The world bank monthly operational summary

(R) EFA Plan-Catalytic Fund

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(R) EFA Plan-Catalytic Fund: The objective is to finance the EFA

plan for the achievement of the MDG2 by 2015. Decision Meeting

scheduled for mid-May 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category B.

Project: P114350. US$ 85.1 (EFAF). Consulting services to be deter-

mined. Ministere de l’ Education Nationale, Anosy, BP 267, Antananarivo,

Madagascar, Tel: (261-2022) 28-625, Fax: (261-2022) 62-911, Contact:

Josiane Rabetokotany, Technical Coordinator, UAT

Energy and Mining

Power Sector Guarantee Facility: The objective is to facilitate pri-

vate sector investment in Hydro Power Generation Facilities in Mada-

gascar. The guarantee will cover the Government’s obligations towards

the independent Power Producer with regards to payments and reg-

ulatory risks. Project Concept Review Meeting scheduled for 21 De-

cember 2010. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$ 20.0/40.0

(GUID/ZPCO). Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to

be determined.

Second Power/Water Sectors Recovery and Restructuring APL:

The objective is to lay the foundation for a sustainable expansion of a

commercially-oriented utility in the most cost-efficient way by invest-

ing in strategically important areas such as: (i) HV interconnections

of the main load-centres; (ii) preparation of the next large scale hydro

facility; (iii) investments and TA necessary. Project Concept Review

Meeting scheduled for 15 March 2011. Environmental Assessment Cat-

egory A. US$ 50.0/50.0/64.0/70.0 (IDA Credit/AFDB/ZBIL/ZPCO).

Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be determined.

Health and Other Social Services

Sustainable Health System Development Phase II: The objective

is to strengthen the health system and increase its capacity to provide

JUNE 2010

Monthly Operational Summary


the necessary production, financing, delivery and management sup-

port for delivery of services necessary to meet the eventual objectives

of reducing child and maternal mortality, controlling illnesses due to

malaria, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS. Bank Approval

scheduled for 30 September 2010. Environmental Assessment Cate-

gory B. Project: P106675. US$ 63.0/19.5 (IDA Credit/FRDE). No con-

sultants are required. Cellule d’Execution de Programme, Ministry of

Health and Family Planning, Nouvel Immeuble ARO, Antananarivo,

Madagascar, Tel: (261-20) 226-6667, E-mail:,

Contact: Docteur Rakotomalala Remi, Coordonnateur National du Pro-

ject PDSSP

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

Commune Development Support Program: The objectives are: (i)

to support to the decentralization process; (ii) to support the devel-

opment of a national capacity building; (iii) to finance local infrastruc-

ture investments through a central-local intergovernmental transfer;

and (iv) to support project implementation, and monitoring and eval-

uation. Decision Meeting scheduled for 30 July 2010. Environmental

Assessment Category B. Project: P104049. US$ 35.0/56.1/20.9 (IDA

Credit/ECEU/MSC1). Consulting services to be determined. Minis-

tere aupres de la Pres. de la Rep. charge de la Decentralisation et de

l’Amenag. du Territoire, Anosy, Antananarivo, Madagascar, Tel: (261-

202) 457-924, Fax: (261-202) 256-917, E-mail:,

Contact: Mr. Gervais Andrianirina, Secretaire General du MID

Growth and Infrastructure: The objective is to consolidate and

deepen the impacts in the three existing sub-regions (growth poles)

and to extend the interventions to adjacent sub-regions with high

growth potential to establish growth corridors. Project Concept Review

Meeting scheduled for 26 January 2011. Environmental Assessment

Category B. US$ 100.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services and imple-

menting agency(ies) to be determined.


Transport: The objective is to reduce transport costs on major trans-

port infrastructure and to sustainably improve accessibility in rural area.

Negotiations scheduled for 28 June 2010. Environmental Assessment

Category B. Project: P102135. US$ 65.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will

be required. Ministry of Public Works and Meteorology, Anosy 101,

Antananarivo, Madagascar, Tel: (261-20) 222-3215, E-mail: sg-, Contact: Christian Claude Ravoaraharison, Sec-

retaire General du Ministere de Travaux Publics


Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

(R) Shire River Basin Management: The objective is to promote

sustainable land and water management practices to reverse land

degradation in agricultural landscapes and improve productivity of

smallholder farmers. Preparation scheduled for mid-May 2010. Envi-

ronmental Assessment Category A. US$ 70.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants

will be required. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.


