Task1 Grammar : Fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer

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Self study 14
Task1 Grammar : Fill in the blanks with an appropriate answer
1. I live _____ an apartment _____ two American boys.
A) in / of B) at / with C) in / with D) of/with
2. Central Park is lovely _____ the snow.
A) at B) in C) of D) with
3. “_____ is his job?”
“He _____ a policeman.”
A) Which / is B) What / are C) What / is D) Where / is
4. He _____ from Argentina. He is _____ Mexico.
A) is / from B) isn’t / from C) isn’t / in D) aren’t / in
5. “_____ _____ is a hamburger and chips?”
“Three pounds fifty.”
A) How many B) How often C) How much D) How long
6. She thinks _____ her past life.
A) off B) for C) about D) with
7. He was tired _____ politics.
A) of B) at C) from D) with
8. She died _____ a car crash.
A) at B) for C) in D) on
9. People were afraid _____ her.
A) from B) of C) at D) on
10. I _____ in Paris when I was six.
A) lived B) live C) living D) lives
Task 2 Vocabulary : For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.


A policeman was sent to __1__ the disappearance of some property from a hotel. When he arrived, he found that the hotel staff had caught a boy in one of the rooms with a camera and some cash.
When the policeman tried to __2__ the boy, he became violent and the policeman had to __3__ him. At the police station the boy could not give a satisfactory explanation for his actions and the police decided to __4__ him with the __5__ of the camera and cash. They took his __6__ locked him in a __7__ and __8__ him overnight. The next morning he appeared in __9__ before the __10__. He took a(an) __11__ and __12__ not guilty. Two __13__, the owner of the property and a
Member of the hotel staff, gave __14__. After both sides of the case had been heard the boy was __15__ guilty. He had to pay a(an) __16__ of £50 and he was given a __17__ of three months in prison suspended for two years.
1. A) arrest B) magistrate C) investigate D) detain
2. A) arrest B) investigate C) charge D) save
3. A) arrest B) plead C) handcuff D) detain
4. A) arrest B) sentence C) detain D) charge
5. A) thieving B) steal C) theft D) evidence
6. A) fingerprints B) tiptoes C) handcuffs D) witnesses
7. A) prison B) dungeon C) cell D) jail
8. A) took B) charged C) handcuffed D) detained
9. A) dungeon B) prison C) station D) court
10. A) criminal B) magistrate C) lawyer D) prosecutor
11. A) witness B) oath C) promise D) plead
12. A) asked B) pleaded C) promised D) begged
13. A) witnesses B) magistrates C) friends D) opponents
14. A) criminal B) magistrate
C) investigations D) evidence
15. A) found B) sentenced C) celled D) charged
16. A) fine B) oath C) sentence D) money
17. A) word B) sentence C) fine D) charge

Task 3. Reading: Answer the following questions according to the text.

Sumo wrestling is an extremely popular sport in Japan. The Sumo champions are extremely large men who are not only tall but also weigh 130 kilograms or more. The reason that these wrestlers are so
Big is that the object of the game is for one wrestler to either throw his opponent out of the ring or to force him to the ground. The larger a wrestler is, the greater his chances of winning a fight. These matches are usually very short, most lasting less than one minute.
1 . Sumo wrestlers are extremely large _____.
A) because they must use their bodies against their opponents.
B) because this is a Japanese sport.
C) due to their great strength.
D) so that they can object to their opponents.
E) to force the ring to wrestle with him.
2. The length of these matches _____.
A) is very tall.
B) takes only a moment or so.
C) is about 13 kilograms.
D) generally lasts under a minute.
E) goes on until the bell rings.
3. To win the match _____.
A) one opponent must leave the ring.
B) one large wrestler must give up his ground.
C) the larger wrestler’s weight must be more than 130 kilos.
D) the force of the larger wrestler is measured.
E) one wrestler must prove his strength against the other.

Task 4.Writing: Translate the text into your native language.

