The world bank monthly operational summary

(R) Safe and Sustainable Transport SWAp (Ln. 78320-PE)

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(R) Safe and Sustainable Transport SWAp (Ln. 78320-PE):

The objective is to increase the quality of national road corridors that

are essential to Peru’s competitiveness and to promote safer transport

conditions, as part of the Government’s stimulus package designed in

response to the global crisis. Signing scheduled for 30 June 2010. En-

vironmental Assessment Category B. Project: P116929. US$ 150.0

(IBRD). Consultants will be required. PROVIAS Nacional, Jr. Zorritos

1203, Lima, Peru, Tel: (51-1) 615-7800, Ext. 4004, Fax: (51-1) 615-7453,

E-mail:, Contact: Raul Torres, Executive Di-


(R) Second Vilcanota Valley Protection and Development: The

objective is to enhance the environmental and socio-economic sus-

tainability of historical, cultural and ecological assets of the Vilcanota

Valley. Decision Meeting scheduled for 27 October 2010. Environmen-

tal Assessment Category A. Project: P117318. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Con-

sultants will be required. COPESCO, Plaza Tupac Amaru s/n, Distrito

Wanchaq, Cuzco, Peru, Tel: (51-84) 581-540, Fax: (51-84) 236-712, E-

mail:, Contact: Fernando Rodriguez, Ex-

ecutive Director

Lima Transport Additional Financing: The objective is to assist the

Municipality of Metropolitan Lima (MML) in enhancing the economic

productivity and the quality of life within the Lima Metropolitan area

through improving mobility and accessibility for the metropolitan pop-

ulation. This project is on hold until further notice. Environmental As-

sessment Category A. US$ 44.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required.

Protransporte, Pasaje Acuna 127, Piso 4, Lima, Peru, Tel: (51-1) 428-

3333, Contact: Mario Portocarrero, General Manager

Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection

(R) Catastrophe Development Policy Loan DDO: The objective

is to enhance the Government of Peru’s capacity to implement its dis-

aster risk management program for averse natural events. Decision Meet-

ing scheduled for 23 June 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category

U. US$ 75.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Unidad de Coordi-

nacion de Prestamos Sectoriales (UCPS), Jr. Junin 319, Piso 4, Lima,

Peru, Tel: (51-1) 311-5958, Fax: (51-1) 311-9900, Contact: Aida Amezaga,


(R) National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Additional Fi-

nancing: The objective is to contribute to the improvement of health

and living conditions of the rural population of Peru through adequate

water supply, sanitation and health and education programs. The Ad-

ditional finance will enhance decentralization arrangements with an aim

at faster execution and enhanced governance. Project Concept Review

Meeting scheduled for 15 June 2010.

Environmental Assessment Cat-

egory B. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. UGP-

PRONASAR (Viceministerio de Construccion y Saneamiento), Av.

Paseo de la Republica 3361, 3er Piso, San Isidro, Lima, Peru, Tel: (51-

1) 711-6200, Fax: (51-1) 711-6201, E-mail:,

Contact: Vanessa Verau, Coordinator

(R) Optimization of Lima Water and Sewerage Systems: The ob-

jective is to contribute to the improvement of the water utility sus-

tainability and its services to the poor by contributing to the optimization

of the water and sewerage network in the poorest section of Lima

Metropolitan Region, including rehabilitation, sectorization, metering

and system automatization. Decision Meeting scheduled for 25 August


Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P117293. US$

58.0 (IBRD).

