The Concept of Physical and Mental Wellness
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The Concept of Physical and Mental Wellness
The Concept of Physical and Mental Wellness Psychological well-being is an integral systemic state of a person or group, which is a complex relationship of physical, psychological, cultural, social and spiritual factors and reflects a person's perception and assessment of his self-realization in terms of the peak of potential opportunities. Psychological well-being is considered in the works of foreign and Russian psychologists as a quality acquired in the process of life activity, which implies the activity of the subject. In psychology, the problem of understanding and aspects of psychological well-being has been developed since the publication in 1969 of the work of N. Bradburn [en] “The Structure of Psychological Well-Being”. The growth of interest in the problem of psychological well-being in modern science is associated with the development of positive psychology . The founder of positive psychology - Martin Seligman - singled out the subjective feeling of happiness and general satisfaction, positive personality traits and positive social structures and phenomena as the main objects of study in this direction in psychology.. Currently, two main directions in the study of human psychological well-being have been established: eudemonistic and hedonistic . Eudemonistic direction Within the framework of the eudemonistic direction, the concept of psychological well-being is considered as the realization of a person's own potential, the development of certain psychological traits in their corresponding activities. The founder of the eudemonistic trend in understanding psychological well-being was Carol Riff . According to K. Riff, psychological well-being is the presence in a person of specific, stable psychological traits that allow him to function significantly more successfully than in their absence. As the basic components of psychological well-being, she identified six main components: positive relationships with others (concern for the well-being of others, a sense of satisfaction from warm and trusting relationships with others); autonomy (independence, internal control); environmental management (a person's ability to effectively use external resources); purposefulness of life (highly developed ability to reflect, meaningfulness); personal growth (effective use of personality traits, talent development); self-acceptance (recognition of oneself, a positive attitude towards one's personality traits). Based on the provisions of K. Riff, a questionnaire of psychological well-being was created, which is widely used in modern psychology. Among other studies within the framework of the eudemonistic direction in understanding psychological well-being, it is worth mentioning the works of A. V. Voronina, O. A. Idobaeva, D. A. Leontiev, K. Peterson and M. Seligman [9] , K. Riff Hedonistic direction From the point of view of the hedonistic direction, psychological well-being is defined as subjective well-being. In most works of psychologists representing this area, the definition of psychological well-being is associated with the concepts of “happiness”, “life satisfaction”, “positive emotions”, etc. The theoretical basis for understanding psychological well-being in the context of the hedonistic direction was the work of N. Bradburn , for whom the concept of well-being is inextricably linked with overall life satisfaction and happiness. N. Bradburn developed a model of the structure of psychological well-being, which is a balance achieved with the continuous interaction of positive and negative affects. The difference between these two affects, according to the model, is an indicator of a person's psychological (subjective) well-being. Attention to the problem of psychophysical health in the world is growing every year. The results of ongoing studies to determine the level of health of the nation as a whole and specific groups of the population separately indicate that the latter depends on the attitude towards it at the state and individual levels. Currently, health programs are being developed at the national and regional levels, databases are being created for research by health services, and health programs are being introduced in educational organizations and in the workplace. Such programs include materials of various nature, mostly interactive, tools for teaching the basics of health saving: audiovisual materials, practical guides, demonstrations of healthy eating patterns, the positive effects of a healthy lifestyle, social interest groups, etc. Applications for smartphones and personal computers have been developed that contain an algorithm of individualized recommendations for maintaining and improving health. Nevertheless , the problem of the formation of the psychophysical health of the younger generation is relevant at the present stage of development of the Russian education system. The purpose of the study is to study the possibilities of the pedagogical system in the process of forming the foundations of the psychophysical health of a modern student and to determine the conditions for pedagogical support of this process. Presentation (discussion) of the material In the 2017-2018 academic year, we conducted a monitoring study of the health status of secondary