Romeo and Juliet

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1.“Romeo and Juliet” deals with 2 teenaged lovers in Verona…

Italy the Anglo-Saxon period the pagan poetry represented by …


3. He breaks into the hall, kills thirty of the sleeping warriors, carries off their bodies and devours them in his lair under the sea


4. who were humanists

Scholars and artists

5. Christopher Marlowe`s three greatest tragedies are

“ The Jew of Malta”, Tamburlaine the great”, “Doctor Faustus”

6. Medieval poets, who came from France with the Norman conquerors, later in England were called…


7. what the aim of early middle ages literature

That man was an evil being and his life on earth was a sinful life

8. Shakespeare died in …


9. grammar schools were open to … of all ranks

Both sexes

10. renaissance thinkers paid greater attention to the study of


11. during the second period (1596-1600) Shakespeare wrote …

Romeo and Juliet

12. … the circle of huge upright stones


13. the code of chivalry …

The rules and customs connected with knighthood

14. which list of the following characters is from the epic “Beowulf”

Hygelac, Beowulf, Hrothgar, Grendel

15. the Renaissance in England is usually studied by dividing it into

Three part

16. important Results from Roman Occupation

Military, infrastructure, language and writing, religion

17. at the end of the 6th century the head of roman CHURch was…

Pope Gregory

18. the famous work of William Langland is…

Piers Plowman

19. what dialect was the central dialect , and could be understood throughout the country


20. the examples of narrative poetry …

Shakespeare`s “Venus and Adonis”

1. What does Renaissance mean?

Be- earth

2. The poems " Elena" and "Juliana" ...

They are the first Anglo-Saxon works to introduce women characters

3. The Elizabethan age is the age of...


4. The history of English literature began with...

The Anglo-Saxon settlement in Britain

5. He was the nephew of Hygelac, king of Geats who live in Juteland Denmark


6. Fabliaux are...

A funny metrical short story about cunning humbugs and the unfaithful wives if rich merchants

7. Beowulf presents an all-round life picture of the ....

Tribal society

8. When did Christianity penetrate into the British isles

In the 3rd century

9. Who was the first translator of the Bible

John Wycliffe

10. the main theme of English literature in Norman period was …

The knightly code, the romantic interest in women

31. what was the most important work written by Bede

The Ecclesiastical History of the English Race

32. Pagan myths are …

Like the Greek and the Roman tales of the interplay between deities and humans

33. who wrote the rose fiction “Arcadia”

Ph. Sidney

34. fables are..

A short story about supernatural or extraordinary person or incidents

35. he is a legendary British leaders who, according to medieval histories and romances, led the defence of Britain against Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries AD.

King Arthur

36.who wandered from one village to another and talked to people, protested not only against rich bishops but also against churchmen.

Poor priests

37. when were founded the first universities

13th century

38. primitive myths are…

Generally, stories about nature, usually told by primitive clergymen(priests) such as shamans

39. who was the author of Beowulf


40. who introduced the essay form into English literature

Francis Bacon

41. Thomas More published is famous work “Utopia” at the age of…


42. the religious poetry in the Anglo-Saxon period represented by ….

The works of Caedmon and Cynewulf

43. who is the author of the poem “Shepherd`s Calendar”


44. how many tales of “the Canterbury Tales” were written in prose form

Only two

45. what was the most important form of English literature in the 15th century


46. which writer is characterized by the following : he was the creator of a new literary language. He of English literature

G. Chaucer

47. the central character of the romance is…

The knight

48. the first Englishmen are …


49. the sonnet was imported by Wyatt and Surrey from..


50. in utopia the author criticizes the … of England

Social system

51. the high of Renaissance under Elizabeth 1


52. who was the author of “ Canterbury Tales”

Geoffrey Chaucer

53. the author of poem “Paraphrase” was


54. the famous poets of 14th century were...

