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1 Saved messages: 1 WHAT IS GREEN PACKAGING Manufacturers are currently competing with each other to produce a form of green packaging. Packaging is an important part of marketing these days, but much of it is a threat to the environment. There are two reasons for this. The production of such packaging uses up a great deal of energy and the cartons, wrappers, etc are often difficult to dispose of when they become waste material 2Which household waste can be biodegradable? As far as packaging is concerned, or biodegradable. For example, instead of towing and glass bottles with their household rabble countries are being encouraged to put these in special conten allow the material to be recycled. Some household wate vegetable peelings, is naturally biodegradable and so decompenses gradually until it disappears. 3 Can plastic waste be buried in landfill sites? Why? Why not? Man made goods are not so easily disposed of. Goods and packaging made of plastic create waste material that is particularly difficult to get rid of. This means that huge landfill sites have to be dug out so as to bury the plastic waste underground, possibly causing problems for future generations 4 Do you consider yourself eco friendly? I always did something people just can’t imagine of. From collecting unused disposable eating utensils, plastic bags, to reusing many stuff for years, I’ve all done that. After I collect those disposables, I will give them to restaurants for them to use it. They’re still clean though, why throwing them away just like that? For some reusable microwave-safe plastic boxes I got from food delivery, I used to collect dozens of those boxes to be reused again after I cleanly washed them. I can use it again for many purposes. But now since I’ve got not much plenty of time & energy anymore, I only wash those which are easy to clean and not too oily. 2 5 Why manufacturers are competing to produce green packaging? Give reasons? Consumers are willing to pay more for goods and services from sustainable companies, according to the World Economic Forum. The 100 most sustainable companies in the United States, as named by investment magazine Barron's, enjoyed share price growth of 29% in 2017, compared to 22% for the S&P 500 Index. The 2018 Global Sustainability Index Institute Report looked at the number of sustainable development goal statements in the annual reports of 400 of the world’s largest businesses and found that sustainability goals had more than doubled. The reasons for the increase? Company performance benefitted, and stakeholders were interested in sustainability. 6 How can we save energy? Switch off lights and electrical appliances when not using them. ... Switch to energy-saving LED light globes. ... Shut doors and close curtains. ... Understand and improve your home's energy use. ... Manage your heating and cooling. ... Get the best energy deal. ... Insulate your roof. ... Save money with solar energy.Making products from recycled materials requires less energy than making them from new, raw materials. It takes much less energy to make products out of recycled materials than from raw materials. For example, recycling one glass bottle saves enough power to light a 100-watt light bulb for four hours. 7 Why is it vital the waste to be recyclable? Some of the world’s natural resources are in short supply, and when we recycle, we help conserve these natural resources. 3 When we recycle paper, we save forests and trees. When we recycle plastic, it takes up a lot of solid waste and can take centuries to break down. In addition to this, most plastic comes from fossil fuel hydrocarbons. Recycling metals reduces the need to extract new metal ore while recycling glass reduces our need for certain raw materials like sand. 8 How can we recycle plastic items? Reuse Your Plastic Coffee Creamer Containers for Snack Storage: ... Make a Plastic Bottle Planter: ... Start a Herb Garden With Empty 2-Liter Bottles: ... Make a Beach Bucket From Laundry Detergent Containers: ... Reuse Soda Bottles by Creating a Vertical Garden.9.What is the harm effluent? There’s a reason why many refer to Earth’s soil as a sink. Just think of how much water washes down into the soil every day! It’s also a great holder of water: In fact, two percent of the world’s water is stored as groundwater. With all of this water, soil naturally picks up elements found in the stuff. Untreated wastewater, thusly, can cause the buildup of toxins in that soil, like pathogens, heavy metals, toxic chemicals and more. And considering we grow the majority of our crops in that soil, that wastewater can cause the breakdown of healthy agricultural growing areas. 10.Why is nuclear waste a particular concern? . The nuclear industry still has no solution to the 'waste problem'. 2. The transport of this waste poses an unacceptable risk to people and the environment. 3. Plutonium is the most dangerous material in the world. 4 4. Nuclear waste is hazardous for tens of thousands of years. This clearly is unprecedented and poses a huge threat to our future generations. 5. Even if put into a geological repository, the waste might emerge and threaten future generations. 6. Nobody knows the true costs of waste management. The costs are so high that nuclear power can never be economic. 7. The waste should be disposed of into space. 8. Nuclear waste should be transmuted into harmless materials. 9. There is a potential terrorist threat to the large volumes of radioactive waste currently being stored and the risk that this waste could leak or be dispersed as a result of terrorist action. 10. Man-made radiation differs from natural radiation. 1. The nuclear industry still has no solution to the 'waste problem' Like all industries, the thermal generation of electricity produces waste. Whatever fuel is used, this waste must be managed in ways which safeguard human health and minimize the impact on the environment. 10.Why is traffic jam international problem? Traffic jams now dominate life in the world's great cities. In Los Angeles drivers inch along 12-lane expressways. In Mexico City children start school late to avoid the morning smog. Bangkok's office-workers suffocate on packed buses for an average of 2 1/2 hours a day. All of this is caused by more people crowding into big cities but more importantly because people are moving more. Most of the extra moving is done in cars. Places like New York and London have nearly one-quarter of their land area devoted to roads and have vast metro systems under them and are near their capacity to do more for the driver.Saved messages: 12 WHAT IS YOUR OPINION TOWARDS PAID PARKING? Parking, to many, is seen as a basic public good that should be convenient, available 24/7 and most importantly free. In reality, each on-street parking space is estimated to cost around $1,750 to build and $400 to 5 maintain annually. While most citizens have grown accustomed to paid parking, there are many towns and cities across America that still have free parking programs. As cities continue to develop, populations increase and parking regulations evolve, the benefits of a paid parking system over a free parking system become more apparent.As the legality of physical chalking is questioned, enforcement jobs continue to be cut. While many cities are starting to invest in digital chalking devices, others simply don’t have the resources or time to manage manual efforts. In cities with free parking and limited resources, residents and visitors can get away with parking their car and allowing it to sit for days. With fewer officers and restrictions to chalking methods, there is no penalty for these actions, and thus cities lose revenue from citations written. While License Plate Recognition (LPR) would be a simple way to tackle this issue, the solution is often too costly for smaller towns, so many are turning to paid parking. While implementing a brand new parking program can seem daunting, paid parking is a simple change that often pays for itself, helps create new enforcement jobs and provides a better experience for residents and visitors.When a city has free parking, business owners, employees and residents who live or work nearby tend to park in on-street spots near their stores, offices and homes utilizing parking options that should, in theory, be saved for patrons and visitors. Cities should be encouraging people to spread out. Paid parking, at the right price, encourages business turnover with a consistent ebb and flow of residents and visitors alike. As for business owners, employees and residents (or people who don’t mind an inconvenience), there are typically plenty of places to park for free, they just might not be as convenient as paid parking spaces. When building a paid parking program remember this: If hourly prices are too high, it might discourage people from making a trip to that area of town; however, if the prices are too low, business owners, employees and residents might still find convenience in parking close to their establishments. 13 WHAT IS DRIVING DOOR TO DOOR? This means that the truck driver will pick the vehicle up and drop it off as close to your home as he can legally and safely get. Many cities have restrictions on large trucks that prohibit them from driving into some 6 residential areas. Transport trucks are enormous and need a lot of room to maneuver and turn around, so if access to your home is restricted by narrow streets, low-hanging trees, speed bumps or tight turns the driver may ask that you meet the truck at a large parking lot nearby such as a grocery store. You will receive a call directly from the trucker if these alternative arrangements are necessary. 