Technologies and methods of composing a modern foreign language lesson

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participants in the classrooms.
Language teaching requires lots of discussion formed through questions and
answers between teachers and students. teachers ask real-time questions and guide
the students to think, and to build up their capacity to give the answers.
For example, "students need to be given maximum opportunity for authentic
social interaction" . However, the teachers, with the help of multimedia technology,
prepare the pre-arranged courseware for the language teaching that lacks real-time
ect in the classrooms and the students become unable to give feedback to their
teachers. It ignores the spontaneity in the students' mind that includes students'
thinking, strengthening their learning capacity and solving problems. us, the
cultivation of students’ thinking capacity should be the major objective in teaching
and using of multimedia technology. e students should be given opportunities for
thinking, analyzing and exploring their own world.
Loss of Students' Logical linkinguse of multimedia technology in teaching
makes the students understand the content easily, but their abstract thinking would
be restricted and thereby their logical thinking would be faded away. In fact, the
process of acquiring knowledge goes through perceptual stage and then rational
stage, "developing critical thinking and autonomous learning while maximizing
beneficial interactions" .
So, the teachers should understand that knowledge of something from
perceptual recognition to rational apprehension is very important in the students'
learning process. So, if the students only perceive the images and imagination
shown on the screen, their abstract thinking would be restricted and logical
thinking would fade away.
Nowadays, the diminishing process of acquiring knowledge has been the major
concern for today's students. Because textual words are replaced by sound and
image, and handwriting is replaced by keyboard input. Here, again, multimedia
technology should be used as an assisting tool for language teaching and should
not replace the dominant role of teachers. In addition, it is not a mechanic imitation
of teaching rather it integrates the visual, textual display with teachers’ experience
for effecting English language teaching. In this way, keeping in mind the students'
process of acquiring knowledge, the teachers can improve the students’ listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills of the language.
Using multimedia technology in English language teaching is an expensive way of
conducting language classes, which may not be fulled. Keeping this fact in mind,
the administrators and policy makers should not only help language teachers
realize "the potential benefets of technology, and prompt them to learn to use
technology in their teaching," but they should understand "the significant role of
technology so they foster the learning process by providing the necessary structure,
support, and infrastructure". Over time, it tends to result in higher expenses though
it will help create more effective education. Language learning programs start with
expenses that are related to implementing new technologies in education. Expenses
usually entail hardware, so! ware, staging, and training for at least one networked
computer laboratory where teachers and students can come and use it. It is o! en
the case in poorly-funded language classes that the hardware itself comes in
through a one-time grant, with little funding le! over for so! ware, statraining and
maintenance. Effective technologies of teaching a foreign language as a second
One of the primary goals of using constructivist teaching is that students learn
how to learn by giving them the training to take initiative for their own learning
According to Audrey Gray, the characteristics of a constructivist classroom
are as follows:
* The learners are actively involved
* The environment is democratic
* The activities are interactive and student-centered
* The teacher facilitates a process of learning in which students are
encouraged to be responsible and autonomous
Examples of constructivist activities
Furthermore, in the constructivist classroom, students work primarily in
groups and learning and knowledge are interactive and dynamic. There is a great
focus and emphasis on social and communication skills, as well as collaboration
and exchange of ideas . This is contrary to the traditional classroom in which
students work primarily alone, learning is achieved through repetition, and the
subjects are strictly adhered to and are guided by a textbook. Some activities
encouraged in constructivist classrooms are:
* Experimentation: students individually perform an experiment and then
come together as a class to discuss the results.
* Research projects: students research a topic and can present their findings to
the class.
* Field trips. This allows students to put the concepts and ideas discussed in
class in a real-world context. Field trips would often be followed by class
* Films. These provide visual context and thus bring another sense into the
learning experience.
* Class discussions. This technique is used in all of the methods described
above. It is one of the most important distinctions of constructivist teaching
Role of teachers
In the constructivist classroom, the teacher's role is to prompt and facilitate
discussion. Thus, the teacher's main focus should be on guiding students by asking
questions that will lead them to develop their own conclusions on the subject.
David Jonassen identified three major roles for facilitators to support students
in constructivist learning environments:
* Modeling
* Coaching
* Scaffolding
Jonassen recommends making the learning goals engaging and relevant but
not overly structured.
Learning is driven in CLEs by the problem to be solved; students learn
content and theory in order to solve the problem. This is different from traditional
objectivist teaching where the theory would be presented first and problems would
be used afterwards to practice theory.
Depending on students' prior experiences, related cases and scaffolding may
be necessary for support. Instructors also need to provide an authentic context for
tasks, plus information resources, cognitive tools, and collaborative tools.
