The Present simple tense

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tayyori 2003

The house is on the other side of the street. 129
3. Other dan keyin oldin ishlatilgan otni qayta takrorlamaslik uchun one olmoshi ishlatilishi mumkin. 129
This is not a very good example; I want another one. 129
4. Olmosh-ot bo’lib kelganda birlikdagi donalab sanaladigan ot o’rnida another, aniq artiklli ot o’rnida the other ishlatiladi. Ko’plikdagi ot o’rnida ishlatganimizda bu olmosh –s qo’shimchasini oladi va others shaklida bo’ladi hamda umumiy qoidalar asosida artikl bilan yoki artiklsiz ishlatiladi. 129
I have given you one example; now I shall give you another. 129
Another dan keyin birlikdagi ot keladi (sanaladigan). Bunda u biroz, yana bir ma’nolarida keladi. 129
Have another cake! ( Yana biroz pirogdan oling!) 129
Other dan keyin ko’pligdagi ot keladi. 129
Others dan keyin ot kelmaydi. 129
One … other 129
One va the other odatda ikkita otni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi. 129
I have got two cars. One is the red and the other is white. 129
One … the others bular uch va undan ortiq otlarni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi. 129
He has got three sisters. One is a student at University, the others are school girls. 129
Bular ot o’rnida keluvchi olmoshlardir. 129
One olmoshi 129
1. One olmoshi olmosh-ot bo’lib keladi. 129
2. One gapda ega bo’lib kelib, noma’lum shaxsni bildiradi: 129
One should be careful when crossing the street. 129
3. One ega bo’lib kelganida ko’pincha must, should, ought, can, may modal fe’llari bilan ishlatiladi. 129
One should onserve … ( … rioya qilish kerak) 130
One should take into consideration … ( … hisobga olish kerak ) 130
One can find … ( … topa oladi) 130
4. One qaratqich kelishigi qo’shimchasini ham olishi mumkin –one’s: 130
One must always keep one’s word. 130
5. Oldindan ishlatilgan birlikdagi otni qayta noaniq artikl bilan ishlatish mumkin bo’lganda, o’sha ot o’rnida one ishlatiladi. 130
I haven’t got a dictionary. I must buy one. 130
6. Oldin ishlatilgan birlikdagi otni qayta aniq artikl bilan ishlatish mumkin bo’lganda, ajratuvchi aniqlovchisi bo’lganda, o’sha ot o’rnida the one ishlatiladi. 130
This book is more interesting than the one we read last week. 130
7. Oldin ishlatilgan sifatdan keyin kelgan donalab sanaladigan ot qayta takrorlanganda o’sha ot o’rnida one ishlatiladi. Birlikdagi ot o’rnida one, ko’plikdagi ot o’rnida ones ishlatamiz. 130
This is a black pencil and that is red one. 130
Oldin gapirilgan sifatdan keyin keladigan donalab sanalmaydigan ot qayta ishlatilmay-di, hech narsa bilan almashtirilmaydi, faqat sifatning o’zi keladi. 130
I prefer cold milk to hot. 130
8. Oldin gapirilgan va this, that, which, another, the other olmoshlaridan keyin takrorlanishi mumkin bo’lgan ot o’rnida one ishlatiladi. 130
This wireless set is better than that one. 130
Yuqoridagi olmoshlardan keyin one ishlatilmasligi ham mumkin. 130
9. Ko’plikdagi ot o’rnida whichdan keyin ones ishlatiladi. 130
Here are some books. Which ones would you like? 130
10. These va those olmoshlaridan keyin ones ishlatilmaydi. 130
These wireless sets are better than those. 130
11. Other dan keyin ones ishlatilmaydi; ko’plikdagi ot o’rnida others ishlatiladi. 130
I like this pen, but I don’t like the others. 130
12. One ba’zan the first, the next, the last so’zlaridan keyin ham ishlatilishi mumkin. 130
January is thee first month of the year, and December is the last one. 130
13. My, his, her, our, your, their egalik olmoshlaridan keyin one ishlatilmaydi, buning o’rnida mine, his, hers, ours, theirs egalik olmosh-otlari ishlatiladi. 130
This isn’t my pencil, mine is blue. 130
14. One qaratqich kelishigi qo’shimchasi bilan kelgan otdan keyin ishlatilmaydi. 130
