Teacher: Tell me about your family

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Teacher: Tell me about your family.
Student: Well, my immediate family is relatively small, just my parents, my two brothers and me. But both of my parents come from very large families so my extended family is very large - I have 16 cousins! Our family gatherings are pretty chaotic, but fun. We're a very close-knit family. Even though we don't live together any more, the family ties are still very strong. When we were little there wasn't very much sibling rivalry between us. I think it's because we had a very stable upbringing. Both of my parents played a very active role in our school life, and our home life, and they taught us to resolve our conflicts in a very fair way. I consider myself very lucky.
O'qituvchi: Oilangiz haqida gapirib bering.
Talaba: Xo'sh, mening hozirgi oilam nisbatan kichik, faqat ota-onam, ikki ukam va men. Ammo mening ota-onamning ikkalasi ham juda katta oilalardan chiqqan, shuning uchun mening katta oilam juda katta - mening 16 amakivachcham bor! Bizning oilaviy yig'ilishlarimiz juda chalkash, ammo qiziqarli. Biz juda ahil oilamiz. Biz endi birga yashamasak ham, oilaviy rishtalar hali ham mustahkam. Kichkinaligimizda o'rtamizda aka-uka tortishuvii unchalik katta bo'lmagan. Menimcha, bu bizda juda muntazam tarbiya olganimiz uchundir. Ota-onamning ikkalasi ham bizning maktab hayotimizda, uy hayotimizda juda faol rol o'ynagan va ular bizga nizolarni juda adolatli hal qilishni o'rgatishgan. Men o'zimni juda omadli deb hisoblayman.
Teacher: Who are you most similar to in your family?
Student: Well, you can see a very clear family resemblance between my brothers and me, but everyone tells me that the physical resemblance between me and my grandfather is very striking. Sadly, I never got to meet him because he died before I was born. But I've seen photographs of him at my age and we're quite alike. Other than that, I think I have my father's temperament - we're both very stubborn! But, thankfully, I also inherited his historical brain!
O'qituvchi: Oilangizda kimga ko'proq o'xshaysiz?
Talaba: Xo'sh, siz mening akalarim va men o'rtasida juda aniq oilaviy o'xshashlikni ko'rishingiz mumkin, lekin hamma menga mening va bobom o'rtasidagi jismoniy o'xshashlik juda hayratlanarli ekanligini aytadi. Afsuski, men u bilan uchrasha olmadim, chunki u men tug'ilishimdan oldin vafot etgan. Ammo men uning yoshimda suratlarini ko'rganman va biz juda o'xshashmiz. Boz ustiga, menimcha, menda otamning fe’l-atvori bor – ikkimiz ham juda qaysarmiz! Lekin, shukrki, men ham uning tarixiy miyasini meros qilib oldim!
Teacher: What do you remember about your early childhood?
Student: Oh, I remember being very happy! I have a lot of great memories of my childhood. In fact, my brother and I often reminisce about it. Perhaps when you look back everything seems better, but our summer holidays seemed to go on forever and the sun always seemed to be shining. Nowadays, if we ever have a hot summer day, it always reminds me of my childhood holidays.
O'qituvchi: Erta bolaligingiz haqida nimalarni eslaysiz?
Talaba: Oh, men juda xursand bo'lganimni eslayman! Bolaligimning ajoyib xotiralari juda ko‘p. Darhaqiqat, men va akam buni tez-tez eslaymiz. Ehtimol, orqaga qarasangiz, hamma narsa yaxshiroq bo'lib tuyuladi, lekin bizning yozgi ta'tillarimiz abadiy davom etayotgandek va quyosh doimo porlayotgandek tuyulardi. Hozirgi kunda, agar bizda yozning issiq kuni bo'lsa, u har doim bolaligimdagi bayramlarimni eslatadi.
Teacher: Do you think you have a good memory or a poor memory?
Student: Well, when I was younger I think I used to have a very good memory. I used to be able to memorise long lists of dates without any trouble. But I find it harder and harder to remember things these days, so now I would say my memory is quite poor. When I'm studying I find I have to think up strategies to help me, like visualising something associated with a particular word. I even forget important things sometimes, so I have to write myself little notes as a reminder.
O'qituvchi: Sizningcha, xotirangiz yaxshimi yoki yomonmi?
Talaba: Xo'sh, yoshligimda xotiram juda yaxshi bo'lgan deb o'ylayman. Men sanalarning uzun ro'yxatini hech qanday muammosiz yodlab olardim. Ammo hozirgi kunlarda narsalarni eslab qolishim qiyinroq va qiyinroq, shuning uchun hozir xotiram juda yomon, deyman. Men o'qiyotganimda, menga yordam beradigan strategiyalarni o'ylab ko'rishim kerak, masalan, ma'lum bir so'z bilan bog'liq narsalarni tasavvur qilish. Men hatto ba'zida muhim narsalarni unutaman, shuning uchun eslatma sifatida o'zimga kichik eslatmalar yozishim kerak.
Interviewer: Do you think people work too much nowadays?
Speaker : Not really, I think people have always worked hard for a living. I mean it has never been easy for anyone, has it? You have to work hard if you want to achieve anything in your life-that's just the way it is and there isn't a lot you can do about it. Life has its ups and downs and I think the best thing to do is accept that and get on with it.
Suhbatdosh: Sizningcha, bugungi kunda odamlar juda ko'p ishlaydilarmi?
Ma'ruzachi: Unday emas, menimcha, odamlar doimo yashash uchun qattiq mehnat qilganlar. Aytmoqchimanki, bu hech qachon hech kimga oson bo'lmagan, shunday emasmi? Agar hayotingizda biror narsaga erishmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ko'p mehnat qilishingiz kerak - bu xuddi shunday va siz bu borada ko'p narsa qila olmaysiz. Hayot past-balandliklardan iborat va menimcha, eng yaxshi narsa buni qabul qilish va unga chidamoqdir.
Interviewer: What do you like to do to relax?
Speaker : For me there is only one way to relax and that's through sport. I like to live life on the edge, so I do a lot of extreme sports like paragliding and deep sea diving. When you're in a dangerous situation, that's when you really feel alive. I think your attitude has a big impact on your quality of life.
Suhbatdosh: Dam olish uchun nima qilishni yoqtirasiz?
Ma‘ruzachi: Men uchun dam olishning bitta yo'li bor, bu sport orqali. Men hayotimni xavfga qo‘yib yashashni yaxshi ko'raman, shuning uchun men parashutda uchish va chuqur dengizga sho'ng'ish kabi ko'plab ekstremal sport turlari bilan shug'ullanaman. Xavfli vaziyatga tushib qolganingizda, siz haqiqatdan ham joningizning qadrini bilasiz. O'ylaymanki, sizning munosabatingiz hayot sifatiga katta ta'sir qiladi.

Interviewer: What's your idea of a perfect day?

Speaker 3: I don't think there's any such thing as the perfect day -something always seems to happen to spoil it. Some people say I have a negative attitude, but if I plan a picnic with friends then either it rains or my friends decide not to come along. I think it's a waste of time making plans like that. Life can be full of disappointments.
Suhbatdosh: Mukammal kun haqida qanday fikrdasiz?
Ma'ruzachi: Menimcha, mukammal kun degan narsa yo'q - har doim nimadir uni buzadigandek tuyuladi. Ba'zi odamlar mening munosabatim salbiy deyishadi, lekin agar men do'stlarim bilan sayr qilishni rejalashtirsam, yo yomg'ir yog'adi yoki do'stlarim kelmaslikka qaror qilishadi. Menimcha, bunday rejalar tuzish vaqtni behuda sarflashdir. Hayot ko‘ngilsizliklarga to'la bo'lishi mumkin.
Interviewer: How would you describe your attitude to life?
Speaker 4: I have a very positive outlook on life. I think it's important to treat every day as special and live life to the full. Some people approach everything as if their glass is half empty. If you do that then it will colour every experience you have. I think if you want to lead a happy life then you need to have a positive approach to everything

Suhbatdosh: Hayotga munosabatingizni qanday ta'riflagan bo'lardingiz?

Ma‘ruzachi: Men hayotga juda ijobiy qarayman. O'ylaymanki, har bir kunni o'zgacha deb bilish va mazmunli hayot kechirish muhim. Ba'zi odamlar hamma narsaga xuddi stakanning yarmi bo'shdek yondashadilar. Agar shunday qilsangiz, u sizda mavjud bo'lgan har bir tajribaga rang beradi. Menimcha, agar siz baxtli hayot kechirishni istasangiz, hamma narsaga ijobiy yondashishingiz kerak.

Do you work or are you student? What subjects are you studying?

Speker: I am currently studying. I am in the 8th semester and my major is History. I study in the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after "Ajiniyaz". I'm planning to apply for a Master's degree as soon as I meet the requirements of the programm. I’ve always been interested in history.Because I love learning the stories of how places came to be and how events happened at the human level and now I study history as my major. I specialize in ancient history. It’s a subject I really enjoy, and it’s very close to my heart.
Ishlaysizmi yoki talabamisiz? Qaysi fanlarni o'qiyapsiz?
Ma'ruzachi: Men hozir o'qiyapman. Men 8-semestrda o'qiyman va mening ixtisosligim tarix. “Ajiniyoz” nomidagi Nukus davlat pedagogika institutida tahsil olaman. Dastur talablariga javob bersam, magistraturaga hujjat topshirishni rejalashtiryapman. Men har doim tarixga qiziqqanman.Chunki men joylar qanday paydo bo'lganligi va voqealar inson darajasida qanday sodir bo'lganligi haqidagi hikoyalarni o'rganishni yaxshi ko'raman va hozir esa tarixni o'z mutaxassisligim sifatida o'qiyman. Men qadimgi tarixga ixtisoslashganman. Bu menga juda yoqadigan mavzu va bu mening yuragimga juda yaqin.
------------------------------------------Why did you choose to study that subject?
Speker: Well., There are multitude of complex reasons and motivations for the study of history. However, what is certain is that a history degree continues to catch the attention of our country's youngers.
Whether you wish to have a better understanding of modern geo-political relations or wish to understand how certain events in the past have shaped contemporary society, studying history can help. I am here to find a answer my questions on the importance of studying history.
Nega bu fanni o'rganishni tanladingiz?

Ma'ruzachi: Xo'sh, tarixni o'rganish uchun juda ko'p murakkab sabablar va motivlar mavjud. Ammo shunisi aniqki, tarix fanidan tahsil olish yurtimiz yoshlarining e'tiborini tortishda davom etmoqda.

