Televizorni kim ixtiro qildi? Tarix davomida ko'plab boshqa ixtirolardan farqli o'laroq, televidenie tarixi bitta emas, balki ko'plab ixtirochilarga kredit berdi
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Homework 17
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Televizorni kim ixtiro qildi? Tarix davomida ko'plab boshqa ixtirolardan farqli o'laroq, televidenie tarixi bitta emas, balki ko'plab ixtirochilarga kredit berdi. Bunday holda, ekranda rasmlarni tomosha qilish g'oyasi ustida ishlaydigan ko'plab ixtirochilar bor edi, butun dunyodagi ixtirochilar 1830-yillardan beri rasm yoki narsalarni ekranga uzatish ustida ish olib borishdi, ammo birinchi jismoniy televizor hali rivojlanmadi. 1900 yillar.Besh kishi bugungi kunda biz televizor sifatida biladigan eng mashhur va obro'li kashfiyotchilarga aylandilar va televidenie tarixiga yangi boshlanishni berdi. Pol Npkov ismli nemis ixtirochi 1884 yilda rasmlarni sim orqali uzatishga imkon beradigan birinchi aylanadigan diskni ixtiro qildi. Uning kashfiyoti dunyodagi birinchi elektromexanik televizor ko'rish tizimidir. Ushbu aylanadigan disk tez sur'atda aylanar edi, tunda teshiklardan o'tib, ekranda rasm chizish mumkin edi. Jon Bayd televidenie tarixida mashhur bo'lib, u 1924 yilda Evropada televidenie orqali namoyish etilgan birinchi suratlarni ixtiro qilganida taniqli bo'ldi. Keyinchalik u odamning yuzini ekranga uzatdi va Il Jahon urushi paytida birinchi rangli kolba ixtiro qildiBir muncha vaqt o'tgach, rangli televizor Amerika va boshqa uy xo'jaliklarining asosiy bo'g'iniga aylangan bo'lsa-da, uning televidenie tarixiga qo'shgan hissasi ulkan bo'lgan, Charlz Jenkins "radiovizion" deb nomlangan mexanik televizorni ixtiro qildi, unga ko'ra bu televizorlardan birini uzatgan. birinchi harakat suratlari 1923 yilda paydo bo'lgan. Ushbu amerikalik ixtirochi birinchi ixtirochilar bilan birgalikda televizor texnologiyasida o'zlarining nazariyalarini birinchi jonli rasmlarni ekranga uzatishda davom ettirgan. Ushbu televizor tarixidagi ziyoratchi Shimoliy Amerikada birinchi televizion stantsiyani yaratish bilan ham mashhur. Vladimir Zvorikin Kineskop deb nomlagan va televizor tarixida yangi davrni boshlagan Cathode Ray naychasini ixtiro qildi. Kineskopdan oldin, 1920-yillarda televizorlar mexanik edi. Katod Ray trubkasi nafaqat uzatish uchun kerak edi; ushbu qurilma televizorni elektron qurilmaga aylantirgan. Va nihoyat, Amerikalik Philo Farmsworth 13 yoshida, televizor tarixida 60 gorizontal chiziqlar yordamida tasvirlarni ekranga uzatish usulini kashf qilganida, yutuqqa erishdi. Famsworth, shuningdek, bugungi kunda biz foydalanadigan televizorlar uchun asos bo'lib qolgan 165 dan oshiq moslamalarni, shu jumladan dissektsiyali naychani ixtiro qildi
A television (also known as a TV) is a machine with a screen. Televisions receive broadcasting signals and change them into pictures and sound. The word "television" comes from the words tele (Greek for far away) and vision (sight). ... Computers and mobile devices also can be used for watching television programs TV can act as a catalyst to get kids reading—following up on TV programs by getting books on the same subjects or reading authors whose work was adapted for the programs. Television can teach kids important values and life lessons. Educational programming can develop young children's socialization and learning skills. Etymology. The word television comes from Ancient Greek τῆλε (tèle), meaning 'far', and Latin visio, meaning 'sight'. Sometimes a television can look like a box. Older TVs had a large cathode ray tube in a large wooden frame and sat on the floor like furniture. Newer TVs are much lighter and flatter. A TV can show pictures from many television networks. Computers and mobile devices also can be used for watching television programs. Television was invented in the 1920s but the equipment was expensive and the pictures were poor. By the 1950s, these problems had been fixed and TVs became widespread. At first, all televisions used an antenna (or aerial). This would pick up television programmes from broadcasting stations. A TV station could be many miles or kilometers away, and still be received. TVs can also show movies from VCD and DVD players or VCRs. Cable TV and Satellite television can provide more programs at once than broadcast can. Video game consoles connect to most modern TVs. Some computers can also use a TV as a computer monitor. All TVs have screens where the picture is viewed. Before the 1950s these were usually "black and white", which made everything look grey, but all modern TVs show colors. Most 20th century screens also had rounded corners. That is because television screens were cathode ray tubes. These are like heavy glass jars with one side bulging out to form the screen. Today flat panel displays are the usual kind. These are usually flat rectangles with straight edges. This long rectangle looks more like the shape of a movie theatre screen. This is called widescreen. If a widescreen set was 30 cm tall, it would be 53 cm wide. For this to work best, TV shows also need to be made in widescreen. Widescreen sets can still be any size, but they have the same widescreen shape. Download 20,46 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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