school students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 19 of Chelyabinsk". The results showed that out of 240 students surveyed, 35.2% have 1 health group; 46.3% - group 2; 18.0% - 3rd group; 0.5% - 4th group. When assessing the level of physical development, we obtained results stating that only 54.3% of schoolchildren have physical development corresponding to their age, the rest have various deviations. The most common pathologies among students were identified, they include: visual impairment, musculoskeletal system (posture disorders, scoliosis, flat feet), chronic diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems. According to medical health groups for physical culture, all the examined students were distributed as follows: 55% of students made up the main group; 30% - preparatory; 3.5% - special medical, the rest - exempted from physical education classes. We have established a tendency for a significant increase in the level of chronic diseases among students during the period of schooling, as well as the number of children with pathologies of psychophysical development. An increase in the proportion of schoolchildren belonging to II, III and IV health groups was revealed. Isn't it paradoxical that a modern Russian schoolchild often "pays" with individual components of his health for the services provided to him by civilization? In essence, the social system of Russia, in the context of creating maximum comfort, is aimed specifically at the population of children and adolescents. For the most part, our schoolchildren live in warm living quarters, wear clothes in accordance with the seasons, travel in heated vehicles, etc. As a result, a sufficient number of school students have weak immunity, a slight mobilization of thermoregulation reserves and, as a result, frequent respiratory diseases. Most of his time, the student breathes the weakly ionized air of the classrooms, works for hours sitting at a desk or table, which reduces the mobility of the chest and the main inspiratory muscle of the body - the diaphragm. The consequence is chronic oxygen starvation, shortness of breath, headaches, reduced vascular tone. Most of today's school students lead a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to obesity, detraining of the heart, a decrease in skeletal muscle tone, etc. Thus, at the present stage of development of the education system, there is a need for a new strategic approach to the issue of the struggle for the health of modern schoolchildren. To explore the possibilities of the pedagogical system in relation to the formation of psychophysical health, it is necessary to understand the phenomenon of the modern student, the methodology of the principles of organizing his life. Understanding the organization of the life of a modern student can be approached from the position of holism (integrity) or a systematic approach. Let us assume that the understanding of the integrity of the process of formation of the foundations of the psychophysical health of a schoolchild can be approached with the help of a systematic approach (i.e. from holism to a systematic approach), since. the system of a person's psychophysical health is a combination of constant and reactive properties and elements, as well as intersystem connections that function independently, forming a single whole, different from its constituent components. The culture of psychophysical health of a modern student can be considered as a system with a pyramidal principle of construction. The pyramid is characterized by certain patterns of organization [3]. These patterns are strictly hierarchical, and the defining element in them, setting the trend of the whole system, is the top. Endogenous relationships between the elements of the pyramid obey the laws of harmonious development. K.G. Jung (1970) notes that every person from birth is "endowed" with a certain complex of archetypes, which are expressed in behavioral orientations, which are manifested to a certain extent in the process of ontogenetic development. However, a person is absolutely free in relation to will and choice. In our opinion, through the formation of consciousness, the student will be able to orient his psyche to the preservation of individual psychophysical health, which will provide him with a comfortable social and pedagogical adaptation and normal development. The child's organism is an open type system, maintaining the degree of its organization is expressed in homeostatic balance. Constant interchange with the environment ensures the dynamic stability of an open system, i.e. keeping it in motion (development). At the level of organization of this process, the development of diseases occurs. One of the manifestations of the self-organization of the schoolchild's body system is the ability for self-regulation and self-recovery of psychophysical resources. As an open system, the student's body develops in space and time, and, therefore, in the formation of the basis of the psychophysical health of a school student, there are a number of requirements for the ecology of large and small living spaces. The first of them is the adequacy and objectivity of the assessment of the internal state. The endogenous state of a student can be assessed by the degree of harmony of the system. This harmony is objectively determined by the information component of