My fountain pen isn’t very good. 131
They have a big house / Usually I have breakfast at 7 o’clock 138
So (am) I, neither (am) I men ham. 138
So + yordamchi fe’l, modal+ S 139
A: I can speak English 139
B: So can I = (I can too) 139
A: We shall go there tomorrow. 139
B: So shall I (we) 139
Agar bildirilgan fikrda hech qanday yordamchi va modal fe’l kelmasdan mustaqil fe’l kelsa u holda gapning zamoni aniqlanadi va o’sha zamonni so’roq inkorini yasovchi yordamchi fe’l topiladi va o’sha fe’l ishlatiladi. 139
A: He lives in Kiev? 139
B:So do I yoki So does she 139
A: He has a good book. 139
B: So have I = So do I (testda ko’proq shu olinadi) 139
Agar bildirilgan fikr inkor gap bo’lsa neither dan foydalanamiz. 139
A: I can’t speak French 139
B: Neither can I 139
A: We shall not go there tomorrow 139
B: Neither shall we 139
Quyidagi so’zlar neither talab qiladi: rarely, never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, barely, refuse. 139
A: I have never gone to London. 139
B: neither have I . 139
Neither = nor 139
Neither = … not … either 139
Tag question. Tasdiq so’roq gaplar. 139
Tasdiq so’roq gap deb biror darak yoki inkor gapni bildirib undan so’ng shundaymi yoki shunday emasmi deb tasdiqlash orqali yasalgan so’roq gaplarga aytiladi. 139
Bularda darak yoki inkor gapni bildirib undan so’ng shundaymi yoki shunday emasmi deb tasdiqlash orqali yasalgan so’roq gaplarga aytiladi. 139
1. Agar bildirilgan fikr darak gap bo’lsa tasdig’i bo’lishsiz, so’rog’I bo’lishli bo’ladi. 139
+ , - ? … + 139
They invited Tom to the party, didn’t they? Yes, they did. 139
He is a good boy, isn’t he? Yes he is 139
2.Bildirilgan fikr bo’lishsiz bo’lsa, tasdig’i bo’lishli javobi bo’lishsiz bo’ladi. 139
- , + ? - 140
She doesn’t like English, does she ? No she doesn’t 140
We shall not go to the cinema, shall we? No we shall not 140
3. Bildirilgan fikr taklif gap bo’lib let’s bilan boshlangan bo’lsa uni tasdig’i shall we? bo’ladi. 140
Lets go out, shall we? Yes, we shall. 140
4. Bildirilgan fikr buyruq gap bo’lsa uninig tasdig’i har doim will you bo’ladi. 140
Don’t be late, will you? Open the door,will you? 140
5. Bildirilgan fikr I am bilan boshlansa uning tasdig’i aren’t yoki am I not bo’ladi. 140
I am a good boy,aren’t I?(am I not) 140
1.Hozirgi zamonda asosan so’roq gaplar do, does bilan yasaladi. Do you like music? 140
O’tgan zamondagi so’roq gaplar asosan did bilan yasaladi. 140
When did they get married? 140
Lekin who, what, which ishtirokidagi so’roq gaplar ikki xil yo’l bilan yasaladi. Agar bular gapda to’ldiruvchi bo’lb kelsa undan keyin zamon shaxsga qarab do, does, did ishlatiladi. Who is the subjet 140
Ohun telephoned 140
Someone 140
Object who to’ldiruvch bu yerda 140
did Ohun telephone. 140
who 140
Lekin who gapda ega bo’lsa do, does, did kelmaydi kesim zamon va shaxsga qarab moslashadi. 140
Someone telphoned Ann 140
Subject 140
who telephoned Ann? 140
Who did Ann call? 140
Write questions to which the bold type words are the answers. 140

Fill in : a, an or the where necessary.

  1. The Grand Canyon is in…….Arizona.

  2. He visited…..Pyramids while he was in……..Egypt.

  3. Morpeth is… in….north of…..England.

  4. She lives in….castle near…..River Rhine.

  5. I went shopping at….Macy’s and bought…..expensive overcoat.

  6. They are going for…..walk near…..London Zoo in……Regent’s Park.

  7. There is…..cinema in…..Bridge Street called…….Odeon.

  8. Anna comes from…….Netherlands but she lives in……USA now.

  9. .Malta is in Mediterranean.

  10. ……Victoria Coach Station is near…….Apollo theatre.

  11. When we went to….Paris we saw…..Eiffel Tower and……Louvre.

  12. ..Smith’s book shop is in….High Street opposite…..Barclays Bank.

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