14 WHAT ARE MULTI-STOREY CAR PARKS? A multistorey car park[1][2] (British and Singapore English) or parking garage (American English[1]), also called a multistory,[3] parking building, parking structure, parkade (mainly Canadian), parking ramp, parking deck or indoor parking, is a building designed for car, motorcycle and bicycle parking and where there are a number of floors or levels on which parking takes place. It is essentially an indoor, stacked car park. The first known multistory facility was built in London in 1901, and the first underground parking was built in Barcelona in 1904. (See History, below.)[1] The term multistory is almost never used in the US, since parking structures are almost all multiple levels. Parking structures may be heated if they are enclosed.Design of parking structures can add considerable cost for planning new developments, with costs in the United States around $28,000 per space and $56,000 per space for underground (excluding the cost of land), and can be mandated by cities in new building parking requirements.[4] Some cities such as London have abolished previously enacted minimum parking requirements.[5] Minimum parking requirements are a hallmark of zoning and planning codes for municipalities (States do not prescribe parking requirements, while counties and cities can) in the US. [Parking Structures by Mary S. Smith, et al. ISBN 0-7923-7213-1][1] 15 WHY PARKING IS THE FRUSTRATION FOR MOTORISTS AND OTHER PEOPLE? Parking in a Blue Badge bay without a disability is the parking habit that angers motorists the most. This is according to research conducted by Twenty-three percent of the 500 people surveyed said misuse of a Blue Badge bay is the worst parking habit, followed by people who park too 7 close to your car (22 percent).On that point, why is it, when you park in an isolated parking bay, well away from the supermarket entrance, you always return to your car to find a ‘parking buddy’ parked alongside you? Invariably, it’ll be a mid-range hatchback with a missing wheel trim and more pockmarks on its doors than a teenager’s face. Taking up too much space when parking is another bad habit likely to wind people up (18 percent), followed by using a parent-and-child bay with no children (14 percent), parking on the pavement (13 percent), and not leaving contact details after denting a vehicle (10 percent).16 Traffic offence. When driving a car (or other motor vehicle), there are laws to make sure you drive safely and obey the road rules. If you disobey these traffic laws, this is a traffic offence. Traffic offences are a complex area of law, and being charged with an offence can be very serious. Penalties can range from receiving a fine, incurring demerit points, a probation order or even going to jail. This depends on the type of offence, the circumstances, and your traffic history. If you've been charged with a traffic offence you should get legal advice. Last year, the Department for Transport (Dft) announced plans to introduce a pavement parking ban, following the example set by London, where parking on the pavement has been illegal since 1974.Harrison Woods, managing director of, said: “It’s reassuring to see that parking in a Blue Badge bay without a disability is the parking habit that makes most people angry as it is totally unacceptable. “Parking can be a contentious issue and the actions of other motorists can make some car drivers see red, whether that’s parking too close to another vehicle, taking up too much space or parking where it is not allowed.”Saved messages: 17. WHAT IS THE DUTY OF A TRAFFIC WARDEN ? 8 People who are otherwise quite law - abiding are apt to take a bit of a risk when it comes to traffic offences. Thus, they ignore both signs they say "No parking " and lines painted down the edge of the road which indicate parking restrictions . Should they be away from their cars for longer than the amount of time allowed by the parking meter, they are not worried until they see that the traffic warden has left a parking ticket on their windscreen and realize that they will have to pay fine. 18. WHY ARE MOST PARTS OF ROADS BEING PEDESRIANIZED BY AUTHORITIES The authorities in more and more cities are trying to keep cars out the city centre. With this aim, they have pedestrianized large areas and introduced park -in -ride schemes so that people will leave their cars at the city boundary and complete their journey by bus. 19. WHY MOTORING IS NO LONGER A PLEASURE Still there are fears that ever-increasing traffic will cause gridlock in cities, particularly at rush hours. With so many tailbacks and bottle- necks on so many roads, motoring is no longer pleasure. 20. WHY ARE WE CONTINUING TO PERSIST IN DRIVING PRIVATE CARS. A large number of the vehicles which clog our cities are private cars. Motorists are very reluctant to leave their precious cars behind and go to work on public transport, despite the constant traffic jams. They regard buses trams, and trains as being for other people while they themselves like to drive from door to door. Thus, our roads are chock-a - block with traffic.Saved messages: 21. WHY CHILDREN BECOME BULLIES. Some psychologists say that the desire of the class bully to dominate the others is a result of an inferiority complex or some personal unhappiness, but this does not help those who are on the receiving end of the abuse. So great is the bullying problem that many schools have been forced to draw up an official strategy for dealing with it. 9 22. WHY PUPILS ARE RELUCTANT TO ATTEND YOUR SCHOOL. Education is a very important part of a child's life, and yet an increasing number of children are showing reluctant to attend school. It is not that they find the work too difficult or are afraid of the teachers. No it is because they are being bullied. 23. DEFINE 2 FORMS OF BULLYING. The two forms are physical abuse and verbal abuse. Bullies user verbal abuse as well as physical abuse on their victims. The butt of this abuse may often simply be slightly different in some way from the rest of class. For example a child may have a red hair. This can make them a target for school bully , who will indulge in the most insulting namecalling. 24 What is the role of physical size in bullying? There can be physical effects as well. Intense feelings of stress and anxiety due to cyberbullying can result in physical issues such as insomnia, gastrointestinal issues, and harmful eating patterns Teenagers who are victims of cyberbullying may experience a range of negative emotions, such as sadness, anger, fear, and embarrassment. These victims are also more likely to have mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. 25. Why children can be the target of bullying? Give examples. Bullies may be kids that are always in trouble. However, often they are good kids that are doing bad things. And why do bullies target certain kids? Bullies often pick on kids because they are somehow different; they are too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, don’t have enough money and therefore don’t wear the “right” clothes, they aren’t athletic enough, aren’t cool enough, etc. But sometimes it makes no sense why a particular child is bullied. Bullies also target bright, funny and attractive kids; kids that aren’t so different from others. One of the most frequently cited reasons that bullies strike out at other children is because they are insecure and it makes them feel better about themselves, so it’s not about the child being bullied but more about the bully. In some cases that may be true, but not always. 10 There are a variety of reasons that children may engage in bullying: 1 They need power and control – These children need to be the leader, need to dominate their peer group and want other children to look up to them. They may come from a home where they witness abuse or dominance by one parent over another, or they themselves may be the victim of abuse or harsh, punitive behavior by a parent. 2 They lack empathy for others – Some children are naturally more empathetic toward others, toward animals, etc. while others may need to be taught this skill as they are maturing. If parents and other adults fail to teach this skill, this may be a contributing cause to bullying behavior. 3 They possess feelings of entitlement – These children feel like the world owes them something. They may come from a home where they are given everything they want, where consequences for poor behavior are minimal and they begin to believe they are more valued than most others. This child may also begin to internalize the belief that they can do anything they want and get away with it, including bullying. 4 They desire to be popular – These children want to be the most popular kid in school; they want everyone to know them, like them and want to be their friend. They may come from a home where parents value their children being the “popular kid” or running with the “in-crowd” and therefore feel tremendous pressure to satisfy their parents. 