Theme: To be -bo'lmoq degan ma'noni anglatadi
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Good morning Mister and Miss Theme:To be -bo'lmoq degan ma'noni anglatadi ( men) I-am I am pupil. (Men o'quvchiman) (Biz)We- are We are students.(Biz studentlarmiz) (Siz)You-are You are very beautiful. ( Siz juda chiroylisiz) (Ular)They-are They are from the USA. ( Ular Amerikadan) (u o'g'il bola uchun )He-is He is 16 years old. ( U 16 yoshda) (u qiz bola uchun)She-is She is 20 years old. ( U 20 yoshda ) (u narsalar uchun)It-is It is an umbrella (U soyabon) To be fe'lini inkor shaklini yasash uchun ( am, is, are ) "not " qo'shish bilan yasaladi. For example I am not pupil. To be fe'lini so'roq shaklini yasash uchun (am, is ,are) egadan oldinga o'tkazish bilan yasaladi. Are you pupil? Siz o'quvchimisiz? yes I am No I am not Test 1. A. Hello, what...... your name? 3.I.....22 years old.but Musk......20. A) is B) are C) am D) be A)am/am B) are/am C)am/is D) are/are 2.Where..... you........? 4. ''How old is your aunt?''............ is 29/" A) is/from B)are/in C) are/is D)are/from A) She B) He C) She's D) He's What is your favourite book? My favourite book ..... Xamsa.Which..... interesting and unusual. But many people ......reading belles-lettres book.And Nowadays many younger ..... found of adventure book. Present simple Tense-hozirgi oddiy zamon. 1. Oddiy hozirgi zamon har kuni, doimiy, odatiy, takrorlanib va tez-tez yoki har kuni sodir bo'ladigan ish- harakatlar uchun ishlatiladi. For example. I go to school everyday. Men har kuni maktabga boraman. 2. 3shaxs birlikdagi fe'lning asosiy shakliga s, -es qo'shilib yoziladi. A)Asosiy fe'l s , ss, sh, ch, o,x harflari bilan tugagan bo'lsa -es qo'shimchasi qo'shiladi. masalan; She watches TV every evening. formulasi S+V(s es) 3.Faktlar oldidan va tabiat qonunlari haqida Masalan; The birds fly. Qushlar uchadi. 4.Jadvallarga va ketma -ket ish-harakatlar uchun. The train leaves at 9p.m Poyez 9 da jo'naydi. The takes her bag and leaves . U so'mkasini oldi va ketdi. 5. Kelasi zamonda ham ishlatiladi. My brother finishes school this year. Mening akam bu yil maktabni bitiradi. Bu zamonni bo'lishli shaklini yasash uchun Do does ga " not" qo'shish bilan yasalad. I, We, you, they -do He, She It-does I do not watch every evening. So'roq shaklini yasash uchun Do does egadan oldinga chiqarish bilan yasaladi. For example Do you watch every evening? Signal words. always-har doim seldom-har zamonda usually-odatda rerely-har zamonda often-tez-tez ever-hech qachon generally-odatda never-hech biror marta sometimes-bir necha vaqt this year-bu yil occasionally-har zamonda on Monday-Dushanbada. Present Continuounse tense-hozirgi davomli zamon. 1 Bu zamon gapiryotgan paytda sodir bo'lgan ish -harakatlar uchun. S+ tobe+ Verb+ ing Bu zamon hozirgi davr oralig'ida ro'y berayotga yani hozirgi kunlarda bo'layotgan ish-harakatlar bilan ishlatiladi. For example. I am learning English this year. Men bu yil ingliz tilini o'rganyapman. 2.Bu zamon kelasi zamon o'rnida kelib , rejalashtirilgan, niyat maqsadni bildiradi. For example. My father is flying to Moscow next month. Key words. now-hozir at the moment-shu paytda this month-shu oyda today-bugun Nowadays-shu kunlarda Listen-tinglamoq Look-qaramoq right now-hozirgacah just now-hozirgacha To do -qilmoq, bajarmoq degan ma'noni anglatadi. I,we, you, they -do ishlatiladi He, she, it- does ishlatiladi. To do felini inkor shaklini yasash uchun do does ga "not" shakli qo'shish bilan yasaladi. I play football I do not play football Bu yordamchi fe'lini so'roq shaklini yasash uchun do does egadan oldinga o'tkazish bilan yasaladi. Do you play football? yes I do No I do not. Past Simple Tense- o'tgan oddiy zamon Formulasi S +V+ed/2+object 1.Bu zamonda gapiryotganimizdan oldin sodir bo'lgan ishga aytiladi. For instance; I wrote a letter yesterday. I did not work in the garden yesterday. Did you work in the gardenyesterday? 