Zamonaviy geo-siyosiy munosabatlarni yaxshiroq tushunishni xohlaysizmi yoki o'tmishdagi ayrim voqealar zamonaviy jamiyatni qanday shakllantirganini tushunishni xohlaysizmi, tarixni o'rganish yordam berishi mumkin. Men tarixni o'rganishning ahamiyati haqidagi savollarimga javob topish uchun shu yerdaman.
What do you like about your studies?
I will probably sound a bit nerdy, but I'm happy that Institute provides me with an opportunity to acquire knowledge about things I didn't know before. I guess that most subjects, we are taught, will help us to succeed in the future. So I never miss lessons and complete all the assignments on time.
O'qishingizda sizga nima yoqadi?
Men biroz nodon bo'lib tuyulaman, lekin institut menga avval bilmagan narsalarim haqida bilim olish imkoniyatini berganidan xursandman. O'ylaymanki, bizga o'qitiladigan ko'pgina fanlar kelajakda muvaffaqiyatga erishishimizga yordam beradi. Shuning uchun men hech qachon darslarni qoldirmayman va barcha topshiriqlarni o'z vaqtida bajaraman.
What do you dislike about your studies?
As an institute student, I can safely say that I dislike Institute very strongly mainly because the teachers pile so much work onto us that we hardly get 5 hours of sleep a night during an average a week. You see, no matter when I go to bed, I have to wake up early because my classes usually start at 8 am. To top it off, most subjects are boring and irrelevant to our future careers. So it causes a lot of stress, making me and my fellow students reluctant to study.
O'qishingizda nima yoqmaydi?
Institut talabasi sifatida ishonch bilan ayta olamanki, men Institutni juda yoqtirmayman, chunki o'qituvchilar bizga shunchalik ko'p ish qo'yishadiki, biz haftasiga o'rtacha 5 soat uxlay olamiz. Ko‘ryapsizmi, qachon yotishimdan qat’iy nazar, erta turishim kerak, chunki darslarim odatda ertalab soat 8 da boshlanadi. Bundan tashqari, ko'pchilik mavzular zerikarli va kelajakdagi kareramizga aloqasi yo'q. Shuning uchun bu juda ko'p stressni keltirib chiqaradi, men va mening hamkasblarim o'qishni istamaydi.
What was your dream job when you were young?
Oh, when I was younger, I wanted to either become a CEO of a big company or be self-employed. I was really sure that this would bring me an adequate remuneration and, as a result, a sense of satisfaction. What is more, I understood that I was good at problem-solving and managing people, could take on responsibility and work under pressure, which was very important for pursuing such careers.
Yoshligingizda orzu qilgan kasbingiz nima edi?
Oh, men yoshligimda katta kompaniyaning bosh direktori bo'lishni yoki o'z-o'zini ish bilan ta'minlashni xohlardim. Bu menga munosib haq va natijada qoniqish hissini olib kelishiga amin edim. Bundan tashqari, men muammolarni hal qilishda va odamlarni boshqarishda yaxshi ekanligimni, mas'uliyatni o'z zimmasiga olishimni va bosim ostida ishlashimni tushundim, bu esa bunday martaba uchun juda muhim edi.

Teacher: What do you think you need to do to be a good language learner?

Student: Well, you need to be able to put down your textbooks from time to time and forget about accuracy. That's the only way to become more fluent in a language. You also need to speak to native speakers of the language as much as you can.
O'qituvchi: Sizningcha, yaxshi til o'rganuvchi bo'lish uchun nima qilish kerak?
O‘quvchi: Xo‘sh, siz vaqti-vaqti bilan darsliklaringizni qo‘yib, aniqlikni unutishingiz kerak. Shundagina tilda ravon bo‘lish mumkin. Shuningdek, iloji boricha o'z ona tilida so'zlashuvchilar bilan gaplashishingiz kerak.
Teacher: What do you think makes a good language teacher?
Student: I think the best language teachers are those who can speak another language themselves. Teachers also need to be able to explain things clearly and in a way that is easy to follow.
O'qituvchi: Sizningcha, yaxshi til o'qituvchisi qanday bo'ladi?
Talaba: Menimcha, eng yaxshi til o'qituvchilari o'zlari boshqa tilda gapira oladiganlardir. O'qituvchilar ham narsalarni aniq va oson bajariladigan tarzda tushuntira olishlari kerak.

Teacher: What problems do people experience when learning your language?

Student: My first language is very difficult to learn because of the pronunciation. The individual sounds are very strange to other nationalities and often difficult for them to pronounce.
O'qituvchi: Sizning tilingizni o'rganishda odamlar qanday muammolarga duch kelishadi?
Talaba: Mening birinchi tilim talaffuzi tufayli o‘rganish juda qiyin. Shaxsiy tovushlar boshqa millatlar uchun juda g'alati va ko'pincha ular uchun talaffuz qilish qiyin.
Please describe your hometown a little.
My hometown is a small place, with a population of around 100 000 people. But despite its relatively small size, it offers the same facilities and amenities as a large city does. For instance, we have department stores, schools, cafes, hospitals, to name but a few. So I don't feel trapped. Nor do I feel like I'm stuck in a small town with no opportunities. In my opinion, it's a great place to work, live and raise a family. What I like most about it is that there aren't many vehicles on the roads so it isn't noisy or polluted. And because aren't many cars, there are no traffic jam even during rush hour.
Iltimos, tug'ilgan shaharingizni bir oz tasvirlab bering.
Mening tug'ilgan shahrim 100 000 ga yaqin aholiga ega kichik joy. Ammo nisbatan kichik o'lchamiga qaramay, u yirik shahardagi kabi qulayliklar va qulayliklarni taqdim etadi. Masalan, bizda do'konlar, maktablar, kafelar, shifoxonalar bor, lekin bir nechtasini nomlash mumkin. Shunday ekan, o‘zimni tuzoqqa tushgandek his qilmayman. Men ham o'zimni hech qanday imkoniyat bo'lmagan kichik shaharchada qolib ketgandek his qilmayman. Menimcha, bu yerda ishlash, yashash va oila boqish uchun ajoyib joy. Menga eng yoqadigan jihati shundaki, yo'llarda avtomobillar ko'p emas, shuning uchun u shovqinli yoki ifloslanmaydi. Mashinalar ko‘p bo‘lmagani uchun ham, tirband vaqtda ham tirbandlik bo‘lmaydi.
What is your town well-known for?
I believe a wealth of history and culture is a primary source of attraction for tourists. People come there to visit museums and many places of historic value such as X and Y. Every street is steeped in history. As the city is very old, it consists of several parts. And walking around it, you can experience a journey through civilizations.
Sizning shahringiz nima bilan mashhur?
Menimcha, tarix va madaniyat boyligi sayyohlarni jalb qilishning asosiy manbai hisoblanadi. Odamlar u erga muzeylarni va X va Y kabi tarixiy ahamiyatga ega bo'lgan ko'plab joylarni ziyorat qilish uchun kelishadi. Har bir ko'cha tarixga boy. Shahar juda qadimiy bo'lgani uchun u bir necha qismdan iborat. Va uning atrofida sayr qilib, siz tsivilizatsiyalar bo'ylab sayohat qilishingiz mumkin.
Do you like your hometown?
Yeah, it is never boring no matter what your interests. It's a large city, so you can easily find where to go and what to do. One thing I particularly like about it is that although it is vast, there are a thousand small and intimate places there such as peaceful gardens and small friendly restaurants.
Sizga tug'ilgan shahar yoqadimi?
Ha, sizning qiziqishlaringiz qanday bo'lishidan qat'iy nazar, bu hech qachon zerikmaydi. Bu katta shahar, shuning uchun qaerga borish va nima qilish kerakligini osongina topishingiz mumkin. Menga ayniqsa yoqadigan narsa shundaki, u juda katta bo'lsa- da, minglab kichik va samimiy joylar bor, masalan, tinch bog'lar va kichik do'stona restoranlar.
Do you like chocolate?
Oh, yeah! I can't live a day without it. It's a kind of antidepressant for me. It helps me to reduce stress and gives a refreshing effect to my brain. I always feel elated after eating chocolate and can't avoid the temptation to eat it again and again.
Sizga shokolad yoqadimi?
Ha, albatta! Men usiz bir kun yashay olmayman. Bu men uchun antidepressantning bir turi. Bu menga stressni kamaytirishga yordam beradi va miyamga tetiklantiruvchi ta'sir ko'rsatadi. Men shokolad iste'mol qilganimdan keyin doimo xursand bo'laman va uni qayta- qayta iste'mol qilish vasvasasidan qochib qutula olmayman.
Did you like chocolate when you were a child?
Definitely, I think there are no kids in the world who don't enjoy eating chocolate. I really adored that melt-in-my mouth feeling every time I popped a piece of chocolate in my mouth and always waited for chocolate surprises from everyone coming to our place.
Bolaligingizda shokoladni yoqtirganmisiz?
Albatta. Menimcha, dunyoda shokolad iste'mol qilishni yoqtirmaydigan bolalar yo'q. Men har gal shokolad bo‘lagini og‘zimga tashlaganimda, o‘sha og‘zimdagi erish tuyg‘usini juda yaxshi ko‘rardim va har doim bizning joyimizga kelgan har bir kishidan shokoladli syurprizlarni kutardim.

Did you give chocolate as a present to someone?

Millions of times, actually. First of all, it's a traditional present on St Valentine's Day. It symbolizes affection, attraction, deep love, luxury, passion and sensuality. What is more, I think it's an exciting sweet surprise for children which makes them really happy and a perfect 'thank you' gift to colleagues, friends, teachers and employers.
Kimgadir shokolad sovg'a qildingizmi?
Millionlab marta, aslida. Birinchidan, bu Avliyo Valentin kunida an'anaviy sovg'adir. Bu mehr, joziba, chuqur sevgi, hashamat, ehtiros va shahvoniylikni anglatadi. Bundan tashqari, menimcha, bu bolalar uchun hayajonli shirin syurpriz bo'lib, ularni chinakam xursand qiladi va hamkasblari, do'stlari, o'qituvchilari va ish beruvchilariga ajoyib "rahmat" sovg'asidir.

How often do you eat chocolate?

