MT 19. Translate the text Washington
Washington, D.C. - сочинение на английском языке
The city of Washington, the capital of the United States of America is located in the
District of Columbia (DC for short). Many people consider Washington DC to be one of
the most beatiful cities in the world. It is filled with many parks, wide streets and
impressive buildings. In the centre of the city, in Capitol Park, visitors' eyes focus on the Capitol, where Congress convince to pass laws.
Many visitors come to Washington DC to see the White House. It is the greatest
attraction for many of them. The White House, the official residence of the President,
is situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. The largest room in this building of over
the hundreds room is the East Room, scene of many state receptions, balls and musicals. Other famous rooms are: the Green Room, the Blue Room, the Red Room, which are
used for afternoon teas and for receptions held before state dinners.
MT 19.
Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlarining poytaxti Vashington shahri joylashgan
Kolumbiya okrugi (qisqacha DC). Ko'p odamlar Vashingtonni ulardan biri deb bilishadi
dunyodagi eng go'zal shaharlar. U ko'plab parklar, keng ko'chalar va
ta'sirchan binolar. Shahar markazida, Kapitoliy bog'ida, tashrif buyuruvchilarning ko'zlari Kongress qonunlarni qabul qilishga ishontiradigan Kapitoliyga qaratiladi.
Oq uyni ko'rish uchun Vashingtonga ko'plab mehmonlar keladi. Bu eng buyuk
ularning ko'plari uchun diqqatga sazovor joylar. Oq uy, prezidentning rasmiy qarorgohi,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.da joylashgan. Ushbu binodagi eng katta xona
yuzlab xona Sharqiy xona bo'lib, ko'plab davlat ziyofatlari, ballar va musiqalar sahnasi. Boshqa mashhur xonalar: Yashil xona, Moviy xona, Qizil xona
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