the system. At the physical level, this is determined by gene polymorphism and adaptation of the neuro-endocrine-immune complex, and in relation to the mental level, by the degree of perfection of the perception mechanisms and features of the archetypal structure [4]. The functionality of the intrasystemic order (between the physical and mental levels) determines the "throughput" capacity of information and energy flows and, as a result, characterizes the child's performance. Partial violation of the intrasystemic order leads to the development of fatigue and overwork. Thus, from the position of holism, we can formulate the following definition of a student’s psychophysical health: “Psychophysical health is an intrasystemic order that provides a high energy potential that allows the child to feel comfortable in educational and extracurricular activities at the subjective level, and objectively to realize his social and biological functions. More broadly, according to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, health “…is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In our opinion, the semantics of psychophysical health includes the ability to adapt to the environment, to the capabilities of one’s body, to resist exo- and endogenous disturbances, diseases, the aging process, the ability to improve the quality of one’s life, create an adequate self-awareness, ethical and aesthetic attitude towards oneself and society generally. Researchers have singled out the concept of “static” health, which means a certain state of the body during a period of relative muscle rest outside of food, respiratory, nervous and other loads [5]. As well as "dynamic" health, which is determined by studying the functioning of the body before and after dosed physical, nutritional, respiratory, nervous and other types of stress [6]. One of the main specific properties of living matter is the ability to maximally adjust the biological rhythm of the body's functions and constants in response to changes in environmental conditions. Based on the concept of biological rhythms of the body, it can be assumed that the observance of the rhythm of the life of a schoolchild (certain routine moments) will contribute to the preservation of psychophysical health, and its violation (dysrhythmia) will lead to illness. To identify the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the psychophysical health of schoolchildren, it is necessary to detail the mental and physical components separately. The mental component of the health of a school student is associated with the need for self-realization as a person [7]. Any violation of the mental component of health is associated, on the one hand, with the inherited characteristics of the psyche, on the other hand, with factors affecting ontogenesis - extreme mental stress and psycho-traumatic situations [8]. It should be noted that it is the state of mental comfort that subjectively reflects the level of health of a modern student. Researchers have shown that the mental activity of a child is sufficiently influenced by the features of embryogenesis and the birth process, as a risk factor in the formation of the first psychocomplexes [9]. Attention to the issue of the formation of the child's psychophysical health must be shown from the pre-embryonic period, and it should be expressed in the prevention of gametopathies and the comprehensive rehabilitation of potential parents. A positive prognosis for the psychophysical health of the unborn child allows us to give exclusively complete genetic information in the gametes of both the mother and father [10]. In addition, there is a certain connection between the mental component of health and the spiritual upbringing of the child. Recently, there have been many scientific publications and television programs devoted to the preservation and promotion of health. However, the recommendations of the authors are often contradictory, since in many cases they describe personal experience of achieving visible results in the formation of health. One can agree with the opinion of a number of authors [11; 12] that the main danger to personal health is not so much in the environment around us as inside us (in the conscious and unconscious activities of the organism). The great moral commandments about serving good, about eradicating evil are considered by modern pedagogy as the basis for the spiritual education of the younger generation. To be healthy is to be in harmony with oneself, and health is an individual harmonious spiritual and physical being. The mental component of a student's health and his moral behavior are closely interrelated. It has been shown that deviant and addictive behavior of a child is a more common cause of the disease than external influences [13]. The behavior and actions of the child are dictated by the requirements of his inner nature and are aimed at satisfying spiritual and bodily needs, at maintaining homeostasis and mental well-being. Thus, spiritual education as a condition for the formation of the psychophysical health of a modern schoolchild is many-sided: it is the inner mental world, it is also moral development, it is social well-being, etc. Recognition of the student's personality by peers and adults is also one of the conditions determining the process of formation of psychophysical health. Among the higher mental