I don't usually buy chocolate for myself, but I love it when someone treats me or gives it as a gift, especially when it's from someone I care about.
Shokoladni qanchalik tez- tez iste'mol qilasiz?
Men odatda o‘zim uchun shokolad sotib olmayman, lekin kimdir menga muomala qilsa yoki sovg‘a qilsa, ayniqsa, u menga qadrli bo‘lgan odamdan bo‘lsa, uni yaxshi ko‘raman.
Why do you think chocolate is popular all over the world?
The chocolate industry is huge and companies spend billions of dollars on marketing and advertising campaigns to make their products appealing to consumers. All these efforts have definitely paid off and helped make chocolate popular worldwide.
Nima uchun shokolad butun dunyoda mashhur deb o'ylaysiz?
Shokolad sanoati juda katta va kompaniyalar o'z mahsulotlarini iste'molchilarga jalb qilish uchun marketing va reklama kampaniyalariga milliardlab dollar sarflashadi. Bu sa'y- harakatlarning barchasi o'z samarasini berdi va shokoladni butun dunyo bo'ylab mashhur qilishga yordam berdi.
What's your favourite flavour of chocolate?
I enjoy all types of chocolate, except white chocolate. It doesn't have the taste of chocolate that I enjoy 'cause it doesn't contain cocoa, which gives chocolate its distinct flavor.
Shokoladning qaysi ta'mini yoqtirasiz?
Men shokoladning barcha turlarini yoqtiraman, oq shokoladdan tashqari. Unda men yoqtiradigan shokoladning ta'mi yo'q, chunki uning tarkibida kakao yo'q, bu shokoladga o'ziga xos lazzat beradi.

How do you feel in the morning after you stay up late?

Actually it doesn't matter when I go to bed, I always feel restless in the mornings. And it's always difficult for me(I would say almost impossible) to get out of bed.
Kech yotganingizdan keyin ertalab o'zingizni qanday his qilasiz?
Aslida qachon yotishim muhim emas, ertalab har doim o'zimni bezovta his qilaman. Va men uchun to'shakdan turish har doim qiyin (deyarli imkonsiz deb aytaman).
What were you doing when you stayed up late last time?
Oh, last Sunday I promised myself to go to bed before midnight, but I binge-watched the entire season of Wednesday, and went to bed at 4 am.
Oxirgi marta kech turganingizda nima qildingiz?
Oh, o'tgan yakshanba kuni men o'zimga yarim tundan oldin uxlashga va'da bergandim, lekin chorshanbaning butun mavsumini tomosha qildim va ertalab soat 4 da uxlashga yotdim.
Do you go to sleep early or stay up late?
Well, I normally go to bed at about 11 p.m. as I believe there's no point sacrificing sleep for other activities. No matter how important they might seem, the benefits of doing them will not outweigh the harm sleep deprivation will do to my health.
Siz erta uxlaysizmi yoki kech yotasizmi?
Xo'sh, men odatda soat 23:00 da yotaman, chunki men boshqa mashg'ulotlar uchun uyquni qurbon qilishning ma'nosi yo'qligiga ishonaman. Ular qanchalik muhim bo'lib ko'rinmasin, ularni qilishning foydasi uxlamaslik mening sog'lig'imga yetkazadigan zarardan ko'p bo'lmaydi.

What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

I am a music lover so I enjoy listening to different kinds of music because any music be it classical, electronic or pop creates some feelings in my soul. Moreover, different kinds of music influence me in different ways, for example classical music lessens depression whereas rock music evokes strong memories.

Siz qanday musiqalarni tinglashni yaxshi ko'rasiz?

Men musiqa ishqiboziman, shuning uchun men turli xil musiqalarni tinglashni yoqtiraman, chunki har qanday musiqa, xoh klassik, xoh elektron, xoh estrada bo'lsin, qalbimda qandaydir tuyg'ularni yaratadi. Bundan tashqari, turli xil musiqalar menga turli yo'llar bilan ta'sir qiladi, masalan, klassik musiqa depressiyani kamaytiradi, rok musiqasi esa kuchli xotiralarni uyg'otadi.

When did you start listening to that type of music?

I started listening to pop music at a very early age, I guess I was around 5 or 6 years old. This catchy and easy-listening music tempted me and I just couldn't help listening to it. As far as rock is concerned, Ifellinmadko'rishgai.

Bunday musiqani qachon tinglashni boshladingiz?

Men pop musiqasini juda erta tinglashni boshladim, taxminimcha, 5-6 yoshda edim. Bu jozibali va oson tinglanadigan musiqa meni vasvasaga soldi va men uni tinglashdan o'zini tutolmadim. Rok haqida gapiradigan bo'lsak, men Rolling Stones guruhining "Qora rangga bo'yang" qo'shig'ini eshitganimdan so'ng, men uni yigirma yoshning boshida sevib qoldim.

Do you often listen to music?

It seems I listen to it all the time. I do it while working, driving a car, spending time on the Internet, walking down the street, working out, cooking and even lying around. So yeah, I can say that I listen to music my entire day.
Siz tez- tez musiqa tinglaysizmi?
Men uni doim tinglayotganga o'xshaydi. Men buni ishlayotganda, mashina haydaganimda, Internetda vaqt o'tkazganimda, ko'chada yurganimda, mashq qilganda, ovqat pishirishda va hatto yotganda qilaman. Shunday qilib, men kun bo'yi musiqa tinglayman, deb ayta olaman.
When do you listen to music?
Well, I would say I listen to music whenever I can but I mostly do it when I am out of work and have free time though sometimes I turn on music at work when I need to focus on some important task

Qachon musiqa tinglaysiz?

Iloji bo'lsa musiqa tinglayman deyman, lekin men buni asosan ishsiz va bo'sh vaqtim bo'lganimda qilaman, lekin ba'zida biron bir muhim vazifaga e'tibor qaratishim kerak bo'lganda ishda musiqani yoqaman.
How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
I guess I spend about 60 percent of my time listening to music. I listen to it my entire day while working, walking, driving a car, cooking, surfing the Internet. So yeah I guess at least 60 percent of my day.
Har kuni musiqa tinglashga qancha vaqt sarflaysiz? Vaqtimning 60 foizini musiqa tinglashga sarflayman. Men kun bo'yi ishlaganda, piyoda yurganimda, mashina haydaganimda, ovqat pishirganimda, Internetda kezganimda uni tinglayman. Ha, men kunimning kamida 60 foizini o'ylayman.
How do you feel when you listen to it?
I feel elated when I listen to the music I like. I just melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. It makes me relieved, pumped up and really blissful.
Uni tinglaganingizda o'zingizni qanday his qilasiz?
O'zimga yoqqan musiqani tinglaganimda o'zimni xursandchilik his qilaman. Men faqat ohangda erib, ritm bilan oqaman. Bu meni yengillashtiradi, hayajonlantiradi va haqiqatan ham baxtli qiladi.
Do you prefer buying things in big companies or from small businesses?
Oh, definitely from small businesses as, first of all, small businesses always do their best to be competitive and provide the best price. Secondly, they are more likely to provide better customer service if there are any problems with the merchandise as all purchases, deals and positive reviews matter for them. And, of course, when I buy from small companies, I cycle money back into my community and, thus, support the local economy.
Katta kompaniyalarda yoki kichik korxonalarda narsalarni sotib olishni afzal ko'rasizmi?
Oh, albatta, kichik biznesdan, chunki, birinchi navbatda, kichik biznes har doim raqobatbardosh bo'lish va eng yaxshi narxni ta'minlash uchun qo'lidan kelganini qiladi. Ikkinchidan, agar tovarlar bilan bog'liq muammolar mavjud bo'lsa, ular mijozlarga yaxshiroq xizmat ko'rsatish ehtimoli ko'proq, chunki barcha xaridlar, bitimlar va ijobiy sharhlar ular uchun muhimdir. Va, albatta, men kichik kompaniyalardan sotib olganimda, men pulni o'z jamoamga aylantiraman va shu bilan mahalliy iqtisodiyotni qo'llab- quvvatlayman.
Do you know many small businesses?
Yeah, there are lots of small businesses where I live. I mean pizza parlors, coffee shops, restaurants, barber shops and retail outlets. Nowadays many people prefer to start small business 'cause they want to have the freedom to fill smaller niches with less common and more innovative products.
Ko'pgina kichik bizneslarni bilasizmi?
Ha, men yashayotgan joyda ko'plab kichik bizneslar bor. Men pitssaxonalar, qahvaxonalar, restoranlar, sartaroshxonalar va chakana savdo nuqtalarini nazarda tutyapman. Hozirgi kunda ko'p odamlar kichik biznesni boshlashni afzal ko'rishadi, chunki ular kichikroq bo'shliqlarni kamroq tarqalgan va ko'proq innovatsion mahsulotlar bilan to'ldirish erkinligiga ega bo'lishni xohlashadi.
Are you interested in films about outer space and stars?
Yeah, I'm a big fan of sci-fi and space movies. It's so cool to see what filmmakers imagine the universe could be like and the special effects these days just blow my mind.
Kosmos va yulduzlar haqidagi filmlarga qiziqasizmi?
Ha, men ilmiy-fantastik va kosmik filmlarning ashaddiy muxlisiman. Kino ijodkorlari koinot qanday bo‘lishi mumkinligini tasavvur qilish juda zo‘r va bugungi kundagi maxsus effektlar meni hayratga soladi.
Do you want to travel in the outer space?
Of course I do. I love space and I am sure travelling there would be a great experience. I'll get a chance to float around, discover new planets and see aliens. So yeah, I'd really love to try it!
Kosmosda sayohat qilishni xohlaysizmi?
Albatta qilaman. Men kosmosni yaxshi ko'raman va ishonchim komil u erga sayohat qilish ajoyib tajriba bo'ladi. Men atrofida suzish, yangi narsalarni kashf qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo'laman sayyoralar va musofirlarni ko'ring. Ha, men juda yaxshi ko'raman sinash uchun!
What would you do if you had an opportunity?
If I had an opportunity, I would definitely take it as I've been dreaming about space travel since my childhood. I know that the amount of training I'd have to do before such a trip is quite big and I know that it can be dangerous as I might get lost or run out of oxygen but still I'd no doubt seize this opportunity.
Agar sizda imkoniyat bo'lsa nima qilgan bo'lardingiz?
Agar menda imkoniyat bo'lsa, men, albatta, bolaligimdan kosmik sayohatni orzu qilgan bo'lardim. Men bunday sayohatdan oldin bajarishim kerak bo'lgan mashg'ulotlar miqdori juda katta ekanligini bilaman va bu xavfli bo'lishi mumkinligini bilaman, chunki men adashib qolishim yoki kislorod tugashi mumkin, lekin baribir bu imkoniyatdan foydalanishimga shubham yo'q.

Have you ever learnt about stars and outer space?

