See samples of undergraduate research topics and projects for students application of audio visual aids in teaching english
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The effectiveness of Audio visual aids in teaching English at senior
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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AT SENIOR SCHOOL Plan 1.1.ACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.2 APPLICATION OF AUDIO VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS 1.1 . SEE SAMPLES OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH TOPICS AND PROJECTS FOR STUDENTS APPLICATION OF AUDIO VISUAL AIDS IN TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS ABSTRACT The title of this project is the Application of Audio – Visual Aids in Teaching in Schools in Igbo – Eze North Local Government Area. The purpose of this study is to apply for audio – visual aids in schools in Igbo – Eze North local government area in Enugu State, this research work is a descriptive survey research and the researchers selected two hundred (200) subjects from the population of two thousand (2000) people through simple random sampling. Aer the research, the researchers found that audio – visual aids have a lot of advantages on the teaching of English language in schools in Igbo– Eze North local government area. These advantages are: Audio visual aids like television and radio makes the lessons to be simple, clear and more understandable. Audio visual enables the students to perform well in examination. Audio – visual aids reduce the complex nature of teaching English language. It helps the students to recall lessons in English language. Audio – visual enables the students to gain proficiency in English language. The following are the recommendations from the researchers The use of radio as a teaching aids in the teaching of mathematics in secondary school system. The use of television as a teaching aids in the teaching of science subjects in the secondary school system . 1.1 Background of the Study Socialization is the process of imparting knowledge mostly from the old to the young. It is the transference of values to the young so as to perpetuate the society in question in Ojobo Charles (1992) Language is a significant aspect of the culture of the people and all over the countries, mankind has transmitted language from one generation to another, through the process of socialization. A child through association with the adults in the society learns language. The adults on their part, have relied on manipulation of symbols as a form of teaching the young language. In that case, many have adopted varieties of aids to assist them to imparting knowledge from the adult to the ospring. The mass media like radio and television have been utilized in the teaching and learning of English language. According to Schramm (1962), radio is an audio medium. As a mass medium, it has the capacities to cut through the Barriers of illiteracy and poor infrastructures in English language. Sometimes, the teaching is done in local or enhancing learning. In addition, radio has other peculiarities, which makes it the true mass medium in terms of teaching a mass audience in the developing world. Radio is relatively cheap and can be operated without electricity. It is television, which can also transcend such barriers as illiteracy and infrastructural facilities. Widely owned all over the third world even in remote areas. Therefore, radio has been in use as a teaching aid in the learning of English Language because of its reachability and its transistorized nature. Teachers who replay to the students mostly use tape recorders to record instructions at convenient times. This has enhanced the teaching and learning of English Language over the years in the Nigerian education system. More over, television is another visual material like home video and cinemas it has been utilized in teaching and learning of English Language. Literacy works like Julius Ceaser by William Shakespeare and Things Fall Apart by Chinue Achebe are better illustrated through the use of television and the other visual devices. This has increased the speed of learning and teaching of English Language. Ojobo (1998) also writes as follows: Teaching aids are important in the teaching of language. This is more so in the teaching of English Language because of its second status in Nigeria. Teachers should evolve more eorts in applying audio – visual aids and their teaching and also evolve more practical means of teaching aids and the enhancement of learning to make it less stressful Teaching aids are imperative in the teaching and learning of English Language. This is more important because English Language is not an indigenous language and there involves complicated concepts. The use of teaching aids simplifies these concepts and therefore, teaching and learning become pleasant and a worth – while venture. However, visual aids are those materials that appeal only to the sense of sight. Visual aids are dierent from audio – aids because, audio – aids are those ones that appeal only to the sense of hearing. Audio – visual aids are those materials that appeal to the sense of hearing and sight at the same time. They are used to complement and supplement teachers’ verbal eort in teaching and learning. Some of these audio – visual aids include radio – cassette, tape – recorders, televisions, slides, transparent films, film – strips, opaque projectors, microscopes, globes, attass and so on. They make important contributions in teaching and learning process. The use of audio – visual aid in teaching and learning comes into the branch of knowledge known as Educational Technology. They aid learning and help in realization of educational objectives. The application of audio – visual aids in the