Traditionally, assessment in the classrooms is based on testing. In this style, it
is important for the student to produce the correct answers. However, in
constructivist teaching, the process of gaining knowledge is viewed as being just as
important as the product. Thus, assessment is based not only on tests, but also on
observation of the student, the student's work, and the student's points of view.
Some assessment strategies include:
* Oral discussions. The teacher presents students with a "focus" question and
allows an open discussion on the topic.
* KWL (H) Chart (What we know, What we want to know, What we have
learned, How we know it). This technique can be used throughout the course of
study for a particular topic, but is also a good assessment technique as it shows the
teacher the progress of the student throughout the course of study.
* Mind Mapping. In this activity, students list and categorize the concepts and
ideas relating to a topic.
* Hands-on activities. These encourage students to manipulate their
environments or a particular learning tool. Teachers can use a checklist and
observation to assess student success with the particular material.
* Pre-testing. This allows a teacher to determine what knowledge students
bring to a new topic and thus will be helpful in directing the course of study.
* Jigsaw and RAFT activities.
The "communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages" - also
known as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) or the "communicative
approach” - emphasizes learning a language through genuine communication.
Learning a new language is easier and more enjoyable when it is truly meaningful.
Communicative teaching is based on the work of sociolinguists who theorized that
an effective knowledge of a language is more than merely knowing vocabulary and
rules of grammar and pronunciation. Learners need to be able to use the language
appropriately in any business or social context.
2.2 Effective methods of teaching a foreign language as a second
Over the last three decades, theorists have discussed and continue to discuss
the exact definition of communicative competence. They do agree, however, that
meaningful communication supports language learning and that classroom
activities must focus on the learner's authentic needs to communicate information
and ideas. Grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary are, of course, necessary parts
of effective communication. With the communicative method two primary
approaches may be taken. Some teachers prefer to teach a rule, and then follow it
with practice. Most, though, feel grammar will be naturally discovered through
meaningful communicative interaction.
From one year to another strategies are changed and supplanted its
place to another. There are a lot of methods available to us today that we can use
effectively in our lesson. There are four main types of modern methods. We can
use the Venn diagram, the "Why" and "How" diagrams, the case study method, the
"think way" method, and other methods to help students develop their critical
thinking and speaking skills.
These are: One group contains: Video method Lecture Story
Explanation Demonstration 2-Group: Working with words Experimental
(Exercises) Practice work 3-Group:
Instructive games
4-Gathering comprises of: Instructing plans
Contextual investigation
Among these previously mentioned strategies address, clarification,
show, working with books, instructive games, works out, conceptualizing, and
conversational-banter techniques are generally utilized. These methods are meant
to help students expand their worldview and improve their speaking skills. This
study examines the novel and intriguing approaches to English language
instruction currently in use. We may employ a variety of teaching strategies that
fall somewhere between modern and traditional. Everyone has their own
comprehension and ends on showing English language. Be that as it may, this
examination work depicts joining this two kinds how we can make our educating
extremely viable. We have been completely constrained by traditional methods of
teaching and comprehension, making current students somewhat uneasy. The mind
of a learner is never static; it is always developing and evolving. No matter what
teaching method is used, students must always come first. However, this work
examines the distinctions between traditional instruction and hands-on learning. In
addition to illustrating how students expect the teaching and learning process, this
treatise practically examines how traditional teaching methods affect students.
There has been a misconception between conventional techniques and down to
earth strategies generally. Some way or another educators and students ought to
concur each other to fill the hole between the ages of these techniques.
Teaching English, the world's official language, is extremely
challenging. Each language fluctuates to instruct, as a matter of fact. English is a
very old language that has changed a lot over time, from Proto English, which
came from Latin and German culture, to Modern English, which came about after
the Renaissance. Every rendition was more straightforward than it's past. Even
though modern English is the simplest form of a very old language, it is hard to
teach it well, especially to people who speak English as a second language. In this
day and age English is shown in an extremely customary way. The essential
instructing is required. Showing the letter sets and the developments of the word is
fundamental and an unquestionable necessity. Yet, there is something much more
significant. The youngsters should have the option to express the words and figure
out their importance prior to thinking of them down. The traditional approaches to
teaching the alphabet and words are the only ones that can provide the necessary
foundation for teaching English. However at that point showing just the standards
is viewed as exhausting by most understudies and it is a direct result of this that
they lose interest in learning the language. Even though there is no other way to
teach the fundamentals of a language than the traditional way, these approaches
must be slightly modified to appeal to students. When it comes to teaching English
to higher-class students who are already familiar with the fundamentals, traditional
methods like using stories, poems, movies, books, and newspapers are used. These
techniques assist the understudies with learning the language better without them
really understanding and furthermore it keeps their advantage. This work will give
a couple of such techniques to show English language.
bringing the tales to life. Stories are an essential component of
language instruction. These stories help students learn about the structure of
sentences, how to express their thoughts, and a lot of other things. They also help
keep students interested because every student wants to know what happens at the
end of the story. It requests to the curious idea of the understudies. Any incomplete
story generally keeps the brain of the peruser upset.
