The Fabric of Reality David Deutch
particular snapshot, as spacetime physics does. Instead, it determines what
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The Fabric of Reality
particular snapshot, as spacetime physics does. Instead, it determines what proportion of all snapshots in the multiverse will have a given property. For this reason, we inhabitants of the multi-verse can sometimes make only probabilistic predictions of our own experience, even though what will happen in the multiverse is completely determined. Suppose, for example, that we toss a coin. A typical prediction of quantum theory might be that if, in a certain number of snapshots, a coin has been set spinning in a certain manner and clocks show a certain reading, then there will also exist half that number of universes in which the clocks show a higher reading and the coin has fallen with ‘heads’ upwards, and another half in which the clocks show the higher reading and the coin has fallen with ‘tails’ upwards. Figure 11.7 shows the small region of the multiverse in which these events happen. Even in that small region there are a lot of snapshots to illustrate, so we can spare only one point of the diagram for each snapshot. The snapshots we are looking at all contain clocks of some standard type, and the diagram is arranged so that all the snapshots with a particular clock reading appear in a vertical column, and the clock readings increase from left to right. As we scan along any vertical line in the diagram, not all the snapshots we pass through are different. We pass through groups of identical ones, as indicated by the shading. The snapshots in which clocks show the earliest reading are at the left edge of the diagram. We see that in all those snapshots, which are identical, the coin is spinning. At the right edge of the diagram, we see that in half the snapshots in which clocks show the latest reading the coin has fallen with ‘heads’ upwards, and in the other half it has fallen with ‘tails’ upwards. In universes with intermediate clock readings, three types of universe are present, in proportions that vary with the clock reading. If you were present in the illustrated region of the multiverse, all copies of you would have seen the coin spinning at first. Later, half the copies of you would see ‘heads’ come up, and the other half would see ‘tails’. At some intermediate stage you would have seen the coin in a state in which it is still in motion, but from which it is predictable which face it will show when it eventually settles down. This differentiation of identical copies of an observer into slightly different versions is responsible for the subjectively probabilistic character of quantum predictions. For if you asked, initially, what result you were destined to see for the coin toss, the answer would be that that is strictly unpredictable, for half the copies of you that are asking that question would see ‘heads’ and the other half would see ‘tails’. There is no such thing as ‘which half would see ‘heads’, any more than there is an answer to the question ‘which one am I?’. For practical purposes you could regard this as a probabilistic prediction that the coin has a 50 per cent chance of coming up ‘heads’, and a 50 per cent chance of coming up ‘tails’. FIGURE 11.7 A region of the multiverse containing a spinning coin. Each point in the diagram represents one snapshot. The determinism of quantum theory, just like that of classical physics, works both forwards and backwards in time. From the state of the combined collection of ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ snapshots at the later time in Figure 11.7, the ‘spinning’ state at an earlier time is completely determined, and vice versa. Nevertheless, from the point of view of any observer, information is lost in the coin-tossing process. For whereas the initial, ‘spinning’ state of the coin may be experienced by an observer, the final combined ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ state does not correspond to any possible experience of the observer. Therefore an observer at the earlier time may observe the coin and predict its future state, and the consequent subjective probabilities. But none of the later copies of the observer can possibly observe the information necessary to retrodict the ‘spinning’ state, for that information is by then distributed across two different types of universe, and that makes retrodiction from the final state of the coin impossible. For example, if all we know is that the coin is showing ‘heads’, the state a few seconds earlier might have been the state I called ‘spinning’, or the coin might have been spinning in the opposite direction, or it might have been showing ‘heads’ all the time. There is no possibility of retrodiction here, even probabilistic retrodiction. The earlier state of the coin is simply not determined by the later state of the ‘heads’ snapshots, but only by the joint state of the ‘heads’ and the ‘tails’ snapshots. Any horizontal line across Figure 11.7 passes through a sequence of snapshots with increasing clock readings. We might be tempted to think of such a line — such as the one shown in Figure 11.8 — as a spacetime, and of the whole diagram as a stack of spacetimes, one for each such line. We can read off from Figure 11.8 what happens in the ‘spacetime’ defined by the horizontal line. For a period, it contains a spinning coin. Then, for a further period, it contains the coin moving in a way that will predictably result in ‘heads’. But later, in contradiction to that, it contains the coin moving in a way that will predictably result in ‘tails’, and eventually it does show ‘tails’. But this is merely a deficiency of the diagram, as I pointed out in Chapter 9 (see Figure 9.4, p. 212). In this case the laws of quantum mechanics predict that no observer who remembers seeing the coin in the ‘predictably heads’ state can see it in the ‘tails’ state: that is the justification for calling that state ‘predictably heads’ in the first place. Therefore no observer in the multiverse would recognize events