Consultants will be required. SEDAPAL, Autopista R. Pri-

ale 210, Peru, Tel: (511) 317-3000, Fax: (511) 362-5148, E-mail: jbarco@, Contact: Jorge Barco, General Manager


Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Mesoamerican Bar-

rier Reef System II: The objectives are to: (a) consolidate on-going

efforts on the part of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico to

manage the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) as a shared,

regional ecosystem; (b) safeguard its biodiversity values and func-

tional integrity; and (c) create a transnational regulatory and policy

framework for its sustainable use. Identification is underway. Envi-

ronmental Assessment Category B. US$ 5.3 (GEFU). Consultants will

be required. Central American Community for Environment and De-

velopment, Boulevard Orden de Malta No. 470, Urbanizacion Santa

Elena, Urbanizacion Santa Elena, El Salvador, Tel: (503) 2248-8800, Fax:

(503) 2248-8899, E-mail:, Contact: Roberto Ro-

driguez, Institutional Strengthening Coordinator

Energy and Mining

(R) Eastern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority: The objec-

tive is to enhance the efficiency of electricity provision in OECS coun-

tries. Decision Meeting completed on 17 February 2010. Preparation

is underway.

Environmental Assessment Category C. Project: P101414.

US$ 6.1 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. OECS Secretariat,

Morne Fortune, PO Box 179, Saint Lucia, Tel: (758) 452-6327, E-mail:, Contact: James Fletcher, Director, Social and Sus-

tainable Development

Information and Communications

Advanced Regional Communications Infrastructure Program:

The objectives are to (i) increase access and affordability of broadband

communications networks in the Caribbean region and within coun-

tries; (ii) contribute to the development of the regional IT industry; and

(iii) contribute to improved Government efficiency and transparency

through regionally harmonized e-government applications. Identifi-

cation is underway. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$

6.0/12.0 (IBRD/IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Imple-

menting agency(ies) to be determined.

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

Sustainable Financing&Management of Eastern Caribbean Ma-

rine Ecosystem: The objective is to improve the management effec-

tiveness of existing and expanded Protected Area networks across

the Eastern Caribbean through the establishment of sustainable fi-

nancing mechanisms. Project preparation is underway. Environmen-

tal Assessment Categor y B. Project: P103470. US$ 8.8/3.0/8.4

(GEFU/KFW/ZFOU). Consultants are carrying out country visits

and will present their first report by the end of April, 2010. The Na-

ture Conservancy (TNC), PO Box 420237, Summerland Key, United

States, Tel: (876) 754-4579 Ext. 28, Fax: (876) 754-2365, Contact: Kim-

berly John, Sustainable Waters Programme Manager

Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection

OECS Disaster Vulnerability Reduction: The objective is to finance

disaster vulnerability reduction investments for selected public infra-

structure in Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the


Monthly Operational Summary

JUNE 2010

JUNE 2010

Monthly Operational Summary


Grenadines. Project preparation is underway. Environmental Assess-

ment Categor y B. Project: P117871. US$ 30.0/20.0/40.0 (IDA

Credit/CIF/ECEU). Consultants will be required. Implementing

agency(ies) to be determined.

Saint Lucia

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Economic and Social Development Policy Loan: The objec-

tives is to help the Government manage the global turmoil and miti-

gate its impact on the poor by improving social safety nets and

supporting a sustained medium term process of legal, institutional

and structural development that promotes growth and improves pub-

lic governance and service delivery. Negotiations completed on 20 April

2010. Bank Approval scheduled for 8 June 2010.

Environmental As-

sessment Category U. Project: P117016. US$ 4.0/8.0 (IBRD/IDA


Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance, 2nd Floor,

Financial Centre, Bridge Street, Saint Lucia, Tel: (758) 468-5520, Fax:

(758) 451-9231, E-mail:, Contact: Embert St. Juste,

Director of Economic Research in MOF and Project Coordinator


Energy and Mining

(R) Energy Sector Strengthening: The objective is to support: (a)

the upgrade of transmission and distribution networks, (b) invest-

ments in renewable energies and energy efficiency equipments, and

(c) programs for reducing technical and non technical losses. Project

Concept Review Meeting scheduled for 6 July 2010.

Environmental As-

sessment Category B. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required.

Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.

Industry and Trade

Sustainable Industrial Development: The objective is to help small

and medium enterprises with inadequate access to credit to improve

their compliance with environmental regulations, while simultane-

ously boosting their industrial competitiveness. Project Concept Review

Meeting scheduled for 15 June 2010. Environmental Assessment Cat-

egory B. US$ 40.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Implement-

ing agency(ies) to be determined.

