Here’s how you can treat your baby to the calming pleasure of being
on his side or stomach. First, wrap your baby in a cozy swaddle, then try
one of these positions used by countless experienced parents:
The Reverse-Breast-Feeding Hold
This hold is my favorite for carrying a crying baby while I’m walking
or bouncing him into tranquillity. It’s easy and comfortable to do, and it
supports his head and neck perfectly.
1. Sit down
and lay your baby on your lap; have him on his right side
with his head on your knees and his feet on your left hip.
2. Slide your left hand between your knee and his cheek so you
support his head (or head and neck) in your palm and outstretched
3. Roll him onto your left forearm so his
stomach rests against your
arm and bring him in to your body, lightly pressing his back against
your chest.
In this position, your thumb will be right
next to his face and you
can even let him take it into his mouth for added pleasure. (Always
wash your hands first.)
Fathers love the football hold. This stomach-down position requires a
little extra arm strength, but it’s fun and effective. In fact, silencing
mid-squawk, with the football hold is one of the greatest baby
“magic tricks” of all time.
1. Sit your swaddled baby on your lap, face him to your left,
and place
your left hand under his chin, supporting it like a chin strap.
2. Gently lean him forward and roll his hips over so his stomach is
lying on your left forearm. His head rests in your palm,
his chest
and stomach are snugly cushioned against your forearm, and his
legs are straddled over your arm, hanging limp.