No, never. I can even say that I have never thought about it. Maybe it's because I have a list of more important courses I would like to take in the not-too-distant future.
Siz hech qachon yulduzlar va koinot haqida bilib oldingizmi?
Yo'q, hech qachon. Hatto aytishim mumkinki, men bu haqda hech qachon o'ylamaganman. Ehtimol, bu menda yaqin kelajakda o'qishni istagan muhimroq kurslar ro'yxati borligi sabablidir.
Is it important to study stars?
I am sure it is. Stars help people understand how our solar system was formed, give a lot of information about the physical world and have influence on people's life. So it's really important to study them.
Yulduzlarni o'rganish muhimmi?
Ishonchim komilki, shunday. Yulduzlar odamlarga quyosh sistemamiz qanday shakllanganligini tushunishga yordam beradi, jismoniy dunyo haqida ko'p ma'lumot beradi va odamlar hayotiga ta'sir qiladi. Shuning uchun ularni o'rganish juda muhimdir.
What do you do on weekends?
Well, it largely depends on whether I'm tired or not. If I had a hard working week, I usually sleep in and then stay in bed for half a day doing absolutely nothing or at least nothing that involves much brainwork. Then I may either read a book or surf the Net. If I don't feel like a squeezed lemon, I like meeting friends. We usually either walk in the park or go to the cafe to drink coffee and chat.
Dam olish kunlari nima qilasiz?
Xo'sh, bu ko'p jihatdan charchagan yoki charchamaganligimga bog'liq. Agar menda og'ir ish haftasi bo'lsa, men odatda uxlab qolaman va keyin yarim kun davomida tamoman hech narsa qilmayman yoki hech bo'lmaganda ko'p miya faoliyatini taqozo etadigan hech narsa qilmasdan yotoqda qolaman. Keyin men kitob o'qishim yoki Internetda kezishim mumkin. Agar o'zimni siqilgan limon kabi his qilmasam, men do'stlar bilan uchrashishni yaxshi ko'raman. Biz odatda parkda sayr qilamiz yoki qahva ichish va suhbatlashish uchun kafega boramiz.
Do you like weekends?
To tell the truth, I don't like weekends because I realise that this is the only time when I can do all my household chores such as cooking or cleaning. This is because on study days I cannot make myself do it. But, of course, sometimes I dedicate time to my hobbies, visit my parents who live another town.
Dam olish kunlarini yoqtirasizmi?
To'g'risini aytsam, dam olish kunlarini yoqtirmayman, chunki men ovqat pishirish yoki tozalash kabi barcha uy yumushlarimni faqat shu payt qilishim mumkinligini tushunaman. Buning sababi, o'qish kunlarida men o'zimni buni qilishga majburlay olmayman. Lekin, albatta, ba'zan vaqtimni sevimli mashg'ulotlarimga bag'ishlayman, boshqa shaharda yashovchi ota-onamga tashrif buyuraman.
------------------------------------------What did you do last weekend?
Last weekend was very different from my regular daily routine on weekends. Usually, I spend weekends doing housework and yard work. But last weekend I spent almost all weekend relaxing at home. I watched a couple of movies, read a book, and took a nap. It was nice to take it easy for once. But I also went outside and did something active, even if it was just for a half-hour. It helped me feel refreshed and energized for the rest of the day.
Oxirgi dam olish kunlarida nima qildingiz?
O'tgan hafta oxiri dam olish kunlaridagi odatdagi kundalik ishimdan juda farq qildi. Odatda dam olish kunlarini uy yumushlari va hovli yumushlari bilan o‘tkazaman.Ammo o'tgan dam olish kunlari deyarli butun dam olish kunlarini uyda dam olish bilan o'tkazdim. Bir-ikkita kino ko‘rdim, kitob o‘qidim, dam oldim. Bir marta tinchlanish yaxshi edi. Lekin men ham tashqariga chiqdim va yarim soatlik bo'lsa ham faol ish qildim. Bu menga kunning qolgan qismida tetiklik va energiya olishimga yordam berdi.-----------------------------------------

Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?
I believe it's not just important, but essential to have enough rest during the weekend because we aren't robots and our brain and body cannot work nonstop maintaining the same levels of productivity. If you don't get enough rest, the only likely outcome is a burnout. So weekends serve as a so-called system reboot after which you will feel rested and energetic and therefore satisfied with your life.
Sizningcha, dam olish kunlaridan unumli foydalanish muhimmi?
Menimcha, bu nafaqat muhim, balki dam olish kunlarida etarlicha dam olish juda muhim, chunki biz robotlar emasmiz va miyamiz va tanamiz bir xil mahsuldorlikni saqlab turish uchun to'xtovsiz ishlay olmaydi. Agar siz yetarlicha dam olmasangiz, yagona mumkin bo'lgan oqibat - charchash. Shunday qilib, dam olish kunlari tizimni qayta ishga tushirish deb nomlanadi, shundan so'ng siz o'zingizni xotirjam va baquvvat his qilasiz va shuning uchun hayotingizdan mamnun bo'lasiz.
Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?
Definitely, I would. T-shirts are a great way to take a piece of my vacation home with me. They serve as a memory of the trip and can be a great conversation starter. I also like that T-shirts can be gifted to friends and family, allowing me to share my vacation experience with those closest to me.
Ta'tilda esdalik sifatida futbolkalarni sotib olasizmi?
Albatta, qilardim. Maykalar ta'tildan bir qismini o'zim bilan olib ketishning ajoyib usuli. Ular sayohat xotirasi bo'lib xizmat qiladi va ajoyib suhbat boshlovchi bo'lishi mumkin. Menga futbolkalarni do'stlarim va oilamga sovg'a qilish ham yoqadi, bu menga ta'tildagi tajribamni eng yaqinlarim bilan bo'lishishga imkon beradi.


Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?
Yes, older people who wear T-shirts can certainly be fashionable. However, it's not the age of the wearer or the item of clothing itself that makes someone fashionable, but rather how they wear it and how it fits into their personal style. With the right choice of T-shirt, fit, and styling, older people can look stylish and fashionable in a T-shirt.
Sizningcha, futbolka kiygan keksa odamlar modaga mos keladimi?
Ha, futbolka kiygan keksa odamlar, albatta, moda bo'lishi mumkin. Biroq, kimnidir moda qiladigan narsa kiyganning yoshi yoki kiyimning o'zi emas, balki uni qanday kiyishi va uning shaxsiy uslubiga qanchalik mos kelishidir. Ko'ylakning to'g'ri tanlovi, mosligi va uslubi bilan keksa odamlar futbolkada zamonaviy va moda ko'rinishi mumkin.
Do you like T-shirts with pictures and prints?
I really love wearing t-shirts with pictures or prints because they look trendy and draw a lot of attention. They also allow me to show off my personality and style, which lets people get to know me better. Plus, t-shirts with fun designs can set the mood and boost my confidence.
Sizga rasm va bosma naqshli futbolkalar yoqadimi?
Men rasm yoki bosma naqshli futbolkalarni kiyishni juda yaxshi ko'raman, chunki ular zamonaviy ko'rinadi va ko'pchilikning e'tiborini tortadi. Shuningdek, ular menga o'z shaxsiyatimni va uslubimni ko'rsatishga imkon beradi, bu esa odamlarga meni yaxshiroq bilish imkonini beradi. Bundan tashqari, qiziqarli dizayndagi futbolkalar kayfiyatni o'rnatishi va ishonchimni oshirishi mumkin.
Do you usually wear T-shirts?
Yeah I do. In my opinion, a T-shirt is always a good choice. First of all, T-shirts are super comfy. They are usually made of cotton, which is regarded as one of the most skin-friendly fabrics. Plus, T-shirts are versatile. I can dress them up or down, depending on the occasion. And, of course, they're perfect for lounging around the house.
Odatda futbolka kiyasizmi?
Ha, men. Mening fikrimcha, futbolka har doim yaxshi tanlovdir. Birinchidan, futbolkalar juda qulay. Ular odatda paxtadan tayyorlanadi, bu teriga eng mos matolardan biri hisoblanadi. Bundan tashqari, futbolkalar ko'p qirrali. Vaziyatga qarab ularni yuqori yoki pastga kiyintirishim mumkin. Va, albatta, ular uy atrofida dam olish uchun juda mos keladi.
Do you like wearing T-shirts ?
Definitely! I love wearing T- shirts because they're more comfortable. Besides, they can never be out-of-style since they complement very well with jeans or short pants, and sneakers.
Sizga futbolka kiyish yoqadimi?
Albatta! Men futbolka kiyishni yaxshi ko'raman, chunki ular qulayroq. Bundan tashqari, ular hech qachon uslubdan (modadan tashqarida) bo'lishi mumkin emas, chunki ular jinsi yoki kalta shimlar va krossovkalar bilan juda yaxshi mos keladi.
Did you go to a library when you were a kid?
No, I didn't go to the library much as a child. My family was busy with work and other responsibilities, and we didn't have a lot of extra time for leisure activities. However, I did learn to appreciate the importance of libraries later in life.
Bolaligingizda kutubxonaga borganmisiz?
Yo‘q, bolaligimda kutubxonaga ko‘p bormasdim. Mening oilam ish va boshqa vazifalar bilan band edi, bo'sh vaqtimizni o'tkazish uchun ko'p vaqtimiz yo'q edi. Biroq, men kutubxonalarning ahamiyatini tushunishni keyinchalik hayotda o'rgandim.
What kind of people would go to a library to read and study?
Well, libraries are a hub of activity and attract a diverse range of people seeking knowledge, information, and intellectual stimulation. Students of all ages, from elementary school children to graduate students, often flock to libraries to study and complete assignments.To sum up, libraries offer something for everyone, making them a valuable resource and gathering place for the entire community.
Qanday odamlar o'qish va o'qish uchun kutubxonaga boradi?
Xo'sh, kutubxonalar faoliyat markazi bo'lib, bilim, ma'lumot va intellektual rag'batlantirishga intilayotgan turli xil odamlarni jalb qiladi. Boshlang‘ich sinf o‘quvchilaridan tortib aspirantgacha bo‘lgan barcha yoshdagi o‘quvchilar ko‘pincha o‘qish va topshiriqlarni bajarish uchun kutubxonalarga oqib kelishadi.Xulosa qilib aytadigan bo'lsak, kutubxonalar hamma uchun nimanidir taklif qiladi, bu ularni qimmatli manba va butun jamiyat uchun yig'ilish joyiga aylantiradi.
Do you often go to the library?
No. Why go to the library when you can just Google it? What's more, libraries are so last century, the information on the Internet is more up-to-date and timely. Plus, the Internet is available for research 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Siz kutubxonaga tez- tez borasizmi?
Yo'q. Nega kutubxonaga borish kerak, biroq uni Google orqali topish mumkin? Qolaversa, kutubxonalar o‘tgan asrdagidek, internetdagi ma’lumotlar yanada dolzarb va o‘z vaqtida. Bundan tashqari, Internet kuniga 24 soat, haftada 7 kun tadqiqot uchun mavjud.
Are libraries popular in your country ?
I don't think so. Most people in our country especially students rely on internet instead of going libraries and somehow, they are going to be less popular just because they are far from their house.
Mamlakatingizda kutubxonalar mashhurmi?
Men bunday deb o‘ylamayman. Mamlakatimizda ko'pchilik, ayniqsa talabalar kutubxonalarga borish o'rniga internetga tayanadilar va qandaydir tarzda ular uylaridan uzoqda bo'lgani uchun kamroq mashhur bo'lishadi.