Education SWAp: The objective is to support implementation of the

National Education Sector Plan by: (i) promoting access and equity

to basic education; (ii) enhancing the quality of teaching and learn-

ing; and (iii) strengthening the overall managerial capacity of the Min-

istry of Education. Appraisal completed on 16 March 2010. Negoti-

ations scheduled for 26 April 2010. Environmental Assessment

Category B. Project: P114847. US$ 50.0/25.0/90.0/90.0/1.0 (IDA Credit/

DEG/DFID/EFAF/UNCF). Consultants will be required. Ministry

of Education, PO Bag 328, Capital Hill, Lilongwe, Malawi, Tel: (265-

1) 789-422, Fax: (265-1) 788-064, Contact: Bernard Sande, Principal


Energy and Mining

(R) Mining Growth and Governance Support: The objective is to

build Government capacity to promote and manage mining sector

growth in a way that contributes to sustainable development and

poverty alleviation. Project preparation is underway. Environmental

Assessment Category B. Project: P120825. US$ 12.5 (IDA Credit).

Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Natural Resources,

Energy and Environment, Malawi

Energy Sector: The objective is to support the development of the en-

ergy sector, to boost reliability and access to electricity. Components

are to include rehabilitation of existing generation, transmission and

distribution assets, increased connections (grid and/or offgrid) and ca-

pacity-building. Project Concept Review Meeting scheduled for 1 July

2010. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 60.0 (IDA Credit).

Consulting services to be determined. ESCOM, PO Box 2047, Blan-

tyre, Malawi, Tel: (265-1) 822-000, 824-274, Fax: (265-1) 823-560, E-mail:;, Contact: Peterson

Zembani, Chief Executive Officer

Health and Other Social Services

Second HIV/AIDS SIL: The objective is to support the pooled fi-

nancing arrangement for the national HIV/AIDS program in Malawi.

Bank Approval completed on 27 August 2009. Environmental Assess-

ment Category B. Project: P107545. US$ 30.0 (IDA Grant). No con-

sultants are required. National Aids Commission, PO Box 30622,

Lilongwe 3, Malawi, Tel: (265-1) 770-022, Fax: (265-1) 776-249, E-mail:, Contact: Dr. Biziwick Mwale, Executive Direc-


Industry and Trade

(R) Agricultural Commercialization: The objective is to increase the

volume, value and diversity of agricultural exports. Project Concept

Review Meeting scheduled for mid-May 2010.

Environmental Assessment

Category B. US$ 40.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be deter-

mined. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, PO Box 30134, Li-

longwe, Malawi, Tel: (265-1) 789-033, Fax: (265-1) 789-218, Contact: Dr.

Andrew Daudi, Principal Secretary

(R) Third Poverty Reduction Support Credit: The objective is to

support policy and institutional reforms in the implementation of the

Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) in the areas of agri-

culture, business climate, social protection, and economic governance.

Negotiations completed on 16 April 2010. Bank Approval scheduled for

8 June 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category U. Project: P117238.

US$ 54.0 (IDA Credit). No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance,

Capital Hill, PO Box 30049, Lilongwe 3, Malawi, Tel: (265-1) 789-355,

Fax: (265-1) 789-173, E-mail: / min-finance@ 

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Community Based Rural Land Development Additional Fi-

nancing: The objective is to increase the incomes of about 15,000

poor rural families by implementing a decentralized, community-based

and voluntary approach to land reform in four districts in southern

Malawi. The grant was signed on 12 February 2010. Environmental As-

sessment Category B. Project: P115226. US$ 10.0 (IDA Grant). Con-

sultants will be required. Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban

Development, Zowe House, PO Box 30548, Lilongwe, Malawi, Tel:

(265-1) 775-955, Fax: (265-1) 774-243, Contact: Fletcher E.Y. Zenengeya,

Principal Secretary


Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

(R) Fostering Agricultural Productivity: The objective is to focus

on increasing agricultural production and productivity of key selected

production systems, based on a sustainable land and water manage-

ment. Negotiations completed on 26 April 2010. Bank Approval sched-

uled for 3 June 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category A. Project:

P095091. US$ 70.0/19.5/32.0 (IDA Credit/GFCR/IFAD). No consul-

tants are required. Contact: Ms. Tamara Babayan, Director

(R) Sustainable Land Management: The objective is to: (a) rec-

ommend key elements of required policy reforms, delivery mechanisms

and investments; and (b) identify priority transboundary opportunities

and threats that SLM could address. Negotiations completed on 26

April 2010. Bank Approval scheduled for 3 June 2010.


Assessment Category A. Project: P099709. US$ 6.2/1.9 (GEFU/UNGF).

Consultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Mali, Contact:

Ms. Tamara Babayan, Director


Monthly Operational Summary

JUNE 2010

Health and Other Social Services

(R) Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Credit: The objective is

to support the implementation of the Government’s reform agenda by:

(a) enhancing the regulatory and institutional framework for infra-

structure and private investment; (b) strengthening public financial man-

agement; and (c) improving basic social service delivery. Negotiations

completed on 26 April 2010. Bank Approval scheduled for 3 June 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category U. Project: P117270. US$ 70.5

(IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Economy and

Finance, Quartier du Fleuve, PO Box 234, Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223-20)

225-806, Fax: (223-20) 221-914, E-mail:, Con-

tact: Sidi Al Moctar Oumar, Advisor

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Governance and Budget Decentralization Technical Assis-

tance: The objective is to improve basic social service delivery including

by strengthening the legal and regulatory framework, human capac-

ity and information systems to enhance transparency and efficiency

in the use of public resources and foster governance at central, regional

and local levels. Decision Meeting scheduled for 23 September 2010. En-

vironmental Assessment Category C. US$ 10.0 (IDA Credit). Con-

sulting services to be determined. Ministry of Economy and Finance,

Quartier du Fleuve, PO Box 234, Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223-20) 225-806,

Fax: (223-20) 221-914, E-mail:, Contact: Sidi Al

Moctar Oumar, Advisor

Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection

(R) Urban Infrastructure Development: The objective is to in-

crease the ability of selected cities of Mali to improve the quality of in-

frastructure services. Decision Meeting scheduled for 15 November


Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P116602. US$

70.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Ministere du Logement,

des Affaires Foncieres et de l’Urbanisme, Bamako, Mali, Tel: (223) 2023-



Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Urban Development Additional Financing: The objective is to

support Mauritania’s central and local governments to: (i) improve liv-

ing conditions and promote employment opportunities in the main towns

of Mauritania, especially in slums; and (ii) strengthen the institutional

framework and capacity for urban and land management Preparation

completed on 8 May 2010. Decision Meeting scheduled for 17 May 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 25.5 (IDA Credit). Con-

sulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be determined.


Port of Nouakchott Development: The objective is to secure the

extension of the port of Nouakchott to face its growth perspectives,

while improving the environmental impact of the port’s initial con-

struction and development. Decision Meeting scheduled for 22 Sep-

tember 2010. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P108554.

US$ 50.0/50.0 (IBRD/ZPCO). Consultants will be required. Port Au-

tonome de Nouakchott (PANPA), BP 5103, Nouakchott, Mauritania,

Tel: (222) 525-3859, Fax: (222) 251-794, Contact: Ahmed Ould Moctar,

Directeur General


Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

(R) Support Program for the Development of Market-led Irri-

gation APL: The objective is to increase agricultural production of food

and high-value crops as an element of response to the food price cri-

sis; project activities should be anchored in the emerging National Ir-

rigation Program (NIP). Decision Meeting scheduled for 15 November


Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P107598. US$

50.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of

Agriculture, Praca dos Herois, Maputo, Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 460-

069, Fax: (258-21) 460-187, E-mail:, Contact: Mr.

Victorino Xavier, National Director of Economics. Ministry of Agri-

culture, Rua da Resitencia 1746, 2nd Floor, Maputo, Mozambique

Tel/Fax: (258-21) 415-103, E-mail:, Contact: Mr.

Boaventura Novunga, National Director of Agrarian Services


Higher Education Science and Technology: The objective is to sup-

port the government’s policy goals of economic development and

poverty alleviation by (a) improving the quantity and quality of grad-

uates at the undergraduate and graduate levels and (b) improving the

national research capacity and increasing research outputs in strate-

gic sectors. Bank Approval completed on 25 February 2010. Environ-

mental Assessment Category B. Project: P111592. US$ 40.0 (IDA

Credit). Consultants will be required to: (i) conduct different studies

for the Ministry of Education and culture and Ministry of Science and

technology and (ii) provide technical support for both ministries. Min-

istry of Education and Culture, Av. 24 de Julho, 167, Maputo, Mozam-

bique, Tel: (258-21) 480-700, Fax: (258-21) 492-196, Contact: Rafique

Cassamo, Project Coordinator. Ministry of Science and Technology,

Av. Patrice Lumumba, 770, Maputo, Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 352-

800, Fax: (258-21) 352-860, Contact: Marcelino Lucas, Director of Plan-

ning and Cooperation

Energy and Mining

Second Energy Development and Access APL: The objective is

to increase access to electricity and modern energy services in peri-

urban and rural areas in a sustainable and affordable manner. Bank

Approval completed on 4 February 2010. Environmental Assessment

Category B. Project: P108444. US$ 80.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will

be required for Power and Mechanical Engineers, Environmental and

Social Specialists, Communication Specialists and Economists. Elect-

ricidade de Mombique, Avenida Filipe Samuel Magaia, 368, 1o Andar,

PO Box 2532, Maputo, Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 353-629, Fax: (258-