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Programmatic Public Sector, Competitiveness and Social In-

clusion DPL: The objective is deepening of business climate, capital

markets and fiscal reforms, including reform of social security system.

Project Concept Review Meeting completed on 12 April 2010. Decision

meeting tentatively scheduled for late-May 2010.

Environmental As-

sessment Category U. Project: P116215. US$ 100.0 (IBRD). Consul-

tants will be required. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Colonia

1089 3er Piso, Montevideo, Uruguay, Tel: (598-2) 1712-2210, Fax: (598-

2) 1712-2212, E-mail:, Contact: Michael Bor-

chardt, Head of Macroeconomics Advisory

Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection

(R) Fourth OSE Modernization and Systems Rehabilitation APL:

The objective of is to finance the construction of wastewater treat-

ment plants in Salto and Paysandu, two cities located on the cross-

border Rio Uruguay. Project Concept Review Meeting scheduled for 15

June 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ 20.0 (IBRD).

Consultants will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be deter-




Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

(R) Development Marketplace 2009 GEF: Development Mar-

ketplace (DM) is a grants program that, through open competitions,

identifies and funds innovative, early-stage projects with high poten-

tial for development impact. The objective is to help identify and pro-

vide grant funding to support innovative projects. Signing scheduled for

mid-May 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 1.0/2.0/

2.7/1.1 (GDEN/GEFU/GFDR/IFAD). No consultants are required.

Various Organizations 

(R) Threatened Species Partnership - Save Your Logo: The

objective is to provide grant funding through IUCN for projects asso-

ciated with conservation of globally threatened species. It is expect-

ed that cofunding will be leveraged from the Bank and from private

sector partners, through the Save Your Logo campaign, to replenish

the funding mechanism. Appraisal scheduled for mid-May 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P115564. US$ 4.9

(GEFU). No consultants are required. Contact: Elvin Rustamov, PIU


Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection

(R) Sustainable Governance and Knowledge Generation: The ob-

jective is to secure and enhance the delivery and impacts of the new

MNA/GEF Mediterranean Partnership Initiative “Sustainable MED”

and to put in place “sustainability elements” for an improved governance

of freshwater, coastal and marine resources at the regional Mediter-

ranean level and at the country level. Project Concept Review Meeting

completed on 16 April 2010. Preparation is underway.


Assessment Category C. US$ 3.0 (GEFU). Consulting services and im-

plementing agency(ies) to be determined.

Guarantee Operations 

In September 1994, the Bank’s Executive Directors approved a proposal

to make guarantees a mainstream instrument of Bank operations.

These guarantees are most likely to be used for infrastructure fi-

nancing, where the demands for funding are large, political and sov-

ereign risks are significant, and the need for long-maturity financing

is often critical to a project’s viability.

By covering some of the risks that the market is not able to bear or

adequately evaluate, the Bank’s guarantee can attract new sources of

finance, reduce financing costs, and extend maturities. The guarantee

can be especially valuable where activities traditionally undertaken

and financed by the government are being shifted to the private sec-

tor but where the government remains as a regulator or provider of

inputs and a buyer of outputs. The Bank’s participation as guarantor

can also facilitate the transparency of these transactions.

Since the guarantee is intended to be a catalytic instrument, the Bank

offers only partial guarantees, and risks are clearly shared between the

Bank and private lenders. The Bank’s objective is to cover risks that

it is well-positioned to bear given its credit, its experience with devel-

oping countries, and its special relationships with governments. The

risk-sharing may be for specific risks (the partial risk guarantee) or

for part of the financing (the partial credit guarantee).

A partial risk guarantee covers risks arising from nonperformance of

sovereign contractual obligations or from force majeure aspects in a

project. A partial credit guarantee typically extends maturities beyond

what private creditors could otherwise provide, for example, by guar-

anteeing late-dated repayments or by providing incentives for lenders

to roll over medium-term loans.

