Ms. Pietersen is the deputy principal in a school split across two sites. She travels regularly between the two sites by bus, but is annoyed with the amount of time she wastes traveling. She would like to make better use of her commute time. What can she do?
She can use the Offline View app on her smartphone to download an offline version of all unread emails so she can read her emails while travelling
She can use the YouTube app on her smartphone to listen to music and use that time to relax between on-site meetings
She can use the Gmail mobile app on her smartphone to access her school email account to read, send, and reply emails
She can turn on the Agenda app on her PC before she travels, which will sort her tasks and meetings while she’s travelling and arrange them in priority order when she’s back at her PC
| Pitersen xonim ikki uchastkaga bo'lingan maktabda direktor o'rinbosari. U avtobusda ikki sayt o'rtasida muntazam sayohat qiladi, lekin sayohat vaqtini behuda sarflayotganidan g'azablanadi. U qatnov vaqtidan unumli foydalanishni xohlaydi. U nima qila oladi?
U sayohat paytida o‘z xatlarini o‘qishi uchun barcha o‘qilmagan xatlarning oflayn versiyasini yuklab olish uchun smartfonidagi Offline View ilovasidan foydalanishi mumkin.
U o‘z smartfonidagi YouTube ilovasidan musiqa tinglash va o‘sha vaqtdan uchrashuvlar oralig‘ida dam olish uchun foydalanishi mumkin