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70. Fifty years ago, when I was a child, photographs were not of general interest. Photographs 
were taken of people on special occasions, at weddings and on birthdays, for instance. These 
pictures were usually kept in a box and brought out at intervals to show the family. Nowadays 
photography is regarded as an art. Many photographic exhibitions are held and there are many 
magazines dealing with the art of photography. 
During recent years _____ 
71. Fifty years ago, when I was a child, photographs were not of general interest. Photographs 
were taken of people on special occasions, at weddings and on birthdays, for instance. These 
pictures were usually kept in a box and brought out at intervals to show the family. Nowadays 
photography is regarded as an art. Many photographic exhibitions are held and there are many 
magazines dealing with the art of photography. 
The passage compares _____ 
72. Fifty years ago, when I was a child, photographs were not of general interest. Photographs 
were taken of people on special occasions, at weddings and on birthdays, for instance. These 
pictures were usually kept in a box and brought out at intervals to show the family. Nowadays 
photography is regarded as an art. Many photographic exhibitions are held and there are many 
magazines dealing with the art of photography. 
When the writer was young _____. 
73. From the end of the corridor I could hear them arguing. Liz said it was the best film she had 
seen on the television for over a year. Dick said it was dreadful. He said the story was poor and 
the acting terrible. Liz said he couldn‟t recognize a good film when he saw one. “What film are 
you talking about?” I asked as I came into the room. „The film shown last Friday.”, said Liz. 
“The film shown last Thursday.”, said Dick. They looked at each other and we all laughed. 
Liz _____. 
74. From the end of the corridor I could hear them arguing. Liz said it was the best film she had 
seen on the television for over a year. Dick said it was dreadful. He said the story was poor and 
the acting terrible. Liz said he couldn‟t recognize a good film when he saw one. “What film are 
you talking about?” I asked as I came into the room. „The film shown last Friday.”, said Liz. 
“The film shown last Thursday.”, said Dick. They looked at each other and we all laughed. 
At the end of the passage we understand that _____. 
75. From the end of the corridor I could hear them arguing. Liz said it was the best film she had 
seen on the television for over a year. Dick said it was dreadful. He said the story was poor and 
the acting terrible. Liz said he couldn‟t recognize a good film when he saw one. “What film are 
you talking about?” I asked as I came into the room. „The film shown last Friday.”, said Liz. 
“The film shown last Thursday.”, said Dick. They looked at each other and we all laughed. 
Liz and Dick were arguing about _____ 

76. There was no other building in sight. The trees which grew along the river completely hid the 
two other houses that shared the valley. Looking from the kitchen window Mary gave a long sigh 
of contentment. She knew she would be happy here; much happier that she had ever been in the 
Mary is quite sure that _____. 
77. There was no other building in sight. The trees which grew along the river completely hid the 
two other houses that shared the valley. Looking from the kitchen window Mary gave a long sigh 
of contentment. She knew she would be happy here; much happier that she had ever been in the 
The valley Mary is looking at _____. 
78. There was no other building in sight. The trees which grew along the river completely hid the 
two other houses that shared the valley. Looking from the kitchen window Mary gave a long sigh 
of contentment. She knew she would be happy here; much happier that she had ever been in the 
The passage is not about _____. 
79. By the end of her first day at work Janet was terribly tired. She was also very happy, for she 
knew she had made a good beginning. Mr. Taylor was clearly very pleased with the way she had 
answered his telephone and looked after his visitors. He had also praised her typing. 
„Tomorrow,” she thought happily, “it will be much easier.” 
From the passage we understand that Janet _____. 
80. By the end of her first day at work Janet was terribly tired. She was also very happy, for she 
knew she had made a good beginning. Mr. Taylor was clearly very pleased with the way she had 
answered his telephone and looked after his visitors. He had also praised her typing. 
„Tomorrow,” she thought happily, “it will be much easier.” 
Mr. Taylor _____. 
81. By the end of her first day at work Janet was terribly tired. She was also very happy, for she 
knew she had made a good beginning. Mr. Taylor was clearly very pleased with the way she had 
answered his telephone and looked after his visitors. He had also praised her typing. 
„Tomorrow,” she thought happily, “it will be much easier.” 
The passage describes _____. 
82. Find an appropriate heading to the passage: Getting that first bid is critical, as buyers are 
more likely to jump in if there are already bids on auction. Buyers may lose interest if they 
assume an item is overpriced. Many successful sellers set a low opening bid to jumpstart 
bidding and increase their final selling price. 
83. Find an appropriate heading to the passage: Specifying reasonable shipping and handling 
costs in your listing is essential for smart selling. eBay‟s free Shipping Calculator provides 
real-time shipping costs to buyers all over the world, so you can increase your chances of 
success. Remember that a long wait can be both boring and frustrating for customers. 
84. Find an appropriate heading to the passage: Maximizing your item title is a must if you 
want to sell your product. Be sure to include key words that buyers will search for, such as 
unique or descriptive attributes, and always check your spelling. Your item title is critical in 
helping users find your items, so use each character wisely. 