21) 322-074, Contact: Manuel Cuambe, Chairman of the Board. Funco

Nacional de Energia (FUNAE), Rua da Imprensa, N. 256, 6o Andar,

Porta 607-610, Maputo, Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 429-409, Fax: (258-

21) 309-228, Contact: Miquelina Menezes, Chairman of the Board

Health and Other Social Services

(N) Commodity Security and Supply Chain Management: The

objective is to improve the availability of selected medicine and sup-

plies at all district warehouses. Project Concept Review Meeting sched-

uled for 20 May 2010. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 40.0

(IDA Credit). Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be


Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Maputo Municipal Development Program II (ProMaputo II):

The objective is to ensure the institutional and financial sustainability

of the Municipality of Maputo in order to increase the coverage and

quality of urban services. Appraisal completed on 14 May 2010. Nego-

tiations scheduled for 12 July 2010.

Environmental Assessment Cate-

gory B. Project: P115217. US$ 50.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be

required. City Council of Maputo, Praeos do Municipio, Praea de In-

dependencia, Maputo, Mozambique, Tel: (258-213) 20-267, Fax: (258-

213) 20-053, Contact: Adelino Cruz, Director

National Decentralized Planning and Finance Program: The ob-

jective is to improve the capacity of local government to manage pub-

lic financial resources for district development in a participatory and

transparent manner. Bank Approval completed on 30 March 2010. En-

vironmental Assessment Categor y C. Project: P107311. US$

30.4/2.4/2.4/2.4/5.3/3.4 (IDA Credit/GIRR/GNET/GSWI/GTZ/

UNDP). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Planning and De-

velopment, Av. Ahamed Sekou Toure, 21, Mozambique, Tel: (258-21)

490-006, Fax: (258-21) 492-708, Contact: Momad Piaraly Jutha, Na-

tional Director

Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Credit: The objective is to sup-

port the implementation of the government’s PARPA II in CY10 with

a special focus on governance/financial management reforms and ac-

celerating shared growth. Bank Approval completed on 12 November

2009. Environmental Assessment Category U. Project: P117234. US$

110.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Finance,

929, Rua da Marginal, Chokwe, Mozambique, Tel: (258-21) 315-013,

Fax: (258-21) 313-747, E-mail:, Contact: Ms. Lud-

mila Burlui, Executive Director, MEPIU

JUNE 2010

Monthly Operational Summary



(R) Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Pro-

gram Phase III: The objective is to improve access of the population

to all-season roads through maintenance, rehabilitation and upgrading

of the classified network. Identification scheduled for 9 November


Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 150.0 (IDA Credit).

Consultants will be required for the preparation of design, bidding

documents and EIA. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.

Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Program

Additional Financing-Phase II: The objective is to improve access

of the population to all season roads through maintenance, rehabili-

tation and upgrading of the classified road network. Appraisal sched-

uled for 1 June 2010. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project:

P114880. US$ 30.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Road

Fund, 1st Floor 170 Martires de Inhaminga Ave., Maptuo, Mozambique,

Tel: (258-21) 305-589, Fax: (258-21) 305-069, Contact: Francisco Pere-

ria, Chairman

Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection

(R) Water Services and Institutional Support (WASIS) Additional

Financing: The objective is to: (a) increase water service coverage in

the cities of Beira, Nampula, Quelimane, and Pemba under the dele-

gated management framework; and (b) establish an institutional and

regulatory framework for water supply in smaller cities and towns. Ap-

praisal scheduled for mid-May 2010.

Environmental Assessment Cat-

egory B. Project: P120546. US$ 34.0/13.1 (IDA Credit/AUSL).

Consultants will be required. Fundo de Investimento e Patrimonio do

Abastecimento de Agua (FIPAG), Av. 25 de Setembro, 942, Maputo,

Mozambique, Tel: (25-81) 420-470, Fax: (25-81) 498-881, Contact: Nel-

son Beete, Chairman

Water Resources Development: The objective is to support the

Mozambique Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy in col-

laboration with other development partners. Decision Meeting sched-

uled for 10 September 2010. Environmental Assessment Category A.

Project: P107350. US$ 25.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be de-

termined. Direccao Nacional de Aguas/Ministerio das Obras Publicas

e Habitacao, Av. 25 de Setembro, 942, 3o Andar, Maputo, Mozam-

bique, Tel: (258-21) 312-568/570, Fax: (258-21) 312-571, E-mail:;; Juliao Alferes,

National Director



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