2. Bu zamon ketma-ket sodir bo'lgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. I washed my hands, a face, dressed and had breakfast. Key words. last night-o'tgan kecha the day before yesterday-kecha oldingi kuni ago-oldin the other day-boshqa kunlar when I was 6-6 yoshimda in this morning- ertalabdan 5 years ago- 5 yildan oldin just now-hozirgina in 2012-2012 yilda during the war-urush davomida yesterday-kecha in my childhood-bolaligimda Past Continuounse Tense- O'tgan davomli zamon Formulasi S+was/were+ V+ing+ Object. 1Bu zamon o'tgan zamondagi ma'lum bir vaqtdan yoki aniq bir paytda davom etayotgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. I was sleeping at 10:00p.m yesterday I was not sleeping at 10:00 p.m yesterday Were you sleeping at 10:00 p.m yesterday? yes I was No I was not. I, He she it- was ishlatiladi. we, you, they- were ishlatiladi. 2. Bu zamonda bir ish- harakatga halaqit beradi. For example. When I came, He was watching TV. Qachonki men uyga kelganimda, U televizor ko'ryapti. Formulasi. When+ Past Simple + past Continuounse. 3 Bu zamonda bir paytning o'zida ikkita ish- harakat davom etadi. While I was reading a book my father came. Qachonki men kitob o'qiyotganimda mening dadam keldi. Formulasi While+ past Countinuounse+ past Simple.(Past Continuounse) Key words. at that moment-o'sha paytda at 7:00 yesterday-kecha soat 7 da in April-aprelda yesterday morning-kecha ertalab last morning-o'tgan tong. Future simple tense- oddiy kelasi zamon. Future simple tense ikkiga bo'linadi. 1.Planned Future- rejalashtirilgan (going to- moqchi degan manoni anglatadi) 2. Simple Future-oddiy kelasi zamon Planned Future Formulasi S+to be + going to+ Verb For example I am going to play tennis tomorrow. I am not going to play tennis tomorrow Are you going to play tennis tomorrow? 1 Bu zamonda gapiriyotgan vaqtdan oldin rejalashtirilgan kelasi zamondagi. He is going to enter the Unversity tomorrow. U ertaga unversitetga kirmoqchi. 2.Bu zamon kelajak haqida fikr yuritishda bashorat qilishda. Look at the clouds. It is going to rain tomorrow. Bulutlarga qaraylar. Ertaga yomg'ir yog'moqchi Future Simple Tense.Oddiy kelasi zamon Formulasi S+shall/will+ verb Bu zamon kelgusida bajarilishi kutilgan ish -harakatlar va gapirilayotgan vaqtni o'zida qaror qilingan niyat maqsadni ifodalaydi. For example I will be a president. 2. Bu zamon kelajak haqida bashorat qilinganda ishlaydi lekin isbotsiz. I will go to Tashkent next year. I won't go to Tashkent next year. Will you go to Tashkent next year? 3.Will yordamchisi biror narsa so'raganda ishlaydi Will you give me your pen please. Key words. to night-tunda in my opinion-mening fikrimcha next day-kelasi kuni I think-men o'ylaymanki in the future-kelajakda I hope-umid qilamanki. tomorrow-ertaga in a year-yilda in 2028-2028 yilda probably-ehtimol Future Continuounse tense-kelasi davomli zamon. S+ will/shall+ be + V+ ing+ object. 1.Bu zamon kelasi zamondagi ma'lum bir paytdan yoki aniq bir vaqt ichida davom etilishi kutiliyotgan ish- harakatni ifodalaydi. What will you be doing at 12:00 tomorrow? I think I will be sleeping . 1. Payt va shart ergash gaplar. When I come back, They will be having dinner When+ present Simple + S+ Future Continuounse. If + S+ simple present + S+ Future Continuounse. If you come after 11 hours. I shall be sleeping . While+S+present continuounse+ S+ Future Continuounse While he is having his breakfast I shall be reading the book. Key words. at 2:00 o'clock tomorrow-ertaga soat 2da in May-Mayda all day long tomorrow-ertaga kun bo'yi during the summer-yoz bo'yi all the time tomorrow-butun vaqt bo'yi The whole evening tomorrow- ertaga ertalabdan Present perfect tense-hozirgi tugallangan zamon Formulasi S + have/has +V+ ed/3+ object 1. O'tgan zamonda boshlanib hozirga qadar davom etayotgan ishni ifodalaydi. I have lived at Kokand since 2004. 2. O'tgan zamonda sodir bo'lib o'tgan lekin hozirga kelib natijasi aniq bo'lgan yoki aloqadorligi bo'lgan ishni ifodalaydi. For example: My friends has broken his leg 3. Ish- harakat gapirilayotgan vaqtdan oldin bir necha marta sodir bo'lgan hozir hayotiy tajriba bo'lib qolgan yoki umuman sodir bo'lmaganligini ifodalaydi. I have been toTashkent a times. 