as they occur in the ‘spacetime’ defined by the line. All this goes to confirm that we cannot glue the snapshots together in an arbitrary fashion, but only in a way that reflects the relationships between them that are determined by the laws of physics. The snapshots along the line in Figure 11.8 are not sufficiently interrelated to justify their being grouped together in a single universe. Admittedly they appear in order of increasing clock readings which, in spacetime, would be ‘time stamps’ which would be sufficient for the spacetime to be reassembled. But in the multiverse there are far too many snapshots for clock readings alone to locate a snapshot relative to the others. To do that, we need to consider the intricate detail of which snapshots determine which others. FIGURE 11.8 A sequence of snapshots with increasing clock readings is not necessarily a spacetime. In spacetime physics, any snapshot is determined by any other. As I have said, in the multiverse that is in general not so. Typically, the state of one group of identical snapshots (such as the ones in which the coin is ‘spinning’) determines the state of an equal number of differing snapshots (such as the ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ ones). Because of the time-reversibility property of the laws of quantum physics, the overall, multi-valued state of the latter group also determines the state of the former. However, in some regions of the multiverse, and in some places in space, the snapshots of some physical objects do fall, for a period, into chains, each of whose members determines all the others to a good approximation. Successive snapshots of the solar system would be the standard example. In such regions, classical physical laws are a good approximation to the quantum ones. In those regions and places, the multiverse does indeed look as in Figure 11.6, a collection of spacetimes, and at that level of approximation the quantum concept of time reduces to the classical one. One can distinguish approximately between ‘different times’ and ‘different universes’, and time is approximately a sequence of moments. But that approximation always breaks down if one examines the snapshots in more detail, or looks far forwards or backwards in time, or far afield in the multiverse. All experimental results currently available to us are compatible with the approximation that time is a sequence of moments. We do not expect that approximation to break down in any foreseeable terrestrial experiment, but theory tells us that it must break down badly in certain types of physical process. The first is the beginning of the universe, the Big Bang. According to classical physics, time began at a moment when space was infinitely dense and occupied only a single point, and before that there were no moments. According to quantum physics (as best we can tell), the snapshots very near the Big Bang are not in any particular order. The sequential property of time does not begin at the Big Bang, but at some later time. In the nature of things, it does not make sense to ask how much later. But we can say that the earliest moments which are, to a good approximation, sequential occur roughly when classical physics would extrapolate that the Big Bang had happened 10 –43 seconds (the Planck time) earlier. A second and similar sort of breakdown of the sequence of time is thought to occur in the interiors of black holes, and at the final recollapse of the universe (the ‘Big Crunch’), if there is one. In both cases matter is compressed to infinite density according to classical physics, just as at the Big Bang, and the resulting gravitational forces tear the fabric of spacetime apart. By the way, if you have ever wondered what happened before the Big Bang, or what will happen after the Big Crunch, you can stop wondering now. Why is it hard to accept that there are no moments before the Big Bang or after the Big Crunch, so that nothing happens, or exists, there? Because it is hard to imagine time coming to a halt, or starting up. But then, time does not have to come to a halt or start up, for it does not move at all. The multiverse does not ‘come into existence’ or ‘cease to exist’; those terms presuppose the flow of time. It is only imagining the flow of time that makes us wonder what happened ‘before’ or ‘after’ the whole of reality. Thirdly, it is thought that on a sub-microscopic scale quantum effects again warp and tear the fabric of spacetime, and that closed loops of time — in effect, tiny time machines — exist on that scale. As we shall see in the next chapter, this sort of breakdown of the sequence of time is also physically possible on a large scale, and it is an open question whether it occurs near such objects as rotating black holes. Thus, although we cannot yet detect any of these effects, our best theories already tell us that spacetime physics is never an exact description of reality. However good an approximation it is, time in reality must be fundamentally different from the linear sequence which common sense supposes. Nevertheless, everything in the multiverse is determined just as rigidly as in classical spacetime. Remove one snapshot, and the remaining ones determine it exactly. Remove most snapshots, and the few remaining ones may still determine everything that was removed, just as they do in spacetime. The difference is only that, unlike spacetime, the multiverse does not consist of the mutually determining layers I have called super-snapshots, which could serve as ‘moments’ of the multiverse. It is a complex, multi- dimensional jigsaw puzzle. In this jigsaw-puzzle multiverse, which neither consists of a sequence of moments nor permits a flow of time, the common-sense concept of cause and effect makes perfect sense. The problem that we found with causation in spacetime was that it is a property of variants of the causes and effects, as well as of the causes and effects themselves. Since those variants existed only in our imagination, and not in spacetime, we ran up against the physical meaning-lessness of drawing substantive conclusions