Speak louder please I can hardly hear you. If you come home later today you'll have to have dinner/supper alone. You've written the test worst of all

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Speak louder please I can hardly hear you. 2. If you come home later today you'll have to have dinner/supper alone. 3. You've written the test worst of all. 4. Maxim will be able to do better if he spends more time on his English. 5. You should work harder at your English if you want to speak the language better. 6. Let's go to the library a little earlier tomorrow, shall we? 7. Tomorrow we shall/will get up earlier (so as) to get to/reach you in time. 8. I was asked which of Moscow theatres I liked best/mo
Are you going go to the airport to meet Nick? - Of course/Sure. I'm so glad he'll be in Moscow again. Did you go to the same Institute? - Yes, and besides we worked at the same factory in 1990. 2. Have you invited Professor Ivanov? - Yes, he said that he would come/he's said he'll come at half past six. 3. The weather was rather bad yesterday and we didn't go to the forest/wood. 4. Did it rain in the country yesterday? No, it didn't. - It's strange, it rained hard in Moscow. 5. Today it's very warm outside. Do you mind if I open the window? 6. Now I get up earlier than usual because I have to make/prepare/ cook breakfast for my father and my brothers. 7. Have you got today's newspapers? 8. Today the weather is as bad/nasty as (it was) yesterday. The sun is not shining, it's rather cold and it may /might/could snow/it will proba bly snow. 9. If we go to the station by tram, we'll miss the train. Let's take a taxi, shall we/OK? 10. Please, tell the children a /some funny story. They enjoy/like funny sto ries most/best. 11. Where did you buy this watch? - At the central department store.- Is it expensive? - I paid seven hundred and fifty rubles for it It's a very nice watch. I like it more than mine. 12. Here February is the snowiest and coldest month of the year. 13. This coat is warmer than my old one, and I'm going to put it on. It's rather/pretty/quite/fairly cold outside today. 14. Have you finished the work yet? - No, I have done only part of it. 15. Is summer hotter in Moscow or in Murmansk? - Of course, summer in Murmansk is not so/as hot as in Moscow. 16. Many students of our group work hard at/on their English/study English hard
Yo‘lovchilar samolyotdan tushayotgan edi. Men samolyotga bordim va bu issiq havoda juda kulgili ko'rinadigan bir guruh odamlarni ko'rdim: ularning barchasida issiq interyer kiyimlari bor edi.

- Salom, sizni ko'rganimdan xursandman, - dedim taniganimdan keyin

Boris guruhda. "Salom, chol, bu mening xotinim va o'g'lim," Boris "Siz bilan tanishganimdan xursandman. Umid qilamanki, sayohatingiz yaxshi o'tdi."

Men aytdim. "Biroz issiq kiyinmaganmisiz? Unday emas

Bu yerda xuddi Verxoyanskdagidek sovuq, shundaymi?

"Menimcha, havo biroz iliqroq, - dedi Boris va kulib yubordi, - lekin biz uydan chiqqanimizda qor qattiq yog'di va biz umuman issiq emas edik." O'sha kuni u yerda qanday sovuq bo'lganini bilasizmi?.. Ishonmaysiz: deyarli 35° sovuq, tishlagan shamol u yoqda tursin.

“Oh, mayli, paltolaringni yechinglar, uyga tezroq boraylik, taksi kutmoqda, bizga ko‘p vaqt ketmaydi, bu yer sizga yoqadi, ishonaman.

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