Do you like modern art or traditional art ?

Honestly, I’m an outsider to art, but I should say, I just love both because each has its strong points. To my understanding, traditional art provides a basis for aesthetic level, showing people the details of the artwork. And modern art is sort of like, breaking the mould and reflecting the artists’ thoughts.
Sizga zamonaviy san'at yoqadimi yoki an'anaviy san'at?
To'g'risini aytsam, men san'atga begonaman, lekin shuni aytishim kerakki, ikkalasini ham yaxshi ko'raman, chunki har birining kuchli tomonlari bor. Mening tushunishimcha, anʼanaviy sanʼat odamlarga sanʼat asarining tafsilotlarini koʻrsatib, estetik daraja uchun asos boʻlib xizmat qiladi. Zamonaviy san'at esa qolipni buzish va rassomlarning fikrlarini aks ettirishga o'xshaydi


Do you like art?
Yes, I like art because I think it rejuvenates a person and people feel stress-free when they do any work related to art like drawing or painting. So art is very beneficial for inspiring someone and doing something valuable in life.
San'atni yoqtirasizmi?
Ha, men san'atni yaxshi ko'raman, chunki u odamni yoshartiradi, deb o'ylayman va odamlar rasm chizish yoki rasm bo'yash kabi san'at bilan bog'liq har qanday ish bilan shug'ullanganda stresssiz his qilishadi. Demak, san'at kimnidir ilhomlantirish va hayotda qimmatli ishni qilish uchun juda foydali.

Do you think it would be interesting for you to be an artist?

I think artists are born and not made. So, I believe if I was born with an amazing talent in art, it would surely be interesting since I could create different masterpieces based on my emotions and creativity. Besides, I'd be able to hold my own exhibit.
Sizningcha, rassom bo'lish siz uchun qiziqarli bo'larmidi?
Menimcha, rassomlar tug'iladi va yaratilmaydi. Shunday ekan, agar men san'atda ajoyib iste'dod bilan tug'ilgan bo'lsam, bu, albatta qiziq bo'lardi , chunki men o'z his-tuyg'ularim va ijodim asosida turli durdona asarlar yaratishim mumkinligiga ishonaman. Bundan tashqari, men o'z ko'rgazmalarimni o'tkaza olaman.

Is there any artwork on the wall in your room?

Not even one! I'm kind of a minimalist person so I make sure not to decorate my room even with a piece of artwork. I want my bedroom to be free from a lot of stuff as they just annoy me. However, in my parents' room and in our living room there are several pieces of artwork displayed.
Xonangizdagi devorda biron bir san'at asari bormi?
Hatto bitta ham yo'q! Men o'ziga xos minimalist odamman, shuning uchun xonamni hatto san'at asari bilan bezatmaslikka harakat qilaman. Men yotoqxonam ko'p narsalardan ozod bo'lishini xohlayman, chunki ular meni bezovta qiladi. Biroq, ota-onamning xonasida va yashash xonamizda bir nechta san'at asarlari namoyish etilgan.
Have you ever been to an art gallery?
Yes, when I was an institute student, we students visited a local museum on an excursion. Besides that, recently I went to Savitskiy museum. My major is history, so that requires me to visit museums.
Siz hech qachon san'at galereyasiga borganmisiz?
Ha, institut talabasi bo‘lganimda biz talabalar mahalliy muzeyga ekskursiyada borgandik. Bundan tashqari, yaqinda Savitskiy muzeyiga bordim. Mutaxassisligim tarix, shuning uchun bu muzeylarga tashrif buyurishimni taqozo etadi..
What kind of things do you do on a typical day ?
My typical day as an institute student consists of a course in the morning, followed by study time. Afternoon classes start around 1:00 pm and finish just before dinner. I am usually in bed by 11:00 pm because I have to wake up early for more activities tomorrow morning. It’s not easy, but it makes me who I am today!
Oddiy kunda qanday ishlar qilasiz?
Institut talabasi sifatidagi odatdagi kunim ertalabki kursdan, keyin esa o'qishdan iborat bo'ladi. Peshindan keyingi darslar soat 13:00 atrofida boshlanadi va kechki ovqatdan oldin tugaydi. Men odatda soat 23:00 da yotaman, chunki ertaga ertalab ko'proq mashg'ulotlar uchun erta turishim kerak. Bu oson emas, lekin bu meni bugungi kimligimga aylantiradi!
What form of transport do you usually use?
I prefer public transport. Mostly because I don't have to take the stress of driving and to watch the roads, I can enjoy my music or read some books while taking public transport.
Siz odatda qaysi transport turidan foydalanasiz?
Men jamoat transportini afzal ko'raman. Asosan, men haydash va yo'llarni tomosha qilishda stressni boshdan kechirishim shart emasligi sababli, jamoat transportida yurganimda musiqamdan zavqlana olaman yoki kitob o'qiyman.
What kind of things do you enjoy doing with your friends?
With my friends, I enjoy playing football, watching movies, having conversations related to recent political and international issues, sharing my updates and concerns, going long drive. The best part is the open conversation we can have related to almost any topic.
Do'stlaringiz bilan qanday narsalarni qilishni yoqtirasiz?
Do'stlarim bilan futbol o'ynash, film tomosha qilish, so'nggi siyosiy va xalqaro muammolar bilan bog'liq suhbatlar, yangiliklarim va tashvishlarimni baham ko'rish, uzoq yo'lda sayohat qilishni yoqtiraman. Eng yaxshi tomoni shundaki, biz deyarli har qanday mavzuga oid ochiq suhbatdir.

What are you plans for after the test ?

After the exam, I have to go to study. Then after I finish the classes, I will have some rest and meet my friends in the evening.
Sinovdan keyin nima qilishni rejalashtiryapsiz?
Imtihondan keyin o‘qishga ketishim kerak. Keyin darslarni tugatganimdan keyin biroz dam olaman, kechki payt do'stlarim bilan uchrashaman.
What will make you happy in the future?
For me, taking care of my physical and mental health is key to my happiness in the future. I want to feel energized and strong, both physically and mentally, and be able to enjoy life to the fullest. And one more important thing for my future happiness is building strong relationships with family and friends.
Kelajakda sizni nima xursand qiladi?
Men uchun jismoniy va ruhiy salomatligimga g‘amxo‘rlik qilish kelajakdagi baxtimning kalitidir. Men o‘zimni ham jismonan, ham ruhiy jihatdan baquvvat va kuchli his qilishni va hayotdan to‘liq zavq olishni istayman. Va mening kelajakdagi baxtim uchun yana bir muhim narsa bu oila va do‘stlar bilan mustahkam munosabatlar o‘rnatishdir.
When do you feel happy at work?
For me, happiness at work comes from a sense of accomplishment. I will feel happy if I can successfully complete the tasks given to me.. I also feel happy when I have positive relationships with my coworkers and we work together to achieve a common goal.
Ishda qachon o'zingizni baxtli his qilasiz?
Men uchun ishdagi baxt muvaffaqiyat hissidan kelib chiqadi. Menga berilgan topshiriqlarni muvaffaqiyatli bajara olsam, o'zimni baxtli his qilaman. Men hamkasblarim bilan ijobiy munosabatda bo'lganimda va umumiy maqsadga erishish uchun birgalikda ishlaganimda o'zimni baxtli his qilaman.
Do you feel happy when you buy new things?
Yes, I enjoy buying new things because it brings me a sense of pleasure and satisfaction. You know, it's like a little treat for myself that can brighten my day and boost my mood.
Yangi narsalarni sotib olganingizda o'zingizni baxtli his qilasizmi?
Ha, men yangi narsalarni sotib olishni yoqtiraman, chunki bu menga zavq va qoniqish hissini keltiradi. Bilasizmi, bu mening kunimni yoritadigan va kayfiyatimni ko'taradigan o'zim uchun kichik sovg'a kabi.

What made you happy when you were a child?

Without a doubt, receiving toys, candies, chocolates and other presents! And I don't think that's unnatural for kids. I wasn't different from other kids. I remember whenever I threw tantrums, my parents usually pacified me with either candies or chocolates.
Bolaligingizda sizni nima xursand qilgan?
Shubhasiz, o'yinchoqlar, konfetlar, shokoladlar va boshqa sovg'alarni olish! Va menimcha, bu bolalar uchun g'ayritabiiy emas. Men boshqa bolalardan farq qilmasdim. Esimda, har safar jahlimni tashlaganimda, ota-onam meni konfet yoki shokolad bilan tinchlantirishgan.
What are the main problems associated with living in a big city?
Big cities can be overcrowded, so there are a lot of people competing for each job and for accommodation. The lack of jobs usually means that there is a lot of poverty in big cities. And although there are a lot of people around you, many people feel very isolated in big cities and It's particularly difficult for the elderly.
Katta shaharda yashash bilan bog'liq asosiy muammolar qanday?
Katta shaharlar gavjum bo'lishi mumkin, shuning uchun har bir ish va turar joy uchun raqobatlashadigan ko'plab odamlar bor. Ishlarning etishmasligi odatda katta shaharlarda juda ko'p qashshoqlik borligini anglatadi. Atrofingizda juda ko'p odamlar bo'lsa-da, ko'p odamlar katta shaharlarda o'zlarini juda yolg'iz his qilishadi va bu ayniqsa keksalar uchun qiyin.


Can anything be done to solve those problems?
I think we need to be more tolerant of each other. I think it helps if we try to create small communities within the bigger city so we should try to include people rather than exclude them.
Bu muammolarni hal qilish uchun biror narsa qilish mumkinmi?
O'ylaymanki, biz bir-birimizga nisbatan bag'rikengroq bo'lishimiz kerak. O'ylaymanki, agar biz katta shahar ichida kichik jamoalar yaratishga harakat qilsak, bu yordam beradi, shuning uchun odamlarni chiqarib tashlashdan ko'ra, ularni o'z ichiga olishga harakat qilishimiz kerak.

Whose responsibility is it to solve these problems?

Well, we all have to take responsibility for these problems and we can all do something to help. But the government is also responsible to a certain extent as well. They need to make sure that the poor are looked after and that they have access to the facilities they need.
Bu muammolarni hal qilish kimning zimmasida?
Xo'sh, barchamiz bu muammolar uchun mas'uliyatni o'z zimmamizga olishimiz kerak va barchamiz yordam berish uchun biror narsa qila olamiz. Lekin hukumat ham ma'lum darajada javobgar. Ular kambag‘allarga g‘amxo‘rlik ko‘rsatilishi va ularga kerakli qulayliklarga ega bo‘lishlariga ishonch hosil qilishlari kerak.

Have you ever locked yourself out?