 85. Find an appropriate heading to the passage: A good description is concise, well 
organized, and easy to read. Create bold section headlines, bulleted lists, and be sure to 
include item style/type, brand, condition, and other attributes. Think about your listing from 
the buyer‟s perspective – the more information you provide, the more likely buyers are to 
place a bid. 
86. Find an appropriate heading to the passage: A picture really is worth more than a 
thousand words! Use clear, well-lit photos from a variety of angles to accurately showcase 
your item. Use good lighting and an uncluttered background to get the most out of your 
photo. Add additional photos to showcase details and unique features of your item. 
87. Find an appropriate heading to the passage: Always respond quickly to any buyer 
questions. Include extras or a handwritten note in the box to really surprise and delight your 
customers. Make sure to leave feedback for your buyer so they‟ll do the same for you. 
Successful communication is one of the keys to successful business. 
88. Find an appropriate heading to the passage: After the sale make sure that you pay for 
shipping, print labels on your home printer, and schedule free carrier pick-up-all online and at 
no additional charge – so you can save money, time, and a trip to the post office! We make it 
easy for you, so please make it easy for us. 
89. Jason is writing a report about the film Frankenstein. A part of his report is found below: 
Frankenstein is a 1931 film that is based on Mary Shelley's book of the same name. It was 
directed by James Whale and produced by Carl Laemmle Jr., both of whom worked on a 
number of horror films during their careers. The film features Boris Karloff in the role of Dr. 
Frankenstein's monster. When people talk about the film Frankenstein, they usually talk about 
Karloff's character, and for good reason. Dr. Frankenstein makes the monster out of various 
body parts that were collected from graves, so the monster is really gross-looking. 
What part of this paragraph is inappropriate for a report? 
90. Opera refers to a dramatic art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional content 
is conveyed to the audience as much through music, both vocal and instrumental, as it is 
through the lyrics. By contrast, in musical theater an actor's dramatic performance is primary, 
and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using the primary elements 
of theater such as scenery, costumes, and acting. However, the words of the opera, or libretto, 
are sung rather than spoken. The singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble ranging 
from a small instrumental ensemble to a full symphonic orchestra. 
It is pointed out in the reading that opera ----. 
91. Life processes are similar in all animals with backbones. So physiologists can find out a 
lot about the human body by studying animals such as frogs, rats and rabbits. Sometimes 
research involves the death of these animals. But physiologists take great care not to hurt the 
animals. The animals are usually put to sleep during the experiments so they do not feel pain. 
Many people think animals should not be used for experiments. But it is only by 
physiological research that medicine has been able to advance. Polio is a disease that attacks 
the nerves. Millions of people have been protected from polio by a fluid called a vaccine. 
Tissue from monkeys is used to make the vaccine.
Experimental researches ----.
92. Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping 
drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more we learn about dolphins, 
the more we realize that their society is more complex than people previously imagined. They 

