Religious and sufi works of alisher navai an inexhaustible treasure
Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development
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- “Kitob nazmining sababi”
- “Risolayi tiyr andoxtan”
Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development
Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Vol 9 (2020) Articles poet had long wanted to write a work on jurisprudence and doctrine, but he had no choice but to do so. When a great man from Samarkand came to Herat and told him that the elder master Hoja Ahrar Wali had asked the poet to write a book covering religious issues and Alisher Navai starts working with great enthusiasm: ... C h u so ’ rdi Iso anfosi bu damni ,
Alisher Navoi says that in the section “Kitob nazmining sababi” he first explains the interpretation of the aqida, then the Fard, Wajib, Sunnah, and the people of Islam will benefit from this:
... Ham etkaymen burun sharhi aqoyid , Ki , islom ahlig ’ a bergay favoyid . Y a na ham farz , ham vojib , sunan ham ,
In the main part of the book, Alisher Navoi himself says, he first stops commenting on the doctrine and Shari’ah rules. At the same time, the poet writes that the Islamic law consists of two parts: doctrine and action (sharia), and emphasizes that action is of little value if it is not pure. “Munajat” – is a prose of Allah’s Prayer, and consists of three parts: Hamd, Nayt and Munajat. While “Hamd” refers to Allah’s greatness and eternity, in “Na’t” presents the description of the Prophet Muhammad. The “Munojot” section of the work is dedicated to the poet’s supplication. Each sentence begins with a reference to Allah, the word “divine”. In his references in the poetry and prose works, especially in the work of Munojot, which describes the perfect attributes of Allah and he will dispel his weakness, his needs for him. In Oriental poetry it is precisely this “statement of weakness” that is one of the traditional methods of statement what is inherent in a person is considered one of the qualities. While the artist calls himself a sinner, a creator pure and wise (karamli), calling himself infinitely rebellious and called the creator merciful and kind, we see that the unique rhymes of inner rhyme, love, and affection harmonize with the poet’s feelings: Ilohi , akram ul - akramin – sen va men – gunohkor . Ilohi , arham ar - roh i min – sen va men tiyraro ’ zgor . Ilohi , agarchi jurmu isyondin o ’ zga ishim yo ’ q , ammo sendin o ’ zga ham kishim yo ’ q ... This work reflects the feelings of a lover who, in essence, is thirsting for godliness, in genre, it manifests the features of poetry and prose. It can be noted that the specific musical tone of the “Munozot”, skillfully used the saj method, has increased its artistic value. The work has its own ideological and artistic features and is well-known as the royal masterpiece of our classical literature. Navoi’s book “Risolayi tiyr andoxtan” is devoted to the bow and arrow Copyright © 2019 Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). 3/5
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