W. Langland and J. Wycliffe

55. medieval romance is …

A long narrative in verse or prose telling of the adventures of a hero

56 the Elizabethan period was the golden age of English …


57. Shakespeare`s works were written to be…


58. in the .. century Anglo-Saxon prose appeared

8th century

59. both Elizabethan and Jacobean periods in the history of English literature are also known as…

THE age of Shakespeare

60. Chaucer planned to include …


61. “Romeo and Juliet” is a story of …

Love an hate

Who wrote a large number of religious works in Greek and Latin


62. which English writer wrote a literary wok about Amir Temur

Christopher Marlowe

63. the first known religious poet in England is


64. the most famous like in all English literature is probably from …. “To be or not to be , that is the question”


65. when we talk about the Old English prose the first name that comes ito our mind is …

Venerable bede

66. Other verse forms of the Renaissance period wre borrowed from

Italian and French

67 how many lines does a sonnet consist of


68. in the Norman period Norman-French was the language of …

Court and official institutions

69. Anglo-Saxon conquest happened in the …

In 5th century

70. who was the first Elizabethan writer of tragedy

Ch. Marlowe

71. what is an important element in Shakespearean tragedy


72. mythology is…

A collection of stories, telling people believes and history

73. who is the author of the best English satirical comedies

Ben jonson

74. what does the title of sonnet cycle “Amoretti” mean

Little love story

75. he composed his poetry in his native language, in the Northumbrian dialect of Anglo-Saxon. He composed hymns and a poem “Paraphrase”


76. his name was not forgotten, as he signed his name in runes in the last line of his work


77. during the wars of Roses W. Caxton set up the first printing press in London in


78. where did the Renaissance begin

In Italy

79. a narrative poem tells a …


80. … was smart and clever with a twinkle in the eyes

Robin hood

81. Shakespeare was born in 1564 in… in England

Stratford on Avon

82. utopia by TH. More was written in…


83.who was poet Laureate of the united kingdom during much of Queen Victoria’s reign?


  1. Who was Richard Brinsley Sheridan? PLAYWRIGHT OF ‘’THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL’’ AND OTHER PLAYS

  2. He became an excellent rider, a champion swimmer and boxer BYRON

  3. The main heroes of ‘’Piers Ploughman’’ OLD WITCH AND YOUNG MAIDEN

  4. ……is Alfred the great’s most important contribution to the old english prose literature THE ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE

  5. Augustan literature is divided into …..periods 2

  6. The color “black” usually refers to……NATURE

  7. When did the romanticism appear? AROUND THE MIDDLE LATE OF THE 18TH CENTURY

  8. The years between 1660-1688 are called…..RESTORATION

  9. What events did Dryden’s “Annus Mirabilis “ commemorate? THE END OF THE PLAGUE, THE GREAT FIRE OF LONDON, THE END OF DUTCH WAR

  10. Which of the following is not of the countries travelled by Lemuel in Gulliver Travels? STRULDBURGS

  11. Toward the end of his career , he was knighted by Queen Victoria? A. TENNYSON

  12. Why English literature in the 18th century was also called “Augustan age” THE WRITERS TRIED TO IMITATE MANY OF THE PHILOSOPHIC AND LITERARY IDEALS

  13. E.Spenser, known as the “…..” In his true, is generally regarded as the greatest non- dramatic……PRINCE OF POETS

  14. What is the main theme of Elizabethan songs and lyrics LOVE

  15. Who made the genre of the historical novel widely popular? W,SCOTT

  16. What was the name of each periods of Augustan literature? THE AGE OF POPE AND THE AGE OF JOHNSON

  17. All three novels by s. Richardson are written in the form of……LETTERS

  18. When did English poets begin to write on Carpe diem theme? IN THE RENAISSANCE

  19. …….is the most important specimen of old English literature. BEOWULF

  20. Which of the following is “the novel without a hero” VANITY FAIR

  21. THE main character of the “treasure island” is …..THE BOY, JIM HAWKINS

  22. His life story is vividly described in Bede”s Historia ecclesiastica ……CAEDMON

  23. The comedy “ twelfth night” centers on the typical Shakespearian conflict between …. Emotion . TRUE AND FALSE

  24. Who was the principal writer of Heroic tragedy in restoration period? JOHN DRYDEN

  25. The term “Augustan age “ came from the name ….OF THE ROMAN EMPEROR AUGUSTUS

  26. Which writer is characterized by the following: he is sometimes called “the prince of poets “ he created a sonnet form of his own. ED. SPENSER

