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#include "chess.h"
// LCD Driver Routines

VOID lcd_cls ();

VOID lcd_blit (WORD addr, BYTE *b, BYTE numbytes);

VOID lcd_wrcmd (BYTE cmd);

VOID lcd_wrcmd1 (BYTE cmd, BYTE arg);

VOID lcd_wrcmd2 (BYTE cmd, WORD arg);

// Keypad Scanner

BYTE scankeypad ();

VOID sleep (INT msecs);

VOID tone (WORD period, WORD cycles);

// LCD Command Codes

#define LCD_CURSOR 0x21

#define LCD_OFFSET 0x22

#define LCD_ADDRESS 0x24

#define LCD_TEXTHOME 0x40

#define LCD_TEXTAREA 0x41

#define LCD_GFXHOME 0x42

#define LCD_GFXAREA 0x43

#define LCD_ORMODE 0x80

#define LCD_XORMODE 0x81

#define LCD_ANDMODE 0x83

#define LCD_ATTRMODE 0x84

#define LCD_DISPLAY 0x90

#define LCD_CLINES 0xA0

#define LCD_AUTOWRITE 0xB0

#define LCD_AUTOREAD 0xB1

#define LCD_AUTORESET 0xB2

#define LCD_WRITEINC 0xC0

#define LCD_READINC 0xC1

#define LCD_WRITEDEC 0xC2

#define LCD_READDEC 0xC3



#define LCD_BITSET 0xF0

// Location of LCD Hardware

#define LCD_STATUS *(BYTE xdata *)(0x4100)

#define LCD_COMMAND *(BYTE xdata *)(0x4100)

#define LCD_DATA *(BYTE xdata *)(0x4000)

// Location of Chess Piece Bitmap ROM

#define LCD_BITMAPS (BYTE xdata *)(0x2000)

// Number of timer ticks for flashing piece

#define FLASHTICKS 30


**** Panel Interface Fuctions ****

VOID panel_init ()

{ // Initialize the debug console:

SCON = 0x42; // Serial Mode Mode 1, TI is pre-set.

PCON = 0x00; // SMOD bit is 0

TH1 = -3; // Baud rate = 9600

TMOD = 0x21; // Timers 0 mode 1, timer 1 mode 2.

TCON = 0x40; // Timer 1 runs

printf("\nProteus VSM Tiny Chess\n");

// Graphics screen has 32 bytes per row, and resides at address 0

lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_GFXHOME, 0x0000);

lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_GFXAREA, 32);

lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_TEXTHOME, 0x2000);

lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_TEXTAREA, 32);

lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_OFFSET, 0x3000>>11);

// Load custom graphic for a black square

lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_ADDRESS, 0x3400);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 0xFF);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 0xFF);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 0xFF);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 0xFF);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 0xFF);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 0xFF);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 0xFF);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 0xFF);

// Enable text and graphics modes, with XOR mode


VOID panel_cls (VOID)

// Draw an empty board

{ COORD row, col;
for (row=0; row<32; row += 1)

for (col=0; col<32; col += 4)

if ((row & 4) ^ (col & 4))

{ WORD addr = 0x2000 + row*32 + col;

lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_ADDRESS, addr);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 128);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 128);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 128);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, 128);


VOID panel_draw (COORD row, COORD col, PIECE p)

// Draw piece p at location loc.

{ BYTE *sprite = LCD_BITMAPS;

row = (CHAR)7-row; // Adjust row to board matrix.

if ((row & 1) ^ (col & 1))

{ if ((p & 8) == WHITE)

sprite += (p & 7) * 4 + 0x0400; // White piece on black square


sprite += (p & 7) * 4 + 0x0000; // Black piece on black square



{ if ((p & 8) == WHITE)

sprite += (p & 7) * 4 + 0x0000; // White piece on white square


sprite += (p & 7) * 4 + 0x0400; // Black piece on white square


panel_blit(row, col, sprite);


VOID panel_blit (COORD row, COORD col, BYTE *sprite)

// Low level function to draw specified sprite onto the board.

{ WORD addr = row * 1024 + col * 4;

INT i;

for (i=0; i<32; ++i)

{ lcd_blit(addr, sprite, 4);

addr += 32;

sprite += 32;


BOOL panel_getmove (LOC from, LOC to)

// Polls for chess move, returns TRUE when move entered.

{ BYTE key, fdelay, fstate=0;


// seed a random number generator after first user move.

// if (movecount == 1) srand (TH0);

if (key=scankeypad(), key == 0xFF)

return FALSE;

// Store the 'from' position

from[0] = (key / 8);

from[1] = key % 8;

// Check moving correct piece.

p = board[7-from[0]][from[1]];

if (p == EMPTY || p & BLACK)

return FALSE;

// Wait for key release

fdelay = 0;

while (scankeypad() != 0xFF)

{ if (fdelay-- == 0)

{ panel_invert(from, fstate ^= 1);

fdelay = FLASHTICKS;



// Wait for key press

while ((key=scankeypad()) == 0xFF)

{ if (fdelay-- == 0)

{ panel_invert(from, fstate ^= 1);

fdelay = FLASHTICKS;



// Clear any left over inversion

if (fstate)

panel_invert(from, FALSE);
to[0] = key / 8;

to[1] = key % 8;

// Convert rows from Physical Layout coords to internal

// board matrix.

from[0] = 7 - from[0];

to[0] = 7 - to[0];

// Wait for key release

while (scankeypad() != 0xFF)

return from[0] != to[0] || from[1] != to[1];

VOID panel_invert (LOC loc, BYTE flag)

// Set the graphical inversion state of the specified square.

