Demonstrative Pronouns
There were two demonstrative pronouns in OE: the
prototype of NE that, which distinguished
three genders in
the singular and had one form
for all the genders in the
plural. and the prototype of this with the same subdivisions:
ðes Masc., ðeos Fem., ðis Neut. and ðas pl. They were
declined like adjectives according to a five-case system:
Nom., Gen., Dat., Acc., and Instr. (the latter having a special
form only in the Masc.,
Declension of sē, sēo, ðæt
Case Singular Plural
M N F All genders
Nom. sē, se ðæt sēo ða
Gen. ðæs ðæs ðære ðāra, ðæra
Dat. ðæm, ðām ðæm, ðām ðære ðām, ðæm
Acc. ðone ðæt ðā ðā
Instr. ðy, ðon ðy, ðon ðære ðæm, ðām