components are the need for self-knowledge, for comprehending the meaning of good and evil, one's own existence on earth. This is the beginning of mental health based on intelligent thinking. “False thinking,” writes L.N. Tolstoy (1956), is the main cause of evil in the world; people live badly, not because they are evil by nature, but because they think unreasonably.” But the descriptive characteristics of health from the standpoint of centering on the mental component do not speak enough about its boundaries, about its potential reserves. It should be considered justified the concept of "amount of health", introduced by N.M. Amosov (1997). A modern student must compensate for the lack of muscle effort with additional physical exercises in order to create health reserves, i.e. the ability to additional stress without causing functional disorders. The structure of the higher cortical sections of the central nervous system predetermines the basic properties of neuromuscular activity, on which the effectiveness of the regulatory influences of the brain on the functions of tissues and organs depends. These influences can be physiological (nervous regulation of visceral systems) and psychological. The latter manifest themselves in a new quality - as organs of mental control over the functioning of the body. Mental functions, the top of which is consciousness, along with physical ones (rational motor activity), have a significant impact on the health of the student. The neurophysiological basis of the student's psychophysical health is higher nervous activity (HNA), which provides a real connection between the child's body and the external environment. This is a form of reflection of the objective world, in which the physical and mental principles closely interact. GNI is the material basis for the interaction of psychophysical processes, the starting point from which a systematic analysis of higher mental forms of reflection of objective reality can begin. The effective activity of the GNI in the implementation of sufficient motor activity of the child has a beneficial effect on mental functions. Reflection of the objective world by a schoolchild includes subjective, personal experience of knowledge and self-knowledge. A conscious reflection of reality presupposes that the child has his own, internal “correct” attitude towards it from the postulates of health, and physical activity ensures the stability of this process. A modern student poorly controls his physical activity, and therefore a huge number of diseases are associated with the physical component of health. Insufficient adaptation to physical exertion and, as a result, chronic and acute fatigue, trauma, overstrain, neuroses, especially depressive ones, in addition to their independent significance, always have somatic equivalents called psychosomatic diseases. Therefore, an important condition for the formation of the psychophysical health of a modern student is purposeful education based on the effective relationship of motor activity with the targeted development of the child's personality. conclusions Thus, consolidating modern scientifically based concepts of the formation of the foundations of the psychophysical health of a schoolchild, it is possible to single out a set of pedagogical conditions for the ecology of a small and large living space of a school student: organization of a purposeful educational process in an educational institution based on the effective relationship of physical activity with the targeted development of the child's personality; the formation in the child of an internal “correct” attitude on the part of the postulates of health to a conscious reflection of reality; compensation for the lack of muscle effort by additional physical exercises in the mode of an educational institution. In conclusion, it should be said that modern society requires not passive contemplation and agonizing expectation of improving the health of the population of school-age children, but active and systematic pedagogical work in the context of the formation of adaptive mechanisms that underlie the strengthening and preservation of their psychophysical health. For personality psychology, subjective well-being is essential and, as its component, self-assessment of health, which is the most important component of the dominant mood of the individual. It is through subjective well-being, as an integrative experience, that there is a constant influence on various parameters of a person’s mental state, on the success of behavior, the productivity of activity, the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction, etc. A high self-esteem of health is more important for an athlete than for other categories of the population. After all, the effectiveness of his professional activity depends on the state of health. It should be taken into account that in some cases self-assessment may not correspond to objective health. N. D. Tvorogova (Psychology : lectures for medical students. M . : GOU VUNMTs of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2002. 