(10) Oradan bir necha oʻn yillar oʻtib, taxminan 1840-yilda, bugungi avtomobillarga koʻproq oʻxshagan vagonlar paydo boʻldi. Ularda bizga tanish bo'lgan tana bor edi
(1) The advance of transportation took a long time and scores of talented engineers did all in their power to develop the transportation system people have now at their disposal. But man never stops at what he has reached, and what seems fantastic today turns out to be quite realizable tomorrow.
(1) Transportning rivojlanishi uzoq vaqt talab qildi va ko'plab iste'dodli muhandislar odamlarning ixtiyorida bo'lgan transport tizimini rivojlantirish uchun bor kuchlarini ishga solishdi. Ammo inson hech qachon erishgan narsasida to'xtamaydi va bugun fantastik ko'ringan narsa ertaga amalga oshishi mumkin bo'ladi.
(2) Speed has always been a highly desirable goal for the engineers in their attempts to perfect the existing means of rail transport. This problem is of particular significance when it comes to developing a passenger transportation system. Railway history knows many examples when test runs of modified or newly designed trains resulted in speed records. They prove that the possibilities of high speeds have not yet been exhausted
(2) Mavjud temir yo'l transportini takomillashtirishga urinishlarida muhandislar uchun tezlik har doim juda orzu qilingan maqsad bo'lib kelgan. Bu muammo yo‘lovchi tashish tizimini rivojlantirishda alohida ahamiyat kasb etadi. Temir yo'l tarixi o'zgartirilgan yoki yangi ishlab chiqilgan poyezdlarning sinovlari tezlik rekordlariga olib kelganida ko'plab misollarni biladi. Ular yuqori tezlik imkoniyatlari hali tugamaganligini isbotlaydilar.
(3) Were it possible to design a train running at the speeds of the aircraft, railways could successfully compete with aviation. At the same time, it is desirable that the new train should run over the existing tracks without requiring costly reconstruction or frequent renewals of the permanent way
(3) Agar samolyot tezligida harakatlanadigan poezdni loyihalash mumkin bo'lsa, temir yo'llar aviatsiya bilan muvaffaqiyatli raqobatlasha oladi. Shu bilan birga, yangi poyezdning rekonstruksiya qilish yoki doimiy yo‘lni tez-tez yangilab turishni talab qilmasdan, mavjud yo‘llar bo‘ylab harakatlanishi maqsadga muvofiqdir.
(4) In this respect, the Soviet-made ER-200 train now operating on a commercial basis is worfii mentioning. This train meets the requirements of high speeds, safety and passenger comfort. A lot of preparatory work had to be done on the Oktyabrskaya Railway before the ER-200 was put into service. Running on some sections at 200 kph, the train covers a distance of 650 km between Moscow and Leningrad in 4 hours 39 minutes thus cutting the journey time by 4 hours compared with the previous schedules
(4) Shu nuqtai nazardan, hozirda tijorat asosida ishlayotgan Sovet Ittifoqida ishlab chiqarilgan ER-200 poyezdini eslatib o'tish mumkin. Ushbu poyezd yuqori tezlik, xavfsizlik va yo‘lovchilar uchun qulaylik talablariga javob beradi. ER-200 foydalanishga topshirilgunga qadar Oktyabrskaya temir yo'lida juda ko'p tayyorgarlik ishlari olib borilishi kerak edi. Ayrim uchastkalarda soatiga 200 km tezlikda harakatlanadigan poyezd Moskva va Leningrad o‘rtasidagi 650 km masofani 4 soat 39 daqiqada bosib o‘tadi va shu bilan oldingi jadvalga nisbatan yo‘l vaqtini 4 soatga qisqartiradi.
(5) Many latest achievements of railway technology have been incorporated in the new Soviet express train. The stream-lined shape of the whole train cuts down air friction and allows higher speeds to be attained. The driving compartment being equipped with cab signalling, the driver has, at all times, signals displayed before him. The job of the locomotive driver has been greatly facilitated. Pushing a controller1 is all he must do to start or brake down the train.
(5) Temir yo'l texnologiyasining ko'plab so'nggi yutuqlari yangi sovet tezyurar poyezdiga kiritilgan. Butun poezdning oqimli shakli havo ishqalanishini kamaytiradi va yuqori tezlikka erishishga imkon beradi. Haydovchi kabina signalizatsiyasi bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, haydovchi har doim uning oldida signallarni ko'rsatadi. Lokomotiv mashinistining ishi ancha osonlashdi. Poyezdni ishga tushirish yoki tormozlash uchun faqat boshqaruvchi¹ni bosish kifoya.
(6) The coaches the ER-200 is composed of are extremely comfortable, being supplied with air-conditioning, sound-proof windows and soft aircraft-like seats. The passengers who happen to travel by the new Soviet express have snack-bars at their disposal. Their journey is accompanied by background music
(8)One more proposition for new nigh-speed ground, transport is contactless systems which show great promise fast regards speeds. These systems may be divided into two
(6) ER-200 ning murabbiylari juda qulay. konditsioner, ovoz o'tkazmaydigan oynalar va samolyotga o'xshash yumshoq o'rindiqlar bilan ta'minlangan. Yangi sovet ekspressida sayohat qilgan yo'lovchilar ixtiyorida snack-barlar mavjud. Ularning sayohati fon musiqasi bilan birga keladi.
(8) Yangi yaqin tezlikdagi yer uchun yana bir taklif, transport - bu tezlikka nisbatan katta va'da beradigan kontaktsiz tizimlar. Ushbu tizimlarni ikkita asosiy turga bo'lish mumkin: havo yostig'i tizimi va magnit suspenziya tizimi.
(7) Another high-speed train of interest is the British Advanced Passenger Train (APT). The remarkable feature of this 200 kph train is its ability to go round curves safely at speeds 40 per cent faster than those now acceptable for conventional trains and do it without causing discomfort to passengers. This ability was due to a special suspension of the train body. Another key feature of the APT was its ability to stop from 200 kph within a considerably shorter distance than that allowed for 160 kph trains. Besides, lightweight alloys were to help it travel faster and save a considerable amount of energy needed for its propulsion. However, numerous technical innovations incorporated in its design involved so many problems and risk that the British Railways authorities found it cheaper to take this train out of service,
(7) Yana bir qiziqish uyg'otadigan tezyurar poyezd - bu Britaniyaning Advanced Passenger Train (APT). Ushbu 200 km/soat tezlikdagi poyezdning diqqatga sazovor xususiyati shundaki, u oddiy poyezdlar uchun qabul qilinadigan tezlikdan 40 foizga tezroq egri chiziqlarni xavfsiz aylanib, yo‘lovchilarga noqulaylik tug‘dirmasdan buni amalga oshiradi. Bu qobiliyat poezd tanasining maxsus to'xtatilishi bilan bog'liq edi. APT ning yana bir muhim xususiyati uning soatiga 200 km dan 160 km tezlikdagi poyezdlar uchun ruxsat etilganidan ancha qisqaroq masofada to‘xtash qobiliyati edi. Bundan tashqari, engil qotishmalar uning tezroq harakatlanishi va harakatlanishi uchun zarur bo'lgan energiyani sezilarli darajada tejashga yordam berishi kerak edi. Biroq, uning dizayniga kiritilgan ko'plab texnik yangiliklar shu qadar ko'p muammolar va xavflarni o'z ichiga olganki, Britaniya temir yo'llari rahbariyati ushbu poezdni xizmatdan chiqarishni arzonroq deb topdi