  27. He was the first poet to use blank verse in his translation of Aeneid. EARL OF SURREY

  28. What was the original surname? FOE

  29. The ….becomes a very important poetic form in Elizabethan writing. SONNET

  30. W. Shakespeare and e. spenser wrote …. Sequences. SONNET

  31. In what period communication went on in three languages? NORMAN

  32. What was the main characteristics of romanticism? ARTISTIC EMPHASIS ON INTUITION, IMAGINATION AND FEELING

  33. What was the first poem of Caedmon? THE HYMN OF PRAISE

  34. Her works, especially “middlemarch” are important examples…..G.ELIOT

  35. Who was the author of ballads? UNKNOWN

  36. What was the famous book of Alexander Pope? RAPE OF THE LOCK”

  37. Who was the leader of Norman conquerors? THE DUKE OF NORMANDY WILLIAM THE GREAT

  38. Which writer is characterized by the following : his 108 love sonnets….SIR PHILIP SIDNEY

  39. Who was the founder and conducted the first English newspaper “the review” DANIEL DEFO

  40. A group of leading Elizabethan playwrights was known as the …UNIVERSITY WITS

  41. By whom were the foundations of early realism laid in English literature? DANIEL DEFOE, JONATHAN SWIFT

  42. James burbage built England’s first play house called….THE THEATRE

  43. The language of literature in the Anglo-Norman period was ….

  44. Queen Elizabeth established … grammar schools in all parts of the country .. 100

  45. Stevenson’s long novel is ….KIDNAPPED

  46. What subjects did the humanists study? LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY

  47. Which work is characterized by the following: his work is noted for its scholarly definitions……. DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE

  48. The restoration tragedy is also known as …THE HEROIC TRAGEDY

  49. Her early works focused on factory work in the Midlands. E. GASKELL

  50. What places became the centers of the learning in England in the 7th -11th centuries?

  51. What was combined into a united kingdom called England?

  52. When did the renaissance begin? 14th CENTURY

  53. Shakespeare wrote a sequence of …. Sonnets in the 1590’s ….154

  54. The term “cavalier Poetry” came from the name….THE SUPPORTERS OF KING CHARLES I…..

  55. What writer are the following lines about “she created Hercule Poirot ….AGATHA CHRISTIE

  56. When was published A dictionary of the English Language …. 1755

  57. In what line are the Lake poets listed .. W.WORDSWORTH, S.T.COLERIDGE, R.SOUTHEY

  58. They were first published as poets under the pseudonyms. THE BRONTE’ SISTERS

  59. ……is a short poem that expresses a poet’s personal emotions and ….THE LYRIC

  60. The rise of the Renaissance under the early Tudor monarchs. 1500-1558

  61. R.l. Stevenson was a…..SCOTTISH NOVELIST, ESSAYIST, POET

  62. Who was the first representative of the sentimental school in England literature. RICHARDSON

  63. In the norman period old English was the language of…..


  65. “paradise lost” is considered a……EPIC POEM

  66. Philip Sidney was a poet scholar, courtier and…SOLDIER

  67. The ballads stanza consists of ….lines 4

  68. Who was an early exponent of sentimentalists? RICHARD STEELE

  69. What’s the first novel of Charles dickens? THE PICKWICK PAPERS

  70. Travel writing, essays, guidebooks and …. All appeared in the renaissance POLITICAL PAMPHLETS

  71. What was the chief objects of Puratanism? PERSONAL RIGHTEOUSNESS AND CIVIL LIBERTY

  72. The pagan poetry in the Anglo-Saxon period represented by….. BEOWULF

  73. For what Dr. Johnson was famous in literature ?

  74. Who are the main characters of paradise lost?

  75. Who come to the throne after James death in 1625? HIS SON CHARLES I

  76. The main stories of Beowulf are based on the folk legends of….. THE PRIMITIVE NORTHERN TRIBES

  77. …..was one of the most common types of literature during the Augustan age . SATIRE

  78. What did Charles dickens describe in his novels “oliver twist” and david copperfield” THE LIVES OFCHILDREN MADE MISERABLE…..

  79. He tried every means to improve education by founding colleges and importing…… ALFRED THE GREAT

  80. Contact between writers and readers in newspapers were established by ……J. ADDISON AND R. STEELE

  81. Her first novel “mary barton was published anonymously in 1848. ELIZABETH GASKELL

  82. The writer and philosopher of the 18th century reflected the ideology of… THE MIDDLE CLASS

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