field of education started in the past (1973) in Vienna. During the time, an exhibit from an American school with maps, charts, textbooks and other equipment won the admiration of the people. Subsequent exhibitions at Paris in (1878) and Merbourne in 1880 marked the initiation. Education technology today tends to be a system rather than simply a package of instructional materials. Teachers of today use a variety of visual – aids such as overhead, films, film loops. They also use audio – aids like tape recorders, radio and language laboratory. Amuah (1986) observed that “teachers now use instructional materials in a more scientific way”. Teachers use them to the structure and evaluating their teaching. In view of this, psychologists said that “human beings learn audio – visual in their senses” because of the audio – visual aids in education. John Lock, an empiric, talked on the “sensitivity of human wants from the external world through the sense of audio – visual .” Pestallazi also mentioned that “sense impression is the one condition of human learning”. In this case, children learn better when teachers appeal to more than one of their senses during instructions, that is they understand better when they hear and see what the teacher talks about . John lock (1997) Federal government of Nigeria recommended the use of establishment of audio – visual aids centres because of their importance in education. The national policy on education also recommended the use of radio and television to develop and improve education as well as to expand the instruction techniques. According to (Bell – Gam, 1992), the use of audio – visual materials like film strips, slides, opaque projectors was recognized in the country in the 1950’s. According to him, in 1955, “a commission was set up to look at the possible way of using or applying for radio and television for teaching and learning”. His idea was accepted and this brought about the use of radio in 1957 and television in 1959. Although the use of audio – visual aids in Nigeria started during the colonial days their application to teaching and learning did not gain prominence until 1970. The curriculum conference of 1969 was forced to establish various audio – visual centres in different states of the federation. These centres went into development and popularization of audio – visual media in many education institutions in the country. The aims for setting up audio – visual centres is to reduce teaching deficiencies in certain syllabus courses such as sciences , to provide an examples of good teaching which can help upgrade the general ability of classroom instruction, to provide ideal materials that are not generally available in the classroom (UNESCO, 1969: 116) Government made efforts to establish various audio – visual aids centres in different states because of the aims mentioned above. Despite the government eorts, several factors are seen as problems to achieve the audio – visual programme in Nigeria. Some of these factors include, “lack of fund appropriate man power, technical know how” (UNESCO, 1969). According to Okwor (1993); Audio – visual equipments are lying unused in shelves and cupboards in many schools due to not having technical or knowing knowledge applying the operations. The problem is therefore, even when government and schools are able to obtain the expensive audio – visual aids , the ability required for the effective usage is lacking. 2.Application of audio visual aids in teaching english language in senior secondary schools How Audio Visual Improves Students’ Interest In Learning Learning is the process of interaction between individuals with learning resources that result in a change in behavior. Learning is a process of behavioral change that includes changes in human tendencies, such as attitudes, interests, or values and changes in abilities, namely an increase in the ability to perform various types of performance. Changes in behavior must be able to serve for a certain period of time. Thus, learning can basically be seen as a process of positive-qualitative change that occurs in students’ behavior as subjects due to an increase in knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, interests, appreciation, ability to think logically and critically, interactive abilities, and creativity that has been achieved. This also applies to every individual who carries out the learning process both in the family or school. However, advancement of technology has given new dimensions to teaching and learning. It expands teaching and learning beyond classrooms and the conventional chalk and talk method. The use of audio-visual aids in teaching and learning has a long history. Audio-visual aids are materials with both audio and visual presentation to support teaching and learning particularly in improving comprehension and retention. Prior to the age of radio and television, early audio- visual aids came in the forms of drawings and pictures with oral narrations. 