No, I haven't locked myself out yet, but it's definitely on my list of fears. I always make sure to double-check and have my keys with me before I leave. I don't want to be stuck outside in an emergency, so I make sure to always be prepared.
Hech qachon o'zingizni qulflab qo'yganmisiz?
Yo'q, men hali o'zimni qulflaganim yo'q, lekin bu, albatta, mening qo'rquvlar ro'yxatida. Ketishdan oldin men har doim ikki marta tekshirib ko'raman va kalitlarimni o'zim bilan olib boraman. Favqulodda vaziyatda tashqarida qolib ketishni xohlamayman, shuning uchun men doimo tayyor bo'lishga ishonch hosil qilaman.

Do you think it's a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbour?

Well, leaving a spare set of keys with a neighbor can be a good idea if this neighbour is a trustworthy and reliable person who I know will keep them safe. You'll have the peace of mind knowing that your neighbor has spare keys in case you lose them.
Sizningcha, kalitlaringizni qo'shningizga qoldirish yaxshi fikrmi?
Xo'sh, qo'shniga zaxira kalitlar to'plamini qoldirish yaxshi fikr bo'lishi mumkin, agar bu qo'shni ishonchli va ishonchli odam bo'lsa, men ularni xavfsiz saqlashini bilaman. Agar siz ularni yo'qotib qo'ysangiz, qo'shningizda zaxira kalitlari borligini bilib, xotirjam bo'lasiz.
Have you ever lost your keys?
Yes, I have lost my keys a couple of times, especially when I was in lyceum. I was always rushing to class and would often forget where I put them. But I've learned to be more mindful and organized since then, and it hasn't happened in a while.
Hech qachon kalitlaringizni yo'qotganmisiz?
Ha, bir-ikki marta kalitlarimni yo‘qotganman, ayniqsa litseyda o‘qib yurgan paytlarim. Men har doim darsga shoshilardim va ko'pincha ularni qaerga qo'yganimni unutardim. Ammo o‘shandan beri men ko‘proq e’tiborli va tartibli bo‘lishni o‘rgandim va bu bir muncha vaqtdan beri sodir bo‘lmadi.


Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
Yeah, I take keys with me, but not many.I usually just carry the house key, but not every day, sometimes I don't need it because there's always someone at home
Siz doimo o'zingiz bilan juda ko'p kalitlarni olib yurasizmi?
Ha, men o'zim bilan kalitlarni olaman, lekin ko'p emas. Men odatda uy kalitini olib yuraman, lekin har kuni emas, ba'zan menga kerak emas, chunki uyda doim kimdir bo'ladi

Describe a popular place for sports

You should say:
-what this place is, where this place is
-what kinds of people go there
-what you did there
- how you felt about it

Sports are an important part of human growth and development. They help to develop mental health and physical fitness. Participation in sports and games gives a person a variety of skills, experiences and confidence that help develops their personality.

Today I will talk about an excellent sports complex that attracts about hundreds of people every day. It is a sports complex that is located in the heart of my city, and its distance from my residence is just 6 kilometres.The authorities have tried to provide all kinds of sports equipment there.
Men and women of different ages come here for divergent purposes, such as to be healthy or to prepare for competitions. Children spend most of their time there today. Children play football, volleyball, boxing there and enjoy indoor activities.
After lyceum, I used to go to this sports complex in order to spend my time meaningfully and have physical recreation. I used to do my hobbies with my friends like football or table tennis.
It really helps me to improve my concentration and helps me to feel relaxed mentally. Overall, I can say that this sports complex is one place where I go to enjoy some outdoor as well as indoor activities.
Sport inson o'sishi va rivojlanishining muhim qismidir. Ular aqliy salomatlik va jismoniy baquvvatlikni rivojlantirishga yordam beradi. Sport va o'yinlarda qatnashish odamga turli ko'nikmalar, tajribalar va ishonchni beradi, bu uning shaxsiyatini rivojlantirishga yordam beradi.
Bugun men har kuni yuzlab odamlarni jalb qiladigan ajoyib sport majmuasi haqida gapiraman. Bu mening shahrimning qoq markazida joylashgan va turar joyimdan atigi 6 kilometr uzoqlikda joylashgan sport majmuasi. Rasmiylar u yerda barcha turdagi sport anjomlari bilan ta'minlashga harakat qilishgan.
Turli yoshdagi erkaklar va ayollar turli maqsadlarda, masalan, sog'lom bo'lish yoki musobaqalarga tayyorgarlik ko'rish uchun kelishadi. Bolalar bugungi kunda ko'p vaqtlarini u erda o'tkazadilar. Bolalar u yerda futbol, ​​voleybol, boks bilan shug‘ullanadilar va yopiq mashg‘ulotlardan zavqlanadilar.
Litseydan so‘ng vaqtimni mazmunli o‘tkazish, jismoniy hordiq chiqarish maqsadida ushbu sport majmuasiga borib turardim. Do'stlarim bilan futbol yoki stol tennisi kabi sevimli mashg'ulotlarim bilan shug'ullanardim.
Bu haqiqatan ham konsentratsiyamni yaxshilashga yordam beradi va o'zimni ruhiy jihatdan bo'shashtirishga yordam beradi. Umuman olganda, aytishim mumkinki, bu stadion men ochiq havoda ham, yopiq havoda ham bahramand bo'lish uchun boradigan joy.

Describe a period in history that interests you

You should say:
- what the period is
- how you know about it
- why it is interesting
As an avid learner and history admirer, I always seek new ways to explore and discover the past. I am particularly interested in learning more about a certain historical period. By delving into the past, I hope to better understand the world and the events that have shaped it.
The historical period that I would like to know more about is the Age of Exploration. This period, which began in the 15th century and ended in the 17th century, was marked by a series of voyages of discovery led by European explorers. These voyages resulted in the discovery of new lands and the establishment of new trade routes. Since my major is history, I have read various history books about it.
I am interested in learning more about the Age of Exploration for a few reasons. Firstly, I am fascinated by the stories of these explorers and the courage and determination they showed in their voyages. I am also interested in learning about the cultural exchanges that occurred during this period and how they shaped the world we live in today. Finally, I am curious about the technological advances made during this period and how they enabled the explorers to reach new and distant lands.
Tashna o'quvchi va tarix ishqibozi sifatida men doimo o'tmishni o'rganish va kashf qilishning yangi usullarini qidiraman. Men ayniqsa ma'lum bir tarixiy davr haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olishga qiziqaman. O'tmishni o'rganish orqali men dunyoni va uni shakllantirgan voqealarni yaxshiroq tushunishga umid qilaman.
Men ko'proq bilmoqchi bo'lgan tarixiy davr - bu kashfiyotlar davri. 15- asrda boshlanib, 17- asrda yakunlangan bu davr asr, yevropalik tadqiqotchilar boshchiligidagi bir qator kashfiyotlar sayohatlari bilan belgilandi. Bu sayohatlar natijasida yangi yerlar ochilib, yangi savdo yo‘llari paydo bo‘ldi. Mutaxassisligim tarix bo'lgani uchun men bu haqida turli tarix kitoblarini o'qib kelmoqdaman.
Men bir necha sabablarga ko'ra kashfiyotlar davri haqida ko'proq bilishga qiziqaman. Birinchidan, bu tadqiqotchilarning hikoyalari, ularning sayohatlarida ko'rsatgan jasorati va qat'iyati meni hayratda qoldirdi. Men ushbu davrda sodir bo'lgan madaniy almashinuvlar va ular bugungi kunda yashayotgan dunyoni qanday shakllantirgani haqida bilishga qiziqaman.
Va nihoyat, men ushbu davrda erishilgan texnologik yutuqlar va ular tadqiqotchilarga yangi va uzoq mamlakatlarga borishga qanday imkon bergani bilan qiziqaman.

Describe an unusual meal

You should say:
-what who organised this meal and where you had it
-what you talked about during the meal
-what you ate and drank
-why it was special
Well, my family usually enjoys our dinner at home with simple and traditional dishes, but there was an occasion we had a very special meal together in a fancy restaurant.
It was around 4 years ago when I was tied up in revision for my final examination. After that high-pressure time, I passed the exam with flying colors so my dad decided to ease my mind by taking the whole family to a restaurant for enjoying a cozy meal together.
That dinner was a little unusual to my family because we had never eaten in such a luxurious restaurant, so my mother and I were very surprised at that time. We tasted expensive foods here and talked about our future plans.
Because this luxurious restaurant is situated in a well-trodden area, it welcomes hundreds of guests every night. The food here, therefore, wasn’t very budget-friendly. Actually, it cost my family an arm and a leg, which made this dinner even more special to me. Even though my dad is not the kind of person who makes a killing, he rewarded me with an unforgettable dinner for my hard work. So I really appreciated him for that.
This unusual meal was also a very good chance for us to strengthen our family bond because we all have been so busy for a long time.
Xo'sh, mening oilam odatda uyda oddiy va an'anaviy taomlar bilan kechki ovqatni yaxshi ko'radilar, lekin bir payt biz hashamatli restoranda birga juda o'zgacha ovqatlanganmiz.
Taxminan 4 yil oldin, men yakuniy imtihon qayta ko'rib chiqish bilan band edim. O'sha yuqori bosimli vaqtdan so'ng, men imtihondan muvaffaqiyatli o'tdim, shuning uchun dadam butun oila a'zolarini restoranga olib, birga mazali taom yeyishlari uchun meni dam olishimga qaror qildi.
O'sha kechki ovqat mening oilam uchun biroz g'ayrioddiy edi, chunki biz hech qachon bunday hashamatli restoranda ovqatlanmagan edik, shuning uchun onam va men o'sha paytda juda hayratda qoldik. Bu yerda qimmat taomlardan tatib ko'rdik and kelajak rejalarimiz haqida suhbatlashdik.
Bu hashamatli restoran ko'p odamlar sayr qiladigan hududda joylashgani uchun har kecha yuzlab mehmonlarni qabul qiladi. Shuning uchun bu yerdagi taomlar hamyonbop emas edi. Aslida, bu mening oilamga juda qimmatga tushdi, bu esa kechki ovqatni men uchun yanada o'ziga xos qildi. Dadam tez ko'p pul topadigan odam boʻlmasa ham, u mening mehnatim uchun unutilmas kechki ovqat bilan taqdirladi. Shuning uchun men uni buning uchun juda qadrladim.
Bu g'ayrioddiy taom, shuningdek, biz uchun oilaviy rishtalarni mustahkamlash uchun juda yaxshi imkoniyat edi, chunki barchamiz uzoq vaqt davomida juda band edik.
Describe a website you often visit
You should say:
-what the website is
-how you first found out about this website
-how often you visit it
-why you like it
A website I love to visit is YouTube. Well, most people know about this one since it's one of the most visited sites in the world.
YouTube is basically designed for video sharing and it makes viewing and uploading videos quite easy. What I like about YouTube is that I can find and play different types of video content - anything from TV series, online classes , vlogs, and so on.
It's so addictive that I visit the website frequently in a day and in fact, there are no exact statistics of this visiting.
Personally, I cannot afford to go on holiday or travel abroad, so for me travel vlogs are a good way to find out about places around the world and what life there is like. I can subscribe to channels I'm interested in and be notified whenever there is a new video. Also, I can show my appreciation for the content by clicking the 'like' button below the video.
As for why I like it, I think it's an amazing way to explore the world through videos as well as keep myself up to date with anything educational and interesting.
Tez-tez tashrif buyuradigan veb-saytingizni tasvirlab bering
Siz aytishingiz kerak:
- veb-sayt nima
- bu veb-sayt haqida birinchi marta qanday bildingiz
- qanchalik tez-tez tashrif buyurasiz
-nega sizga yoqadi
Men tashrif buyurishni yaxshi ko'radigan veb-sayt - bu YouTube. Ko'pchilik bu haqda biladi, chunki u dunyodagi eng ko'p tashrif buyuriladigan saytlardan biri.
YouTube asosan video almashish uchun mo'ljallangan va u videolarni ko'rish va yuklashni ancha osonlashtiradi. Menga YouTubening yoqadigan tomoni shundaki, men har xil turdagi video kontentni topib, ko'ra olaman - teleseriallar, onlayn darslar, vloglar va hokazo.
Bu shunchalik mubtalo qiladiganki, men bir kunda veb-saytga tez-tez tashrif buyuraman va aslida bu tashrifning aniq statistikasi yo'q.
Shaxsan men dam olishga yoki chet elga sayohat qilishga pulim yo'q, shuning uchun men uchun sayohat vloglari dunyo bo'ylab joylar va u erda qanday hayot borligi haqida bilishning yaxshi usuli hisoblanadi. Men o'zimni qiziqtirgan kanallarga obuna bo'lishim va har doim yangi video paydo bo'lganda xabardor bo'lishim mumkin. Bundan tashqari, video ostidagi "yoqdi" tugmasini bosish orqali kontent uchun o'z minnatdorchiligimni bildirishim mumkin.
Nega bu menga yoqqaniga kelsak, menimcha, bu videolar orqali dunyoni kashf qilish, shuningdek, o'zimni har qanday eng so'nggi ta'lim va qiziqarli narsalardan xabardor qilishning ajoyib usuli.

Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use

You should say:
- what it is
- what you got it for
- how often you use it
- how you feel about it
Well, the technology that is difficult to use must be the Bluetooth earbuds I bought a few years ago. To be honest, I’d been struggling to get used to it. And sometimes it even drove me up the wall!
Because I was tired of dealing with wires getting tangled up while I was listening to music or taking calls on the go, I decided to replace it with wireless Bluetooth earbuds, which were brand new technology a few years back. I had thought they would be a game-changer, but it turned out that I was wrong.
To tell the truth, I didn't use them frequently because they didn't work properly. Every time I tried to connect them to my phone, I had to go through this whole rigmarole of turning them on, putting them into pairing mode, and hoping that my phone would recognize them. And even when they did connect, they often cut out or had connection issues.
Overall, I was pretty disappointed in these earbuds. I was hoping for a convenient and hassle-free listening experience, but in reality, I was left with a finicky piece of technology that I struggled to use on a regular basis.

Foydalanish qiyin bo'lgan texnologiyani tasvirlab bering

Siz aytishingiz kerak:
- Bu nima
- nima uchun oldingiz
- uni qanchalik tez-tez ishlatasiz
- bunga qanday munosabatdasiz

Foydalanish qiyin boʻlgan texnologiya men bir necha yil oldin sotib olgan Bluetooth quloqchinlari boʻlishi kerak. Toʻgʻrisini aytsam, men bunga koʻnikishimga qiynalardim. Va ba'zida bu hatto meni juda g'azablantirardi!

Musiqa tinglayotganimda yoki yo‘lda qo‘ng‘iroq qilayotganimda simlardan bilan ishlash qiyinchiligidan charchaganim uchun uni bir necha yil avval yangi texnologiya bo‘lgan simsiz Bluetooth quloqchinlari bilan almashtirishga qaror qildim. Men ular vaziyatni o'zgartiruvchi bo'ladi deb o'ylagandim, lekin adashganim ma'lum bo'ldi.
Rostini aytsam, men ularni tez-tez ishlatmasdim, chunki ular to'g'ri ishlamas edi. Men ularni har safar telefonimga ulashga harakat qilganimda, ularni yoqish, ulash rejimiga qo'yish va telefonim ularni taniydi deb umid qilish kabi barcha sinovlardan o'tishim kerak edi. Va hatto ular ulangan bo'lsa ham, ular tez-tez uzilib qolardi yoki ulanishda muammolarga duch kelishdi.
Umuman olganda, men bu quloqchinlardan juda xafa bo'ldim. Men qulay va muammosiz tinglash tajribasiga umid qilgandim, lekin aslida men muntazam ravishda foydalanishga qiynaladigan nozik texnologiyaga ega bo'ldim.
Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting
You should say:
what the appointment was
when and where it was
why you forgot about it
how you felt
As a student, I had a busy schedule filled with classes and presentations. One day, I had to make a crucial presentation in a class scheduled for the morning. I had been preparing for it for weeks and was determined to make a great impression.
However, on the day of the presentation, I overslept. I woke up with a fright, realizing that it was only minutes until the start of the class. I rushed to get ready, but by the time I arrived at the classroom, the class had already started.
Feeling embarrassed and disappointed, I walked into the classroom to find my classmates and the professor sitting at the table. I apologized profusely, but the damage was done. The professor was unimpressed and decided to give me a bad mark finally.
I felt guilty and ashamed, and it couldn't help but I think of how I could have avoided this situation. From then on, I made sure to set multiple alarms and to be extra careful with my schedule. I didn't want to miss any more important meetings or events, and I was determined to never let something like this happen again.
Uchrashuvni o'tkazib yuborgan yoki kechikib qolgan vaqtingizni tasvirlab bering
Siz aytishingiz kerak:
-uchrashuv nima edi
-qachon va qayerda edi,
-nega bu haqda unutdingiz
-o'zingizni qanday
Talaba sifatida mashg'ulotlar va taqdimotlar bilan to'la bo‘lgan tig‘iz jadvalim bor. Bir kuni men ertalabga rejalashtirilgan darsda muhim taqdimot qilishim kerak edi. Men unga bir necha hafta tayyorgarlik ko'rdim va ajoyib taassurot qoldirishga qaror qildim.
Biroq, taqdimot kuni men uxlab qoldim. Dars boshlanishiga bor-yo‘g‘i daqiqalar qolganini anglab, qo‘rquv bilan uyg‘ondim. Men kechiktirmasdan tayyorlashga shoshildim, lekin sinfga kelganimda dars allaqachon boshlangan edi.
O‘zimni xijolat va hafsalamiz pir bo‘lib, sinfga kirib, stolda o‘tirgan kursdoshlarim va professorni ko‘rdim. Men ko'p kechirim so'radim, lekin zarar yetkazildi. Professor ta'sirlanmadi va nihoyat menga yomon baho berishga qaror qildi.
Men o'zimni aybdor his qildim va uyaldim va bu yordam bera olmadi, lekin qanday qilib bu vaziyatdan qochishim mumkinligini o'ylayman. O'shandan beri men bir nechta signallarni o'rnatishga va jadvalimga juda ehtiyot bo'lishga ishonch hosil qildim. Men boshqa muhim uchrashuvlar yoki tadbirlarni o'tkazib yuborishni xohlamadim va shunga o'xshash narsaning boshqa takrorlanishiga yo'l qo'ymaslikka qaror qildim.
Describe a city where you'd like to stay for a short time
You should say:
what city it is
who you will go there with
what you will do there why you will stay there only for a short time
One city I would love to visit for a short time is Paris, France. Paris is a bustling metropolis located in the northern part of France. I would love to go to Paris with my close friend , because we both have a shared interest in French culture and cuisine.
When we get there, we would definitely want to do some sightseeing and explore some of Paris’s famous landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre museum, and the Triumphal Arch. We would also love to try some of the local food, like “Salmon in Parchment” and "Suzette". And of course, we would want to do some shopping and explore some of Paris’s trendy neighborhoods like Bastille and Le Marais.
The main reason I love to visit for a short time there is its many attractions and world-famous dishes. Another reason is that I am a fan of Lionel Messi. I want to see him play at the Parc de France football stadium . I also come to know that local people are quite friendly and open- minded in nature, so they are always ready for the hospitality of visitors.
Overall, I think Paris would be an incredible city to visit the beautiful buildings and relax, and to explore such a rich and fascinating culture for a short time.
Qisqa vaqtga qolishni xohlagan shaharni tasvirlab bering
Siz aytishingiz kerak:
-qaysi shahar
-u erga kim bilan borasiz
- u erda nima qilasiz
- nega u erda qisqa vaqt qolasiz

Men qisqa vaqtga tashrif buyurishni xohlaydigan shaharlardan biri Parij, Frantsiya. Parij Fransiyaning shimoliy qismida joylashgan gavjum megapolisdir. Men yaqin do'stim bilan Parijga borishni istardim, chunki ikkalamiz ham Frantsiya madaniyati va oshxonasiga qiziqishimiz bor.

U erga etib borganimizda, biz, albatta, diqqatga sazovor joylarni tomosha qilishni va Parijning Eyfel minorasi, Luvr muzeyi va Triumfal arkasi kabi mashhur diqqatga sazovor joylarini o'rganishni xohlaymiz. Shuningdek, “Pergamentdagi qizil ikra”, “Suzette” va “Pot-au-feu” kabi mahalliy taomlarni tatib ko'rishni istardik. Va, albatta, biz xarid qilishni va Parijning Bastille va Le Marais kabi zamonaviy mahallalarini o'rganishni xohlaymiz.
U yerga qisqa vaqt tashrif buyurishni yaxshi ko'rishimning asosiy sababi - uning ko'plab diqqatga sazovor joylari va dunyoga mashhur taomlari. Yana bir sabab, men Lionel Messiga muxlislik qilaman. Men uni Parc de France futbol stadionida o'ynashini ko'rmoqchiman. Bundan tashqari, mahalliy odamlar tabiatan juda samimiy va ochiqko'ngil ekanliklarini bilaman, shuning uchun ular har doim tashrif buyuruvchilarni mehmondo'st qilishga tayyor.
Umuman olganda, Parij go'zal binolarni ziyorat qilish va dam olish va qisqa vaqt ichida bunday boy va maftunkor madaniyatni o'rganish uchun ajoyib shahar bo'ladi deb o'ylayman.