5 They possess feelings of jealousy or inadequacy / low self-esteem – These bullies target children and pick on them because of jealousy. Sometimes their bullying is targeted toward peers who they perceive as better than them or peers that have something they want. Their behavior is often an attempt to make themselves feel better.Saved messages: 27. WHAT ARE OFFICIAL STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH SCHOOL BULLIES. School bullies can make other children's lives a misery and their bullying takes different forms. Often they will use their physical size to intimidate those who are smaller and weaker than themselves. They will threaten their victims with a beating if they don't do as they say often 11 using physical force to extort money and will steal possessions from them by force. 28. WHY BUTTS ARE AFRAID OF TELLING TALES. The butt of this abuse may often simply be slightly different in some way from the rest of class. Teachers encourage the victims of bullying to report the matter to one of them but many of them are afraid to do so for fear of more physical assult or more taunts. The bullies will accuse them of telling tales and make them suffer more. 29. How grey power is respected by authorities and entrepreneurs By no means all elderly people are in this category. Many senior citizens are in possessions of their faculties and see retirement as a time of freedom. Not only that if they have a generous retirement pension they are likely to be quite well off with money to spend on holidays and other luxuries . Because of this both businesses and government have a new respect for what is known as grey power. 31. WHAT IS SHELTERED HOUSING. Advances in medicine have made it possible for more people to stay alive longer. However what is important is the quality of life and people age differently. Some people remain quite well and able to look after themselves when they get old but others of the same age are not so lucky. They have to go into SHELTERED HOUSING or even into a residential home or nursing home in order to receive adequate care.33What is residential home? Residential home means a residen- tial treatment or training home, as defined in ORS 443.400, a residential facility regis- tered under ORS 443.480 to 443.500 or an adult foster home licensed under ORS 443.705 to 443.825 that provides residential care alone or in conjunction with treatment or training or a combination thereof for five or fewer individuals who need not be related. Staff persons required to meet licensing re- quirements shall not 12 be counted in the num- ber of facility residents, and need not be related to each other or to any resident of the residential home. 34.What is the worst aspect of aging? As kids, we spend a lot of time with grandparents, but as we get older, we tend to spend more time with people our own age. If we had spent more time with the grandparents, especially in the teenage years, we could have learned some very valuable lessons. Grandparents would have cautioned the young relatives to enjoy the moment more and for as long as you can. So, instead of fretting about acne, or losing a boyfriend, you would have learned to relish the wrinkle- free, stressless and carefree life. If you had stuck around your grandparents more, here are some things you would have learned from them. 35.Do you know any case of dementia? Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, and reasoning — to such an extent that it interferes with a person's daily life and activities. Some people with dementia cannot control their emotions, and their personalities may change. Dementia ranges in severity from the mildest stage, when it is just beginning to affect a person's functioning, to the most severe stage, when the person must depend completely on others for basic activities of daily living, such as feeding oneself. 36.How are the elderly treated in your culture? If the Elderly Rights Law is any indication, Chinese parent-child relationships have become a bit complicated lately. Eastern cultures like China's adhere to the Confucian tradition of "filial piety," which prioritizes the family unit and values elders with the utmost respect. But China's rapid industrialization has forced people to flock to urban areas for work, causing many adult children to move farther away from their parents, who often remain in rural areas and are unfit to pick up and move. 37.What is the function of geriatrics? 13 You’ll diagnose and treat acute illnesses, chronic diseases, disability and frailty. Your patients will often have several medical conditions and be taking a number of different medicines. Common conditions you’ll treat include: fractures delirium dementia incontinence poor mobility frailty As part of a multidisciplinary team, you’ll work closely with medical colleagues including GPs and other hospital doctors as well as experts in the community such as social workers. Your ability to collaborate and work well with others will be vital. 38.Why should ageism not be supported in any society? Every second person in the world is believed to hold ageist attitudes – leading to poorer physical and mental health and reduced quality of life for older persons, costing societies billions of dollars each year, according to a new United Nations report on ageism. The report released today by WHO, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), calls for urgent action to combat ageism and better measurement and reporting to expose ageism for what it is – an insidious scourge on society. 39.What are your parents’ ambitions towards your future? Parents are always anxious to hear the right answer from their children: a doctor, a lawyer, a football player…the list goes on. Personally, I wanted to be a lawyer, then a tennis player, but ended up in communications. I 14 still enjoy negotiating and work out regularly so in a sense I'm still connected to my earlier goals. The question is, can education in the UAE prepare children to achieve their hopes and dreams?What needs to be improved 40.Is educational qualification urgent for your future? The answer to this question in the long run is No. The educational qualification is important. Consider it as a benchmark that you have to clear it in order to secure a reputed position in the society as well as to secure a job. Personal experience on the other hand is primary because with it, the person becomes a lot more mature after experiencing things personally. There are many examples of people in the history who are not qualified and still managed to get in the top. But considering the situation of today's era, the competition for everything is so high that one of the two things will not do you any good. You have to aquire both of them (educational qualification as well as personal experience) . You have to maintain optimum balance.Saved messages: 41 HAVE YOU GOT ANY ARTISTIC BENT? Some children might be of an artistic bent and wish to become an artist or designer whike some might have a talent for acting, I also have got artistic bent. I wosh to become designer. 42. What can be the consequences of study stress? Not all children, however, are capable of achieving academic success.This does not matter as long as parents are willing to accept this, but it is quite common for parents to think that all their children have to do is to study hard and they will pass their exams. All too often, they just succeed in causing too much stress in their offspring, with the result that the children either get ill or fail exams that they might otherwise have passed. 43.Why most parents do not want their children to follow their footsteps? Strangely enough, many parents are often reluctant to allow children to follow in their footsteps. For example, actors may not wish their children to have a career in the theatre. because of the uncertainty of the 15 profession. Business people may feel that their children will have more status in an academic profession than in the world of commerce. The opposite situation also arises. Parents who have worked hard to establish a business may want their children to become part of it. only to find that their sons and daughters prefer to look for completely different occupations. Each generation has different ideas, making communication between the two extremely difficult. Thus, has arisen the aptly named generation gap. 45. how generation gap occurs and how to solve the issue? Generational gaps are simply caused by age and the situation of the world at the time one generation has grown up. For example, the beliefs and perceptions of those who grew up during World War II may be different from those who grew up in the 1960s—though to be sure, similarities will remain The problems arising in generation gap is mainly due to the reason that parents are not up-to-date. Being up to date is the the only way to cope up with the generation gap. When you are asked a doubt by your children's and sometimes you are not able to answer the question, the children will think like you are an outdated man or woman. To avoid this problem parents should be up to date and also aware about modern technologies. Do you know how generation gap affects in our society? Nowadays if we are look into our society, a parent at his age of 15 need a bicycle, but his child wants a bike at the same time. This is the problem with society. 4646. How are the disabled treated patronizingly by the abled? Give examples. People with mental illness or related acting-out behavior were often persecuted and burned or hanged like witches. For the most part, however, disability was viewed as a moral problem, often bringing disgrace to families who had a disabled loved oneAccording to the World Health 16 Organization, disability has three dimensions: Impairment in a person's body structure or function, or mental functioning; examples of impairments include loss of a limb, loss of vision or memory loss. Activity limitation, such as difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, or problem solving. 