288 p.) notes that at the bodily level, the manifestations of the disease may be absent, but the person does not feel healthy, because he does not state of bodily well-being. This is of particular importance for athletes. After all, an athlete who feels sick is not able to progress, he is likely to leave the sport without reaching his highest result. Self-assessment of health is a significant informative indicator that allows you to get a fairly objective idea not only about the state research on the health of the individual at the time of the survey and in the future, but also about psychological well-being (Wittchen G. U. Encyclopedia of mental health. Publishing house : Aleteya, Aleteya, 2006. 552 p .; Bovina I. B., Malysheva N. G. Health and disease in the minds of young people // Journal of Practical Psychology, Anniversary issue: to the 70th anniversary of L. A. Petrovskaya (1937-2006), 2007, No. 5 , pp. 47-64. At the present stage, much attention is paid to the study of psychological well-being in various population groups, however, there are few works devoted to the assessment of psychological well-being and its component, self-assessment of health among athletes (Ilyina N. I. Influence of physical culture on the psychological well-being of a person // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P F. Lesgaft, 2010. No. 12(70), pp. 69-74 ; Malkina-Pykh, I. G. Study of the influence of rhythmic -motor health-improving physical culture on the psychological health of the individual // Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P. F. Lesgaft. 2011. No. 4(74), pp. 122-127). Of particular importance for improving self-esteem of health and psychological well-being and, as a result, successful adaptation to sports activities, is the method of self-regulation of psychological states, since mental processes and properties that are meaningfully specific and related to the state “meet” in the regulation system. This creates the conditions for changing the qualitative characteristics of subjective well-being and its criteria - elements of external and internal instances of the individual, which in turn means a change in the very experience of the individual's status of well-being (Savel'eva O. S. Subjective well-being as a problem of social psychology of the individual // Sat. Mat. Interregional, part-time scientific-practical conference, Actual problems of personality psychology, Novosibirsk : ENSKE publishing house, 2009. 156 e.). Despite strong evidence of the possibility of using the results of self-assessment of health according to the BB-3b method to monitor the general psycho-emotional state and psychological health in order to correct it in a timely manner, this method has not yet found application in sports psychology. Studies of the quality of life associated with health in sports according to the SF-36 method are carried out as in our country (Sahebozamani M. The impact of physical rehabilitation on the quality of life and physical performance of athletes with injuries of the lower extremities : dis. ... candidate of ped. sciences M., 2004. 149 pp., Ivko O. M. Influence of sports injuries on the quality of life of sports veterans in the elderly and senile age: dissertation ... candidate of medical sciences . n auk. SPb., 2007. 107 p. ; Maltseva A. B. Dynamics of indicators of the state of health, quality of life and organization of medical care for highly qualified athletes: author. dis. ... cand. honey . n auk. M., 2009. 25 p. ; Abaev A. M. Psychological and pedagogical assessment of the quality of life of adolescents [Electronic resource] // Pedagogy of art. 2010. No. 2. URL:; Fedotova I. V. Medical and social adaptation of highly qualified athletes in the post-sport period: author. dis. ... cand. honey . n auk. Volgograd, 2010. 26 e.), and abroad (McGlynn E. The SF-36 Profile and Health Related Quality of Life in College Athletes. Armstrong Atlantic State University, 1999. 148 p. ; McAllister et al. Quality of Life Assessment in Elite Collegiate Athletes // The American Journal of Sports Medicine 2001 Vol 29(6) P 806 ; / J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008. No. 90(3), pp. 471-476 ; Snyder A. R et al. Health-related quality of life differs between adolescent athletes and adolescent nonathletes // J Sport Rehabil. 2010. No. Lotfi, N. et al, Journal Title Comparative investigation of quality of life of athlete and non-athlete older adults, Fiziceskoe Vospitanie Studentov, 2012, No. 3, pp . 127-129 ; Latorre Roman, PA et al., Body composition related to health in veteran athletes, Nutr. Hosp. [online], 2012. Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 1236-1243). However, the relationship of self-assessment of health with personality type, mechanisms of psychological adaptation and psychological states, sports specialization, qualifications, gender has not been studied. There are no studies of the influence of self-assessment of health, as a component of psychological well-being, on the effectiveness of sports activities. The relevance of the problem of studying the self-assessment of health by athletes and its correction is determined by the high significance for the constructive development and functioning of the personality, which is necessary for the progressive development of the athlete, on the one hand, and the lack of research in this scientific field, on the other. The hypothesis of the study: there is a possibility of correcting the state of psychological well-being through an increase in self-esteem of health by athletes, as one of its components, using the methodology of psychological self-regulation, including musical and meditative exercises according to V. I. Petrushin and breathing with a pause according to R. Demeter. The object of the study is self-assessment of health by athletes The subject of the study is the relationship of self-assessment of health with the direction of training loads, personality type, mechanisms of psychological adaptation and psychological states of athletes. The aim of the study is to study the impact of sports activities on self-assessment of health, and their relationship with the individual psychological properties of the individual and mental states for the timely correction of psychological maladjustment to sports activities. Research objectives: 1. Conduct a comparative study of self-assessment of health among athletes and their peers who are not involved in sports. 