3. See samples of Undergraduate Research Topics And Projects for students Audio-Visual aids therefore, arouse the interest of learners and help the teachers to explain the concepts easily. Visual aids are those instructional aids which are used in the classroom to encourage students learning process. “Visual aids are those sensory objects or images which initiate or stimulate and support learning”. “Audio- Visual aids are any devices which can be used to make the learning experience more real, more accurate and more active”. Audio-Visual aids are also tools that help to make an issue or lesson clearer or easier to understand and know (pictures, models, charts, maps, videos, slides, real objects etc.). Another use of learning resources is to clarify the relationship between material objects and concepts to understand. Symbols, graphs, and diagrams can also show associations of location, time, size, value and frequency. By symbolizing the factors tangled, it is even possible visualize abstract relationship. Instructional aides have no value in the learning process if they cannot be seen or heard. Tapes of speeches and sounds should be confirmed for correct volume and quality in the actual environment in which they will be used. Audio-Visual aids must be visible to the whole class. All calligraphy and illustration must be large adequate to be seen easily by the students farthest from the aids’. Colors, when used, should provide clear contrast and easily be visible. The efficacy of aids can be enhanced by proper sequencing to build on former knowledge. Often, good institute and natural patterns of logic command the sequence. AUDIO VISUAL Audio-visual (AV) is electronic media possessing both a sound and a visual component, such as slide-tape presentations, films, television programs, corporate conferencing, church services, and live theater productions. Audio-Visual aids are those instructional aides which are used in the classroom to encourage teaching learning process. This refers to a learning aid that uses both vision and sound to transmit information and promote learning. They include video tapes, films and demonstrations. “Any device which by sight and sound increases the individual s’ practice outside that attained through reading is labeled as an audio visual aids”. Visual aids are those instructional devices which are used in the classroom to encourage learning and make it easier and motivating. The material like models, charts, film strip, projectors, radio, television, maps etc called instructional aids. Audio-Visual aids are effective tool that “invest the past with an air of actuality.” Visual aids distribute the learners with true knowledge, which detention their devotion and help in the understanding of the ancient marvels. They demand to the mind through the visual auditory senses. When we use visual aids as teaching aid, it is one of the aspects which root participation of students in the lesson because when students look at visual model or aid, it is measured as a kind of contribution Audio-Visual aids are important in education system. Visual aids are those devices which are used in classrooms to encourage students learning process and make it easier and interesting. Visual aids are the best tool for making teaching effective and the best dissemination of knowledge. Also the uses of visual aids encourage the body movement and it may strengthen the control. Visual aids are effective tool that “invest the past with an air of actuality.” Visual aids distribute the learners with true knowledge, which detention their devotion and help in the understanding of the ancient marvels. They demand to the mind through the visual auditory senses. TYPES OF AUDIO VISUAL i. Audio Aids examples are Radio, Tape-recorder, Gramophone, Lingua-phone, Audio cassette player, Language laboratory. ii. Visual Aids examples are Chart, Black and while board, Maps, Pictures, Models, Text-books, Slide projector, Transparency, Flash-cards, Print materials etc. iii. Audiovisual Aids examples are LCD project, Film projector, TV, Computer, VCD player, Virtual Classroom, Multimedia etc. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Academic achievement or academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals. Completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represent academic achievement. Academic performance is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests. Academic achievement is important for the successful development of young people in society. Students who do well in school are better able to make the transition into adulthood and to achieve occupational and economic success. LEARNING INTEREST AND AUDIO VISUAL Learning is a complex process. It can be defined as a change in disposition; a relatively permanent change in behavior over time and this is brought about partly by knowledge. Learning can happen as an outcome of afresh attained skills, principles, perception, knowledge, facts, and new information at hand. Learning can be reinforced with different teaching/learning resources because they stimulate, motivate as well as focus learners’ attention for a while during the instructional process. Audio Visual aids arouse the interest of learners and help the teachers to explain the concepts easily. Audio Visual aids are those instructional aids which are used in the classroom to encourage teaching learning process. Therefore, any device which by sight and sound increases the individual s’ practice outside that attained through read labeled is an audio visual aids”. Visual aids are those instructional devices which are used in the classroom to encourage learning and make it easier and motivating. The material like models, charts, film strip, projectors, radio, television, maps etc called instructional aids. When we use visual aids as teaching aid, it is one of the aspects which root participation of students in the lesson because when students look at visual model or aid, it is measured as a kind of contribution. The impact of audio-visual resource can be so great in teaching thus making learning permanent “audiovisual methods seem to facilitate the acquisition, the retention and the recall of lessons learned, because, they seem to evoke the maximum response of the whole organism to the situations in which learning is done. And perceptual materials richly associate themselves with the unique experiential stressed that audio-visual materials are important in the teaching and learning processes because “having seen something, most people remember, for whatever that thing was, it conjures up an image at a mere mention and can be talked freely. Students forget because of lack of interest and opportunity to use the knowledge they have gained later on. Audio-visual resources can therefore contribute to the clarity of information presented by allowing students to visualize what is learned. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it is only by the use of audio-visual resource that the learners can be offered the opportunity to learn by doing. This is because attention, motivation, concentration and retention of facts are enhanced through the use of audio-visual materials. The Effectiveness of Audio-Visual Aids in TeachingLearning Process Professor (Dr.) Prem Sunder, Principal Darsh College of Education, Gohana, Haryana, India Abstract The real and ultimate aim of education is all round development of the individual and to create the power of justification. It is universal truth that education is the merely key factor in the development of society and a nation. Therefore, the whole process of education should be easy and effective in all the senses. The educationists, sociologists and researchers have invented a number of methods and materials to make the teaching-learning process easy and effective; as traditional verbal instructions can be boring and painful for students. But the most accepted things which make the teaching-learning process easy, effective and interesting and provides intrinsic motivation to students by peaking their curiosity and stimulating their interests in the subjects that is use of audio-visual aids in this process. The present investigation is a sincere attempt to be acquainted with the effectiveness of audio –visual aids in the process of teaching-learning. Twenty teachers and one hundred students of 10th both male and female of private and government senior secondary schools of Gohana City (Haryana) comprised the sample. The teachers and students were categorized as experimental and control groups. The self- made questionnaires were used to collect the pertinent data and it was found that the effectiveness of audio-visual aids were significant in teaching-learning process. Key words: - effectiveness, audio aid, visual aids, audio-visual aids Introduction Teaching is a complex process which aims to bring a positive change in the behavior of the learner; it is possible when the teaching would be result-oriented, easy, effective and interesting. There are so many models; methods and technique existing to make teaching process effective for best learning outcomes. Rao (2006)stated that now-a days , teaching became a complex process due to the age of science and technology which has enter the field of education to make it accessible. The class room is to be just like the laboratory where different hardwares and softwares are used to teach the students; undoubtedly, audio-visual aids are devices/technique which is used in the class room to encourage learning. It is integrated process of teaching. Lestage (2009) integrating technology in to the classroom begins when a teacher prepare lessons that use technology in meaningful and relevant ways. Use of audio-visual aids gives scope for innovative and creative practices in the classroom. Audio-visual aids, teaching aids, instructional or teaching materials are same; these are projected (OHP, transparencies sheets ,opaque and slide projector, film, film stripes etc.) , non-projected (maps, charts, globes, flash cards, posters ,graphs, cartoon, news papers, comic strips, dimensional aids, models, display and bulletin boards etc.) and activity aids (field trips, excursion, exhibitions, museums, demonstrations and dramatization) Ode (2014) stated that teaching and learning take place when an individual has direct experience with the subject under study, in order to learn best by doing; it is because attention, motivation, concentration and retention of facts are enhances through the use of audio-visual materials. A © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 February 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882 IJCRT1802641 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 1510 systematic use of varies teaching aids can make subject matter clear and appealing to students of diversified backgrounds and varying abilities. Mahajan (2011) that audio-visual aid is the best tool for making teaching effective and the best dissemination of knowledge. Audio-visual aids arouse the interest of learners and help teachers in explaining the concepts easily and effectively. Lestage (2009) pointed out that technology can never replace the human mind, but it can help expand it. It is duty of the teachers that use audio-visual aids relevant to the lesson and students; wrong use and selection of the teaching aids will be the wastage of time and energy for nothing. Mathew (2013) stated that it is the responsibility of the teacher to use audio-visual aids to make the teaching-learning process effective. Shamsideen (2016) teaching and learning activities are interesting when audio- visual materials are used effectively and efficiently in a classroom-teaching situation. It is universal fact that children learn best by observing and copying the behaviors of adults. Sunder (2010) stated that leaning is more effective when sensory experiences are stimulated. Teaching aids stimulate the behaviors of the students towards learning. The learning experience is made quite relevant, effective and meaningful by these aids as these motivate the child’s learning by arousing his interest in a number of ways. Dike (1989) found that audio-visual aids add clarity to the topic taught and make learning more interesting. Pandit (2009) audio-visual aids provide a rich variety of sensory experience to amplify and reinforce the concepts that have been presented in a textbook and develop teaching skills. Sunder (2010) stated that teaching aids