47What obstacles the disabled face outdoors? However, some of the most common shared challenges include accessibility in physical environments and on the Internet, social exclusion, the absence of assistive technology, and barriers in healthcare and in the workplace.Common Barriers to Participation Experienced by People with Disabilities a physical environment that is not accessible, lack of relevant assistive technology (assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices), negative attitudes of people towards disability, 48What obstacles the disabled face inside the buildings? Steps and curbs that block a person with mobility impairment from entering a building or using a sidewalk; Mammography equipment that requires a woman with mobility impairment to stand; and. Absence of a weight scale that accommodates wheelchairs or others who have difficulty stepping up.Saved messages: 50 WHAT SHOULD BE TAKEN TO REMOVE HANDICAPPED ACROSS WITH ❔ Here are some things to consider that may help you come to terms with your disability. Talk to a mental health professional. Try prayer/meditation. Join a disability support group. Talk to your friends and family. 17 51WHY CAN BE ACCCUSED OF ABLEISM ?At its heart, ableism is rooted in the assumption that disabled people require 'fixing' and defines people by their disability. Like racism and sexism, ableism classifies entire groups of people as 'less than,' and includes harmful stereotypes, misconceptions, and generalizations of people with disabilities. 52WHY ARE QUALIFYING LEGS MUCH TROUBLE ?The primary purpose of your legs is to keep you upright and mobile. Yet, your legs can also act as an indicator of your overall health. Although some symptoms you may experience are specific to a leg problem, others can suggest trouble with your heart, nervous system, kidneys, or other organs. Use the following symptom guide to help you decipher what broader problems your leg pain might suggest. 53WHY IS FOOTBALL POPULAR AMONG THE WORLD ? The ability to interact with the ball anywhere on the field makes it an easy and very popular sport. It is one of the few sports where nothing changes for all genders that play. 54WHAT IS AWAY AND HOME FIXTURE ?When the English football fixtures were announced in June, many fans would have studied them from their own perspective. Are the fixtures fair to their team? Why do they have to travel the full length of the country on a Wednesday evening in the middle of February when, no doubt, it will be cold and raining? Some people might consider fixtures to be biased. But the truth is that scheduling any sporting event is an incredibly complex job. Let’s stick with the example of English football to understand why. 55 HOW FANS SUPPORT THEiR TEAMS ?Given that the average supporter has been gradually priced out of going to the games, combined with the current economic climate, it's unfair to expect someone to have season tickets and/or go to watch their team play on a regular basis. However, there should still be rules in place to help determine if someone is a true fan of their team. Therefore, I've compiled a list of the top 10 18 rules to see what fits the profile for being considered a loyal and dedicated supporter of your team(s).Saved messages: 57 What is the role of riot police? When trouble breaks out in a football crowd, it can be difficult control. Stadium officials often seat the opposing fans in separ parts of the ground as a precaution against fighting. Howe preventing trouble is more difficult outside the ground. In the w cases, riot police have to be called in. 58 Why some fans enjoy violent actions during football?Unfortunately, there are some fans who enjoy this violent aspe football. These football hooligans really enjoy a running b with the police, and incite other people to throw stones and bott them. They regard football not as a sport, but as an excus troublemaking. Inevitably, their behaviour spoils the reputati the game 59 How hooligans behavior spoil the game reputation? Football supporters most of whom declare their loyalty by sporting their team's colours in the form of scarves or shirts, are not known for their quier behaviour. They are often very noisy, shouting noisy encouragement to their team and singing rowdy, partisan songs. 60What kind of discomforts and frustration have you experienced during trips? Every year, it seems, more and more people are going on day abroad. Alas, this means that more and more people are al experiencing the discomfort and frustration of foreign travel. This often starts at the airport, irrespective of which airline you are ning At least at peak holiday times, there are bound to be queues at the check- in and then more queues at passport control as you go into the departure lounge 61 What discomforts can you face at the airport? 19 At least at peak holiday times, there are bound to be queues at the check- in and then more queues at passport control as you go into the departure lounge. Then, there is often the misery of delayed fights. These tend to be more common if you are travelling by charter flight, but they are by no means unknown on schedule flights 62What discomforts can you face at the train or bus station? Even if public transport is a much more environmentally friendly transportation option when compared to individual cars, many traditional and historic public transport systems are still using old technology, and this is a high contributor to worldwide contamination. In fact, according to the UN, the transport sector (which includes public transport, individual cars, and more) is responsible for approximately a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions. 63 What do you do at departure lounge? At least at peak holiday times, there are bound to be ques check-in and then more queues at passport control as you gu the departure lounge Then, there is often the misery of delays ghs These tend to be more common if you are travelling by charter flight, but they are by no means unknown on scheduled flights 64 Reasons of flight delays and their consequences? At least at peak holiday times, there are bound to be ques check-in and then more queues at passport control as you gu the departure lounge Then, there is often the misery of delays ghs These tend to be more common if you are travelling by charter flight, but they are by no means unknown on scheduled flights. Saved messages: 65 What members of cabin crew do you know? Members of the cabin crew will very likely serve you with food and drink and unless you are on a long-haul flight, it will seem a relatively short time before you land. 66 How may a long-haul flight be unnoticeable?l 20 There are many factors that can make traveling long distances less than enjoyable, from the dry airplane air to cramped legroom. While staying comfortable during a flight may be challenging, it's not impossible. 67 What discomforts can you meet in baggage reclaim area? Not surprisingly. given the amount of luggage that is taken on board planes by travellers. is quite common-for-luggage to go missing. Fortunately, this is usually a temporary state of affairs. The individual pieces of luggage are tagged, making it relatively easy for airlines to track them 68 What would you do if your luggage were missed? ? In the event that you missed a connection or got held up in security and your checked luggage has gone ahead without you, immediately track down an airline representative. The carrier may be able to track your bags and hold them for you until your arrival. 69 Why people continue travelling despite of discomfort and anxiety? Traveling promotes happiness and helps you take your mind off stressful situations. This leads to lower cortisol levels, making you feel more calm and content. “It also helps us reflect on our personal goals and interests,” 70 Are you fan of computer or video games? Why (not)?Yes.... I like playing computer games. Because,they improve my concentration,they would improve my vision,they reduce stress and depression,they provide pain relief ,they improve my decision making skills and they keep me happy in old age.So,I like them a lot. 71 How does man’s behaviour change while becoming a game player? He has been able to show, by means of brain scans, that playing computer games stimulates activity in only part of the playe brains, the part associated with vision and movement. The frontal lobes of their brains, associated with learning, memory, emotion and self-control, are remaining underdeveloped. 21 72 Do you know any researches on impact of computer games? Professor Rysts Kawashims of Tohoku University as p concerns about the had effects of computer games, but for diff and considerably more scientific, reasons. Using state-of-the chnology, he has conducted research which, be believes d that computer games may stunt the development of children's brains.Saved messages: 73 Do you know any elder people who are eager of games?Elderly people often struggle to keep up with digital advancements, particularly given the fast pace of such developments and the increasing need to interact with novel devices in everyday life. To include elderly people in ongoing socio-technological developments, we aim to overcome the barriers to learning and adoption such older adults may face. In this contribution, we set the methodological stage for an interactive game-playing approach using touchscreen tablets. By using games in learning settings, we encourage elderly people in digital adoption and skill development. In a first study, a video analysis of game-playing sessions and active learning support were performed 74 Who is a technophobe? a person who is nervous of, and does not like using, things which are highly technical, especially things associated with computerization. 