look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest 
in the community, as we do. Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language 
but it is much more probable that they communicate with each other without needing words. 
Could any of these mammals be more intelligent than man? Certainly the most common 
argument in favor of man's superiority over them that we can kill them more easily than they 
can kill us is the least satisfactory. On the contrary, the more we discover about these 
remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior when we destroy them.
It is clear from the passage that dolphins ----. 
93. Panda is the name for two nocturnal Asian mammals: the red panda and the giant panda. 
The red panda, also known as lesser panda and cat bear, is found at high elevations in the 
Himalayas. It resembles a raccoon but has a longer body and tail and a more rounded head. Its 
thick fur is rust color to deep chestnut, with black on the under parts, limbs, and ears. The red 
panda spends much of its time in trees but feeds on the ground, eating primarily bamboo 
leaves but also fruit and roots. The giant panda superficially resembles a bear. The body is 
chiefly white, and the limbs are brownish black, with the dark color extending up over the 
shoulder. The ears and eye patches are black. Giant pandas live in restricted areas of the high 
mountain bamboo forests of central China; their diet consists entirely of bamboo shoots. Rare 
in the wild, they produce young poorly when they are not in their natural environment. Giant 
pandas are protected by law in China. 
It is clear from the passage that ----. 
94. The most dangerous animals on the North American continent, by a margin of 1000 to 
one, are not bears, mountain lions or wolves but poisonous snakes. Attacks occur far more 
frequently than most people suspect; 6500 to 7000 humans are bitten by venomous snakes in 
the United States each year. Fortunately, the death rate from snakebite is low, largely because 
of widespread knowledge about snakes and the fact that in most cases treatment is prompt. 
Yet for the victims, even though they survive, the ordeal is a dreadful experience sometimes 
resulting weeks or months of illness, permanent crippling, the loss of a hand or foot, or other 
lasting handicaps. 
According to the passage, snakebite ----. 
95. The use of work animals began long before humankind started to practice agriculture. The 
use of animal power is now considered by many people to be archaic and inefficient. Yet, 
despite the more than 50 years spent promoting tractorization in developing countries, the 
development gap between industrialized-countries and those with weak, highly dependent 
economies has increased. Moreover, the use of current production models, which are more 
critically dependent on fossil fuel, cannot be considered universally feasible. Alternative 
energy sources such as the effective use of work animals must urgently be established. 
Animals not only provide the means by which millions of families make a living, but they 
also contribute to ecologically and socially acceptable production systems. Moreover, the 
efficiency of their energy inputs into crop production is higher than that of machines. The 
rational use of work animals has the potential to contribute, specifically, to the living 
conditions and security of small-scale subsistence farmers. 
According to the passage, we can say that small-scale subsistence farmers ----. 
96. Data from the Pioneer spacecraft of NASA apparently prove the theory that the high 
surface temperature of Venus is due to an atmospheric greenhouse effect caused mainly by a 
blanket of carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse effect is created when energy in the form of 
sunlight easily passes through a planet's atmosphere, warms its surface, and is converted to 
heat radiation that is then held in by the atmosphere from top to bottom. Venus has a 
relatively thin atmosphere like the Earth's, but Venus' atmosphere consists of more than 

ninety percent carbon dioxide, compared to less than four percent in that of the Earth. 
Because of its higher percentage of carbon dioxide, Venus' atmosphere traps much more 
heat radiation than does the Earth's. Thus, the Venus studies are believed to be important to 
the understanding of possible adverse effects on the Earth's agriculture that could result 
from the long-term use of fossil fuels, which add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. 
According to the passage, data from the Venus study can be used to ----. 
97. Theories about how brain works remain a topic of debate. It is agreed, though, that the 
hippocampus, a part of the brain, is undeniably important for memory. When we experience 
something, the information is sent via our senses to the hippocampus, where it is processed. 
Scientists believe that brain cells called neurons first transform the sensory stimuli we 
experience into images in our immediate memory. Then, these images are sent to the 
hippocampus and stored temporarily in short term memory. In the hippocampus information 
is organized, and it is during this process that parts of the image of our experience fade 
away. Finally, certain information is then transferred to long term memory in a section in 
the frontal lobe of the brain known as the cerebral cortex. Scientists think this process may 
happen while we are sleeping, but exactly how the information is transferred from one area 
of the brain to another is a mystery. 
This reading is mainly concerned with ----. 
98. Fictional stories about people who have extraordinary abilities have always attracted 
people's attention. One of them is the story of Vera Petrova, who is able to perceive things 
with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. One day she comes into his father's 
office and puts her hands on the door of a locked safe. Suddenly she asks her father why he 
keeps so many old newspapers locked away there. Vera's curious talent is brought to the 
notice of a scientific research institute and she is given a series of tests by a special 
commission. During these tests she manages to read a newspaper through an opaque screen 
and then she describes the figures and colors of a picture hidden under a carpet. During all 
these tests Vera is blindfolded; and, indeed, except when blindfolded she lacks the ability to 
perceive things with her skin. It was also found that although she could perceive things with 
her fingers, this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet. 
As we understand from the reading, Vera Petrova ----. 
99. Earthquake is a sudden movement in Earth's crust which produces vibration. These 
vibrations may be detectable only by sensitive instruments called seismographs, or else they 
may kill thousands as they destroy cities. Many earthquakes are caused when rocks move 
along faults. Severe earthquakes are most common near the edges of the "plates" in the 
Earth's crust, such as around the Pacific Ocean, along the mid-Atlantic ridge and in the 
Mediterranean and South- West Asian regions. They occur when the plates move. So me 
earthquakes are caused by volcanic action, explosions and other factors, Earthquakes under 
the sea trigger off huge waves called tsunamis. 
According to the passage, ----. 
100. Mr. Smith made a mistake when he gave his son Tom a camera. For soon Tom became 
so interested in photography that he began to neglect his school work. Soon a large part of 
his conversation was about photographs. When the newspapers came he examined the 
photographs first and said what was wrong with them, before starting to read the news. 
Mr. Smith gave his son a camera ____ 

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