strengthen teaching skill, attract and retained learner’s interest and attention and make teaching learning process more interactive and knowledge centered. So, keeping in the mind views of different scholars there is keen need and importance of teaching aids to make the teaching –learning process result-oriented, easy, effective and interesting for both teachers and students; the present investigation is an attempt to ascertain the effectiveness of audio-visual aids in teaching-learning process. Statement of the problem Audio-visual aids are the tools of teaching which make the teaching learning process easier and interesting. But the effectiveness of these aids depends on the availability, use and efficiency of applying. The uses of these aids enhance the teaching and learning outcomes. So, this study “The Effectiveness of Audio-Visual Aids in Teaching Learning Process” was taken to investigate the use, availability and effectiveness of audio-visual aids in this process so that in future all the hindrances in this way may be removed and develop these aids as powerful toll of teaching learning process. Definition of operational/key terms Effectiveness: - Yadav (2014) effectiveness is an elusive concept when we consider the complex task of teaching. Leigh (2007) effectiveness is measured in terms of performance of the students on literacy and numeracy tests. Audio aid: - is an instructional device that can be heard only, but not seen. Visual aid: - is an instructional device that can be seen only, but not heard. Audio-visual aid: - is an instructional device that can be heard as well as seen. © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 February 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882 IJCRT1802641 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 1511 Teaching-Learning Process: - is an organized attempt of skills and knowledge to disseminate and receiving the knowledge, skills and training (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) by the experienced person to the non/less- experienced person through some medium; it is interaction and exchange of knowledge and skills to each other/one another. Experimental group: - a group which was given teaching experience through the audio-visual materials during teaching. Control group: - a group which was given teaching experience through traditional method. Objectives of the study 1. To know the views of teachers on effectiveness of audio-visual aids in teaching learning process. 2. To ascertain the effects of audio-visual aids on experimental group of students. 3. To find the effects of audio-visual aids on control group of students. 4. To study the present status of audio-visual aids in the schools. Hypotheses of the study 1. There is no effect of audio-visual aids in teaching learning process. 2. There is no effect of audio-visual aids on experimental group of students. 3. There is no effect of audio-visual aids on control group of students. 4. There is no availability of audio-visual aids in the schools. Limitations of the study 1. The study limited to the Gohana city of Haryana. 2. The study confined to the senior secondary schools (one private and one govt.) only. 3. The study restricted to the students of 10th class only. 4. The study restrained only to the teachers teaching to 10th class only. Methodology Sample In the present study two schools one govt. and one private were selected through purposive sampling method of non probability sampling method. 100 students of 10th class comprised the sampling of govt. and private senior secondary schools. Total students were 100 (50 from private school and 50 from govt. school). Twenty teachers (10 from govt. school and 10 from private school) were taken from both the schools to comprise the sample as a whole who taught the students with the help of audio-visual aids. Tool, statistical technique used and collection of data A self made closed form questionnaire was used separately for teachers and students to collect relevant and reliable data. Questionnaire of the students had questions related to their curriculum of 10th class and questionnaire for teachers had questions related to use and availability of teaching aids and its effects on their teaching and learning of the students. Mean, standard deviation and t value were used as statistical technique. © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 February 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882 IJCRT1802641 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 1512 The questionnaire had been distributed the students and teachers with some instructions; and a formal talk had done with the teachers on this topic. Findings, discussion and conclusion T- Value for Experimental and Controlled Group on Achievement Test Group Number Mean S.D t-value Significance Experimental 50 23.92 3.93 3.73 0.00 Controlled 50 19.69 4.72 The above table shows that the calculated value was 3.73 which were significant at 0.01 levels, so null hypotheses that there is no effect of audio-visual aids in teaching- learning process; there is no effect of audiovisual aids on experimental group of students and there is no effect of audio-visual aids on control group of students were rejected which supports the findings of difference in the achievement of students who are taught with the use of audio –visual aids which supports the findings of Ode (2014) that there is a significant difference between students who are taught with or without the use of audio-visual aids. It also supports the findings of Parul (2012) that audio-visual materials have significant effect on the achievement of the students. Billaiya (2017) also found the learning through audio-visual aids was higher. Aggarwal (2012) also found that students of study group with audio-visual aids out performed