75 How can computer games affect us? Professor Ryuta Kawashima of Tohoku University shares pare concerns about the bad effects of computer games, but for differ and considerably more scientific, reasons. Using state-of-the rechnology, he has conducted research which, he believes, sho that computer games may stunt the development of children's bra He has been able to show, by means of brain scans, that play computer games stimulates activity in only part of the playe brains, the part associated with vision and movement. The from lobes of their brains, 22 associated with learning, memory, emoti and self-control, are remaining underdeveloped. 76 Why game players may be poor at communication? Games help you make friends from all around the world, and you start learning new things to talk about. This will make you more confident in your approach any time you communicate with someone new.Because of the interactive nature of the games, gamers can bully, criticize, and leave kids out — just like in the real world. Kids may have the same difficulties when playing these video games as they do in real-life social situations. And their families often don't know it's happening. 77 Why is data dumbing down nowadays? Dumbing down is the deliberate oversimplification of intellectual content in education, literature, and cinema, news, video games, and culture.What is the term for dumbing down? I know it must be tempting to dumb down news. Synonyms. trivialize. sensationalize. make shallow.A pejorative term for a perceived cultural trend in which important concepts or issues are glossed-over, condensed, over-simplified, or trivialized to make them more popular or accessible to a larger (and more lucrative) audience. 81.Why are terrorist attacks carried out throughout the world? State the reasons.In our overview of terrorism, we try to understand how the number of terrorist acts varies around the world and how it has changed over time. To do this, we need a clear and consistent definition of what terrorism is, and how it’s different from any other form of violence. This is not straightforward. Terrorism is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” We quickly see that this definition is unspecific and subjective.1 The issue of subjectivity in this case means that there is no internationally recognised legal definition of terrorism. Despite considerable discussion, the formation of a comprehensive convention 23 against international terrorism by the United Nations has always been impeded by the lack of consensus on a definition.2 The key problem is that terrorism is difficult to distinguish from other forms of political violence and violent crime, such as state-based armed conflict, non-state conflict, one-sided violence, hate crime, and homicide. The lines between these different forms of violence are often blurry. Here, we take a look at standard criteria of what constitutes terrorism, as well as how it might be distinguished from other forms of violence. 82.How do terrorists commit their violent acts?Protecting the United States from terrorist attacks is the FBI’s number one priority. The Bureau works closely with its partners to neutralize terrorist cells and operatives here in the United States, to help dismantle extremist networks worldwide, and to cut off financing and other forms of support provided to foreign terrorist organizations.International terrorism.Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored). Domestic terrorism.Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. 83.What should world leaders realize and take measures towards?As Secretary-General of the United Nations, I spend much of my time speaking with world leaders and taking the pulse of global trends. It’s clear to me that we are at a defining moment in international relations. Global decision making is plagued by gridlock – and a fundamental paradox lies at the heart of it. On the one hand, many of today’s global leaders recognize our common threats – COVID, climate, the unregulated development of new technologies. They agree that something needs to be done about them. Yet that common understanding is not matched by common action. Indeed, divides keep deepening. 24 We see them everywhere: in the unfair and unequal distribution of vaccines; in a global economic system rigged against the poor; in the utterly inadequate response to the climate crisis; in digital technology and a media landscape that profit from division; and in growing unrest and conflict around the world. So if the world agrees on the diagnosis of these common problems, why is it unable to effectively treat them? I see two fundamental reasons. First, because foreign policy often becomes a projection of internal politics. As a former Prime Minister, I know that despite good intentions, international affairs can be hijacked by domestic politics. Perceived national interests can easily trump the larger global good. This impulse is understandable, even if it is wrong-headed in instances where solidarity is in a country’s self-interest. Vaccines are a prime example. Everyone understands that a virus like COVID-19 does not respect national borders. We need universal vaccination to reduce the risk of new and more dangerous variants emerging and affecting everyone, in every country. Instead of prioritizing vaccines for all through a global vaccination plan, governments have acted to safeguard their people. But that is only half a strategy. Of course, governments must ensure the protection of their own people. But unless they work simultaneously to vaccinate the world, national vaccination plans could be rendered useless as new variants emerge and spread. Second, many of today’s global institutions or frameworks are outdated or simply weak and the necessary reforms are impeded by geo-political divides. 25 For example, the authority of the World Health Organization is nowhere near what is required to coordinate the response to global pandemics. At the same time, international institutions with more power are either paralyzed by division – like the Security Council – or undemocratic – like many of our international financial institutions. In short — global governance is failing at precisely the moment when the world should be coming together to solve global problems 84.Is any country safe from terrorist attacks? Why (not)International terrorism remains a serious threat to British nationals living or travelling overseas. Attacks can occur anywhere in the world, usually with little or no warning. Terrorist attacks abroad will continue to target western interests, including British tourists, travellers and expatriates. There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria.You can minimise your risk from terrorism by taking the following steps: follow media reporting about the country and region be vigilant in public areas and places that attract foreigners and westerners – eg hotels, restaurants, bars and crowded places like markets, malls or sports events. Always be aware of your surroundings be vigilant around significant religious occasions (including the holy month of Ramadan) and public holidays; terrorist groups sometimes call for attacks around these times; during Ramadan in 2016, terrorists attacked Istanbul airport, a café in Dhaka and carried out several attacks in Saudi Arabia look out for anything suspicious and if you see anything report it to the local police immediately – many terrorist attacks are foiled by the vigilance of the public. Where appropriate, you should also report concerns to your employer or your travel company think about the routes you use and have a plan of action to follow in the event of an incident 26 try to avoid routines that could make you an easier target – vary the time and route of your regular journeys 85.You want to go on holiday in the summer but don't have enough money.Write a letter to a friend asking for his or her advice about ways to earn extra money . Dear [friend's name], I hope this letter finds you well. As summer is approaching, I am eagerly looking forward to going on a holiday.Unfortunately, I do not have enough money to fund my ideal trip. I was wondering if you could suggest any ways for me to earn extra money? I know you are an expert at creatively earning some extra cash, and I value your opinion greatly.However, the only problem is that I don't have enough money to finance my trip. Therefore, I am writing to seek your valuable advice on ways to earn extra money. I know you are an expert in managing your finances, and I would be grateful if you could suggest some options to help me reach my goal. I have thought of working extra hours at my current job, but the pay is low, and I doubt if it will be sufficient. I have also considered selling some of my belongings that are no longer useful to me, but I don't think it will fetch me enough money. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could suggest some other ideas I could explore. I am open to anything, from part-time jobs to starting a side business, as long as it's a legitimate way to earn extra money. I know you always have creative and efficient solutions to everything, so I trust your advice will be helpful. Thanks in advance for your help, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Your name] 27 86. You recently bought a mobile phone, but you were given the wrong model by mistake. When you complained, the shop assistant was rude to you. Write a letter to the company's complaints department, explaining the reasons for your dissatisfaction and saying what action you expect the company to take. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service I received at your store. Recently, I purchased a mobile phone from yourstore, but was given the wrong model by mistake. When I brought this to the attention of one of your shop assistants, they were extremely rude and dismissive. I was disappointed by the manner in which my complaint was handled. The shop assistant instore, and unfortunately, I was given the wrong model by mistake. When I returned to the store to complain about the mistake, the shop assistant was very rude and dismissive of my complaint. They made me feel like it was my fault that I was given the incorrect model of the phone. I was extremely upset by this treatment as I had spent a significant amount of money on the phone, and I expected to receive the model that I paid for. I am writing to the complaints department of your company to request that you take immediate action to resolve this issue. Firstly, I would like a refund for the purchase of the incorrect mobile phone model. Secondly, I would like to receive the phone model that I originally paid for. This inconvenience has caused me a lot of frustration, and I would like to be compensated for the time and effort I have spent in resolving this issue. I hope that you will address this issue promptly and efficiently. I look forward to receiving your response and resolving this matter as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, [Your Name] 28 87. You recently went for a meal at a fast food restaurant, which is part of an international chain. Unfortunately, the service was very slow and the food was badly cooked, so you complained to the supervisor. However, he was very rude to you and insisted on your paying for the meal. You have decided to write a letter of complaint to the company's head office. Write your letter explaining the reasons for your complaint and saying what you expect the company to do. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my extreme disappointment with the service and food quality I experienced at your fast food restaurant located in [Location]. This restaurant is part of your international chain and I believe it is important for you to be aware of my experience. My recent visit to your restaurant was completely unacceptable. The service was incredibly slow which resulted in a long wait time for my meal,]. As a frequent customer of your international chain, I was shocked by the poor standard of service and food at this particular restaurant. When I visited the restaurant, the service was painfully slow, and it took an exorbitant amount of time for my order to arrive. To make matters worse, the food I received was badly cooked and not up to the high standards that I have come to expect from your brand. To add insult to injury, when I complained to the supervisor, he was extremely rude and unhelpful, insisting that I pay for the unsatisfactory meal. This experience has left me with a very poor impression of your company, and I am deeply disappointed that a brand that is known for its high standards of service and quality would allow such poor standards to exist at one of its restaurants. In light of this situation, I would like to request that your company takes immediate action to ensure that such incidents do not occur again. Specifically, I would like to request: 1. A refund for the cost of my meal 2. An investigation into the standards and practices of this particular branch 29 3. Re-training of the staff at the branch to ensure that they meet the expected standards of customer service and food quality Going forward, I sincerely hope that your company takes the necessary action to address this issue and prevent it from happening in the future. As a loyal customer of your brand, I hope to regain my confidence in the quality and standards of your restaurants. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name 88. You are going to attend lessons at a language school in Britain. The school has arranged for you to stay with a local couple called Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. The Jacksons have written a letter to ask for some information. Read the extracts from their letter, and write a letter in reply, giving them the information they have asked for and including any questions or requests of your own. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Thank you for your letter, I was thrilled to hear from you. I'm looking forward to staying with youand experiencing British culture first hand. Regarding the questions you asked, I am a 25-year-old woman from Germany and I will be attending language lessons at the school. My flight arrives at Heathrow airport on the 15th of September atwhile attending language school in Britain. I hope this letter finds you both in good health. I'm glad to provide the information that you requested. My flight will arrive on the 7th of September at 1 pm, and I'll be staying with you for three months until the end of November. I don't have any food allergies or dietary restrictions, so you don't have to worry about that. However, I would appreciate it if you could give me an idea of what kind of meals you typically have. I'm happy to help out with any cooking or household chores as well. 30 In terms of transportation, I won't have a car but I'll need to get to and from the language school. Could you provide me with information about the bus routes or any other modes of transportation that I should consider? Also, I was wondering if there are any tourist attractions or places of cultural interest nearby that you would recommend visiting. I would love to explore the area during my stay.Thank you again for hosting me and I'm excited to meet you both in person soon.Best regards, [Your name] 97. DESCRIBE YOUR FUTURE. I have a lot of plans for future. And my first dream is to graduate from the institute and start working as a teacher. My future profession is my own choice. I study with pleasure. I would like to earn my own money and become more independent . Nowadays everyone dreams about a successful career. I also want to become a very good English teacher. On the other hand I am also fond of many foreign languages and travel many places. 98. DESCRIBE YOUR HOME. My home is very beautiful and big which has a living room, sitting room, a kitchen three bedrooms and a dining room. I have my own bedroom. There is a bed, a table, a chair, a shelf and my bedroom. There is a garden in front of our home. I enjoy spending time there planting and watering flowers. I like my home. 99. DESCRIBE YOUR FAVOURITE HERE. My favourite city is London. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Every time I come back here. I fall in love with it more and more. This majestic city will win anyone's heart at once. In summer you can take a stroll round the city centre. The center of the city seems to be quite big but in fact is rather small. All main places of interest are located very close to 31 each other. London is especially fascinating in winter when preparation for Christmas is under way. Central streets are decorated with garlands and lights and Christmas markets become very popular. 100. DESCRIBE HOW TO ACHIEVE A GOAL. If I describe how to achieve a goal they are: 1. Take action 2. Try hard 3. Keep practicing 4.Explore a different way 5. Ask someone for advise 6. Do your best 7. Learn how others did it 8. Built upon your strengths 9. Review and fix mistakes 10. Don't give up If we follow these rules we will definitely achieve our goal. 101. DESCRIBE YOUR MEMORABLE DAY. Life is a full of memories,events,and experiences. Some memories in life are good and some are bad. Everyone has a special memory that they will never forget. The most memorable day of my life when I entered the institute. At that time all my relatives and friends congratulated me. I was very happy. My mother hugged me and congratulated me with joy. 102. A LETTER TO A FRIEND THANKING HIM FOR A PRESENT SENT TO YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. Dear Nilufar 32 I am writing this letter to thank you for the beautiful birthday gift you had sent me.I became very delighted getting a book of my favourite author. I already wanted to purchase this book. Out of all the birthday presents, yours is the special one. I think your gift is not just a gift it is a symbol of your love for me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Concluding my letter here. Cannot wait to see you will speak more when me meet. Your loving friend Norbegim 103 Write a letter to your sister who has passed her Higher Secondary Examination advising her to join the First Year Class in Eco-educational college. 