4. Bu zamon quyidagilar bilan ifodalaydi. It is the first- second- third It is first time I have been to Tashkent. It is he is The most beatiful+ Present perfect she is For example It is the most interesting book I have ever read. this is Signal words once-1 marta just-hozirgina twince-2 marta ever-hech biror marta three times-3 marta never-hech qachon this week-shu haftada yet-hali ham for-davomida so for-hozirgina since-dan beri till up to now-hozirgicha already-allaqachon often-tez-tez this months-bu oy lately-kechki recently-hali ham have been to-borib kelib bo'lganman after-keyingi have been in-o'sha yerda today-bugun have gone to-ketdi. Past perfect tense- tugallangan o'tgan zamon S+ had+ V+ ed/3+ object 1) o'tgan zamondagi ma'lum bir vaqtgacha tugallangan ishni ifodalaydi. I had slept by 1:00 yesterday we had finished our work day the evening last Monday. 2) O'tgan zamondagi boshqa bir ish-harakatdan oldinroq sodir bo'lgan ish -harakatni ifodalaydi. When+S+past Simple+ S+ past perfect. When I came home every body had finished food. Signal words by- ga kelib when-qachon already-allaqachon before-oldin as soon as-bo'lishi bilanoq no soner- ko'p o'tmay after-keyin hardly, scardly-zo'rg'a arang. Hardly, Scardly 1 ravishlari bilan qo'shma gapning bosh gapida Past perfect ergash gapda Past Simple ishlaydi. He had hardly entered the house when starated to rain. Before Before + S+past simple + S+ Past perfect. Before I finished school I had learned english. As soon as As soon as+ S+ Past Simple + S+past perfect As soon as I went to the bus station the bus had already gone. No sooner No sooner+ past perfect +S+Past Simple. No sooner had I watched film, I watched cartoon. After After+S+ past perfect+ S+ past simple After I had breakfast I went to school. Future Perfect tense-Tugallangan kelasi zamon Formulasi S+will+have+V+ed/3 Kelasi zamondagi ma'lum bir paytgacha tugallanib bo'lishi kutilayotgan ish-harakat uchun. I will have finished school by May next year. We shall have watched football by 5: 00 tomorrow key words by 2 o'clock tomorrow-ertaga soat 2 gacha by next Saturday-kelasi Seshanbagacha by the end of the year-yilning oxirigacha by the second of September-2- Sentabrgacha by the time-vaqtgacha by 2023-2023 gacha Present Perfect Continuounse tense -tugallangan hozirgi davomli fe'li 1. Bu zamon o'tgan zamonda boshlanib hozirga qadar davom etayotgan ish-harakatni bildiradi. Formulasi S+ have/has+ been +V+ing I We you they-have It has been raining since morning. he she it -has It has not been raining since morning. has it been raining since morning? key words For an hour-1 soat davomida for amonth-1 oy davomida for a long time-uzoq vaqt davomida since yesterday-kechadan buyon since 3o'clock-soat 3 dan how long-qancha vaqtdan buyon Past perfect Continuounse- tugallangan o'tgan zamon davomli fe'li Bu zamon o'tgan zamondagi ma'lum vaqtgacha davom etayotgan ish -harakatni ifodalaydi. Formulasi: S+had+been+V+ing It had been raining for5hours yesterday It had not been raining for 5 hours yesterday Had you been raining for 5 hours yesterday? Key words for 2 hours For a long time for 3 month Future Perfect Continuounse- Tugallangan kelasi zamon davomli zamon Bu zamon kelasi zamondagi biror ish-harakatdan oldin boshlanib, o'sha ish harakat boshlaganda ham davom etayotgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. Formulasi S+ shall/will+have +been+V+ing+object I shall have been working for 7 hours My mother will have been working at this school for 10 years by next May.] Simple Future in the Past-O'tgan zamondagi kelasi zamon Formulasi S+ should/would+V I,We-should ishlatiladi. He, She, It, you, they-would ishlatiladi For example. I said that I should go there next day.Men u yerga kelasi kuni borishimni aytdim. Future Continuounse in the Past-O'tgan zamondagi davomli kelasi zamon. Formulasi S+should/would+be+V+ing For example He thought that the should be working all day. Future Perfect in the past-O'tgan zamondagi tugallangan kelasi zamon Formulasi S+ should/would+have+V+ed/3+Object. I said that I should have copied the text by 5 o'clock. Future perfect Continuounse in the Past-O'tgan zamondagi tugallangan kelasi zamon davomli fe'lli Formulasi S+should/would+Have+been+V+ing He said that by the first of May he would have been working at that plant for 20 years, U 1-mayda o'sha zavoda ishlayotganiga 20 yil bo'lishini aytdi. Conditional Sentence-Shart ergash gaplar. 