Review report of manuscript jauto-22-0659 Manuscript Title
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REVIEW REPORT OF MANUSCRIPT JAUTO-22-0659 Manuscript Title: USING THE THEORIES OF FUZZY SETS FOR RESEARCHING THE PROCESSES OF DIAGNOSTICS OF DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORKS In the present manuscript, the authors investigated the possibility of using the queuing theory apparatus for building automated diagnostics systems. Also, the authors compared existing network diagnostics methods in terms of analytical and simulation modelling methods. The main idea of the paper is novel. The English writing is good and the adopted metrology is clear. However, the presentation of the results needs an improvement. Thus, I think that the manuscript cannot be considered for publication unless a major revision addressing the following comments is made: The introduction section needs improvements. The cited references are few and the discussion must be enhanced. Further explanation of the novelty of the work is required. All figures have to be treated with a plot software to be clearer for the reader. I can’t find a section of results and discussion. It is recommended to add a new section (section 3) where the authors discuss the results and the main findings of the manuscript. Rewrite the conclusion in the form of key points (bullets) of the main findings of the work. Give some values to ensure the consistency of the conclusion with the results. In the conclusion, I recommend that the authors give an outlook on their future research work. So'nggi yillarda ma'lumotlar uzatish tarmoqlarining jadal rivojlanishi kuzatilmoqda, ularning har biri murakkab tashkiliy-texnik tizim bo'lib, uning barcha elementlari va butun tarmoqning yuqori sifatli ishlashini ta'minlashi kerak. Ma'lumotlarni uzatish tarmog'i diagnostika ob'ekti sifatida kirish (tashqi ta'sirlar), chiqish (tashqi ta'sirlarga reaktsiyalar) va ichki (holat) o'zgaruvchilarni o'z ichiga olgan matematik model sifatida ifodalanishi mumkin. Ob'ektning kirish, chiqish va ichki o'zgaruvchilari o'rtasidagi funktsional ravishda yozilgan bog'liqliklar ushbu ob'ektga xos bo'lgan texnik holatlar maydoniga mos keladi.[2] Tarmoq elementlarining holati haqidagi dastlabki ma’lumotlar to‘liq bo‘lmagan yoki statistik jihatdan to‘liq bo‘lmagan hollarda ma’lumotlarni uzatish tarmoqlarining texnik diagnostikasi bilan bog‘liq masalalarni yechishda an’anaviy matematik usullardan foydalanish samarasiz bo‘ladi.[5] Diagnostika usullari va vositalarini ishlab chiqishning istiqbolli yo'nalishi loyqa mantiq yoki loyqa to'plamlarga asoslangan usullar bo'lib, ular nazorat va diagnostika ob'ektlari modelini tavsiflashni sezilarli darajada soddalashtirishi mumkin. Yuqoridagilarni inobatga olgan golda bu maqolada tarmoq elementlarini Download 21.61 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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