11 May 2022 by Class of Achievers Examination Hall Dayal Bagh, Faridabad Date- 10 April 2022 Dear Sadhna, Yesterday I received a letter from you. I was so glad to hear that you have successfully passed your higher secondary examination. I knew that you would score the highest marks in class. With 93% in your exam, you make us proud. You have worked very hard for this and your hard work just gave you a wonderful result. As you have passed your higher secondary examination, I will highly advise you to join the first-year class in eco-educational college as it will connect people and nature, it will also prepare you for your future, it will build community, and will change lives. I am very proud to work for our environment. I will recommend you to join the first-year class in the eco- educational college. I hope you will show your positivity towards our environment. Give a lot of respect to mom and dad and a lot of affectionate love to little brother. I will see you soon. Take care of everyone and wait for me. You’re lovingly, 33 PurvaSaved messages: 104. A letter from a father to a son who is shirker Address] My Dear shirker, What's the matter with you? For the last two months you have not dropped in a line regarding your welfare. Your mother is very much. Worried, for God's sake, let me know of your health and welfare without further delay. If I fail to get a letter from you within a week, I am afraid, I'll have to come to you personally to find out the cause of your silence. Hoping this will wake you up from slumbers and well fetch your reply by return of post. Yours loving father, [Address] 105. Write a letter of sympathy to a friend who has failed in the Matriculation (entrance).examinations. My dear Rajiv. I received your letter yesterday. I was very sad to learn that you could not pass the Examination. Though you worked hard yet your efforts have not been crowned with success. Don’t take this failure to heart. It is just a passing phase. Now work harder and get success. Hard work always pays. Yours sincerely,Saved messages: 106. A LETTER FROM A FATHER TO A SON ADVISING HIM TO BE THRIFTY. Dear son, I hope this letter finds you in good health. My new year wishes to you. May this year bring good things to you. It's been 2 years since you left 34 home to pursue your higher studies. We all wish you to succeed in your career with flying colours. Last month, you purchased a pair of shoes worth Rs. 5000. I know that you have a viva interview in the upcoming weeks. I also understand that it is necessary to wear formal shoes in the interview but it is not viable to spend such a huge amount for shoes considering our family situation. Since your father is a retired MTS staff memeber, we get only a small amount for our living. We should also save for your sister who is passing 10th std this year. It is important to reduce your expenditure. You can have non-branded shoes at present and later getting a job, you can buy a costlier one. My dear, I hope you understand our family situation and reduce your consumption accordingly. I wish you all the best for the interview. Be confident and succeed in your viva interview. 107. WRITE A LETTER TO YOUR MOTHER TELLING HER HOW YOU SAVED THE LIFE OF A DROWNING CHILD. Address: ……………… Date: ………………….. My dear mother, Today I am writing this letter to relate to you a very happy experience of the day. I hope you would be very glad to know that my scouting in school has helped me to save the life of a child today. ADVERTISEMENTS: It so happened that in the morning today I, along with six boys of my hostel, went to take a bath in the river. We saw their men, women and children taking their bath near the banks. A woman was giving her four- year-old son a bath at a little distance from the main Ghats. The child suddenly slipped from her hand and was carried away by the current. The woman started screaming but in the noise her cries were not audible. The cries suddenly fell on my ear and at once I understood the reason from her raised hands pointing towards the drowning child. It was too much for me and at once I jumped into the river without bothering to take off my clothes. 35 There was not much water in the river and the current was also not swift. It was, however, too much for a little child who was being carried away slowly and slowly by the current. I was swimming swiftly. When I was about to catch hold of the child suddenly I slipped into a ditch. I was about to go down into the water but my scouting spirit came to my rescue and I did not lose courage. ADVERTISEMENTS: I am an expert swimmer. I raised myself from my slip and again dashed towards the child. Soon I was able to catch hold of him. In the meantime a couple of other swimmers had swum up to me and we were now able to raise the child above the water and bring him back to the bank. The child was unconscious. I gave him first aid and water in his stomach was drained out. After some time the child regained consciousness and his mother heaved a sigh of relief and with tears in her eyes folded her hands before me. She must be of your age. I told her that it was just my duty. After all it was not for nothing that I had become a scout. The other boys related the incident to my teachers who were very pleased with me I was praised very much and the Headmaster proposed give me some reward. ADVERTISEMENTS: I am all right here. I hope to see you soon during the summer vacations. Please pay my respects to respected father. Your loving son, 108 A letter to a friend inviting him to join you in a tour. /L-68 Housing board colony indore 36 April 20, 2021 Dear Jyoti, I hope you're fine there. I am writting this letter to invite you to join us to a trip to Jaipur with my Family. My Parents have planned a trip to Jaipur in the coming holidays! am so excited about it. We shall fly to Pink city on May 4, 2021. It is a wonderful city with so many attentions such as City Palace, Jal Mahal, Sisodiya rani Garden, Central Park, Jantar Mantar,etc. The rajasthani cuisine is very palatable, we shall taste as many dishes as possible. We shall do lots of shopping. Do reach a few days in advance. That's all for now. My Convey my best regards to Auncle and Auntyji. Yours Affectionately Shruti Gohil110.Write a letter to your sister telling her something about the recent film that you have seen and that has moved you. dear sister how are you I hope you are fine and happy over there I wanted to tell something to you about the film that recently released it and it's a really good movie it is based on students in that students study hard and they have their own difficulties but they ignore it and move on. it really motivated me to study. when you will come to our city we will watch that movie together. so please reply me if you want to watch movie or not by your letter thank you your lovely sister Sevinch. 111.Write a letter to a friend declining an invitation to spend an evening with you. Dearest Lola. Thank you for your loving letter inviting me to attend your birthday party on Saturday next in the evening. I send my heartiest congratulations and 37 wish a very happy birthday. I regret to say that I shall not be able to attend the party. You know my uncle is here from Bombay. He is returning to Bombay on next Saturday. We shall go to see him off at the Airport. I regret that I shall not be able to enjoy your sweet company. Yours sincerely,Saved messages: 114 APLICATION TO THE PRINCIPAL OF PERMISSION OF FINE ?Subject:- Application for Remission of Fine. Respected Sir/Madam, With due respect, I beg to say that I am a student of class [Write Your Class and Section] in your school/college. I was not able to pay my last month's school fee timely due to the reason that my father was outstation for some official work. 115 APPLICATION TO THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION REQUESTING INSURANCE OF NEW IDENTY CARD Respected Sir, I am Sulagna Mishra, mother of Amrita Mishra, studying in class 9, section B (Roll number – 15). I would like to inform you that my daughter has been selected for the National Level Badminton Tournament which is scheduled on 10th March. The tournament is said to go on for five days. So, I kindly request you to grant her leave for five days, i.e., from 10th March, 2022 till 14th March, 2022. I assure you that she will join school on 15th March. I take complete responsibility for her classwork. I kindly request you to consider my request and please grant her leave for the above-mentioned dates. Regards, (Signature) SULAGNA MISHRA 116 Application to the Principal of your school requesting him to grant you free studentship. To, 38 The Principal, Vidhya Public School, New Delhi. Sir, Respectfully-I beg to say that I am a student of class Xth of your school. My father is a mere clerk whose monthly income is Rs. 4000/- a month. He has a large family to support. My mother’s serious illness has put the family to great financial trouble. I, therefore, request you to grant me free studentship. I have been a brilliant student throughout and has been enjoying full fee concession for the last five years. I assure you, sir that I shall try my best to deserve the favour I ask of you. Hoping that you would consider my application favourably. Thanking you, Yours obediently, Name: Yogesh Kumar, Class: Xth Section: A, Roll No.: 26. 117 Application to head of the administrative department of the school requesting for transfer certificate.Application to the School Principal Requesting to Issue Transfer Certificate To, The Principal, Good Shepherd School, Ranchi. Date: 9th September 2019Application for School Leaving Certificate 39 Respected Sir/Madam, With due respect, I would like to state that I have completed my Class 12th from your school Good Shepherd School in March 2019 with First Division. I have no pending dues to clear and furthermore, I have cleared my dues with the Library department as well Therefore, I request you to kindly issue me my school transfer certificate Application. I will be really obliged to you.Thanking You! Yours Sincerely, Saved messages: 118. Application to a commercial firm in reply to an advertisement for a clerk. Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to submit my application for the Clerk position advertised in [Name of the publication] on [Date]. The position atyour esteemed organization caught my attention as it perfectly aligns with my career aspirations and professional experience. With a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and over 3 years of experience in clerical and administrative roles, I am confident that I possess the necessary skillsyour commercial firm interests me greatly, and I am certain that my skills and qualifications make me an excellent candidate for the role. My previous experience working in an administrative and clerical capacity, specifically as a receptionist and administrative assistant, has provided me with the skills necessary to thrive in a busy commercial environment. In these positions, I honed my customer service abilities, developed strong organizational and time-management skills, and became adept at utilizing various software applications and technological tools to streamline operations. I am confident that these skills will enable me to provide efficient and effective clerical support to your team. In addition to my experience, I hold a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, which has given me an understanding of accounting 40 principles, business operations, and marketing strategies. I am eager to apply these skills in a commercial setting and to continue learning and growing with your firm. Thank you for considering my application. I am excited for the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications, and how I can contribute to the success of your team. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information. Sincerely, [Your Name] 119.Letter to the Principal of your College, saying your father is sending you to England for technical education, and asking his advice. Dear Principal, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that my father has recently decided to send me to England for technicaleducation, and I am seeking your advice as the head of our college regarding this matter. My father believes that pursuing higher education in England will provide me with a better quality of education and more opportunities for career growth. However, I also understand that thiseducation. He believes that there are better opportunities for me in terms of learning and career prospects. As a student of this college, I value your opinion and guidance on this matter. I would greatly appreciate it if you could advise me on the best technical courses that would help me become a skilled professional in the field of my interest. I also wonder if the college has any partnerships or connections with technical institutions or universities in England that I could take advantage of during my stay. Any information or recommendations you could provide me with would be extremely helpful. I am very grateful for all that this college has provided me so far, and I am looking forward to coming back and contributing to its growth after completing my education abroad. 41 Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name]Saved messages: 120 Letter to a newspaper complaining of the bad quality and inadequate supply of Municipal water in your town.Sir, Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the problem of dirty quality and inadequate supply of drinking water in our area. It has been almost a month now that we have not received water for more than 15-20 minutes in a day and that too at very low pressure. And the quality of drinking water is not just bad, it remains worst. it stinks a lot. One can’t drink it as it is the gateway to hazardous diseases. Therefore, the residents have been forced to summon private tankers to fulfill their daily water demands and this costs them almost Rs.150/- a day. Despite repeated complaints and appeals, no one has come forward to remedy this problem. The situation continues to get from bad to worse. I suggest that the concerned authorities should take up effective and immediate steps to find a solution to this very major problem. I sincerely hope you will publish my distress letter in your newspaper so that the residents of our locality can get some respite from this major problem. Yours truly, Karuna 121 Letter to your landlord asking him to get certain repairs done in the house where you are staying as a tenant. Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the repairs which the house, urgently needs. During the recent rains, the roof of the house leaked badly. The water which trickled down through the ceiling has spoiled our costly furniture. 42 The doors and windows need repainting. The plaster has come off at many places. I shall feel obliged if you carry out the necessary repair in the house at the earliest. Please treat it as very urgent. Yours faithfully, 122. Sir There is no children’s park in our locality. The children have to play on the road which is very dangerous. If they play in the street, they are hindered off and on in their play by the passersby. Moreover, housewives take it ill if their ball falls in the compound of any house.It is, therefore, requested that a Municipal Park should be set up in our locality for children. There are a number of plots lying vacant in this locality. A suitable one may be selected for the purpose.Thank you. Yours faithfullySaved messages: 124 To The President Municipal Committee ……………… Sir There is no children’s park in our locality. The children have to play on the road which is very dangerous. If they play in the street, they are hindered off and on in their play by the passersby. Moreover, housewives take it ill if their ball falls in the compound of any house. It is, therefore, requested that a Municipal Park should be set up in our locality for children. There are a number of plots lying vacant in this locality. A suitable one may be selected for the purpose. 43 Thank you. Yours faithfully (………………) 125, Ghaziabad 18 March, 2 To The Superintendent of Police Kotwali Police Station G.T. Road, Ghazibad. Sir, My name is engraved on its handle. The colour of my cycle is black but the colour of the ch n ; n is green. O 23:35 | 4,3KB/sO PDF Reader for Android INSTALL Google Play twali Police Station (S) G.T. Road, Ghazibad. Sir, My name is engraved on its handle. The colour of my cycle is black but the colour of the chain is green. I hope the particulars mentioned above will help you in finding a clue to my bicycle. Yours faithfully, 44 Saved messages: 126. WRITE A DESCRIPTION OF THE MOST FAMOUS BUILDING IN YOUR TOWN FOR THE SCHOOL MAGAZINE. WRITE YOUR ARTICLE INCLUDING HISTORICAL FACTS AS WELL AS DESCRIBING ITS EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR. The famous building in our town Kalyan Minaret for the school magazine. Kalyan Minaret is located in eastern part of Bukhara and the history of its construction referred to the 11-century . This monument originally served for the purpose of Muslim prayers. Minaret is a sloping pole built of baked bricks where inside you will find the spiral staircase leading to the side of rotunda skylight, based on projecting rows of masonry, decorated in the form of magnificent stalactites. Its height is 46,5 m, and a fundamental part of all its leaves to a depth of 10 m with a diameter at the base of 9 m. Legend about Kalyan Minaret One more legend is about Genghis Khan when the commander captured Bukhara he entered the square and looked up the minaret the helmet fell from his head. Genghis Khan had to bend to pick it up . Then the powerful fighter uttered the following phrase I had never bow but this structure is so majestic and worth a bow 128. WRITE AN ARTICLE DESCRIBING A WRITER OR POET YOU ADMIRE. Muhammad Yusuf the poet I love is not only my favourite of many other people. Muhammad Yusuf is the main and most loved and memorized poem in Uzbekistan today. He is also a very famous poet in other countries. That is why we love respect Muhammad Yusuf very much. First of all Muhammad Yusuf became famous for his poems and songs which expressed the people's grill and described the love of the country in unique verses He wan the love of the people. I have a word for the nightingale. More than a dozen collections of poems " Ulugimsan Vatanim " became a golden heritage of our literature. 45 129 Write an article describe a national day you have event attended the actual day Generally, I do not prefer attending any social events for my introvert nature but last week had to attend a birthday celebration of a cousin of mine. In fact, my entire family was invited to that event and I could not avoid that. Thank you so much for the smart question. I will answer it in brief now. The birthday event took place at the residence of my cousin. My uncle (his father) is a great businessman and has arranged a gala party marking the birthday of his daughter who turned 12 this day. So, he invited us all to attend the party. Besides, it was arranged on a weekly holiday so that everyone could join with them. Accordingly, I had to be there with my parents and other family members. The event was organised in the evening and ended with the dinner. It was an interesting experience for me indeed. In fact, it was a social gathering for me after long days. Download 285,74 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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