British innovation in transport. Throughout the years, British inventors have made a significant contribution to transport, and this continues to this day. From tractors to trains, the steam engine was a popular way of powering all kinds of machinery during the industrial revolution. In 1765, the steam engine was developed (by the Scotsman James Watt and his contemporaries) to greatly improve its efficiency. This had a huge impact on industry in Britain and throughout the world, and later, in 1928, Britain pioneered another type of engine. The jet engine was invented by Frank
Whittle – the man who some people say ‘shrank the world’ by enabling people to travel by aircraft. Before cars, cycling was a preferred method of getting around. The Penny Farthing bicycle was invented in 1871 by James Starley, and was very popular in Victorian times. It was named after the ‘penny’ (a large coin) and the ‘farthing’ (a smaller coin) because the front wheel was much bigger than the back wheel, and therefore the bicycle represented the two coins in appearance. Riding a bike became a more comfortable experience when the pneumatic tyre was invented in 1885. Since then, pneumatic tyres have become ubiquitous and are now used on all modem bikes
- including motorbikes. Unlike environmentally friendly bicycles, however, motorbikes produce pollutants which some people believe are responsible for global warming. In 2005, the hydrogen fuel cell motorbike was designed to address this problem. Although the current price for this kind of motorbike is very high, they will become more affordable as demand for them increases, and scientists predict that, in the future, all major car manufacturers will be mass-producing hydrogen fuel vehicles. Londoners, and visitors to the capital city, are likely to be very familiar with ‘The
Tube’, which carries more than one billion passengers every year. The subway train was invented in 1865 and London was the first city to have an underground railway system. Countries throughout the world soon replicated the idea and there are now approximately 160 similar systems in operation internationally.

Task 5. Make a 13-15 slides presentation on the topic: Innovation

Task. 1.





Task.4. Tarjima


Transportdagi Britaniya innovatsiyasi. Yillar davomida ingliz ixtirochilari transportga katta hissa qo'shdilar va bu hozirgi kungacha davom etmoqda. Sanoat inqilobi davrida traktorlardan tortib poezdlargacha bo'lgan bug 'dvigatellari barcha turdagi mashinalarni quvvatlantirishning mashhur usuli edi. 1765 yilda bug 'dvigateli (shotsman Jeyms Vatt va uning zamondoshlari tomonidan) uning samaradorligini sezilarli darajada oshirish uchun ishlab chiqilgan. Bu Britaniya va butun dunyo sanoatiga katta ta'sir ko'rsatdi va keyinchalik, 1928 yilda Britaniya boshqa turdagi dvigatelni yaratdi. Reaktiv dvigatelni Frank ixtiro qilgan

Uitl – ba'zi odamlar «dunyoni kichraytirdi» degan odam, odamlarga samolyotda sayohat qilish imkonini beradi. Mashinalardan oldin velosipedda yurish afzal ko'rilgan. Penny Farthing velosipedi 1871 yilda Jeyms Starli tomonidan ixtiro qilingan va Viktoriya davrida juda mashhur edi. Old g'ildiragi orqa g'ildirakdan ancha katta bo'lgani uchun u «tinga» (katta tanga) va «farting» (kichikroq tanga) sharafiga nomlangan va shuning uchun velosiped tashqi ko'rinishida ikkita tangani ifodalagan. 1885-yilda pnevmatik shinalar ixtiro qilinganida velosiped haydash yanada qulayroq tajribaga aylandi. O‘shandan beri pnevmatik shinalar hamma joyda keng tarqaldi va hozirda barcha modemli velosipedlarda qo‘llanilmoqda.

-shu jumladan mototsikllar. Ekologik toza velosipedlardan farqli o'laroq, mototsikllar ba'zi odamlar global isish uchun javobgar deb hisoblaydigan ifloslantiruvchi moddalar ishlab chiqaradi. 2005 yilda vodorod yonilg'i xujayrasi mototsikli ushbu muammoni hal qilish uchun ishlab chiqilgan. Garchi bu turdagi mototsikllarning hozirgi narxi juda yuqori bo'lsa-da, ularga bo'lgan talab ortib borishi bilan ular arzonroq bo'ladi va olimlarning taxminiga ko'ra, kelajakda barcha yirik avtomobil ishlab chiqaruvchilari vodorodni ommaviy ishlab chiqaradilar.

Yoqilg'i transport vositalari. Londonliklar va poytaxt mehmonlari har yili bir milliarddan ortiq yo'lovchini tashiydigan «Tube» ni juda yaxshi bilishadi. Metro poyezdi 1865 yilda ixtiro qilingan va London er osti temir yo'l tizimiga ega bo'lgan birinchi shahar edi. Tez orada butun dunyo mamlakatlari bu g'oyani takrorladilar va hozirda xalqaro miqyosda 160 ga yaqin shunga o'xshash tizimlar mavjud.
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