{ WORD addr = 0x2000 + loc[0]*128 + loc[1]*4;

BYTE i, d;

if ((loc[0] & 1) ^ (loc[1] & 1))

d = flag ? 0 : 128; // Invert/normal for black square


d = flag ? 128 : 0; // Invert/normal for white square

for (i=0; i<4; ++i)

{ lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_ADDRESS, addr);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, d);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, d);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, d);

lcd_wrcmd1(LCD_WRITEINC, d);

addr += 32;



**** Low Level LCD Driver ****


VOID lcd_cls ()

// Clear graphics and text areas.

{ INT i;


lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_ADDRESS, 0);


for (i=0; i<0x2400; ++i)

{ while ((LCD_STATUS & 8) == 0)







VOID lcd_blit (WORD addr, BYTE *dptr, BYTE numbytes)

// Copy a sprite bitmap to the display

{ lcd_wrcmd2(LCD_ADDRESS, addr);


while (numbytes--)

{ while ((LCD_STATUS & 8) == 0)


LCD_DATA = *dptr++;




VOID lcd_wrcmd (BYTE cmd)

// Send a simple command

{ while ((LCD_STATUS & 1) == 0)



VOID lcd_wrcmd1 (BYTE cmd, BYTE d)

// Send a command with a byte argument

{ while ((LCD_STATUS & 2) == 0)



while ((LCD_STATUS & 1) == 0)



VOID lcd_wrcmd2 (BYTE cmd, WORD arg)

// Send a command with a word argument

{ while ((LCD_STATUS & 2) == 0)


LCD_DATA = arg & 0xFF;

while ((LCD_STATUS & 2) == 0)


LCD_DATA = arg >> 8;

while ((LCD_STATUS & 1) == 0)





**** Sound Effects ****


VOID sound_yourmove ()

{ tone(1000, 100);

VOID sound_capture ()

{ tone(500, 100);

tone(750, 75);

tone(1000, 50);



VOID sound_illegal ()

{ tone(4000, 100);


VOID tone (WORD period, WORD cycles)

// Play a simple tone.

// We use timer 2 to provide the timebase.

{ period = -period;

while (cycles--)

{ TL2 = period & 0xFF;

TH2 = period >> 8;

TF2 = 0;

TR2 = 1;

while (TF2 == 0)


TR2 = 0;

P3.5 ^= 1;


P3.5 = 1;


**** Keyboard Scanner ****


BYTE scankeypad ()

// Scan the keypad for a keypress.

// Return 0xFF for no press or the char pressed.

{ BYTE row,col,tmp;

BYTE key=0xFF;
for (col=0; col < 8; col++)

{ // Drive appropriate column low and read off the rows:

P3 = 0xE3 | col<<2;

sleep(1); // allow settling time

tmp = P1;

// See if any row is active (low):

for (row=0; row<8; ++row)

if ((tmp & (1<

{ key = ((row)*8) + col;

goto done;


done: return key;

VOID sleep (INT msecs)

// Sleep for specified number of milliseconds.

// We use timer 0 for this purpose, loading it up and

// waiting for an overflow. Assume 12MHz Clock.

{ while (msecs--)

{ TH0 = -1000 >> 8;

TL0 = -1000 & 0xFF;

TF0 = 0;

TR0 = 1;

while (!TF0)


TR0 = 0;




**** Serial I/O ****



* Use built-in serial port (UART):


static int _low_level_putc(int c)

{ while (!TI)


TI = 0;

SBUF = c;



* The putchar routine:


int putchar(int value)

{ if (value == '\n')

value = '\r';




Biz ushbu loixa doirasida yaratgan qurilma hisoblash texnikasi uchun actual energotejamkor qurilma sifatida ishlatilishi muqarrar. Kontrollerlar faqatgina katta sistemalarni talab qilmay, balki kichik sistemali qurilmalarda ishlatilishi mumkin. Bunday qurilmalarda kontrollerga tannarxi, gabprit o’lchami va ishlash harorati dipozoniga aniq talablar qo’yiladi. Bunday talablarni xattoki sanoat variantidagi unversal kompyuterlar xam qoniqtira olmaydi. Hozirgi kunda boshqaruv sxemalarining keng tarqalgani raqamli mikrosxemalar asosida qurilgan sxemalardir.Qurilmalarning tannarxi va o’lchamlariga bo’lgan talab mikrokontrollerlarga ham ta‘luqli. Agar ob‘ekt o’nlab metr maydonni egallasa, misol uchun avtomatik telefonstansiyasi, uyali aloqa sistemasi baza stansiyasi yoki gaz taqsimlash inshoatlari bo’lsa mikrokontroller sifatida unversal kompyuter qo’llash mumkin.

Hozirgi kunda elektron soatlar, turli konstruksiyadagi sekundomerlar va xokazolar xayot faoliyatimizdagi doimiy xamroximizga aylangan. Bundan tashqari, turli vaqt qurilmalari inson faoliyatining turli jarayonlarini boshqarishda ishlatiladi. Yuqoridagi rasmlarda loyihalanayotgan qurilmaning ISIS dastuida tayyorlangan montaj sxemasi keltirilgan.Tanlangan PIC16F873A mikrokontrollerning chiqish kanallarining elektrik parametrlaridan ko’rinib turibdiki, harbir chiqishga 20 milliampergacha yuklama ulash mumkin . Bu mikrokontrollerning elektr energiya istemol quvvati 1 Vatt, chiqish kanallarining elektr energiya sarfi bu qiymatga qo’shilmagan.

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