2. Establish the role of gender and sports specialization in self-assessment of health by athletes. 3. To study the influence of personality type, mechanisms of psychological adaptation and psychological states on athletes' self-assessment of health. 4. Reveal the relationship between self-assessment of health and general physical performance, cortisol levels and the success of sports activities. 5. To substantiate the effectiveness of using the technique of mental self-regulation, including musical and meditative exercises according to V.I. Petrushin and breathing with the use of a pause according to R. Demeter, to increase the reduced self-esteem of health among athletes. Research methods: - theoretical analysis and generalization of data from special literature; - psychological testing; - method of mental self-regulation; - methods of biomedical research; - pedagogical experiment; - methods of mathematical statistics. The subjects were students of the College of the Olympic Reserve No. 1 of St. Petersburg, students of NSU. P. F. Lesgaft, members of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. The comparison group included 34 students of St. Petersburg State Academy of Music, who are not involved in sports. All studies were conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki on Human Rights with the voluntary consent of the participants. The psychological examination was carried out in compliance with the requirements of professional psychodiagnostics (observance of the secrecy of psychodiagnostics, scientific validity of psychodiagnostic methods, non-damage to the subjects, openness of the examination results for them, objectivity of the conclusions and the effectiveness of the proposed practical recommendations). Invasive studies were conducted with the consent of the subjects. In total, 156 athletes took part in the study at its various stages: representatives of cyclic, game and artistic sports aged 15 to 25 years, of both sexes, I category - MSIC, of which 26 athletes were selected to participate in the formative experiment (13 athletes ( experimental group and 13 control group) with low self-assessment of health according to the BR-3b questionnaire. Additionally on 14 athletes (academic rowing, boys, 1st category, KMC, MS) a study was made of the possibility of using the method of emotional recovery not only for correction, but also for the prevention of self-esteem disorders. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was a general scientific methodology, including a systematic approach as the most important methodological principle of modern science and practice, based on a holistic vision of a complex object (Anokhin P.K. Fundamental issues of the general theory of functional systems // Principles of systemic organization of functions. M . : Nauka , 1973. P. 5-61 ; Ananiev B. G. On the problems of modern human knowledge. M . : Nauka, 1977. 380 pp. ; Ganzen V. A. System descriptions in psychology. L . : Leningrad State University, 1984. 176 p. ; Lomov B. F. Consistency in psychology: Selected psychological works. M .: Publishing House of the Moscow Psychological Institute. 2003. 424 pp. and others); fundamental provisions of general psychology and personality psychology (Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. M . : Politizdat, 1975. 304 p. ; Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Fundamentals of theoretical psychology. M . : INFRA- M, 1998. 526 pp., Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of general psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. 705 pp. and others); the results of modern studies of sports psychology (Puni A. Ts. Psychological foundations of volitional training in sports: studies . n spec. L. : GDOIFK, 1977. 48 p. ; Stambulova N. B. Psychology of a sports career: dis. ... Dr. psikhol. Sciences. SPb., 1999. 417 p. ; Gorbunov GD, Martyanov BI Psychology of physical education and sport: textbook . n spec. for stud. higher ped. textbook wound up. M. : Academy, 2000. 288 p. ; Marishuk VL, Evdokimov VI Behavior and self-regulation of a person under stress: textbook . n spec. SPb. : Ed. house "September", 2001. 260 p. ; Volkov IP Workshop on sports psychology. SPb. : Peter, 2002. 288 p. ; Serova L.K. Psychology of the personality of an athlete. M. : Soviet sport, 2007. 116 p. ; Ilyin E.P. Psychology of sports. SPb . : Peter, 2008. 352 p. and etc.); the concept of emotional burnout (Formatok T.V. Syndrome of "emotional burnout" as an indicator of professional maladaptation of a teacher // Questions of Psychology. 