The status and developments of leather solid waste treatment: a mini-review By: 34 (5),399-408 doi

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Manzura and Yorqinoy

The status and developments of leather solid waste treatment: A mini-review
By:34 (5) ,399-408 DOI:10.1177/0734242X16633772
Leather making is one of the most widespread industries in the world. The production of leather goods generates different types of solid wastes and wastewater. These wastes will pollute the environment and threat the health of human beings if they are not well treated. Consequently, the treatment of pollution caused by the wastes from leather tanning is really important. In comparison with the disposal of leather wastewater, the treatment of leather solid wastes is more intractable. Hence, the treatment of leather solid wastes needs more innovations. To keep up with the rapid development of the modern leather industry, various innovative techniques have been newly developed. In this mini-review article, the major achievements in the treatment of leather solid wastes are highlighted. Emphasis will be placed on the treatment of chromium-tanned solid wastes; some new approaches are also discussed. We hope that this mini-review can provide some valuable information to promote the broad understanding and effective treatment of leather solid wastes in the leather industry.
Teri ishlab chiqarish dunyodagi eng keng tarqalgan sohalardan biridir. Teri mahsulotlari ishlab chiqarish har xil turdagi qattiq chiqindilar va oqava suvlarni hosil qiladi. Bu chiqindilar atrof-muhitni ifloslantiradi va ularga yaxshi ishlov berilmasa, inson salomatligiga tahdid soladi. Binobarin, terini ko'nchilik chiqindilaridan kelib chiqadigan ifloslanishni tozalash juda muhimdir. Teri oqava suvlarini utilizatsiya qilish bilan solishtirganda, qattiq teri chiqindilarini tozalash qiyinroq. Demak, teri qattiq chiqindilarini qayta ishlash ko‘proq innovatsiyalarni talab qiladi. Zamonaviy teri sanoatining jadal rivojlanishiga moslashish uchun turli innovatsion texnikalar yangidan ishlab chiqildi. Ushbu mini-tadqiqot maqolasida qattiq teri chiqindilarini qayta ishlash boʻyicha erishilgan asosiy yutuqlar yoritilgan. Asosiy e'tibor xrom bilan qoplangan qattiq chiqindilarni qayta ishlashga qaratiladi; ayrim yangi yondashuvlar ham muhokama qilinadi. Umid qilamizki, ushbu mini-sharh charm sanoatida teri qattiq chiqindilarini keng tushunish va samarali qayta ishlashga yordam beradigan qimmatli maʼlumotlarni beradi.

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