from the imagined properties of non-existent (‘counter-factual’) physical processes. But in the multiverse variants do exist, in different proportions, and they obey definite, deterministic laws. Given these laws, it is an objective fact which events make a difference to the occurrence of which other events. Suppose that there is a group of snapshots, not necessarily identical, but all sharing the property X. Suppose that, given the existence of this group, the laws of physics determine that there exists another group of snapshots with property Y. One of the conditions for X to be a cause of Y has then been met. The other condition has to do with variants. Consider the variants of the first group that do not have the property X. If, from the existence of these, the existence of some of the Y snapshots is still determined, then X was not a cause of Y: for Y would have happened even without X. But if, from the group of non-X variants, only the existence of non-Y variants is determined, then X was a cause of Y. There is nothing in this definition of cause and effect that logically requires causes to precede their effects, and it could be that in very exotic situations, such as very close to the Big Bang or inside black holes, they do not. In everyday experience, however, causes always precede their effects, and this is because — at least in our vicinity in the multiverse — the number of distinct types of snapshot tends to increase rapidly with time, and hardly ever decreases. This property is related to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that ordered energy, such as chemical or gravitational potential energy, may be converted entirely into disordered energy, i.e. heat, but never vice versa. Heat is microscopically random motion. In multiverse terms, this means many microscopically different states of motion in different universes. For example, in successive snapshots of the coin at ordinary magnifications, it seems that the setting-down process converts a group of identical ‘predictably heads’ snapshots into a group of identical ‘heads’ snapshots. But during that process the energy of the coin’s motion is converted into heat, so at magnifications large enough to see individual molecules the latter group of snapshots are not identical at all. They all agree that the coin is in the ‘heads’ position, but they show its molecules, and those of the surrounding air and of the surface on which it lands, in many different configurations. Admittedly, the initial ‘predictably heads’ snapshots are not microscopically identical either, because some heat is present there too, but the production of heat in the process means that these snapshots are very much less diverse than the later ones. So each homogeneous group of ‘predictably heads’ snapshots determines the existence of — and therefore causes — vast numbers of microscopically different ‘heads’ snapshots. But no single ‘heads’ snapshot by itself determines the existence of any ‘predictably heads’ snapshots, and so is not a cause of them. The conversion, relative to any observer, of possibilities into actualities — of an open future into a fixed past — also makes sense in this framework. Consider the coin-tossing example again. Before the coin toss, the future is open from the point of view of an observer, in the sense that it is still possible that either outcome, ‘heads’ or ‘tails’, will be observed by that observer. From that observer’s point of view both outcomes are possibilities, even though objectively they are both actualities. After the coin has settled, the copies of the observer have differentiated into two groups. Each observer has observed, and remembers, only one outcome of the coin toss. Thus the outcome, once it is in the past of any observer, has become single- valued and actual for every copy of the observer, even though from the multiverse point of view it is just as two-valued as ever. Let me sum up the elements of the quantum concept of time. Time is not a sequence of moments, nor does it flow. Yet our intuitions about the properties of time are broadly true. Certain events are indeed causes and effects of one another. Relative to an observer, the future is indeed open and the past fixed, and possibilities do indeed become actualities. The reason why our traditional theories of time are nonsense is that they try to express these true intuitions within the framework of a false classical physics. In quantum physics they make sense, because time was a quantum concept all along. We exist in multiple versions, in universes called ‘moments’. Each version of us is not directly aware of the others, but has evidence of their existence because physical laws link the contents of different universes. It is tempting to suppose that the moment of which we are aware is the only real one, or is at least a little more real than the others. But that is just solipsism. All moments are physically real. The whole of the multiverse is physically real. Nothing else is. TERMINOLOGY flow of time The supposed motion of the present moment in the future direction, or the supposed motion of our consciousness from one moment to another. (This is nonsense!) spacetime Space and time, considered together as a static four-dimensional entity. spacetime physics Theories, such as relativity, in which reality is considered to be a spacetime. Because reality is a multiverse, such theories can at best be approximations. free will The capacity to affect future events in any one of several possible ways, and to choose which shall occur. counter-factual conditional A conditional statement whose premise is false (such as ‘Faraday had died in 1830, then X would have happened’). snapshot (terminology for this chapter only) A universe at a particular time. SUMMARY Time does not flow. Other times are just special cases of other universes. Time travel may or may not be feasible. But we already have reasonably good theoretical understanding of what it would be like if it were, an understanding that involves all four strands. |
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