Even though this method of teaching language through stories has
been used, the way it is usually taught is wrong. The assessment technique of
testing the understudies in their capability over the language is through questions
in view of the story. In general, this is not very effective. As a result, students
typically view the stories as chapters rather than as interesting reading. A story
should speak to the imaginative piece of the mind. By attempting to visualize the
events depicted in the story, it encourages creativity. Not only should it help them
learn the language, but it should also help them learn something from the story.
The students will view the story as something they need to learn in order to provide
answers if evaluation questions are kept.
There is a superior approach to utilizing the narratives to English
utilizing stories. The understudies can authorize the accounts or the plays. The
students are personally engaged with the stories in this way. They can bring the
character to life through their own interpretation. Understanding the characters and
putting themselves in their shoes is fascinating for the students. It connects with
their inventiveness by permitting them to make the whole set, allocate the
characters and play it out as indicated by what they had envisioned. It likewise
assists them with understanding others' translation of the story and assists them
with having a sound discussion about it which again helps them in learning the
language. Without putting the language learning in jeopardy, it removes the dull
aspects and makes learning more colorful. It may not be great yet it will have a
profound effect at the forefront of their thoughts.
The story will assist them with learning the language as they will
establish it by discourse which they will themselves remove from the tales and
furthermore changes can be made to the plays to assist the understudies with being
more intelligent and innovative. They can add more lines, characters change the
consummation, get a fascinating turn and so forth. The team receives more points
for each inventive modification. Along with helping them learn the language, this
also helps them develop their personalities and become better team members.
3 For instance in the event that Julius Caesar was shown utilizing the
customary strategies for questions and answers the understudy could never grasp
the profound feelings of Brutus, the finesse of Cassius, the unwaveringness of
Antony, the awfulness of war, the splendor in Antony's discourse and numerous
other such parts of the story for which the Hymn, Harry Doorman, and every one
of the legendary tales. Feelings assist with characterizing the story and they
structure a vital part of the language and one's character. In the event that these
feelings are forgotten about, communicating our thoughts would be undeniably
challenging. Then again in the event that such stories are established, each goal of
the story turns out to be clear. Students must put themselves in the characters'
positions and fully immerse themselves in the story's atmosphere. In addition to
being a very efficient method of teaching the language, this whole process has
numerous advantages; It contributes to the preservation of literature, which is
essentially our culture. The student will definitely be able to answer questions
without even preparing for them as if they were an exam thanks to this method,
which provides the full learning experience that was intended to be provided by the
story. In addition, the process as a whole is enjoyable and does not at all bore the
student. As a result, it ensures that learning is completed.
Showing through discussions. Conversations are by far the most
effective method of language instruction. A child learns their mother tongue
through conversations with other children. The child does not learn the language,
but he or she still understands its meaning and automatically acquires the ability to
use it in everyday life. Nobody at any point shows the children the characters of
the language or how to make sentences or the syntax of that language. The children
learn from the conversations alone.
As a result, discussions play a crucial role in the teaching process. The
sentence development and the language structure isn't something that can be totally
educated by rules. They must be educated naturally. That can only be
accomplished through extensive reading and listening. This is easy to deal with
because every conversation needs a topic. The subject matter can be presented to
the students in written documents that they must first read, evaluate, and discuss,
or it can be spoken out so that they can listen, comprehend, and participate in the
Points can always be used to evaluate participation and other aspects
of the conversation, which will encourage students to participate. These
discussions must be general. They must occur as if, and children typically enjoy
and want to play games more and more. Customary techniques directed for study
and games to be isolated however the reality stays that the understudies will quite
often be more keen on messing around instead of plunking down to study. In order
to solve the issue, it would make sense to combine the two aspects. The games a
piece of learning would assist the understudies with keeping their advantage as the
longing to win is serious areas of strength for exceptionally. It moves us along and
when included with various parts of learning the growing experience would
proceed with nearly over the course of the day without the kids getting worn out or
exhausted of contemplating.
The communicative approach is a flexible method rather than a rigorously
defined set of teaching practices. It can best be defined with a list of general
principles. In Communicative Language Teaching, expert David Nunan lists these
five basic characteristic
1. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target
2. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.
3. The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language
but also on the learning process itself.
4. An enhancement of the learner's own personal experiences as important
contributing elements to classroom learning.
5. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities
outside the classroom.
As these features show, the communicative approach is concerned with the
unique individual needs of each learner. By making the language relevant to the
world rather than the classroom, learners can acquire the desired skills rapidly and
2.3 Using project methods in teaching a foreign language
In the European languages the word "project" is borrowed from Latin: the
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