant of these changes is the attitude to your family, your loved one, money, education and labor. The largest group of proverbs and sayings is dedicated to the reflection of personal qualities people who are united in a certain group - nationality. After all, it is the totality individual qualities formed under by external factors, reflects national character of the people as a whole. Comparative analysis showed that Russians and English proverbs have much in common in understanding family as a separate unit of society. But in detail (everyday life, culture, perception) ideas about the world differ. On the similarity of Russian and English proverbs indicates that almost each of them can be given equivalent translation into another language. But literally translation, the details differ: characters (cow or dog), climate (rain or weather, the description of which depends on the season), images of men and women. Analysis of the national character of the British seemed that in the minds of their people there was an installation for a successful life (attitude to money), realisation of universal values (family, love).

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