1994. No. 6. P. 23 ; Boyko V.V. Energy of emotions in communication: view of yourself and others. M. : IID "Filin", 1996. 472 p. ; Orel V. E., Rukavishnikov A. A. Study of the phenomenon of mental burnout in domestic and foreign psychology // Problems of General and Organizational Psychology. Yaroslavl, 1999. S. 76-97 ; Agapova M. V. Socio-psychological aspects of emotional burnout and self-actualization of personality: dis. ... cand. psychol. Sciences. Yaroslavl, 2004. 184 p. and others), the concept of overcoming behavior (Lazarus R. Theory of stress and psychophysiological research // Emotional stress. L . : Lenizdat, 1970. P. 178-208 ; Nartova-Bochaver S. K. "Coping behavior" in the system of concepts of psychology Personality // Psychological Journal, 1997. V. 18, No. 5. P. 20-30 ; Nikolskaya I. M., Granovskaya R. M. Psychological protection in children. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2001. 507 p .; Bodrov V. A. Psychological stress: development and overcoming. M .: PER SE, 2006. 528 pp.; Kitaev-Smyk L. A. Psychology of stress. Psychological anthropology of stress. M .: Academic project, 2009. 943 pp.; Malkina- Pykh I. G. Study of the influence of rhythmic-motor health-improving physical culture on the psychological health of a person // Uchenye zapiski Universiteta imeni P. F. Lesgaft. 2011. No. 4(74), pp. 122-127 and others), concepts of quality self-assessment life associated with health (Novik A. A., Ionova T. I. Guidelines for the study of the quality of life in medicine. St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Neva"; M .: "OLMA-PR ESS Star World”, 2002. 320 p. ; Polyvyana M. Yu. Assessment of the quality of life of mentally ill patients // Archives of Psychiatry. 2002. No. 2(29). pp. 5-9 ; Ushakov I. B. Quality of life and human health. M. : Origins, 2005. 130 p. and DR -)- Scientific novelty. In this study, for the first time, data were obtained on the impact of sports on the self-assessment of health by athletes as one of the factors of psychological well-being. For the first time, the influence of a sport on self-assessment of health by athletes is shown. Gender features of self-assessment of health among representatives of different sports have been clarified. The relationship between self-assessment of health and situational, personal anxiety, neuroticism has been established. Received data information about the syndrome of emotional burnout in athletes as an indicator of personality deformation was supplemented, and for the first time an analysis was made of the relationship of its symptoms with the results of a subjective assessment of health by athletes. The possibility of using the 8P-36 method to identify maladaptive disorders of psychological health in athletes has been established and the features of correcting the identified disorders in representatives of cyclic and artistic sports have been substantiated. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the experimental justification: - the positive impact of sports on self-esteem of health, most pronounced in team sports; - a negative relationship between the psychological states of situational anxiety and emotional burnout and athletes' self-assessment of health according to the BT-3b questionnaire; - the possibilities of correcting the characteristics of self-assessment of health by athletes, by influencing the state by methods of psychological self-regulation. Systematized in accordance with the possibilities of their purposeful correction, the factors influencing the self-assessment of health by athletes. A contribution has been made to the section of the psychology of professional health of athletes. The practical significance of the work ends in the development of recommendations for optimizing athletes' self-assessment of health as a factor in psychological well-being using mental self-regulation techniques. A risk group for maladaptive mental health disorders was identified - girls in cyclic sports (rowing). A positive effect on psychological health, playing sports has been established. The introduction of monitoring of self-assessment of health into the training process, and its correction, by methods of mental self-regulation in case of identified violations, will help the athlete adapt to both physical and mental stress. loads, which will contribute to sports longevity and success in the chosen sport. The results of scientific research can be used in the work of coaches to optimize the training process and maintain the health of athletes. The main provisions for defense: 1. Sports activities have a positive impact on both the physical and mental components of self-assessment of health, reflecting the state of psychological well-being. The most favorable influence, regardless of the gender of the athletes, is provided by team sports. Cyclic and artistic types have a multidirectional influence on boys and girls. Cyclic types have a less favorable effect on self-assessment of health by girls, while artistic ones have a less favorable effect on self-assessment of health by young men. 2. Athletes have a negative impact on self-esteem of health: personal anxiety and neuroticism; non-constructive coping strategy "avoidance"; psychological defenses, especially "replacement"; situational anxiety and emotional burnout. Download 31,16 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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