Describe a movie you watched recently and want to watch again.

Indeed, movies are a source of information, and watching movies is a stress-buster activity for many individuals. And I'm also one of them.
The name of the movie is "Titanic" which is a Hollywood movie. This movie was made before I was born and I first watched understandly this movie on TV 10 years ago. Honestly speaking, the movie was fantabulous as the whole story was quite unique and exquisite.
Actually, in this movie, there are two different personalities. One is quite an extrovert, while the other is an introvert. Titanic is an American epic romance and disaster film directed, written, produced by James Cameron. Incorporating both historical and fictionalized aspects, it is based on accounts of the sinking of Titanic and stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio as members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage.
Honestly speaking, I felt fresh as a daisy when I watched that movie the first time. Still, now I have agog to watch this movie again as this movie fills me with positivity and gives me direction to live my life in a different way. Overall, this is the movie which I would love to watch again.

Yaqinda tomosha qilgan va yana koʻrmoqchi boʻlgan filmingizni tasvirlab bering.

Darhaqiqat, filmlar ma'lumot manbai va filmlarni tomosha qilish ko'p odamlar uchun stressni engillashtiradigan mashg'ulotdir. Va men ham ulardan biriman.
Filmning nomi Gollivud filmi bo'lgan "Titanik". Bu film men tug'ilishimdan oldin yaratilgan va men bu filmni birinchi marta 10 yil oldin televizorda tushunib tomosha qilganman. Rostini aytsam, film ajoyib edi, chunki butun hikoya juda noyob va nafis edi.
Aslida, bu filmda ikki xil shaxs bor. Biri juda ekstrovert, ikkinchisi esa introvert. Titanik - bu amerikalik epik romantika va ofat filmi bo'lib, rejissyor, ssenariy muallifi va prodyuseri Jeyms Kemeron. Ham tarixiy, ham uydirma jihatlarni o'zida mujassam etgan holda, u "Titanik"ning cho'kib ketishi, shuningdek, yulduzlar Keyt Uinslet va Leonardo Di Kaprioning qayg'uli birinchi sayohati chog'ida kema bortida sevib qolgan turli ijtimoiy tabaqa vakillari sifatidagi hikoyalarga asoslangan.
Rostini aytsam, o'sha filmni birinchi marta ko'rganimda o'zimni juda o'zgacha his qildim. Shunday bo'lsa-da, endi men ushbu filmni yana ko'rishga ishtiyoqim bor, chunki bu film meni pozitivlikka to'ldiradi va hayotimni boshqacha yashashga yo'naltiradi. Umuman olganda, bu men yana ko'rishni yaxshi ko'radigan

I'm an avid reader. The book I would like to talk about is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It was recommended to me by my best friend. We tend to have similar tastes in literature so I was eager to read it after his recommendation. It was written by JK Rowling... I read it a couple of years back.

The book is the first novel in a series and they've been turned into movies. It is a kid's book although, to be fair, adults love it and the genre is fantasy.
The protagonist is Harry Potter and the other main characters in the book are Hermione and Ron. The plot is basically about a boy who learns on his eleventh birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses unique magical powers of his own. He is taken away from his life as an unwanted child to become a student at Hogwarts, an English boarding school for wizards. There, he meets several other boarders who become his closest allies and help him discover the truth about his parents' mysterious deaths.
The reason why it's kind of exciting is that it's unpredictable - you just don't know what will happen next. I loved the twist at the end. The author clearly has a vivid imagination and I highly recommend it.
Men ishqiboz kitobxonman. Men gaplashmoqchi bo'lgan kitob Garri Potter va faylasuf toshidir. Buni menga eng yaqin do'stim tavsiya qilgan. Adabiyotga qiziqishimiz o'xshash, shuning uchun men uning tavsiyasidan keyin uni o'qishni xohlardim. Buni JK Rouling yozgan... Bir necha yil oldin o‘qiganman.
Kitob seriyadagi birinchi roman bo'lib, ular filmlarga aylantirilgan. Bu bolalar kitobi bo'lsa- da, adolat uchun, kattalar uni yaxshi ko'rishadi va janri fantaziyadir.
Bosh qahramon Garri Potter va kitobning boshqa bosh qahramonlari Germiona va Rondir. Syujet asosan o'n birinchi tug'ilgan kunida ikki qudratli sehrgarning etim o'g'li ekanligini va o'ziga xos sehrli kuchlarga ega ekanligini bilgan bola haqida. U istalmagan bolaligida hayotidan chetlashtirilib, Xogvartsda, sehrgarlar uchun ingliz maktab- internatida talaba bo'ladi. U yerda u o‘zining eng yaqin ittifoqchilariga aylangan va ota- onasining sirli o‘limi haqidagi haqiqatni aniqlashga yordam beradigan yana bir qancha pansionerlarni uchratadi.
Bu qandaydir hayajonli bo'lishining sababi shundaki, u oldindan aytib bo'lmaydi - siz shunchaki keyin nima bo'lishini bilmaysiz. Menga oxiridagi burilish yoqdi. Muallif aniq tasavvurga ega va men buni juda tavsiya qilaman.

Describe a positive change in your life.

Change is a necessary component of life. Parents, educators, and media personalities influence us to change our lives and become better people.
Here I am going to talk about a noteworthy transformation that happened in my life. My parents and friends have always wished for me to be punctual because I am a hopeless idealist who has never taken many things seriously. Last year, during my final semester, I engaged in video gaming and partied with friends instead of focusing on my studies.
This led to poor academic performance. My tutor advised me to just maintain punctuality in my studies and extracurricular activities. I heeded his advice and gave up all bad habits and began studying. As I maintained a more active lifestyle, my health and academic performance improved, and I received good exam scores.
This was a very great transition because it heightened my understanding of my future opportunities. Now that I am aware of the time I have wasted, I am motivated to accomplish things in my life.
O'zgarish hayotning zaruriy tarkibiy qismidir. Ota-onalar, o'qituvchilar va ommaviy axborot vositalari bizga hayotimizni o'zgartirish va yaxshi inson bo'lishimizga ta'sir qiladi.
Bu erda men hayotimda sodir bo'lgan e'tiborga loyiq o'zgarishlar haqida gapirmoqchiman. Mening ota-onam va do'stlarim har doim o'z vaqtida bo'lishimni orzu qilishgan, chunki men hech qachon ko'p narsalarni jiddiy qabul qilmagan umidsiz idealistman. O'tgan yili oxirgi semestrda men o'qishga e'tibor qaratish o'rniga video o'yinlar bilan shug'ullandim va do'stlarim bilan bazm qildim.
Bu yomon akademik ko'rsatkichlarga olib keldi. O'qituvchim menga o'qish va darsdan tashqari mashg'ulotlarda faqat aniqlikni saqlashni maslahat berdi. Men uning maslahatiga quloq tutdim va barcha yomon odatlardan voz kechdim va o'qishni boshladim. Faolroq turmush tarzimni davom ettirganim sari salomatligim va o‘quv faoliyatim yaxshilandi va imtihonlardan yaxshi ball oldim.
Bu juda ajoyib o'tish edi, chunki bu mening kelajakdagi imkoniyatlarim haqidagi tushunchamni oshirdi. Endi men behuda sarflagan vaqtimni bilganimdan so'ng, men hayotimda biror narsaga erishish uchun turtki bo'ldim.

Today, the world is facing a number of environmental problems which are making our world a very dangerous place to live in. While we all are more or less aware of some of these environmental problems, today, I would like to talk about just one of them which is air pollution.

Well, I don’t really think that I need to define what air pollution really is since it is one of the most burning environmental issues in today’s world. Yet, in simple words, air pollution is a type of environmental pollution that affects the air and is usually caused by smoke or other harmful gases, mainly carbon dioxides, sulphur and nitrogen. So, air pollution is the contamination of air due to the presence or introduction of a substance which has a poisonous effect on our earth’s atmosphere.
Now, if we really want to prevent this serious environmental problem, we should all try to use lesser and lesser energy, like electricity and gasoline, because they emit excessive carbon in our earth’s atmosphere. Besides, we shouldn’t also cause deforestation because that would increase greenhouse gases and thus resulting in global warming. Finally, we also need to reduce the use of vehicles since they emit dangerous smoke and pollutants in the air.

Describe a sport that you want to learn.

There are many kinds of sports which people like learning these days, such as tennis, basketball, volleyball, and cricket but I would like to learn football which is so-called the king of sports.
Football is the popular kind of sports in almost all countries in the world. Basically, it is a collective game with 2 teams and each team has 11 players. The main purpose is that players try to keep their goal safe and kick the ball to the net of their opponents. Scores are recorded and the winner is the team having higher scores.
It is the most famous sports in my country and all of my family members favor this sports, especially my father and my brother. Thus, I had a chance to approach this sport since I was 7 years old. I really love learning it because of the drama and surprise in each match.
From my perspectives, it is really difficult to learn to play soccer well. A player needs to be very strong to compete with others, and be skillful in ball controlling, heading as well as having team spirit. A good football team needs to have solidarity as well as the ability to control the game. Therefore, normally there is a coach for each team and this person is not less famous than other players.
Bugungi kunda odamlarga tennis, basketbol, ​​voleybol va kriket kabi sportning ko'plab turlari bor, lekin men sport qiroli deb atalgan futbolni o'rganishni xohlayman.
Futbol dunyoning deyarli barcha mamlakatlarida mashhur sport turi hisoblanadi. Asosan, bu 2 jamoa bilan jamoaviy o'yin va har bir jamoada 11 nafar futbolchi bor. Asosiy maqsad - o'yinchilar o'z darvozasini daxlsiz saqlashga va to'pni raqib darvozasiga tepishga harakat qilishlari. Ballar qayd etiladi va ko'proq ball to'plagan jamoa g'olib hisoblanadi.
Bu mening mamlakatimdagi eng mashhur sport turi va mening barcha oila a'zolarim ushbu sport turini yaxshi ko'radilar, ayniqsa otam va akam. Shunday qilib, men 7 yoshligimdan bu sport bilan shug'ullanish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ldim. Men uni o'rganishni juda yaxshi ko'raman, chunki har bir o'yindagi drama va ajablanib.
Mening fikrimcha, futbolni yaxshi o'ynashni o'rganish juda qiyin. O‘yinchi boshqalar bilan raqobatlasha olishi uchun juda kuchli bo‘lishi, to‘pni nazorat qilish, boshni boshqarish va jamoaviy ruhga ega bo‘lishi kerak. Yaxshi futbol jamoasi oʻyinni nazorat qilish qobiliyati bilan bir qatorda hamjihatlikka ham ega boʻlishi kerak. Shuning uchun, odatda, har bir jamoa uchun murabbiy bo'ladi va bu odam boshqa futbolchilardan kam mashhur emas.

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