those of control group with no availability of these aids. The teachers told that the use of audio-visual aid makes the subject matter easy to understand and explain and students learn quickly which supports the findings of Gopal (2010) that use of audio- visual aids methods do seem to facilitate the acquisition, retention and recall of lessons learned. Teachers also stated that students took interest in lesson which supports the claim of Hills (1994) audio-visual materials contribute in stimulating interest. They also stated that audio-visual aids help the teachers to control the class room and overcome the physical difficulties which support the results of Dahiya (2005) that teaching aids help the teacher in maintaining discipline in the class room; Gopal (2010) also supported that audio-visual aids help the teacher to overcome physical difficulties. Teachers also explained that use of audio-visual aids save energy and time which supports the findings of Aina (2006) that use of teaching aids in teaching learning process also save time and helps teachers in completing their syllabus timely; it also supports by Yunus (2015) these aids in teaching literature is less time consuming and as a result teachers have ample time to create enjoyable classroom activities and conduct an effective teaching and learning process. Respondents also stated that use of audiovisual aids helpful for students in high academic achievement which supports the findings of Dahiya (2005) that audio- visual aids enhance the academic achievement of students. They also recommended that teaching aids make teaching learning process effective and result-oriented that supports Rasul (2011) A.V aids make teaching learning process effective and motivates to teachers and students. It has also found that mostly teachers were not trained/well versed in using these aids. There is lack of audiovisual aids and funds in the school; they also told that some parents are not in favor of this method those were same as the findings of Awasthi (2014). © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 1 February 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882 IJCRT1802641 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) 1513 Sufficient audio –visual aids were not available in the both type of schools but the condition of private school was better so the hypothesis that there is no availability of audio-visual aids in the school retained. It was also found that maximum numbers of aids available in the schools were the visual aids which support the findings of Bhusan (2013). Schools had not well furnished separate room for teaching aids. Lack of maintenance of these aids was also seen .Audio-visual aids in the school were not being used to a great extent which is same of the findings of Dahiya (2005). It was also revealed in this research that teachers did not plan the lesson to be taught beforehand. Teachers (98 %) in govt. schools were not using latest technology of teaching in the class room. Thus, it is proved/concluded that audio-visual aid is the best tool for teachers and students to make teaching learning process effective and easy; it promotes the cognitive, effective and psycho-motor aspects of the teachers and students. Koc (2005) stated that the integration of technology into curriculum means using it as a tool to teach academic subject and to promote higher order of thinking skill of the students. Audio-visual aids are important tools for easy and effective teaching learning process which retain the concepts better and for longer duration. It develops the reflective and analytical thinking of students and teachers and improves the whole teaching learning environment. Use of teaching aids instigate the interest of the students and motivates them for practical learning. Students found teaching through audio-visual aids more useful, relevant and effective and easy to understand. Implications of the study The findings of the present study revealed that audio-visual aids are the most effective and easy way to make the teaching learning process result- oriented. Students found these resources useful in understanding the subject matter in the easiest way which supports the findings of Mcnaught (2007) observed that audio-visual aids are very useful teaching and instructional as well as promotional aids. The study is very useful for the schools administrators to know/overview the status of these aids in schools and will help them in planning to use and availability of teaching aids in the schools. It will serve a lot of teachers to make the lesson easy and effective by using aids in the class room. The probable use of this study can be useful to understand the importance of teaching aids and will give insight and idea to the students for research regarding the selection of area, topic and data gathering techniques and for the comparative analysis and interpretation of the data. Recommendations Teacher should be provided training in- service or pre-service to make them acquaint and train in use of relevant audio-visual aids. Authorities of education make it mandatory for teachers to teach with the help of teaching aids which should be pre-planned and under the keen supervision of the head of the institution. Teachers should be instructed and motivated to use maximum teaching aids during teaching. It should also mandatory for the institutions to have a special lab and club of audio-visual aids. Govt. /management should provide adequate fund to the institutions for purchasing these aids; it would be better if separate fund must be provided in the annual budget of the institutions; they should also arrange for the supply of good and new audio-visual aids. Download 182,36 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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