Speaking topics: Prepare PPT presentations on the given topics and speakaboutthem.
Ixtiyoriy(Sohagaoid )
Task1:Read andtranslate thetextinwritten form.
IT Productsmeans the Goods specified in the Catalogue that the CONTRACTOR shallmake available to Customers including the Services. When a specific Good or Good andService is the subject
of an Order by a Customer, it will be referred to in the ensuingContract asanOrderedITProduct.
ITProductsmeansanycomputerrelatedsoftware,subscriptionorinformationtechnologyhardwareincludingbutnotlimitedtoprogram,programming,patches,upgrades,newversions andmodificationsthereto.
There is a new global trade agreement that will make IT products cheaper. More than 50countriesagreedtoendtariffsandimportdutiesonover200ITproducts.All28countriesfrom the European Union signed, as well as China, Japan, South Korea, the U.S. andothers. The deal was signed at a World Trade Organization meeting in Geneva. It willaffect a wide variety of products, including smartphones, digital cameras, ink cartridges,video game consoles and even telecommunications satellites. Import duties will becompletelyremovedfromtheselectedITproductsinthenextfouryears.Thedealappliesto$1.3 trillion worthofglobal trade.This is about7 percentofall world trade.
Many people believe the deal will be good for the world. The EU Trade Commissioner,Cecilia Malmström, said: "This is a great deal for consumers, and for companies big andsmall. We've worked hard [on] this compromise between different countries to find thebest solutions." She added: "This deal will cut costs for consumers and business - inparticular, for smaller firms, which have been hit especially hard…in the past." MsMalmströmhopesmorecountrieswillsignuptothedealinthenextfewyears.Shesaid:"It clearly shows that countries around the world can work together to achieve solutionsthatbenefit everyone.I[expectto see]othercountriesjoining soon."