The graduation project paper is devoted to the issue of teaching English vocabulary activities in esp teaching process through educational interactive games

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The graduation project paper is devoted to the issue of teaching English vocabulary activities in ESP teaching process through educational interactive games. The graduate project work is devoted to the issue of teaching the process of teaching ESP vocabulary of English through interactive games.

Competences, approaches and methods in teaching ESP vocabulary and grammar, as well as my personal views on these issues, were discussed.

There have been considered competences, approaches and techniques in teaching ESP vocabulary, grammar as well as my own personal view of these issues.. The task of the students is now to study vocabulary and grammar through interactive games.

Depending on the level of the students, this can be done by having them practice construction by involving them into fun games, fill in the missing lines in a song in pairs or in small groups, and then check by reading the script, but you can also provide extra help by providing extra oral prompts as needed. In all cases, although the students will be mainly using context clues to decide which line best fits each gap, they should also be asked to focus on collocations, word choice and phrases as a valuable aid in completing the task. Model the procedure and the type of thinking behind with one or two dialogues before having the students start working by themselves.

Bitiruv loyihasi ishi interaktiv o'yinlar orqali ingliz tilining so'z boyligini ESP o'qitish jarayonida o'qitish masalasiga bag'ishlangan. ESP so'z boyligini, grammatikasini o'rgatishda vakolatlar, yondashuvlar va uslublar hamda ushbu masalalarga mening shaxsiy qarashlarim ko'rib chiqildi. O'quvchilarning vazifasi hozirda interaktiv o'yinlar orqali tegishli lug'at va grammatikani o'rganish va xulosalashdir. Talabalarning saviyasiga qarab, ularni qiziqarli o'yinlarga jalb qilish, qurilishdagi mashqlarni bajarish, qo'shiqdagi etishmayotgan satrlarni juft yoki kichik guruhlar bilan to'ldirish, so'ngra ssenariyni o'qish orqali tekshirish orqali amalga oshirish mumkin, ammo siz shuningdek, kerak bo'lganda qo'shimcha og'zaki ko'rsatmalar berish orqali qo'shimcha yordam bering. Har qanday holatda ham, o'quvchilar asosan qaysi satr har bir bo'shliqqa eng mos kelishini aniqlash uchun asosan kontekst belgilaridan foydalanadilar, ammo ular vazifani bajarishda qimmatli yordam sifatida so'z birikmalariga, so'z tanlashga va iboralarga e'tibor berishlarini so'rashlari kerak. Talabalar o'zlari ishlashni boshlashdan oldin bir yoki ikkita dialog yordamida protsedura va fikrlash turini modellashtiring.

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