Data Structures
An in- order traversal is like a preorder and postorder traversal, but you print the node’s value (or
do something else) in between your two recursive calls. When
you use an in- order traversal, you move
through a tree from the
left to the root to the right, as shown in Figure 14.15.
Invert a Binary Tree
Max Howell
is the creator of Homebrew, a popular package manager. He famously interviewed at
Google for a position as a software engineer and was rejected.
After the interview, he tweeted, “Google:
90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t
invert a binary tree on a
whiteboard, so ##$$ off.”
Inverting a binary tree means swapping all the nodes in it.
In other words,
every right node becomes a left node, and every left node becomes a right node.
In this section, you
will learn how to invert a binary tree, so you don’t end up like Max Howell in a technical interview.
To invert a binary tree, you need to visit every node on it and keep track of each node’s children so
that you can swap them. One way to accomplish this is
using a breadth- first search, which allows you
to easily keep track of each left and right child and switch them.
Here is the code to invert a binary tree:
class BinaryTree:
def __init__(self, value):
self.key = value
self.left_child = None
Inorder: 4, 2, 1, 7, 5, 8, 3, 6
Figure 14.15: An in- order tree traversal