1.First Conditional 2.Second Conditional 3.Third Conditional 4.Mixed Conditional 5.Zero Conditional First Conditional-birinchi shart ergash gap real actions uchun ishlatiladi Formulasi If+S+V(present Simple),S+V(simple future) For example If you study hard, you will become a student. Agar sen qattiq o'qisang, Sen student bo'lasan. Second Conditional-Ikkinchi shart ergash gap Noreal actions uchun ishlatiladi. Formulasi If +S+V(past simple),S+could/would/should+Future past For example If were you I would buy a new car. Agar seni o'rningda bo'lganimda, Men yangi mashina sotib olgan bo'lardim was nio'rniga were qo'llaniladi. For example If she were him, she would fell the truth. would o'rniga could, should ham kelishi mumkin. If I were you, I could not speak so loudly. Bunday gaplar hozirda iloji yo'q, mumkin bo'lmagan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. If were rich,I would have a jeep. Third conditional-uchunchi shart ergash gap. past unreal actions uchun ishlatiladi. For example. If I had won yesterday.I would have given half to you. Formulasi If +S+past perfect, S+would+have+V ed/3 If It had snowed yesterday,I would have played snowball. Mixed Conditional-aralash ergash gap If you had entered,The university last year,you would study in Tashkent this year. Formulasi If+S+past Perfect,S+would+V shart qismi 3rd conditional natija qismi 2nd conditional If you had learned english before,You would not learnt now. Zero conditional Formulasi If+S+V(present Simple),S+V+(present Simple) For example If you do not water the Flowers, they die. bu harakat doimo faktlar bilan bo'ladi. If there is a wish, there is a way. Buyruq gaplarda If you go to tashkent, can you bring a watch for me? If+S+V(present simple)'imperative If you need a support ask me.If o'rniga as soon as, when, till, untill ishlatiladi. Have got /has got for example I have got a pen Bo'lishsiz. I have not got a pen So'roq shakli Have you got a pen? Qisqa javobi Yes I have No I nave got not To have To have bor bo'lmoq degan manoni anglatadi. For example I have a new car Bu felning have got/has gotdan farqi, so'roq va bo'lishsiz shaklida do/does dan foydalaniladi. They do not have a new car Do they have a new car? yes they do have No They do not have Have bilan iboralar breakfast( dinner,lunch,supper)a cup of tea a bath ( a shower a swim)-vanna qilmoq a rest-dam olmoq a party-bazm/kecha qilmoq a holiday-bayram qilmoq an accident-falokat sodir bo'lmoq an experience( a dream)-tajriba qilmoq a look at (smth)-ga qaramoq a look in-imkoniyatga ega bo'lmoq a chat ( a discussion a conversation difficult (trouble, fun a good time)-qiynalmoq a baby-chaqaloqni dunyo keltirmoq a good time-yaxshi vaqt. Nouns -otlar Ingliz tilida otlar ikki xil bo'ladi 1 sanaladigan- countable 2 sanalmaydigan- uncountable Sanaladigan otlarda birlik va ko'plikda ishlatilinadi.A/An ishlatilinadi. Sanalmaydigan otlar faqat birlikda ishlatiladi; 1 accomodation-boshpana work ish 2 adives-maslahat economios-iqtisod bread-non permission-ruxsat furniture-mebel scenery-manzara money-pul weather-ob havo homework-uy vazifasi news-yangilik luck-baxt omad behaviour-xulq information-malumot traffic-yo'l harakati sand-qum air-havo mumps-tepki physics-fizika food-ovqat politics-siyosat soap-sovun chaos-betartiblik damage-shikast ziyon Tag questiones Ingliz tilida tasdiq so'roq gaplar berilgan gapga nisbatan tasdiqni ifodalaydi va shundaymideb tarjima qilinadi. 1 Agar berilgan gap bo'lishli bo'lsa, tasdig'i bo'lishsiz bo'ladi. For example You are pupils, are not you? 2 agar berilgan gap bo'lishsiz bo'lsa tasdiq gap bo'lishsiz bo'ladi. For example You are not pupils are you? 1.Maxsus so'roq so'zli so'roq gaplar o'zlashtirma gapga aylantirilganda avval so'roq so'z keyin esa to'g'ri tartibdagi darak gaplardagi o'zgarish yuz berdi. Quydagi iboralardan so'ng so'roq gaplar to'g'ri tartibda keladi. do you know...? can you tell me What is your name is................ Can you tell me....? Where is the shop Could you tell me.....? Have you any idea - Do you known By Mister Nasimbek. Download 26.22 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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