For more information on the Bank’s guarantee program and to obtain

a copy of the pamphlet “The World Bank Guarantees: Leveraging Pri-

vate Finance for Emerging Markets” (available in English, French, Por-

tuguese and Spanish), please contact the Finance Economics and

Urban Department (FEU) Tel: (202) 458-8111; Fax: (202) 522-0761, or


Africa Region



Joint Railway Concession: (Public Sector) The objective is to mo-

bilize commercial debt financing in support of the joint concessioning

of the Kenya and Uganda railways. Two IDA partial risk guarantees,

Kenya (US$ 45.0) and Uganda (US$ 10.0), in support of the project,

which is a component of the East Africa Community Transport Facil-

itation project, were approved by the Executive Directors on 23 Janu-

ary 2006. The project achieved financial closure in December 2006.

Effectiveness of the Partial Risk Guarantees is still pending.


Energy and Mining

Kribi Gas Power IPP: (Private Sector) he objective is the develop-

ment and implementation of a 150 MW gas-fired power plant located

in the Mbolongwe village, 9 km north of the coastal city of Kribi in the

southern province of Cameroon. The primary development objective

for the project is to increase the capacity and reliability electricity sup-

ply in Cameroon through the implementation of the 150 MW Kribi gas

power generation project to create a solid base for growth and poverty

reduction in Cameroon. An IDA PRG of about US$ 80 million being

considered in support of the project. Board presentation is tentatively

scheduled forearly FY11.



Nairobi Urban Toll Road: (Private Sector) he objective is to im-

prove traffic efficiency along the Northern Corridor in Kenya by en-

abling private investment within a toll road concession along the most

congested urban sections of the Uhuru Highway. Up to US$ 320.0 in

guarantees from IDA (PRG) and MIGA (PRI) is currently being con-

sidered in support of the concession. Board presentation tentatively

scheduled for mid-FY11.


Energy and Mining

Energy and Gas Infrastructure: (Private Sector) The objective of

the project to strengthen the value chain for power generation by end-

ing the bottlenecks in the supply chain for power generation-previously

a fundamental constraint to economic growth in the country. The guar-

antees will support the Power Holding Company of Nigeria’s gas sup-

ply payment obligations to international and domestic oil companies

which will help mobilize gas supplies for power generation.. The PRGs

would help to assist the Government in putting in place an appropri-

ate framework for IPPs as well as the extent of Government support

to be provided through the PRGs. IDA PRGs of US$ 400.0 were ap-

proved for the first phase of the project . Approved by the Executive

Directors on 16 June 2009. Signing to be scheduled.


Monthly Operational Summary

JUNE 2010

JUNE 2010

Monthly Operational Summary



Australian Agency for International 



Asian Development Bank


African Development Fund


African Development Bank


Adaptable Program Loan


Banque Arabe de Développement 

Économique en Afrique


Banque Ouest Africaine 

de Développement


Caribbean Development Bank


Caisse Française de Développement


Canadian International Development 



Danish International Development 



Department for International 

Development (UK)


European Bank for Reconstruction 

and Development


European Development Fund


European Investment Bank


European Union


Fonds d’Aide et de Coopération (France)


Food and Agricultural Organization 

of the United Nations


FAO Cooperative Program 

(with the World Bank)


Finland International Development 



Global Environment Facility


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische 



Inter-Agency Procurement Ser vice



International Bank for Reconstruction 

and Development


International Competitive Bidding


International Development Association


Inter-American Development Bank


International Fund for Agricultural 



Islamic Development Bank


Japan Bank for International Cooperation


Interim Trust Fund


Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau 



Learning and Innovation Loan


National Competitive Bidding


Nongovernmental Organization


Nor wegian Agency for Development 



Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund 



Organization of Petroleum Exporting 



Project Appraisal Document 


Project Concept Document 


Prototype Carbon Fund 


Project Concept Note 


Policy and Human Resources 

Development (Japan)


Project Identification (Number)


Project Preparation Facility


Quality and Cost-Based Selection 


Swiss Agency for Development 



Swedish International Development 



United Nations Development Programme


United Nations Population Fund


United Nations Children’s Fund


United States Agency for International 



World Health Organization


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