one step ahead of the rest
Managing to avoid competition or danger from someone or something.
first past the post
using a voting system in which a person is elected because they get more votes than anyone else in the area that they want to represent
On your marks
used to instruct competitors in a race to prepare themselves in the correct starting position.
She’s an absolute knockout.
(informal) a person or thing that is very attractive or impressive
be first off the mark
we shall start before any of the others.
kick off
be started or resumed by a player kicking the ball from the centre spot; become very angry; suddenly start an argument or fight.
a leap in the dark
you do something without having any previous experience in that activity or knowledge of it
jumping the gun
act before the proper or appropriate time.
hit the rest of them for six
be very upset or badly affected by an experience or piece of news.
diving in at the deep end
you do something new or challenging with little or no preparation or experience.
keep the wind in our sails
it suddenly makes you much less confident in what you are doing or saying.
have the ball at our feet
To be in the best position to do something; to be in control.
To throw in the towel
To quit or to give up
To be out of someone’s league
Doing something that you are not prepared for
The ball is in your court
It is up to you to make the next move
To learn the ropes
To know or learn how to do something, especially a job
To take the bull by the horns
To deal with a difficult situation in a direct way
To cover your/my bases
To prepare for every possibility